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# TensorLayer Contributor Guideline
## Welcome to contribute!
You are more than welcome to contribute to TensorLayer! If you have any improvement, please send us your [pull requests](https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-pull-requests). You may implement your improvement on your [fork](https://help.github.com/en/articles/working-with-forks).
## Checklist
* Continuous integration
* Build from sources
* Unittest
* Documentation
* General intro to TensorLayer2
* How to contribute a new `Layer`
* How to contribute a new `Model`
* How to contribute a new example/tutorial
## Continuous integration
We appreciate contributions
either by adding / improving examples or extending / fixing the core library.
To make your contributions, you would need to follow the [pep8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) coding style and [numpydoc](https://numpydoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) document style.
We rely on Continuous Integration (CI) for checking push commits.
The following tools are used to ensure that your commits can pass through the CI test:
* [yapf](https://github.com/google/yapf) (format code), compulsory
* [isort](https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort) (sort imports), optional
* [autoflake](https://github.com/myint/autoflake) (remove unused imports), optional
You can simply run
make format
to apply those tools before submitting your PR.
## Build from sources
# First clone the repository and change the current directory to the newly cloned repository
git clone https://github.com/zsdonghao/tensorlayer2.git
cd tensorlayer2
# Install virtualenv if necessary
pip install virtualenv
# Then create a virtualenv called `venv`
virtualenv venv
# Activate the virtualenv
## Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
## Windows:
# ============= IF TENSORFLOW IS NOT ALREADY INSTALLED ============= #
# basic installation
pip install .
# advanced: for a machine **without** an NVIDIA GPU
pip install -e ".[all_cpu_dev]"
# advanced: for a machine **with** an NVIDIA GPU
pip install -e ".[all_gpu_dev]"
## Unittest
Launching the unittest for the whole repo:
# install pytest
pip install pytest
# run pytest
Running your unittest code on your implemented module only:
# install coverage
pip install coverage
cd /path/to/your/unittest/code
# For example: cd tests/layers/
# run unittest
coverage run --source myproject.module -m unittest discover
# For example: coverage run --source tensorlayer.layers -m unittest discover
# generate html report
coverage html
## Documentation
Even though you follow [numpydoc](https://numpydoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) document style when writing your code,
this does not ensure those lines appear on TensorLayer online documentation.
You need further modify corresponding RST files in `docs/modules`.
For example, to add your implemented new pooling layer into documentation, modify `docs/modules/layer.rst`. First, insert layer name under Layer list
Layer list
.. autosummary::
Second, find pooling layer part and add:
.. -----------------------------------------------------------
.. Pooling Layers
.. -----------------------------------------------------------
Pooling Layers
New Pooling Layer
.. autoclass:: NewPoolingLayer
Finally, test with local documentation:
cd ./docs
make clean
make html
# then view generated local documentation by ./html/index.html
## General intro to TensorLayer2
* TensorLayer2 is built on [TensorFlow2](https://www.tensorflow.org/alpha), so TensorLayer2 is purely eager, no sessions, no globals.
* TensorLayer2 supports APIs to build static models and dynamic models. Therefore, all `Layers` should be compatible with the two modes.
# An example of a static model
# A static model has inputs and outputs with fixed shape.
inputs = tl.layers.Input([32, 784])
dense1 = tl.layers.Dense(n_units=800, act=tf.nn.relu, in_channels=784, name='dense1')(inputs)
dense2 = tl.layers.Dense(n_units=10, act=tf.nn.relu, in_channels=800, name='dense2')(dense1)
model = tl.models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=dense2)
# An example of a dynamic model
# A dynamic model has more flexibility. The inputs and outputs may be different in different runs.
class CustomizeModel(tl.models.Model):
def __init__(self):
super(CustomizeModel, self).__init__()
self.dense1 = tl.layers.Dense(n_units=800, act=tf.nn.relu, in_channels=784, name='dense1')
self.dense2 = tl.layers.Dense(n_units=10, act=tf.nn.relu, in_channels=800, name='dense2')
# a dynamic model allows more flexibility by customising forwarding.
def forward(self, x, bar=None):
d1 = self.dense1(x)
if bar:
return d1
d2 = self.dense2(d1)
return d1, d2
model = CustomizeModel()
* More examples can be found in [examples](examples/) and [tests/layers](tests/layers/). Note that not all of them are completed.
## How to contribute a new `Layer`
* A `NewLayer` should be a derived from the base class [`Layer`](tensorlayer/layers/core.py).
* Member methods to be overrided:
- `__init__(self, args1, args2, inputs_shape=None, name=None)`: The constructor of the `NewLayer`, which should
- Call `super(NewLayer, self).__init__(name)` to construct the base.
- Define member variables based on the args1, args2 (or even more).
- If the `inputs_shape` is provided, call `self.build(inputs_shape)` and set `self._built=True`. Note that sometimes only `in_channels` should be enough to build the layer like [`Dense`](tensorlayer/layers/dense/base_dense.py).
- Logging by `logging.info(...)`.
- `__repr__(self)`: Return a printable representation of the `NewLayer`.
- `build(self, inputs_shape)`: Build the `NewLayer` by defining weights.
- `forward(self, inputs, **kwargs)`: Forward feeding the `NewLayer`. Note that the forward feeding of some `Layers` may be different during training and testing like [`Dropout`](tensorlayer/layers/dropout.py).
* Unittest:
- Unittest should be done before a pull request. Unittest code can be written in [tests/](tests/)
* Documents:
- Please write a description for each class and method in RST format. The description may include the functionality, arguments, references, examples of the `NewLayer`.
* Examples: [`Dense`](tensorlayer/layers/dense/base_dense.py), [`Dropout`](tensorlayer/layers/dropout.py), [`Conv`](tensorlayer/layers/convolution/simplified_conv.py).
## How to contribute a new `Model`
* A `NewModel` should be derived from the base class [`Model`](tensorlayer/models/core.py) (if dynamic) or an instance of [`Model`](tensorlayer/models/core.py) (if static).
* A static `NewModel` should have fixed inputs and outputs. Please check the example [`VGG_Static`](tensorlayer/models/vgg.py)
* A dynamic `NewModel` has more flexiblility. Please check the example [`VGG16`](tensorlayer/models/vgg16.py)
## How to contribute a new example/tutorial
* A new example/tutorial should implement a complete workflow of deep learning which includes (but not limited)
- `Models` construction based on `Layers`.
- Data processing and loading.
- Training and testing.
- Forward feeding by calling the models.
- Loss function.
- Back propagation by `tf.GradientTape()`.
- Model saving and restoring.
* Examples: [MNIST](examples/basic_tutorials/tutorial_mnist_mlp_static.py), [CIFAR10](examples/basic_tutorials/tutorial_cifar10_cnn_static.py), [FastText](examples/text_classification/tutorial_imdb_fasttext.py)