
253 lines
7.6 KiB

import math
from typing import List
from import *
from pyhcl.passes.wir import DuplexFlow, Flow, SinkFlow, SourceFlow, UnknownFlow
from pyhcl.passes._pass import PassException
# CheckForm utils
class ModuleGraph:
nodes: Dict[str, set] = {}
def add(self, parent: str, child: str) -> List[str]:
if parent not in self.nodes.keys():
self.nodes[parent] = set()
return self.path_exists(child, parent, [child, parent])
def path_exists(self, child: str, parent: str, path: List[str] = None) -> List[str]:
cx = self.nodes[child] if child in self.nodes.keys() else None
if cx is not None:
if parent in cx:
return [parent] + path
for cxx in cx:
new_path = self.path_exists(cxx, parent, [cxx] + path)
if len(new_path) > 0:
return new_path
return None
def is_max(w1: Width, w2: Width):
return IntWidth(max(w1.width, w2.width))
def to_flow(d: Direction) -> Flow:
if isinstance(d, Input):
return SourceFlow()
if isinstance(d, Output):
return SinkFlow()
def flow(e: Expression) -> Flow:
if isinstance(e, DoPrim):
return SourceFlow()
elif isinstance(e, UIntLiteral):
return SourceFlow()
elif isinstance(e, SIntLiteral):
return SourceFlow()
elif isinstance(e, Mux):
return SourceFlow()
elif isinstance(e, ValidIf):
return SourceFlow()
raise PassException(f'flow: shouldn\'t be here - {e}')
def mux_type_and_widths(e1, e2) -> Type:
return mux_type_and_width(e1.typ, e2.typ)
def mux_type_and_width(t1: Type, t2: Type) -> Type:
if isinstance(t1, ClockType) and isinstance(t2, ClockType):
return ClockType()
elif isinstance(t1, AsyncResetType) and isinstance(t2, AsyncResetType):
return AsyncResetType()
elif isinstance(t1, UIntType) and isinstance(t2, UIntType):
return UIntType(is_max(t1.width, t2.width))
elif isinstance(t1, VectorType) and isinstance(t2, VectorType):
return VectorType(mux_type_and_width(t1.typ, t2.typ), t1.size)
elif isinstance(t1, BundleType) and isinstance(t2, BundleType):
return BundleType(map(lambda f1, f2: Field(, f1.flip, mux_type_and_width(f1.typ, f2.typ)), list(zip(t1.fields, t2.fields))))
return UnknownType
def create_exps(e: Expression) -> List[Expression]:
if isinstance(e, Mux):
e1s = create_exps(e.tval)
e2s = create_exps(e.fval)
return list(map(lambda e1, e2: Mux(e.cond, e1, e2, mux_type_and_widths(e1, e2)), list(zip(e1s, e2s))))
elif isinstance(e, ValidIf):
return list(map(lambda e1: ValidIf(e.cond, e1, e1.typ), create_exps(e.value)))
if isinstance(e.typ, GroundType):
return [e]
elif isinstance(e.typ, BundleType):
exprs = []
for f in e.typ.fields:
exprs = exprs + create_exps(Reference(f'{}_{}', f.typ))
return exprs
elif isinstance(e.typ, VectorType):
exprs = []
for i in range(e.typ.size):
exprs = exprs + create_exps(Reference(f'{}_{i}', f.typ))
return exprs
def get_info(s: Statement) -> Info:
if hasattr(s, 'info'):
return NoInfo
def has_flip(typ: Type) -> bool:
if isinstance(typ, BundleType):
for f in typ.fields:
if isinstance(f, Flip):
return True
return has_flip(f.typ)
elif isinstance(typ, VectorType):
return has_flip(typ.typ)
return False
# InterTypes utils
def to_flip(d: Direction):
if isinstance(d, Output):
return Default()
if isinstance(d, Input):
return Flip()
def module_type(m: DefModule) -> BundleType:
fields = [Field(, to_flip(p.direction), p.typ) for p in m.ports]
return BundleType(fields)
def field_type(v: Type, s: str) -> Type:
if isinstance(v, BundleType):
def match_type(f: Field) -> Type:
if f is None:
return UnknownType
return f.typ
for f in v.fields:
if == s:
return match_type(f)
return UnknownType()
def sub_type(v: Type) -> Type:
if isinstance(v, VectorType):
return v.typ
return UnknownType()
def mux_type(e1: Expression, e2: Expression) -> Type:
return mux_types(e1.typ, e2.typ)
def mux_types(t1: Type, t2: Type) -> Type:
if isinstance(t1, ClockType) and isinstance(t2, ClockType):
return ClockType()
elif isinstance(t1, AsyncResetType) and isinstance(t2, AsyncResetType):
return AsyncResetType()
elif isinstance(t1, UIntType) and isinstance(t2, UIntType):
return t1
elif isinstance(t1, SIntType) and isinstance(t2, SIntType):
return t2
elif isinstance(t1, VectorType) and isinstance(t2, VectorType):
return VectorType(mux_types(t1.typ, t2.typ), t1.size)
elif isinstance(t1, BundleType) and isinstance(t2, BundleType):
return BundleType(list(map(lambda f1, f2: Field(, f1.flip, mux_types(f1.typ, f2.typ)), list(zip(t1.fields, t2.fields)))))
return UnknownType()
def get_or_else(cond, a, b):
return a if cond else b
# CheckTypes utils
def swp_flow(f: Flow) -> Flow:
if isinstance(f, UnknownFlow):
return UnknownFlow()
elif isinstance(f, SourceFlow):
return SinkFlow()
elif isinstance(f, SinkFlow):
return SourceFlow()
elif isinstance(f, DuplexFlow):
return DuplexFlow()
return Flow()
def swp_direction(d: Direction) -> Direction:
if isinstance(d, Input):
return Output()
elif isinstance(d, Output):
return Input()
return Direction()
def swp_orientation(o: Orientation) -> Orientation:
if isinstance(o, Default):
return Default()
elif isinstance(o, Flip):
return Flip()
return Orientation()
def times_d_flip(d: Direction, flip: Orientation) -> Direction:
if isinstance(flip, Default):
return d
elif isinstance(flip, Flip):
return swp_direction(d)
def times_g_d(g: Flow, d: Direction) -> Direction:
return times_d_g(d, g)
def times_d_g(d: Direction, g: Flow) -> Direction:
if isinstance(g, SinkFlow):
return d
elif isinstance(g, SourceFlow):
return swp_flow(d)
def times_g_flip(g: Flow, flip: Orientation) -> Flow:
return times_flip_g(flip, g)
def times_flip_g(flip: Orientation, g: Flow) -> Flow:
if isinstance(flip, Default):
return g
elif isinstance(flip, Flip):
return swp_flow(g)
def times_f_f(f1: Orientation, f2: Orientation) -> Orientation:
if isinstance(f2, Default):
return f1
elif isinstance(f2, Flip):
return swp_orientation(f1)
# CheckWidth Utils
def get_binary_width(target):
width = 1
while target / 2 >= 1:
width += 1
target = math.floor(target / 2)
return width
def get_width(w: Width) -> int:
if isinstance(w, UnknownWidth):
return 0
return w.width
def has_width(t: Type) -> bool:
if hasattr(t, 'width'):
return True
return False
class AutoName:
endwith: int = -1
names: List[str] = []
def auto_gen_name():
AutoName.endwith += 1
gen_name = f"GEN_{AutoName.endwith}"
return gen_name
def last_name():
return AutoName.names[-1]