
151 lines
4.0 KiB

// RUN: circt-opt %s -firrtl-resolve-traces -split-input-file | FileCheck %s
firrtl.circuit "Foo" {
firrtl.module @Foo() attributes {annotations = [
class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation",
chiselTarget = "~Foo|Original"
]} {}
// Test that a local module annotation is resolved.
// CHECK: emit.file "{{.*}}Foo.anno.json" {
// CHECK: class{{.*}}:{{.*}}chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation
// CHECK-SAME{LITERAL}: \22target\22: \22~Foo|{{0}}\22
// CHECK-SAME: \22chiselTarget\22: \22~Foo|Original\22
// Test that the symbols are correct.
// CHECK-SAME: symbols = [@Foo]
// -----
firrtl.circuit "Foo" {
hw.hierpath @path [@Foo::@bar, @Bar]
firrtl.module @Bar() attributes {annotations = [
class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation",
chiselTarget = "~Foo|Original",
circt.nonlocal = @path
]} {}
firrtl.module @Foo() {
firrtl.instance bar sym @bar @Bar()
// Test that a non-local module annotation is resolved.
// CHECK{LITERAL}: ~Foo|{{0}}/{{1}}:{{2}}
// CHECK-SAME: ~Foo|Original
// CHECK-SAME: symbols = [@Foo, #hw.innerNameRef<@Foo::@bar>, @Bar]
// -----
firrtl.circuit "Foo" {
firrtl.module @Foo(
in %a: !firrtl.uint<1> [
class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation",
chiselTarget = "~Foo|Foo>original"
) {}
// Test that a local port annotation is resolved.
// CHECK{LITERAL}: ~Foo|{{0}}>{{1}}
// CHECK-SAME: ~Foo|Foo>original
// CHECK-SAME: symbols = [@Foo, #hw.innerNameRef<@Foo::@[[a_sym:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]>]
// Test that the port receives a symbol.
// CHECK: in %a: !firrtl.uint<1> sym @[[a_sym]]
// -----
firrtl.circuit "Foo" {
firrtl.module @Foo() {
%a = firrtl.wire {annotations = [
class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation",
chiselTarget = "~Foo|Foo>original"
]} : !firrtl.uint<1>
// Test that a local wire annotation is resolved.
// CHECK{LITERAL}: ~Foo|{{0}}>{{1}}
// CHECK-SAME: ~Foo|Foo>original
// CHECK-SAME: symbols = [@Foo, #hw.innerNameRef<@Foo::@[[a_sym:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]>]
// Test that the wire receives a symbol.
// CHECK: %a = firrtl.wire sym @[[a_sym]]
// -----
firrtl.circuit "Forceable" {
firrtl.module @Forceable() {
%w, %w_ref = firrtl.wire forceable {annotations = [
class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation",
chiselTarget = "~Forceable|Forceable>forced"
]} : !firrtl.uint<1>, !firrtl.rwprobe<uint<1>>
// Test that a local wire annotation is resolved.
// CHECK: sv.verbatim
// CHECK{LITERAL}: ~Forceable|{{0}}>{{1}}
// CHECK-SAME: ~Forceable|Forceable>forced
// CHECK-SAME: symbols = [@Forceable, #hw.innerNameRef<@Forceable::@[[w_sym:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]>]
// Test that the wire receives a symbol.
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Forceable
// CHECK: %w, %w_ref = firrtl.wire sym @[[w_sym]]
// -----
firrtl.circuit "Foo" {
firrtl.module @Foo() {
%a = firrtl.wire {annotations = [
class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation",
chiselTarget = "~Foo|Foo>0",
circt.fieldID = 0
class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation",
chiselTarget = "~Foo|Foo>4",
circt.fieldID = 4
class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation",
chiselTarget = "~Foo|Foo>5",
circt.fieldID = 6
]} : !firrtl.vector<bundle<a: uint<1>, b: uint<1>>, 2>
// Test that a local wire annotation on an aggregate is resolved for different
// values of field ID.
// CHECK{LITERAL}: ~Foo|{{0}}>{{1}}
// CHECK-SAME: ~Foo|Foo>0
// CHECK-SAME{LITERAL}: ~Foo|{{0}}>{{1}}[1]
// CHECK-SAME: ~Foo|Foo>4
// CHECK-SAME{LITERAL}: ~Foo|{{0}}>{{1}}[1].b
// CHECK-SAME: ~Foo|Foo>5
// CHECK-SAME: symbols = [@Foo, #hw.innerNameRef<@Foo::@[[a_sym:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]>]
// CHECK: %a = firrtl.wire sym @[[a_sym]]