
184 lines
7.5 KiB

// RUN: circt-opt -pass-pipeline='builtin.module(firrtl.circuit(firrtl-inject-dut-hier))' -split-input-file %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top"
firrtl.circuit "Top" attributes {
annotations = [{class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.InjectDUTHierarchyAnnotation", name = "Foo"}]
} {
// CHECK: firrtl.module private @Foo()
// CHECK: firrtl.module private @DUT
// CHECK-SAME: class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.MarkDUTAnnotation"
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance Foo {{.+}} @Foo()
firrtl.module private @DUT() attributes {annotations = [{class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.MarkDUTAnnotation"}]} {}
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Top
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance dut @DUT
firrtl.module @Top() {
firrtl.instance dut @DUT()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "NLARenaming"
firrtl.circuit "NLARenaming" attributes {
annotations = [{class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.InjectDUTHierarchyAnnotation", name = "Foo"}]
} {
// An NLA that is rooted at the DUT moves to the wrapper.
// CHECK: hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTRoot [@Foo::@sub, @Sub::@a]
hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTRoot [@DUT::@sub, @Sub::@a]
// NLAs that end at the DUT or a DUT port are unmodified.
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_DUTLeafModule_clone:.+]] [@NLARenaming::@dut, @DUT]
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafModule [@NLARenaming::@dut, @DUT::@Foo, @Foo]
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafPort [@NLARenaming::@dut, @DUT::@in]
hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafModule [@NLARenaming::@dut, @DUT]
hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafPort [@NLARenaming::@dut, @DUT::@in]
// NLAs that end inside the DUT get an extra level of hierarchy.
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafWire [@NLARenaming::@dut, @DUT::@[[inst_sym:.+]], @Foo::@w]
hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafWire [@NLARenaming::@dut, @DUT::@w]
// An NLA that passes through the DUT gets an extra level of hierarchy.
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTPassthrough [@NLARenaming::@dut, @DUT::@[[inst_sym:.+]], @Foo::@sub, @Sub]
hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTPassthrough [@NLARenaming::@dut, @DUT::@sub, @Sub]
firrtl.module private @Sub() attributes {annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @nla_DUTPassthrough, class = "nla_DUTPassthrough"}]} {
%a = firrtl.wire sym @a : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: firrtl.module private @Foo
// CHECK: firrtl.module private @DUT
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_DUTLeafModule_clone]], class = "nla_DUTLeafModule"}
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance Foo sym @[[inst_sym]]
firrtl.module private @DUT(
in %in: !firrtl.uint<1> sym @in [{circt.nonlocal = @nla_DUTLeafPort, class = "nla_DUTLeafPort"}]
) attributes {
annotations = [
{class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.MarkDUTAnnotation"},
{circt.nonlocal = @nla_DUTLeafModule, class = "nla_DUTLeafModule"}]}
%w = firrtl.wire sym @w {
annotations = [
{circt.nonlocal = @nla_DUTPassthrough, class = "nla_DUT_LeafWire"}]
} : !firrtl.uint<1>
firrtl.instance sub sym @sub @Sub()
firrtl.module @NLARenaming() {
%dut_in = firrtl.instance dut sym @dut @DUT(in in: !firrtl.uint<1>)
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "NLARenamingNewNLAs"
firrtl.circuit "NLARenamingNewNLAs" attributes {
annotations = [{class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.InjectDUTHierarchyAnnotation", name = "Foo"}]
} {
// An NLA that is rooted at the DUT moves to the wrapper.
// CHECK: hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTRoot [@Foo::@sub, @Sub]
// CHECK: hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTRootRef [@Foo::@sub, @Sub::@a]
hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTRoot [@DUT::@sub, @Sub]
hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTRootRef [@DUT::@sub, @Sub::@a]
// NLAs that end at the DUT or a DUT port are unmodified. These should not be
// cloned unless they have users.
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafModule[[_:.+]] [@NLARenamingNewNLAs::@dut, @DUT]
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafModule [@NLARenamingNewNLAs::@dut, @DUT::@Foo, @Foo]
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_DUTLeafPort_clone:.+]] [@NLARenamingNewNLAs::@dut, @DUT]
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafPort [@NLARenamingNewNLAs::@dut, @DUT::@Foo, @Foo]
hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafModule [@NLARenamingNewNLAs::@dut, @DUT]
hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafPort [@NLARenamingNewNLAs::@dut, @DUT]
// NLAs that end at the DUT are moved to a cloned path. NLAs that end inside
// the DUT keep the old path symbol which gets the added hierarchy.
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafWire [@NLARenamingNewNLAs::@dut, @DUT::@[[inst_sym:.+]], @Foo]
hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTLeafWire [@NLARenamingNewNLAs::@dut, @DUT]
// An NLA that passes through the DUT gets an extra level of hierarchy.
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTPassthrough [@NLARenamingNewNLAs::@dut, @DUT::@[[inst_sym]], @Foo::@sub, @Sub]
hw.hierpath private @nla_DUTPassthrough [@NLARenamingNewNLAs::@dut, @DUT::@sub, @Sub]
firrtl.module private @Sub() attributes {annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @nla_DUTPassthrough, class = "nla_DUTPassthrough"}]} {
%a = firrtl.wire sym @a : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: firrtl.module private @Foo
// CHECK-NEXT: %w = firrtl.wire
// CHECK-SAME: {annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @nla_DUTLeafWire, class = "nla_DUT_LeafWire"}]}
// CHECK: firrtl.module private @DUT
// CHECK-SAME: in %in{{.+}} [{circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_DUTLeafPort_clone]], class = "nla_DUTLeafPort"}]
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance Foo sym @[[inst_sym]]
firrtl.module private @DUT(
in %in: !firrtl.uint<1> [{circt.nonlocal = @nla_DUTLeafPort, class = "nla_DUTLeafPort"}]
) attributes {
annotations = [
{class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.MarkDUTAnnotation"},
{circt.nonlocal = @nla_DUTLeafModule, class = "nla_DUTLeafModule"}]}
%w = firrtl.wire {
annotations = [
{circt.nonlocal = @nla_DUTLeafWire, class = "nla_DUT_LeafWire"}]
} : !firrtl.uint<1>
firrtl.instance sub sym @sub @Sub()
firrtl.module @NLARenamingNewNLAs() {
%dut_in = firrtl.instance dut sym @dut @DUT(in in: !firrtl.uint<1>)
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Refs"
firrtl.circuit "Refs" attributes {
annotations = [{class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.InjectDUTHierarchyAnnotation", name = "Foo"}]
} {
firrtl.module private @DUT(
in %in: !firrtl.uint<1>, out %out: !firrtl.ref<uint<1>>
) attributes {
annotations = [
{class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.MarkDUTAnnotation"}
%ref = firrtl.ref.send %in : !firrtl.uint<1>
firrtl.ref.define %out, %ref : !firrtl.ref<uint<1>>
firrtl.module @Refs() {
%dut_in, %dut_tap = firrtl.instance dut sym @dut @DUT(in in: !firrtl.uint<1>, out out: !firrtl.ref<uint<1>>)
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Properties"
firrtl.circuit "Properties" attributes {
annotations = [{class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.InjectDUTHierarchyAnnotation", name = "Foo"}]
} {
firrtl.module private @DUT(
in %in: !firrtl.integer, out %out: !firrtl.integer
) attributes {
annotations = [
{class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.MarkDUTAnnotation"}
// CHECK: [[IN:%.+]], [[OUT:%.+]] = firrtl.instance Foo
// CHECK: firrtl.propassign [[IN]], %in
// CHECK: firrtl.propassign %out, [[OUT]]
firrtl.propassign %out, %in : !firrtl.integer
firrtl.module @Properties() {
%dut_in, %dut_out = firrtl.instance dut sym @dut @DUT(in in: !firrtl.integer, out out: !firrtl.integer)