mirror of https://github.com/llvm/circt.git
1920 lines
72 KiB
1920 lines
72 KiB
// RUN: circt-opt --pass-pipeline='builtin.module(firrtl.circuit(firrtl-lower-annotations{allow-adding-ports-on-public-modules=true}))' --verify-diagnostics --split-input-file %s | FileCheck %s
// circt.test copies the annotation to the target
// circt.testNT puts the targetless annotation on the circuit
// Annotations targeting the circuit work.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
// CHECK-SAME: annotations =
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "circt.testNT", data = "NoTarget"}
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "circt.test", data = "Target"}
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "circt.test", data = "CircuitName"}
// CHECK-NOT: rawAnnotations
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.testNT",
data = "NoTarget"
class = "circt.test",
data = "Target",
target = "~Foo"
class = "circt.test",
data = "CircuitName",
target = "Foo"
]} {
firrtl.module @Foo() {}
// -----
// Annotations targeting modules or external modules work.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
// CHECK-NOT: rawAnnotations
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "Target",
target = "~Foo|Foo"
class = "circt.test",
data = "ModuleName",
target = "Foo.Foo"
class = "circt.test",
data = "ExtModule Target",
target = "~Foo|Blackbox"
]} {
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Foo
// CHECK-SAME: annotations =
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "circt.test", data = "Target"}
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "circt.test", data = "ModuleName"}
firrtl.module @Foo() {}
// CHECK: firrtl.extmodule @Blackbox
// CHECK-SAME: annotations =
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "circt.test", data = "ExtModule Target"}
firrtl.extmodule @Blackbox()
// -----
// Annotations targeting instances should create NLAs on the module.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
// CHECK-NOT: rawAnnotations
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @[[nla:[^ ]+]] [@Foo::@[[bar_sym:[^ ]+]], @Bar]
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "a",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar"
class = "circt.test",
data = "b",
target = "Foo.Foo.bar"
class = "circt.test",
data = "c",
target = "~Foo|Foo/bar:Bar"
]} {
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.module @Bar()
// CHECK-SAME: annotations =
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla]], class = "circt.test", data = "a"}
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla]], class = "circt.test", data = "b"}
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla]], class = "circt.test", data = "c"}
firrtl.module @Bar() {}
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Foo
firrtl.module @Foo() {
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance bar sym @[[bar_sym]]
firrtl.instance bar @Bar()
// -----
// Test result annotations of InstanceOp.
// Must add inner_sym, if any subfield of a bundle type has nonlocal anchor.
// Otherwise, the nla will be illegal, without any inner_sym.
// Test on port and wire.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
// CHECK-NOT: rawAnnotations
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @[[nla:[^ ]+]] [@Foo::@[[bar_sym:[^ ]+]], @Bar]
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = 0,
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar.a"
class = "circt.test",
data = 1,
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar.b.baz"
class = "circt.test",
data = 2,
target = "~Foo|Foo/bar:Bar>b.qux"
class = "circt.test",
data = 3,
target = "~Foo|Foo/bar:Bar>d.qux"
class = "circt.test",
data = 4,
target = "Foo.Foo.bar.c"
]} {
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.module @Bar
// CHECK-SAME: in %a
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla]], class = "circt.test", data = 0 : i64}
// CHECK-SAME: out %b
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.fieldID = 1 : i32, circt.nonlocal = @[[nla]], class = "circt.test", data = 1 : i64}
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.fieldID = 2 : i32, circt.nonlocal = @[[nla]], class = "circt.test", data = 2 : i64}
// CHECK-SAME: out %c
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla]], class = "circt.test", data = 4 : i64}
firrtl.module @Bar(
in %a: !firrtl.uint<1>,
out %b: !firrtl.bundle<baz: uint<1>, qux: uint<1>>,
out %c: !firrtl.uint<1>
) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %d = firrtl.wire
// CHECK-NOT: sym
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.fieldID = 2 : i32, circt.nonlocal = @[[nla]], class = "circt.test", data = 3 : i64}
%d = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.bundle<baz: uint<1>, qux: uint<1>>
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Foo
firrtl.module @Foo() {
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance bar sym @[[bar_sym]]
%bar_a, %bar_b, %bar_c = firrtl.instance bar @Bar(
in a: !firrtl.uint<1>,
out b: !firrtl.bundle<baz: uint<1>, qux: uint<1>>,
out c: !firrtl.uint<1>
// -----
// A ReferenceTarget/ComponentName pointing at a Foo should work.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
// CHECK-NOT: rawAnnotations
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "a",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar"
class = "circt.test",
data = "b",
target = "Foo.Foo.bar"
]} {
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Foo
firrtl.module @Foo() {
// CHECK-NEXT: chirrtl.combmem
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "circt.test", data = "a"}
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "circt.test", data = "b"}
%bar = chirrtl.combmem : !chirrtl.cmemory<uint<1>, 8>
// -----
// A ReferenceTarget/ComponentName pointing at a memory should work.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
// CHECK-NOT: rawAnnotations
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "a",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar"
class = "circt.test",
data = "b",
target = "Foo.Foo.bar"
]} {
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Foo
firrtl.module @Foo() {
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.mem
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "circt.test", data = "a"}
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "circt.test", data = "b"}
%bar_r = firrtl.mem Undefined {
depth = 16 : i64,
name = "bar",
portNames = ["r"],
readLatency = 0 : i32,
writeLatency = 1 : i32
} : !firrtl.bundle<addr: uint<4>, en: uint<1>, clk: clock, data flip: uint<8>>
// -----
// Test result annotations of MemOp.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
// CHECK-NOT: rawAnnotations
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "a",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar.r"
class = "circt.test",
data = "b",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar.r.data.baz"
class = "circt.test",
data = "c",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar.w.en"
class = "circt.test",
data = "d",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar.w.data.qux"
]} {
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Foo
firrtl.module @Foo() {
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.mem
// CHECK-SAME: portAnnotations =
// CHECK-SAME: [{class = "circt.test", data = "a"}, {circt.fieldID = 5 : i32, class = "circt.test", data = "b"}]
// CHECK-SAME: [{circt.fieldID = 2 : i32, class = "circt.test", data = "c"}, {circt.fieldID = 6 : i32, class = "circt.test", data = "d"}]
%bar_r, %bar_w = firrtl.mem interesting_name Undefined {
depth = 16 : i64,
name = "bar",
portNames = ["r", "w"],
readLatency = 0 : i32,
writeLatency = 1 : i32
} : !firrtl.bundle<addr: uint<4>, en: uint<1>, clk: clock, data flip: bundle<baz: uint<8>, qux: uint<8>>>,
!firrtl.bundle<addr: uint<4>, en: uint<1>, clk: clock, data: bundle<baz: uint<8>, qux: uint<8>>, mask: bundle<baz: uint<1>, qux: uint<1>>>
// -----
// A ReferenceTarget/ComponentName pointing at a node should work. This
// shouldn't crash if the node is in a nested block.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "a",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar"
class = "circt.test",
data = "b",
target = "Foo.Foo.baz"
]} {
firrtl.module @Foo(
in %clock: !firrtl.clock,
in %cond_0: !firrtl.uint<1>,
in %cond_1: !firrtl.uint<1>
) {
%c0_ui1 = firrtl.constant 0 : !firrtl.uint<1>
%bar = firrtl.node %c0_ui1 : !firrtl.uint<1>
firrtl.when %cond_0 : !firrtl.uint<1> {
firrtl.when %cond_1 : !firrtl.uint<1> {
%baz = firrtl.node %c0_ui1 : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Foo
// CHECK: %bar = firrtl.node
// CHECK-SAME: annotations = [{class = "circt.test", data = "a"}
// CHECK: %baz = firrtl.node
// CHECK-SAME: annotations = [{class = "circt.test", data = "b"}]
// -----
// A ReferenceTarget/ComponentName pointing at a wire should work.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "a",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar"
class = "circt.test",
data = "b",
target = "Foo.Foo.bar"
]} {
firrtl.module @Foo() {
%bar = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: %bar = firrtl.wire
// CHECK-SAME: annotations = [{class = "circt.test", data = "a"}, {class = "circt.test", data = "b"}]
// -----
// A ReferenceTarget/ComponentName pointing at a register should work.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "a",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar"
class = "circt.test",
data = "b",
target = "Foo.Foo.baz"
]} {
firrtl.module @Foo(in %clock: !firrtl.clock, in %reset: !firrtl.uint<1>) {
%bar = firrtl.reg %clock : !firrtl.clock, !firrtl.uint<1>
%c0_ui1 = firrtl.constant 0 : !firrtl.uint<1>
%baz = firrtl.regreset %clock, %reset, %c0_ui1 : !firrtl.clock, !firrtl.uint<1>, !firrtl.uint<1>, !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: %bar = firrtl.reg
// CHECK-SAME: annotations = [{class = "circt.test", data = "a"}]
// CHECK: %baz = firrtl.regreset
// CHECK-SAME: annotations = [{class = "circt.test", data = "b"}]
// -----
// A ReferenceTarget/ComponentName pointing at an SeqMem should work.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "a",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar"
class = "circt.test",
data = "b",
target = "Foo.Foo.bar"
]} {
firrtl.module @Foo() {
%bar = chirrtl.seqmem Undefined : !chirrtl.cmemory<uint<1>, 8>
// CHECK: chirrtl.seqmem
// CHECK-SAME: annotations = [{class = "circt.test", data = "a"}, {class = "circt.test", data = "b"}]
// -----
// Subfield/Subindex annotations should be parsed correctly on wires
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "one",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar[0]"
class = "circt.test",
data = "two",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar[1].baz"
]} {
firrtl.module @Foo() {
%bar = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.vector<bundle<baz: uint<1>, qux: uint<1>>, 2>
// CHECK: %bar = firrtl.wire {annotations =
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.fieldID = 1 : i32, class = "circt.test", data = "one"}
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.fieldID = 5 : i32, class = "circt.test", data = "two"}
// -----
// Subfield/Subindex annotations should be parsed correctly on registers
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "one",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar[0]"
class = "circt.test",
target = "~Foo|Foo>bar[1].baz",
data = "two"
]} {
firrtl.module @Foo(in %clock: !firrtl.clock) {
%bar = firrtl.reg %clock : !firrtl.clock, !firrtl.vector<bundle<baz: uint<1>, qux: uint<1>>, 2>
// CHECK: %bar = firrtl.reg %clock {annotations =
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.fieldID = 1 : i32, class = "circt.test", data = "one"}
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.fieldID = 5 : i32, class = "circt.test", data = "two"}
// -----
// Subindices should not get sign-extended and cause problems. This circuit has
// caused bugs in the past.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "a",
target = "~Foo|Foo>w[9]"
]} {
firrtl.module @Foo() {
%w = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.vector<uint<1>, 18>
// CHECK: %w = firrtl.wire {annotations =
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.fieldID = 10 : i32, class = "circt.test", data = "a"}
// -----
// A ReferenceTarget/ComponentName pointing at a module/extmodule port should
// work.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
data = "a",
target = "~Foo|Bar>bar"
class = "circt.test",
data = "b",
target = "Foo.Foo.foo"
]} {
firrtl.extmodule @Bar(in bar: !firrtl.uint<1>)
firrtl.module @Foo(in %foo: !firrtl.uint<1>) {
%bar_bar = firrtl.instance bar @Bar(in bar: !firrtl.uint<1>)
firrtl.matchingconnect %bar_bar, %foo : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: firrtl.extmodule @Bar
// CHECK-SAME: [[_:.+]] [{class = "circt.test", data = "a"}]
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Foo
// CHECK-SAME: %foo: [[_:.+]] [{class = "circt.test", data = "b"}]
// -----
// A module with an instance in its body which has the same name as the module
// itself should not cause issues attaching annotations.
// https://github.com/llvm/circt/issues/2709
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
target = "~Foo|Foo/Foo:Example"
]} {
firrtl.module @Example() {}
firrtl.module @Foo() {
firrtl.instance Foo @Example()
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
// CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla:[^ ]+]] [@Foo::@[[FOO_SYM:.+]], @Example]
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Example() attributes {
// CHECK-SAME: annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @[[nla]], class = "circt.test"}]
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Foo()
// CHECK: firrtl.instance Foo sym @[[FOO_SYM]] @Example()
// -----
// Multiple non-local Annotations are supported.
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
{class = "circt.test", data = "a", target = "~Foo|Foo/bar:Bar/baz:Baz"},
{class = "circt.test", data = "b", target = "~Foo|Foo/bar:Bar/baz:Baz"}
]} {
firrtl.module @Baz() {}
firrtl.module @Bar() {
firrtl.instance baz @Baz()
firrtl.module @Foo() {
firrtl.instance bar @Bar()
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Foo"
// CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla:[^ ]+]] [@Foo::@[[BAR_SYM:.+]], @Bar::@[[BAZ_SYM:.+]], @Baz]
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Baz
// CHECK-SAME: annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @[[nla]], class = "circt.test", data = "a"}, {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla]], class = "circt.test", data = "b"}]
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Bar()
// CHECK: firrtl.instance baz sym @[[BAZ_SYM]] @Baz()
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Foo()
// CHECK: firrtl.instance bar sym @[[BAR_SYM]] @Bar()
// -----
firrtl.circuit "memportAnno" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
target = "~memportAnno|memportAnno/foo:Foo>memory.w"
]} {
firrtl.module @memportAnno() {
firrtl.instance foo @Foo()
firrtl.module @Foo() {
%memory_w = firrtl.mem Undefined {
depth = 16 : i64,
name = "memory",
portNames = ["w"],
readLatency = 1 : i32,
writeLatency = 1 : i32
} : !firrtl.bundle<addr: uint<4>, en: uint<1>, clk: clock, data: uint<8>, mask: uint<1>>
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "memportAnno" {
// CHECK: hw.hierpath private @nla [@memportAnno::@[[FOO_SYM:.+]], @Foo]
// CHECK: firrtl.instance foo sym @[[FOO_SYM]] @Foo
// CHECK: %memory_w = firrtl.mem Undefined {depth = 16 : i64, name = "memory", portAnnotations
// CHECK-SAME: [{circt.nonlocal = @nla, class = "circt.test"}]
// -----
// Test annotation targeting an instance port
// https://github.com/llvm/circt/issues/3340
firrtl.circuit "instportAnno" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.test",
target = "~instportAnno|instportAnno/bar:Bar>baz.a"
]} {
firrtl.module @Baz(out %a: !firrtl.uint<1>) {
%invalid_ui1 = firrtl.invalidvalue : !firrtl.uint<1>
firrtl.matchingconnect %a, %invalid_ui1 : !firrtl.uint<1>
firrtl.module @Bar() {
%baz_a = firrtl.instance baz @Baz(out a: !firrtl.uint<1>)
firrtl.module @instportAnno() {
firrtl.instance bar @Bar()
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "instportAnno"
// CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[HIER:[^ ]+]] [@instportAnno::@[[BAR_SYM:.+]], @Bar::@[[BAZ_SYM:.+]], @Baz]
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Baz
// CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[HIER]], class = "circt.test"}
// CHECK: firrtl.instance baz sym @[[BAZ_SYM]] @Baz
// CHECK: firrtl.instance bar sym @[[BAR_SYM]] @Bar
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Aggregates"
firrtl.circuit "Aggregates" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
{class = "circt.test", target = "~Aggregates|Aggregates>vector[1][1][1]"},
{class = "circt.test", target = "~Aggregates|Aggregates>bundle.a.b.c"}
]} {
firrtl.module @Aggregates() {
// CHECK: {annotations = [{circt.fieldID = 14 : i32, class = "circt.test"}]}
%vector = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.vector<vector<vector<uint<1>, 2>, 2>, 2>
// CHECK: {annotations = [{circt.fieldID = 3 : i32, class = "circt.test"}]}
%bundle = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.bundle<a: bundle<b: bundle<c: uint<1>>>>
// -----
// A non-local annotation should work.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "FooNL"
// CHECK: hw.hierpath private @nla [@FooNL::@baz, @BazNL::@bar, @BarNL]
// CHECK: firrtl.module @BarNL
// CHECK: %w = firrtl.wire sym @w {annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @nla, class = "circt.test", nl = "nl"}]}
// CHECK: %w2 = firrtl.wire sym @w2 {annotations = [{circt.fieldID = 5 : i32, circt.nonlocal = @nla, class = "circt.test", nl = "nl2"}]} : !firrtl.bundle<a: uint, b: vector<uint, 4>>
// CHECK: firrtl.instance bar sym @bar @BarNL()
// CHECK: firrtl.instance baz sym @baz @BazNL()
// CHECK: firrtl.module @FooL
// CHECK: %w3 = firrtl.wire {annotations = [{class = "circt.test", nl = "nl3"}]}
firrtl.circuit "FooNL" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
{class = "circt.test", nl = "nl", target = "~FooNL|FooNL/baz:BazNL/bar:BarNL"},
{class = "circt.test", nl = "nl", target = "~FooNL|FooNL/baz:BazNL/bar:BarNL>w"},
{class = "circt.test", nl = "nl2", target = "~FooNL|FooNL/baz:BazNL/bar:BarNL>w2.b[2]"},
{class = "circt.test", nl = "nl3", target = "~FooNL|FooL>w3"}
]} {
firrtl.module @BarNL() {
%w = firrtl.wire sym @w : !firrtl.uint
%w2 = firrtl.wire sym @w2 : !firrtl.bundle<a: uint, b: vector<uint, 4>>
firrtl.module @BazNL() {
firrtl.instance bar sym @bar @BarNL()
firrtl.module @FooNL() {
firrtl.instance baz sym @baz @BazNL()
firrtl.module @FooL() {
%w3 = firrtl.wire: !firrtl.uint
// -----
// Non-local annotations on memory ports should work.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "MemPortsNL"
// CHECK: hw.hierpath private @nla [@MemPortsNL::@[[CHILD_SYM:.+]], @Child]
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Child()
// CHECK: %bar_r = firrtl.mem
// CHECK-NOT: sym
// CHECK-SAME: portAnnotations = {{\[}}[{circt.nonlocal = @nla, class = "circt.test", nl = "nl"}]]
// CHECK: firrtl.module @MemPortsNL()
// CHECK: firrtl.instance child sym @[[CHILD_SYM]]
firrtl.circuit "MemPortsNL" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
{class = "circt.test", nl = "nl", target = "~MemPortsNL|MemPortsNL/child:Child>bar.r"}
]} {
firrtl.module @Child() {
%bar_r = firrtl.mem Undefined {depth = 16 : i64, name = "bar", portNames = ["r"], readLatency = 0 : i32, writeLatency = 1 : i32} : !firrtl.bundle<addr: uint<4>, en: uint<1>, clk: clock, data flip: uint<8>>
firrtl.module @MemPortsNL() {
firrtl.instance child @Child()
// -----
// Annotations on ports should work.
firrtl.circuit "Test" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
{class = "circt.test", target = "~Test|PortTest>in"}
]} {
firrtl.module @PortTest(in %in : !firrtl.uint<1>) {}
firrtl.module @Test() {
%portttest_in = firrtl.instance porttest @PortTest(in in : !firrtl.uint<1>)
// -----
// Subannotations on ports should work.
firrtl.circuit "Test" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
{class = "circt.test", target = "~Test|PortTest>in.a"}
]} {
// CHECK: firrtl.module @PortTest(in %in: !firrtl.bundle<a: uint<1>> [{circt.fieldID = 1 : i32, class = "circt.test"}])
firrtl.module @PortTest(in %in : !firrtl.bundle<a: uint<1>>) {}
firrtl.module @Test() {
%portttest_in = firrtl.instance porttest @PortTest(in in : !firrtl.bundle<a: uint<1>>)
// -----
// Annotations on instances should be moved to the target module.
firrtl.circuit "Test" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
{class = "circt.test", target = "~Test|Test>exttest"}
]} {
// CHECK: hw.hierpath private @nla [@Test::@[[EXTTEST:.+]], @ExtTest]
// CHECK: firrtl.extmodule @ExtTest() attributes {annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @nla, class = "circt.test"}]}
firrtl.extmodule @ExtTest()
firrtl.module @Test() {
// CHECK: firrtl.instance exttest sym @[[EXTTEST]] @ExtTest()
firrtl.instance exttest @ExtTest()
// -----
// Annotations on instances should be moved to the target module.
firrtl.circuit "Test" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
{class = "circt.test", target = "~Test|Test>exttest.in"}
]} {
// CHECK: hw.hierpath private @nla [@Test::@[[EXTTEST:.+]], @ExtTest]
// CHECK: firrtl.extmodule @ExtTest(in in: !firrtl.uint<1> [{circt.nonlocal = @nla, class = "circt.test"}])
firrtl.extmodule @ExtTest(in in: !firrtl.uint<1>)
firrtl.module @Test() {
// CHECK: %exttest_in = firrtl.instance exttest sym @[[EXTTEST]] @ExtTest(in in: !firrtl.uint<1>)
firrtl.instance exttest @ExtTest(in in : !firrtl.uint<1>)
// -----
firrtl.circuit "Test" attributes {rawAnnotations =[
{class = "circt.ConventionAnnotation", target = "~Test|Test", convention = "scalarized"}
]} {
// CHECK: attributes {convention = #firrtl<convention scalarized>}
firrtl.module @Test() attributes {convention = #firrtl<convention internal>} {}
// -----
// DontTouchAnnotations are placed on the things they target.
firrtl.circuit "Foo" attributes {
rawAnnotations = [
{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation", target = "~Foo|Foo>_T_0"},
{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation", target = "~Foo|Foo>_T_1"},
{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation", target = "~Foo|Foo>_T_2"},
{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation", target = "~Foo|Foo>_T_3"},
{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation", target = "~Foo|Foo>_T_4"},
{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation", target = "~Foo|Foo>_T_5"},
{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation", target = "~Foo|Foo>_T_6"},
{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation", target = "~Foo|Foo>_T_8"},
{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation", target = "~Foo|Foo>_T_9.a"},
{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation", target = "~Foo|Foo>_T_10.a"},
{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation", target = "~Foo|Foo/bar:Bar>_T.a"}]} {
// CHECK: hw.hierpath private @nla [@Foo::@[[BAR_SYM:.+]], @Bar]
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.module @Foo
firrtl.module @Foo(in %reset: !firrtl.uint<1>, in %clock: !firrtl.clock) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %_T_0 = firrtl.wire {annotations = [{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}]}
%_T_0 = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK-NEXT: %_T_1 = firrtl.node %_T_0 {annotations = [{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}]}
%_T_1 = firrtl.node %_T_0 : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK-NEXT: %_T_2 = firrtl.reg %clock {annotations = [{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}]}
%_T_2 = firrtl.reg %clock : !firrtl.clock, !firrtl.uint<1>
%c0_ui4 = firrtl.constant 0 : !firrtl.uint<4>
// CHECK: %_T_3 = firrtl.regreset
// CHECK-SAME: {annotations = [{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}]}
%_T_3 = firrtl.regreset %clock, %reset, %c0_ui4 : !firrtl.clock, !firrtl.uint<1>, !firrtl.uint<4>, !firrtl.uint<4>
// CHECK-NEXT: %_T_4 = chirrtl.seqmem
// CHECK-SAME: {annotations = [{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}]}
%_T_4 = chirrtl.seqmem Undefined : !chirrtl.cmemory<vector<uint<1>, 9>, 256>
// CHECK-NEXT: %_T_5 = chirrtl.combmem {annotations = [{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}]}
%_T_5 = chirrtl.combmem : !chirrtl.cmemory<vector<uint<1>, 9>, 256>
// CHECK: chirrtl.memoryport Infer %_T_5 {annotations =
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}
%_T_6_data, %_T_6_port = chirrtl.memoryport Infer %_T_5 {name = "_T_6"} : (!chirrtl.cmemory<vector<uint<1>, 9>, 256>) -> (!firrtl.vector<uint<1>, 9>, !chirrtl.cmemoryport)
chirrtl.memoryport.access %_T_6_port[%reset], %clock : !chirrtl.cmemoryport, !firrtl.uint<1>, !firrtl.clock
// CHECK: firrtl.mem
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}
%_T_8_w = firrtl.mem Undefined {depth = 8 : i64, name = "_T_8", portNames = ["w"], readLatency = 0 : i32, writeLatency = 1 : i32} : !firrtl.bundle<addr: uint<3>, en: uint<1>, clk: clock, data: uint<4>, mask: uint<1>>
%aggregate = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.bundle<a: uint<1>>
// CHECK: %_T_9 = firrtl.node %aggregate {annotations = [{circt.fieldID = 1 : i32, class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}]}
%_T_9 = firrtl.node %aggregate : !firrtl.bundle<a: uint<1>>
// CHECK: instance bar sym @[[BAR_SYM]] @Bar()
firrtl.instance bar @Bar()
// CHECK: %_T_10, %_T_10_ref = firrtl.node %aggregate forceable {annotations = [{circt.fieldID = 1 : i32, class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}]}
%_T_10, %_T_10_ref = firrtl.node %aggregate forceable : !firrtl.bundle<a: uint<1>>
firrtl.module @Bar() {
// CHECK: %_T = firrtl.wire {annotations = [{circt.fieldID = 1 : i32, circt.nonlocal = @nla, class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}]}
%_T = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.bundle<a: uint<1>>
// -----
firrtl.circuit "GCTInterface" attributes {
annotations = [
rawAnnotations = [
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.GrandCentralView$SerializedViewAnnotation",
companion = "~GCTInterface|view_companion",
name = "view",
parent = "~GCTInterface|GCTInterface",
view =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedBundleType",
defName = "ViewName",
elements = [
description = "the register in GCTInterface",
name = "register",
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedBundleType",
defName = "Register",
elements = [
name = "_2",
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedVectorType",
elements = [
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
ref =
circuit = "GCTInterface",
component = [
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Field",
value = "_2"
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Index",
value = 0 : i64
module = "GCTInterface",
path = [],
ref = "r"
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.GrandCentralView$UnknownGroundType$"
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
ref =
circuit = "GCTInterface",
component = [
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Field",
value = "_2"
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Index",
value = 1 : i64
module = "GCTInterface",
path = [],
ref = "r"
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.GrandCentralView$UnknownGroundType$"
name = "_0_inst",
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedBundleType",
defName = "_0_def",
elements = [
name = "_1",
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
ref =
circuit = "GCTInterface",
component = [
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Field",
value = "_0"
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Field",
value = "_1"
module = "GCTInterface",
path = [],
ref = "r"
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.GrandCentralView$UnknownGroundType$"
name = "_0",
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
ref =
circuit = "GCTInterface",
component = [
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Field",
value = "_0"
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Field",
value = "_0"
module = "GCTInterface",
path = [],
ref = "r"
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.GrandCentralView$UnknownGroundType$"
description = "element of the register 'forceable_reg' in GCTInterface",
name = "forceable_reg_element",
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
ref =
circuit = "GCTInterface",
component = [
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Field",
value = "_2"
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Index",
value = 1 : i64
module = "GCTInterface",
path = [],
ref = "forceable_reg"
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.GrandCentralView$UnknownGroundType$"
description = "the port 'a' in GCTInterface",
name = "port",
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
ref =
circuit = "GCTInterface",
component = [],
module = "GCTInterface",
path = [],
ref = "a"
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.GrandCentralView$UnknownGroundType$"
} {
firrtl.module private @view_companion() {
firrtl.module @GCTInterface(in %clock: !firrtl.clock, in %reset: !firrtl.uint<1>, in %a: !firrtl.uint<1>) {
%r = firrtl.reg %clock : !firrtl.clock, !firrtl.bundle<_0: bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>, _2: vector<uint<1>, 2>>
%forceable_reg, %forceable_reg_ref = firrtl.reg %clock forceable : !firrtl.clock, !firrtl.bundle<_0: bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>, _2: vector<uint<1>, 2>>, !firrtl.rwprobe<bundle<_0: bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>, _2: vector<uint<1>, 2>>>
firrtl.instance view_companion @view_companion()
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "GCTInterface"
// The interface definition should show up as a circuit annotation. Nested
// interfaces show up as nested bundle types and not as separate interfaces.
// CHECK-SAME: annotations
// CHECK-SAME: {unrelatedAnnotation}
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedBundleType",
// CHECK-SAME: defName = "ViewName",
// CHECK-SAME: elements = [
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedBundleType",
// CHECK-SAME: defName = "Register",
// CHECK-SAME: description = "the register in GCTInterface",
// CHECK-SAME: elements = [
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedVectorType",
// CHECK-SAME: elements = [
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
// CHECK-SAME: id = [[ID_2_0:[0-9]+]] : i64,
// CHECK-SAME: name = "_2"},
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
// CHECK-SAME: id = [[ID_2_1:[0-9]+]] : i64,
// CHECK-SAME: name = "_2"}],
// CHECK-SAME: name = "_2"},
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedBundleType",
// CHECK-SAME: defName = "_0_def",
// CHECK-SAME: elements = [
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
// CHECK-SAME: id = [[ID_1:[0-9]+]] : i64,
// CHECK-SAME: name = "_1"},
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
// CHECK-SAME: id = [[ID_0:[0-9]+]] : i64,
// CHECK-SAME: name = "_0"}],
// CHECK-SAME: name = "_0_inst"}],
// CHECK-SAME: name = "register"},
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
// CHECK-SAME: description = "element of the register 'forceable_reg' in GCTInterface",
// CHECK-SAME: id = [[ID_forceable_reg:[0-9]+]] : i64,
// CHECK-SAME: name = "forceable_reg_element"},
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
// CHECK-SAME: description = "the port 'a' in GCTInterface",
// CHECK-SAME: id = [[ID_port:[0-9]+]] : i64,
// CHECK-SAME: name = "port"}],
// CHECK-SAME: id = [[ID_ViewName:[0-9]+]] : i64,
// CHECK-SAME: name = "view"}
// The companion should be marked.
// CHECK: firrtl.module private @view_companion(
// CHECK-SAME: in %[[port_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: !firrtl.uint<1>,
// CHECK-SAME: in %[[port_1:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: !firrtl.uint<1>,
// CHECK-SAME: in %[[port_2:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: !firrtl.uint<1>,
// CHECK-SAME: in %[[port_3:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: !firrtl.uint<1>,
// CHECK-SAME: in %[[port_4:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK-SAME: annotations
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.ViewAnnotation.companion",
// CHECK-SAME: id = [[ID_ViewName]] : i64,
// CHECK-SAME: name = "view"}
// CHECK: firrtl.node %[[port_0]]
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType", id = 1 : i64}
// CHECK: firrtl.node %[[port_1]]
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType", id = 2 : i64}
// CHECK: firrtl.node %[[port_2]]
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType", id = 3 : i64}
// CHECK: firrtl.node %[[port_3]]
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType", id = 4 : i64}
// CHECK: firrtl.node %[[port_4]]
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType", id = 5 : i64}
// The RefSend must be generated.
// CHECK: firrtl.module @GCTInterface
// CHECK-SAME: %a: !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: %r = firrtl.reg %clock : !firrtl.clock, !firrtl.bundle<_0: bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>, _2: vector<uint<1>, 2>>
// CHECK: %forceable_reg, %forceable_reg_ref = firrtl.reg %clock forceable : !firrtl.clock, !firrtl.bundle<_0: bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>, _2: vector<uint<1>, 2>>, !firrtl.rwprobe<bundle<_0: bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>, _2: vector<uint<1>, 2>>>
// CHECK: %[[view_companion_view__2refPort:.+]], %[[view_companion_view__2refPort_1:.+]], %[[view_companion_view__1refPort:.+]], %[[view_companion_view__0refPort:.+]], %[[view_companion_view_portrefPort:.+]] = firrtl.instance view_companion @view_companion(in {{.*}}: !firrtl.uint<1>, in {{.*}}: !firrtl.uint<1>, in {{.*}}: !firrtl.uint<1>, in {{.*}}: !firrtl.uint<1>, in {{.*}}: !firrtl.uint<1>)
// CHECK: %0 = firrtl.subfield %r[_2] : !firrtl.bundle<_0: bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>, _2: vector<uint<1>, 2>>
// CHECK: %1 = firrtl.subindex %0[0] : !firrtl.vector<uint<1>, 2>
// CHECK: %2 = firrtl.subfield %r[_2] : !firrtl.bundle<_0: bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>, _2: vector<uint<1>, 2>>
// CHECK: %3 = firrtl.subindex %2[1] : !firrtl.vector<uint<1>, 2>
// CHECK: %4 = firrtl.subfield %r[_0] : !firrtl.bundle<_0: bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>, _2: vector<uint<1>, 2>>
// CHECK: %5 = firrtl.subfield %4[_1] : !firrtl.bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>
// CHECK: %6 = firrtl.subfield %r[_0] : !firrtl.bundle<_0: bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>, _2: vector<uint<1>, 2>>
// CHECK: %7 = firrtl.subfield %6[_0] : !firrtl.bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>
// CHECK: %8 = firrtl.subfield %forceable_reg[_2] : !firrtl.bundle<_0: bundle<_0: uint<1>, _1: uint<1>>, _2: vector<uint<1>, 2>>
// CHECK: %9 = firrtl.subindex %8[1] : !firrtl.vector<uint<1>, 2>
// CHECK: firrtl.matchingconnect %view_companion_view_register__2_0__bore, %1 : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: firrtl.matchingconnect %view_companion_view_register__2_1__bore, %3 : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: firrtl.matchingconnect %view_companion_view_register__0_inst__1__bore, %5 : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: firrtl.matchingconnect %view_companion_view_register__0_inst__0__bore, %7 : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: firrtl.matchingconnect %view_companion_view_forceable_reg_element__bore, %9 : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: firrtl.matchingconnect %view_companion_view_port__bore, %a : !firrtl.uint<1>
// -----
// SiFive-custom annotations related to the GrandCentral utility. These
// annotations do not conform to standard SingleTarget or NoTarget format and
// need to be manually split up.
// Test sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapsAnnotation with all possible
// variants of DataTapKeys.
// SiFive-custom annotations related to the GrandCentral utility. These
// annotations do not conform to standard SingleTarget or NoTarget format and
// need to be manually split up.
// Test sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapsAnnotation with all possible
// variants of DataTapKeys.
firrtl.circuit "GCTDataTap" attributes {rawAnnotations = [{
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapsAnnotation",
keys = [
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.ReferenceDataTapKey",
sink = "~GCTDataTap|GCTDataTap>tap_0",
source = "~GCTDataTap|GCTDataTap>r"
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.ReferenceDataTapKey",
sink = "~GCTDataTap|GCTDataTap>tap_1[0]",
source = "~GCTDataTap|GCTDataTap>r"
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.ReferenceDataTapKey",
sink = "~GCTDataTap|GCTDataTap>tap_2",
source = "~GCTDataTap|GCTDataTap>w.a"
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.ReferenceDataTapKey",
sink = "~GCTDataTap|GCTDataTap>tap_3[0]",
source = "~GCTDataTap|GCTDataTap>w.a"
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapModuleSignalKey",
internalPath = "baz.qux",
module = "~GCTDataTap|BlackBox",
sink = "~GCTDataTap|GCTDataTap>tap_4"
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapModuleSignalKey",
internalPath = "baz.quz",
module = "~GCTDataTap|BlackBox",
sink = "~GCTDataTap|GCTDataTap>tap_5[0]"
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.ReferenceDataTapKey",
sink = "~GCTDataTap|GCTDataTap>tap_6",
source = "~GCTDataTap|GCTDataTap/im:InnerMod>w"
}]} {
firrtl.extmodule private @BlackBox(out probe: !firrtl.rwprobe<uint<5>>) attributes {defname = "BlackBox"}
firrtl.module private @InnerMod() {
%w = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.uint<1>
firrtl.module @GCTDataTap(in %clock: !firrtl.clock, in %reset: !firrtl.uint<1>, in %a: !firrtl.uint<1>, out %b: !firrtl.uint<1>) {
%r = firrtl.reg %clock : !firrtl.clock, !firrtl.uint<1>
%w = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.bundle<a: uint<1>>
%tap_0 = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.uint<1>
%tap_1 = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.vector<uint<1>, 1>
%tap_2 = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.uint<1>
%tap_3 = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.vector<uint<1>, 1>
%tap_4 = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.uint<1>
%tap_5 = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.vector<uint<1>, 1>
%tap_6 = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.uint<1>
%bb_probe = firrtl.instance BlackBox @BlackBox(out probe: !firrtl.rwprobe<uint<5>>)
firrtl.instance im @InnerMod()
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.extmodule private @BlackBox
// CHECK-SAME: out {{[a-zA-Z0-9_]+}}: !firrtl.rwprobe<uint<5>>
// CHECK-SAME: out {{[a-zA-Z0-9_]+}}: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>
// CHECK-SAME: out {{[a-zA-Z0-9_]+}}: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>
// CHECK-SAME: internalPaths = [#firrtl.internalpath, #firrtl.internalpath<"baz.qux">, #firrtl.internalpath<"baz.quz">]
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module private @InnerMod
// CHECK-SAME: out %[[tap_6:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>
// CHECK: %[[w_ref:[a-zA-Z09_]+]] = firrtl.ref.send %w
// CHECK: firrtl.ref.define %[[tap_6]], %[[w_ref]]
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module @GCTDataTap
// CHECK: %[[w_a0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.subfield %w[a]
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[w_a1:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.subfield %w[a]
// CHECK-DAG: %tap_0 = firrtl.node %r
// CHECK-DAG: %[[tap_1_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.subindex %tap_1[0]
// CHECK-DAG: firrtl.matchingconnect %[[tap_1_0]], %r
// CHECK-DAG: %tap_2 = firrtl.node %[[w_a1]]
// CHECK-DAG: %[[tap_3_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.subindex %tap_3[0]
// CHECK-DAG: firrtl.matchingconnect %[[tap_3_0]], %[[w_a0]]
// CHECK-DAG: %[[tap_4_port:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]], %[[tap_5_port:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.instance BlackBox
// CHECK-DAG: %[[tap_4_resolve:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.ref.resolve %[[tap_4_port]]
// CHECK-DAG: %tap_4 = firrtl.node %[[tap_4_resolve]]
// CHECK-DAG: %[[tap_5_resolve:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.ref.resolve %[[tap_5_port]]
// CHECK-DAG: %[[tap_5_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.subindex %tap_5[0]
// CHECK-DAG: firrtl.matchingconnect %[[tap_5_0]], %[[tap_5_resolve]]
// CHECK-DAG: %[[tap_6_port:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.instance im @InnerMod
// CHECK-DAG: %[[tap_6_resolve:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.ref.resolve %[[tap_6_port]]
// CHECK-DAG: %tap_6 = firrtl.node %[[tap_6_resolve]]
// -----
// Test sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.MemTapAnnotation
firrtl.circuit "GCTMemTap" attributes {rawAnnotations = [{
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.MemTapAnnotation",
source = "~GCTMemTap|GCTMemTap>mem",
sink = ["GCTMemTap.GCTMemTap.memTap[0]", "~GCTMemTap|GCTMemTap>mem[1]"]
}]} {
firrtl.module @GCTMemTap() {
%mem = chirrtl.combmem : !chirrtl.cmemory<uint<1>, 2>
%memTap = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.vector<uint<1>, 2>
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "GCTMemTap"
// CHECK: firrtl.module @GCTMemTap
// CHECK: %[[debug_port:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = chirrtl.debugport %mem
// CHECK-SAME: {name = "memTap"}
// CHECK-SAME: (!chirrtl.cmemory<uint<1>, 2>) -> !firrtl.probe<vector<uint<1>, 2>>
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[debug_port_resolve:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.ref.resolve %[[debug_port]]
// CHECK-NEXT: %memTap = firrtl.node %[[debug_port_resolve]]
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "GrandCentralViewsBundle"
firrtl.circuit "GrandCentralViewsBundle" attributes {
rawAnnotations = [
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.ViewAnnotation",
companion = "~GrandCentralViewsBundle|Companion",
name = "View",
parent = "~GrandCentralViewsBundle|GrandCentralViewsBundle",
view =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedBundleType",
defName = "MyInterface",
elements = [
name = "b",
tpe = {
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedBundleType",
defName = "SubInterface",
elements = [
name = "a",
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
ref =
circuit = "GrandCentralViewsBundle",
component = [
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Field",
value = "a"
module = "GrandCentralViewsBundle",
path = [
_1 =
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Instance",
value = "bar"
_2 =
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$OfModule",
value = "Bar"
ref = "a"
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.GrandCentralView$UnknownGroundType$"
name = "b",
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
ref =
circuit = "GrandCentralViewsBundle",
component = [
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Field",
value = "b"
module = "GrandCentralViewsBundle",
path = [
_1 =
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Instance",
value = "bar"
_2 =
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$OfModule",
value = "Bar"
ref = "a"
tpe =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.GrandCentralView$UnknownGroundType$"
} {
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Companion
// CHECK-SAME: in %[[port_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK-SAME: in %[[port_1:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: !firrtl.uint<2>
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.ViewAnnotation.companion", id = 0 : i64, name = "View"}
firrtl.module @Companion() {
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.node %[[port_0]]
// CHECK-SAME: {annotations = [{class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType", id = 1 : i64}]}
// CHECK-SAME: !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.node %[[port_1]]
// CHECK-SAME: {annotations = [{class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType", id = 2 : i64}]}
// CHECK-SAME: !firrtl.uint<2>
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Bar
// CHECK-SAME: out %[[refPort_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>
// CHECK-SAME: out %[[refPort_1:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: !firrtl.probe<uint<2>>
firrtl.module @Bar() {
%a = firrtl.wire interesting_name : !firrtl.bundle<a: uint<1>, b: uint<2>>
// CHECK: %[[a_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.subfield %a[a]
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[a_1:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.subfield %a[b]
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[a_0_ref:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.ref.send %[[a_0]]
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.ref.define %[[refPort_0]], %[[a_0_ref]]
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[a_1_ref:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.ref.send %[[a_1]]
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.ref.define %[[refPort_1]], %[[a_1_ref]]
// CHECK: firrtl.module @GrandCentralViewsBundle()
firrtl.module @GrandCentralViewsBundle() {
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[bar_refPort_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]], %[[bar_refPort_1:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.instance bar
firrtl.instance bar @Bar()
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[companion_port_0:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]], %[[companion_port_1:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.instance companion
firrtl.instance companion @Companion()
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[bar_refPort_0_resolve:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.ref.resolve %[[bar_refPort_0]]
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.matchingconnect %[[companion_port_0]], %[[bar_refPort_0_resolve]]
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[bar_refPort_1_resolve:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.ref.resolve %[[bar_refPort_1]]
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.matchingconnect %[[companion_port_1]], %[[bar_refPort_1_resolve]]
// -----
firrtl.circuit "Top" attributes {rawAnnotations = [{
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapsAnnotation",
keys = [
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.ReferenceDataTapKey",
source = "~Top|Top/foo:Foo/b:Bar>inv", sink = "~Top|Top>tap"
]}]} {
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top" {
// CHECK-NOT: "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapsAnnotation"
// CHECK: firrtl.module private @Bar(out %inv__bore: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>)
firrtl.module private @Bar() {
%inv = firrtl.wire interesting_name : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: %0 = firrtl.ref.send %inv : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: firrtl.ref.define %inv__bore, %0 : !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module private @Foo(out %b_inv__bore: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>)
firrtl.module private @Foo() {
firrtl.instance b interesting_name @Bar()
// CHECK: %[[b_inv:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.instance b interesting_name @Bar(out inv__bore: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>)
// CHECK: firrtl.ref.define %b_inv__bore, %[[b_inv]] : !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Top()
firrtl.module @Top() {
firrtl.instance foo interesting_name @Foo()
%tap = firrtl.wire interesting_name : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: %[[foo_b_inv:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.instance foo interesting_name @Foo(out b_inv__bore: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>)
// CHECK: %0 = firrtl.ref.resolve %[[foo_b_inv]] : !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>
// CHECK: %tap = firrtl.node %0 : !firrtl.uint<1>
// -----
firrtl.circuit "Top" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapsAnnotation",
keys = [
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapModuleSignalKey",
internalPath = "random.something",
module = "~Top|Bar",
sink = "~Top|Top>tap"
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapModuleSignalKey",
internalPath = "random.something.external",
module = "~Top|ExtBar",
sink = "~Top|Top>tap2"
]}]} {
firrtl.extmodule private @ExtBar()
// CHECK: firrtl.extmodule private @ExtBar(out random_something_external: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>)
// CHECK-SAME: internalPaths = [#firrtl.internalpath<"random.something.external">]
// CHECK: firrtl.module private @Bar(out %[[_gen_ref2:.+]]: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>)
// CHECK: %[[random:.+]] = firrtl.verbatim.expr "random.something" : () -> !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: %0 = firrtl.ref.send %[[random]] : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: firrtl.ref.define %[[_gen_ref2]], %0 : !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>
firrtl.module private @Bar() {
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module private @Foo(
// CHECK-SAME: out %b_random_something__bore: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>, out %b2_random_something_external__bore: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>
firrtl.module private @Foo() {
firrtl.instance b interesting_name @Bar()
// CHECK: %[[gen_refPort:.+]] = firrtl.instance b interesting_name @Bar
// CHECK-SAME: (out [[_gen_ref2]]: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>)
firrtl.instance b2 interesting_name @ExtBar()
// CHECK: %b2_random_something_external = firrtl.instance b2 interesting_name @ExtBar(out random_something_external: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>)
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module @Top()
firrtl.module @Top() {
firrtl.instance foo interesting_name @Foo()
%tap = firrtl.wire interesting_name : !firrtl.uint<1>
%tap2 = firrtl.wire interesting_name : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: %[[foo__gen_tap:.+]], %[[foo__gen_tap2:.+]] = firrtl.instance foo interesting_name @Foo
// CHECK-SAME: (out b_random_something__bore: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>, out b2_random_something_external__bore: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>)
// CHECK: %[[v0:.+]] = firrtl.ref.resolve %[[foo__gen_tap]] : !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>
// CHECK: %tap = firrtl.node %[[v0]] : !firrtl.uint<1>
// -----
// Test with Parent module not being the LCA.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "GrandCentralParentIsNotLCA"
firrtl.circuit "GrandCentralParentIsNotLCA" attributes {
rawAnnotations = [
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.ViewAnnotation",
companion = "~GrandCentralParentIsNotLCA|Companion",
name = "View",
parent = "~GrandCentralParentIsNotLCA|GrandCentralParentIsNotLCA",
view =
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedBundleType",
defName = "MyInterface",
elements = [
name = "b",
tpe = {
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
ref =
circuit = "GrandCentralParentIsNotLCA",
component = [],
module = "GrandCentralParentIsNotLCA",
path = [
_1 =
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Instance",
value = "companion"
_2 =
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$OfModule",
value = "Companion"
_1 =
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Instance",
value = "bar"
_2 =
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$OfModule",
value = "Bar"
ref = "a"
tpe = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.GrandCentralView$UnknownGroundType$"
} {
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Bar
// CHECK-SAME: out %[[a_refPort:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]]: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>
firrtl.module @Bar() {
%a = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: %[[a_ref:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.ref.send %a
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.ref.define %[[a_refPort]], %[[a_ref]]
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Companion()
firrtl.module @Companion() {
firrtl.instance bar @Bar()
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[bar_a_refPort:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.instance bar
// CHECK-NEXT: %[[b_refResolve:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+]] = firrtl.ref.resolve %[[bar_a_refPort]]
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.node %[[b_refResolve]]
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType", id = 1 : i64}
// CHECK-SAME: : !firrtl.uint<1>
firrtl.module @GrandCentralParentIsNotLCA() {
firrtl.instance companion @Companion()
// -----
// Check that Grand Central View Annotations are applied properly when they are
// targeting things inside the companion. Specifically, this should work for
// both ports and components, e.g., registers. This does not emit any RefSendOps
// or RefResolveOps and instead just does a direct connection.
// CHECK-LABEL: "GrandCentralViewInsideCompanion"
// CHECK-SAME: id = [[aId:[0-9]+]] : i64, name = "a"
// CHECK-SAME: id = [[bId:[0-9]+]] : i64, name = "b"
firrtl.circuit "GrandCentralViewInsideCompanion" attributes {
rawAnnotations = [
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.ViewAnnotation",
name = "View",
companion = "~GrandCentralViewInsideCompanion|Companion",
parent = "~GrandCentralViewInsideCompanion|GrandCentralViewInsideCompanion",
view = {
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedBundleType",
defName = "MyInterface",
elements = [
name = "a",
tpe = {
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
ref = {
circuit = "GrandCentralViewInsideCompanion",
module = "GrandCentralViewInsideCompanion",
path = [
_1 = {
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Instance",
value = "companion"
_2 = {
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$OfModule",
value = "Companion"
ref = "a",
component = []
tpe = {
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.GrandCentralView$UnknownGroundType$"
name = "b",
tpe = {
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType",
ref = {
circuit = "GrandCentralViewInsideCompanion",
module = "GrandCentralViewInsideCompanion",
path = [
_1 = {
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$Instance",
value = "companion"
_2 = {
class = "firrtl.annotations.TargetToken$OfModule",
value = "Companion"
ref = "b",
component = []
tpe = {
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.GrandCentralView$UnknownGroundType$"
} {
// CHECK: firrtl.module @Companion
firrtl.module @Companion(out %b: !firrtl.uint<2>) {
%clock = firrtl.specialconstant 0 : !firrtl.clock
%a = firrtl.reg %clock : !firrtl.clock, !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK: firrtl.node %a
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType", id = [[aId]] : i64}
// CHECK-SAME: : !firrtl.uint<1>
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.node %b
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.AugmentedGroundType", id = [[bId]] : i64}
// CHECK-SAME: : !firrtl.uint<2>
firrtl.module @GrandCentralViewInsideCompanion() {
%companion_b = firrtl.instance companion @Companion(out b: !firrtl.uint<2>)
// -----
// Check that TraceNameAnnotation (which has don't touch semantics) is expanded
// into a TraceAnnotation (which does not have don't touch semantics) and a
// DontTouchAnnotation whenever this targets something that can be a legal
// target of a DontTouchAnnotation.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "TraceNameAnnotation"
firrtl.circuit "TraceNameAnnotation" attributes {rawAnnotations = [
class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceNameAnnotation",
chiselTarget = "~TraceNameAnnotation|TraceNameAnnotation",
target = "~TraceNameAnnotation|TraceNameAnnotation"
class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceNameAnnotation",
chiselTarget = "~TraceNameAnnotation|Foo",
target = "~TraceNameAnnotation|Foo"
class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceNameAnnotation",
chiselTarget = "~TraceNameAnnotation|TraceNameAnnotation/foo:Foo",
target = "~TraceNameAnnotation|TraceNameAnnotation/foo:Foo"
class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceNameAnnotation",
chiselTarget = "~TraceNameAnnotation|TraceNameAnnotation>w",
target = "~TraceNameAnnotation|TraceNameAnnotation>w"
]} {
// CHECK: firrtl.extmodule @Foo()
// CHECK-SAME: {chiselTarget = "~TraceNameAnnotation|Foo"
// CHECK-SAME: class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation"}
// CHECK-SAME: {chiselTarget = "~TraceNameAnnotation|TraceNameAnnotation/foo:Foo"
// CHECK-SAME: circt.nonlocal =
// CHECK-SAME: class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation"}
firrtl.extmodule @Foo()
// CHECK: firrtl.module @TraceNameAnnotation()
// CHECK-SAME: {chiselTarget = "~TraceNameAnnotation|TraceNameAnnotation"
// CHECK-SAME: class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation"}
firrtl.module @TraceNameAnnotation() {
firrtl.instance foo @Foo()
// CHECK: %w = firrtl.wire
// CHECK-SAME: {chiselTarget = "~TraceNameAnnotation|TraceNameAnnotation>w"
// CHECK-SAME: class = "chisel3.experimental.Trace$TraceAnnotation"}
// CHECK-SAME: {class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}
%w = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.uint<1>
// -----
// Test that the valid types are connected, when the source has un-inferred width but sink has width.
firrtl.circuit "Top" attributes {rawAnnotations = [{
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapsAnnotation",
keys = [{
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.ReferenceDataTapKey",
sink = "~Top|Top>tap", source = "~Top|Foo>sum"
}]}]} {
firrtl.module private @Foo() {
%sum = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.uint
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module @Top
firrtl.module @Top() {
firrtl.instance foo interesting_name @Foo()
%tap = firrtl.wire interesting_name : !firrtl.uint<8>
// CHECK: %[[v0:.+]] = firrtl.ref.resolve %foo_sum__bore : !firrtl.probe<uint>
// CHECK: %tap = firrtl.node %[[v0]] : !firrtl.uint
// -----
// Test that sub-field of a DataTap sink with internal path is handled correctly.
firrtl.circuit "Top" attributes {rawAnnotations = [{
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapsAnnotation",
keys = [{
class = "sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.DataTapModuleSignalKey",
internalPath = "random.something",
module = "~Top|BlackBox",
sink = "~Top|Top>tap2.wid"
}]}]} {
firrtl.extmodule private @BlackBox() attributes {defname = "BlackBox"}
// CHECK: firrtl.extmodule private @BlackBox
// CHECK-SAME: out [[gen_ref:.+]]: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>)
// CHECK-SAME: attributes {defname = "BlackBox", internalPaths = [#firrtl.internalpath<"random.something">]}
firrtl.module @Top(in %in: !firrtl.uint<1>) {
%tap2 = firrtl.wire : !firrtl.bundle<wid: uint<1>>
firrtl.instance localparam @BlackBox()
// CHECK: %[[localparam__gen_ref:.+]] = firrtl.instance localparam @BlackBox(out [[gen_ref]]: !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>)
// CHECK: firrtl.ref.resolve %[[localparam__gen_ref]] : !firrtl.probe<uint<1>>
// -----
// Test memory initialization setting.
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "MemoryInitializationAnnotations"
firrtl.circuit "MemoryInitializationAnnotations" attributes {
rawAnnotations = [
class = "firrtl.annotations.LoadMemoryAnnotation",
fileName = "mem1.txt",
hexOrBinary = "b",
originalMemoryNameOpt = "m",
target = "~MemoryInitializationAnnotations|MemoryInitializationAnnotations>m1"
class = "firrtl.annotations.MemoryFileInlineAnnotation",
filename = "mem2.txt",
hexOrBinary = "h",
target = "~MemoryInitializationAnnotations|MemoryInitializationAnnotations>m2"
class = "firrtl.annotations.LoadMemoryAnnotation",
fileName = "mem3.txt",
hexOrBinary = "b",
originalMemoryNameOpt = "m",
target = "~MemoryInitializationAnnotations|MemoryInitializationAnnotations>m3"
class = "firrtl.annotations.MemoryFileInlineAnnotation",
filename = "mem4.txt",
hexOrBinary = "h",
target = "~MemoryInitializationAnnotations|MemoryInitializationAnnotations>m4"
class = "firrtl.annotations.LoadMemoryAnnotation",
fileName = "mem5.txt",
hexOrBinary = "b",
originalMemoryNameOpt = "m",
target = "~MemoryInitializationAnnotations|MemoryInitializationAnnotations>m5"
class = "firrtl.annotations.MemoryFileInlineAnnotation",
filename = "mem6.txt",
hexOrBinary = "h",
target = "~MemoryInitializationAnnotations|MemoryInitializationAnnotations>m6"
} {
firrtl.module @MemoryInitializationAnnotations() {
// CHECK: %m1_r = firrtl.mem
// CHECK-SAME: #firrtl.meminit<"mem1.txt", true, false>
%m1_r = firrtl.mem Undefined {
depth = 2 : i64,
name = "m1",
portNames = ["r"],
readLatency = 1 : i32,
writeLatency = 1 : i32
} : !firrtl.bundle<addr: uint<1>, en: uint<1>, clk: clock, data flip: uint<8>>
// CHECK-NEXT: %m2_r = firrtl.mem
// CHECK-SAME: #firrtl.meminit<"mem2.txt", false, true>
%m2_r = firrtl.mem Undefined {
depth = 2 : i64,
name = "m2",
portNames = ["r"],
readLatency = 1 : i32,
writeLatency = 1 : i32
} : !firrtl.bundle<addr: uint<1>, en: uint<1>, clk: clock, data flip: uint<8>>
// CHECK-NEXT: %m3 = chirrtl.seqmem Undefined {init = #firrtl.meminit<"mem3.txt", true, false>}
%m3 = chirrtl.seqmem Undefined : !chirrtl.cmemory<uint<8>, 32>
// CHECK-NEXT: %m4 = chirrtl.seqmem Undefined {init = #firrtl.meminit<"mem4.txt", false, true>}
%m4 = chirrtl.seqmem Undefined : !chirrtl.cmemory<uint<8>, 32>
// CHECK-NEXT: %m5 = chirrtl.combmem {init = #firrtl.meminit<"mem5.txt", true, false>}
%m5 = chirrtl.combmem : !chirrtl.cmemory<uint<8>, 32>
// CHECK-NEXT: %m6 = chirrtl.combmem {init = #firrtl.meminit<"mem6.txt", false, true>}
%m6 = chirrtl.combmem : !chirrtl.cmemory<uint<8>, 32>
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top"
firrtl.circuit "Top" attributes {
rawAnnotations = [
class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.MarkDUTAnnotation",
target = "~Top|DUT"
} {
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module
// CHECK-NOT: private
// CHECK-SAME: class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.MarkDUTAnnotation"
firrtl.module private @DUT() {}
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module @Top
// CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance dut @DUT
firrtl.module @Top() {
firrtl.instance dut @DUT()
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top"
firrtl.circuit "Top" attributes {
rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.OutputDirAnnotation",
dirname = "foobarbaz",
target = "~Top|Top"
} {
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module @Top
// CHECK-SAME: attributes {output_file = #hw.output_file<"foobarbaz{{/|\\\\}}">}
firrtl.module @Top() {}
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top"
firrtl.circuit "Top" attributes {
rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.OutputDirAnnotation",
dirname = "foobarbaz/",
target = "~Top|Top"
} {
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module @Top
// CHECK-SAME: attributes {output_file = #hw.output_file<"foobarbaz{{/|\\\\}}">}
firrtl.module @Top() {}
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top"
firrtl.circuit "Top" attributes {
rawAnnotations = [
class = "circt.OutputDirAnnotation",
dirname = "foobarbaz/qux",
target = "~Top|Top"
} {
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module @Top
// CHECK-SAME: attributes {output_file = #hw.output_file<"foobarbaz{{/|\\\\}}qux{{/|\\\\}}">}
firrtl.module @Top() {}
// -----
// Check that FullAsyncResetAnnotation is lowered to FullResetAnnotation (and prints a warning)
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top"
firrtl.circuit "Top" attributes {
rawAnnotations = [
class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.FullAsyncResetAnnotation",
target = "~Top|Top>reset"
} {
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module @Top
// CHECK-SAME: (in %reset: !firrtl.asyncreset [{class = "circt.FullResetAnnotation", resetType = "async"}])
// expected-warning @+1 {{'sifive.enterprise.firrtl.FullAsyncResetAnnotation' is deprecated, use 'circt.FullResetAnnotation' instead}}
firrtl.module @Top(in %reset: !firrtl.asyncreset) {}
// -----
// Check that IgnoreFullAsyncResetAnnotation is lowered to ExcludeFromFullResetAnnotation (and prints a warning)
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top"
firrtl.circuit "Top" attributes {
rawAnnotations = [
class = "sifive.enterprise.firrtl.IgnoreFullAsyncResetAnnotation",
target = "~Top|Top"
} {
// CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.module @Top
// CHECK-SAME: (in %reset: !firrtl.asyncreset) attributes {annotations = [{class = "circt.ExcludeFromFullResetAnnotation"}]}
// expected-warning @+1 {{'sifive.enterprise.firrtl.IgnoreFullAsyncResetAnnotation' is deprecated, use 'circt.ExcludeFromFullResetAnnotation' instead}}
firrtl.module @Top(in %reset: !firrtl.asyncreset) {}