
942 lines
27 KiB

; RUN: firtool -split-input-file -ir-fir --preserve-aggregate=all -disable-opt %s | FileCheck %s
; Tests extracted from:
; - test/scala/firrtlTests/transforms/DedupTests.scala
; The following tests are not included:
; - "The module A and A_ should be deduped with the same annotation targets
; when there are a lot" because this is checking an internal bug in SFC.
; - "The module A and A_ should be dedup with same annotations with same
; multi-targets" because multi-target annotations are not used in CIRCT.
; Instead multiple annotations are scattered into the circuit. An
; approximation of multi-target annotations (which uses multiple annotations
; with the same payload) is tested in a later test.
; - "The module A and A_ should be deduped with same annotations with same
; multi-targets, that share roots" for the same reason as above.
; "The module A should be deduped"
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top0"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top0 :
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top0
public module Top0 :
; CHECK-COUNT-2: firrtl.instance {{a(1|2)}} @A(
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
module A :
output x: UInt<1>
connect x, UInt(1)
module A_ :
output x: UInt<1>
connect x, UInt(1)
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
; // -----
; "The module A and B should be deduped"
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top1"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top1 :
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top1
public module Top1 :
; CHECK-COUNT-2: firrtl.instance {{a(1|2)}} @A(
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @A
module A :
output x: UInt<1>
; CHECK: firrtl.instance b @B(
inst b of B
connect x, b.x
module A_ :
output x: UInt<1>
inst b of B_
connect x, b.x
module B :
output x: UInt<1>
connect x, UInt(1)
module B_ :
output x: UInt<1>
connect x, UInt(1)
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @B_
; // -----
; "The module A and B with comments should be deduped"
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top2"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top2 :
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top2
public module Top2 :
; CHECK: firrtl.instance a1 @A(
; CHECK: firrtl.instance a2 @A(
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
module A : @[yy 2:2]
output x: UInt<1> @[yy 2:2]
inst b of B @[yy 2:2]
connect x, b.x @[yy 2:2]
module A_ : @[xx 1:1]
output x: UInt<1> @[xx 1:1]
inst b of B_ @[xx 1:1]
connect x, b.x @[xx 1:1]
module B :
output x: UInt<1>
connect x, UInt(1)
module B_ :
output x: UInt<1>
connect x, UInt(1)
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @B_
; // -----
; "A_ but not A should be deduped if not annotated"
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top3"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top3 :
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top3
public module Top3 :
; CHECK-COUNT-2: firrtl.instance {{a(1|2)}} @A(
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
module A : @[yy 2:2]
output x: UInt<1> @[yy 2:2]
connect x, UInt(1)
module A_ : @[xx 1:1]
output x: UInt<1> @[xx 1:1]
connect x, UInt(1)
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
; // -----
; "Extmodules with the same defname and parameters should dedup"
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top4"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top4 :
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top4
public module Top4 :
output out: UInt<1>
; CHECK-COUNT-2: firrtl.instance {{a(1|2)}} @A(
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
connect out, and(a1.x, a2.y)
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @A
module A : @[yy 2:2]
output x: UInt<1> @[yy 2:2]
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance b @B(
inst b of B
connect x, b.u
module A_ : @[xx 1:1]
output y: UInt<1> @[xx 1:1]
inst c of C
connect y, c.u
extmodule B : @[aa 3:3]
output u : UInt<1> @[aa 4:4]
defname = BB
parameter N = 0
extmodule C : @[bb 5:5]
output u : UInt<1> @[bb 6:6]
defname = BB
parameter N = 0
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.extmodule private @C
; // -----
; "Extmodules with different defname should NOT dedup"
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top5"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top5 :
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top5
public module Top5 :
output out: UInt<1>
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a1 @A(
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a2 @A_(
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
connect out, and(a1.x, a2.y)
module A : @[yy 2:2]
output x: UInt<1> @[yy 2:2]
inst b of B
connect x, b.u
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @A_
module A_ : @[xx 1:1]
output y: UInt<1> @[xx 1:1]
inst c of C
connect y, c.u
; CHECK: firrtl.extmodule private @B
extmodule B : @[aa 3:3]
output u : UInt<1> @[aa 4:4]
defname = BB
parameter N = 0
; CHECK: firrtl.extmodule private @C
extmodule C : @[bb 5:5]
output u : UInt<1> @[bb 6:6]
defname = CD
parameter N = 0
; // -----
; "Extmodules with different parameters should NOT dedup"
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top6"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top6 :
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top6
public module Top6 :
output out: UInt<1>
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a1 @A(
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a2 @A_(
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
connect out, and(a1.x, a2.y)
module A : @[yy 2:2]
output x: UInt<1> @[yy 2:2]
inst b of B
connect x, b.u
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @A_
module A_ : @[xx 1:1]
output y: UInt<1> @[xx 1:1]
inst c of C
connect y, c.u
; CHECK: firrtl.extmodule private @B
extmodule B : @[aa 3:3]
output u : UInt<1> @[aa 4:4]
defname = BB
parameter N = 0
; CHECK: firrtl.extmodule private @C
extmodule C : @[bb 5:5]
output u : UInt<1> @[bb 6:6]
defname = BB
parameter N = 1
; // -----
; "Modules with aggregate ports that are connected should NOT dedup if their
; port names differ".
; Since the MFC support expanding connects and partial connects when the port
; names differ, this now testing that the modules succesfully dedup.
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "FooAndBarModule0"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit FooAndBarModule0 :
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @FooModule
module FooModule :
output io : {flip foo : UInt<1>, fuzz : UInt<1>}
connect io.fuzz,
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @BarModule
module BarModule :
output io : {flip bar : UInt<1>, buzz : UInt<1>}
; CHECK: firrtl.module @FooAndBarModule0
public module FooAndBarModule0 :
output io : {foo : {flip foo : UInt<1>, fuzz : UInt<1>}, bar : {flip bar : UInt<1>, buzz : UInt<1>}}
; CHECK: firrtl.instance foo @FooModule
; CHECK: firrtl.instance bar @FooModule
inst foo of FooModule
inst bar of BarModule
; // -----
; "Modules with aggregate ports that are connected should dedup if their port
; names are the same".
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "FooAndBarModule1"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit FooAndBarModule1 :
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @FooModule
module FooModule :
output io : {flip foo : UInt<1>, fuzz : UInt<1>}
connect io.fuzz,
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @BarModule
module BarModule :
output io : {flip foo : UInt<1>, fuzz : UInt<1>}
connect io.fuzz,
; CHECK: firrtl.module @FooAndBarModule1
public module FooAndBarModule1 :
output io : {foo : {flip foo : UInt<1>, fuzz : UInt<1>}, bar : {flip foo : UInt<1>, fuzz : UInt<1>}}
; CHECK-COUNT-2: firrtl.instance {{(foo|bar)}} @FooModule
inst foo of FooModule
inst bar of BarModule
; // -----
; "The module A and B should be deduped with the first module in order".
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top7"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top7 :
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top7
public module Top7 :
; CHECK-COUNT-2: firrtl.instance {{a(1|2)}} @A(
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
module A :
output x: UInt<1>
inst b of B
connect x, b.x
module A_ :
output x: UInt<1>
inst b of B_
connect x, b.x
module B :
output x: UInt<1>
connect x, UInt(1)
module B_ :
output x: UInt<1>
connect x, UInt(1)
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @B_
; // -----
; "The module A and A_ should be deduped with fields that sort of match".
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top8"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top8 :
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top8
public module Top8 :
; CHECK-COUNT-2: firrtl.instance {{a(1|2)}} @A(
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
module A :
output x: UInt<1>
wire b: {c: UInt<1>}
invalidate b
connect x, b.c
module A_ :
output x: UInt<1>
wire b: {b: UInt<1>}
invalidate b
connect x, b.b
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
; // -----
; "The module A and A_ should dedup with different annotation targets".
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top9"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top9 : %[[
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nlaSym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]] [@Top9::@[[a1Sym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]], @A]
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top9
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a1 sym @[[a1Sym]] @A(
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a2 @A(
public module Top9 :
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
; CHECK: module private @A(
module A :
output x: UInt<1>
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.wire {annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @[[nlaSym]], class = "circt.test"}]}
wire b: UInt<1>
invalidate b
connect x, b
module A_ :
output x: UInt<1>
wire b: UInt<1>
invalidate b
connect x, b
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
; // -----
; "The module A and A_ should dedup with the same annotation targets".
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top10"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top10 : %[[
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nlaSym2:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]] [@Top10::@[[a2Sym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]], @A]
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nlaSym1:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]] [@Top10::@[[a1Sym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]], @A]
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top10
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a1 sym @[[a1Sym]] @A(
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a2 sym @[[a2Sym]] @A(
public module Top10 :
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
; CHECK: module private @A(
module A :
output x: UInt<1>
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.wire {annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @[[nlaSym1]], class = "circt.test", data = "hello"}, {circt.nonlocal = @[[nlaSym2]], class = "circt.test", data = "world"}]}
wire b: UInt<1>
invalidate b
connect x, b
module A_ :
output x: UInt<1>
wire b: UInt<1>
invalidate b
connect x, b
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
; // -----
; "The deduping module A and A_ should rename internal signals that have
; different names".
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top11"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top11 : %[[
; CHECK-NOT: hw.hierpath
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nlaSym2:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]] [@Top11::@[[a1sym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]], @A]
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nlaSym1:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]] [@Top11::@[[a1Sym]], @A]
public module Top11 :
inst a1 of A
invalidate a1.x
inst a2 of A_
invalidate a2.x
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @A(
module A :
input x: UInt<1>
output y: UInt<1>
; CHECK: firrtl.node {{.+}} {annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @[[nlaSym1]], class = "circt.test", data = "hello"}, {circt.nonlocal = @[[nlaSym2]], class = "circt.test", data = "hello"}]}
node a = add(x, UInt(1))
connect y, add(a, a)
module A_ :
input x: UInt<1>
output y: UInt<1>
node b = add(x, UInt(1))
connect y, add(b, b)
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_(
; // -----
; "main should not be deduped even if it's the last module"
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "main"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit main:
module dupe:
input in: UInt<8>
output out: UInt<8>
connect out, in
; CHECK: firrtl.module @main
public module main:
input in: UInt<8>
output out: UInt<8>
connect out, in
; // -----
; "The deduping module A and A_ should rename instances and signals that have different names"
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top12"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top12 : %[[
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_a:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]] [@Top12::@[[aSym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]], @A::@[[bSym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]], @B]
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_a_:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]] [@Top12::@[[a_Sym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]], @A::@[[bSym]], @B]
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top12
public module Top12 :
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a sym @[[aSym]] @A()
inst a of A
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a_ sym @[[a_Sym]] @A()
inst a_ of A_
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @A
module A :
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance b sym @[[bSym]]
inst b of B
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
module A_ :
inst b_ of B_
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @B
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_a]], class = "circt.test", data = "B"}
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_a_]], class = "circt.test", data = "B_"}
module B :
; CHECK: firrtl.node
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_a]], class = "circt.test", data = ""}
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_a_]], class = "circt.test", data = ""}
node foo = UInt<1>(0)
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @B_
module B_ :
node bar = UInt<1>(0)
; // -----
; "The deduping module A and A_ should rename nested instances that have
; different names". The original test used two multi-target annotations where
; each annotation targets both a module and a reference in the module. This
; tests approximates this with two annotations with the same class that mimics
; how a multi-target annotation would be scattered.
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top13"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top13 : %[[
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_a:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top13::@[[aSym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]],
; CHECK-SAME: @A::@[[bSym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]],
; CHECK-SAME: @B::@[[cSym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]],
; CHECK-SAME: @C::@[[dSym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]],
; CHECK-NEXT: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_a_:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top13::@[[a_Sym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]],
; CHECK-SAME: @A::@[[bSym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @B::@[[cSym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @C::@[[dSym]],
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.module @Top13
public module Top13 :
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a sym @[[aSym]]
inst a of A
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a_ sym @[[a_Sym]]
inst a_ of A_
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @A
module A :
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance b sym @[[bSym]]
inst b of B
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @B
module B :
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance c sym @[[cSym]]
inst c of C
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @C
module C :
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance d sym @[[dSym]]
inst d of D
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @D
module D :
; CHECK: firrtl.node
node foo = UInt<1>(0)
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @B_
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @C_
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @D_
module A_ :
inst b_ of B_
module B_ :
inst c_ of C_
module C_ :
inst d_ of D_
module D_ :
node bar = UInt<1>(0)
; // -----
; "Deduping modules with multiple instances should correctly rename
; instances".
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top14"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top14 : %[[
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_1:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top14::@[[TopbSym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]],
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_2:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top14::@[[Topb_Sym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]],
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_3:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top14::@[[Topa1Sym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]],
; CHECK-SAME: @A::@[[Ab_Sym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]],
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_4:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top14::@[[Topa2Sym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]],
; CHECK-SAME: @A::@[[Ab_Sym]],
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_5:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top14::@[[Topa1Sym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @A::@[[AbSym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]],
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_6:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top14::@[[Topa2Sym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @A::@[[AbSym]],
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_7:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top14::@[[TopbSym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @B::@[[BcSym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]],
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_8:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top14::@[[Topb_Sym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @B::@[[BcSym]],
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_9:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top14::@[[Topa1Sym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @A::@[[Ab_Sym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @B::@[[BcSym]],
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_10:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top14::@[[Topa2Sym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @A::@[[Ab_Sym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @B::@[[BcSym]],
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_11:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top14::@[[Topa1Sym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @A::@[[AbSym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @B::@[[BcSym]],
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_12:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top14::@[[Topa2Sym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @A::@[[AbSym]],
; CHECK-SAME: @B::@[[BcSym]],
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.module @Top14
public module Top14 :
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance b sym @[[TopbSym]]
inst b of B
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance b_ sym @[[TopbSym]]
inst b_ of B_
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a1 sym @[[Topa1Sym]]
inst a1 of A
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a2 sym @[[Topa2Sym]]
inst a2 of A
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @A()
module A :
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance b sym @[[AbSym]]
inst b of B
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance b_ sym @[[Ab_Sym]]
inst b_ of B_
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @B()
; CHECK-SAME: [{circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_1]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla1"},
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_5]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla5"},
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_6]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla6"},
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_2]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla2"},
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_3]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla3"},
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_4]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla4"}]
module B :
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance c sym @[[BcSym]]
inst c of C
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @C()
; CHECK-SAME: [{circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_7]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla7"},
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_8]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla8"},
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_9]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla9"},
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_10]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla10"},
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_11]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla11"},
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_12]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla12"}]
module C :
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @B_()
module B_ :
inst c of C
; // -----
; "dedup should properly rename target components after retyping". This test is
; checking for a possible deduplication bug where there is a string name
; collision of the field of a merged aggregate. This test is very specific to
; the implementation of the Scala FIRRTL Compiler's rename map (which relies on
; strings) and is unlikely to occur in CIRCT due to the use of field IDs.
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top15"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top15 : %[[
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_2:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top15::@[[topbSym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]], @a]
; CHECK: hw.hierpath private @[[nla_1:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]]
; CHECK-SAME: [@Top15::@[[topaSym:[_a-zA-Z0-9]+]], @a]
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top15
public module Top15:
input ia: {z: {y: {x: UInt<1>}}, a: UInt<1>, un: UInt<2>}
input ib: {a: {b: {c: UInt<1>}}, z: UInt<1>, un: UInt<2>}
output oa: {z: {y: {x: UInt<1>}}, a: UInt<1>, un: UInt<2>}
output ob: {a: {b: {c: UInt<1>}}, z: UInt<1>, un: UInt<2>}
; CHECK: firrtl.instance a sym @[[topaSym]]
inst a of a
connect a.i.z.y.x, ia.z.y.x
connect a.i.a, ia.a
connect a.i.un, ia.un
connect oa.z.y.x, a.o.z.y.x
connect oa.a, a.o.a
connect oa.un, a.o.un
; CHECK: firrtl.instance b sym @[[topbSym]]
inst b of b
connect b.q.un.b.c, ib.a.b.c
connect b.q.z, ib.z
connect b.q.a, ib.un
connect ob.a.b.c, b.r.un.b.c
connect ob.z, b.r.z
connect ob.un, b.r.a
; CHECK: firrtl.module private @a(
; CHECK-SAME: in %i:
; CHECK-NOT: out
; CHECK-SAME: [{circt.fieldID = 4 : i32, circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_1]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla1"},
; CHECK-SAME: {circt.fieldID = 5 : i32, circt.nonlocal = @[[nla_2]], class = "circt.test", data = "nla2"}]
module a:
input i: {z: {y: {x: UInt<1>}}, a: UInt<1>, un: UInt<2>}
output o: {z: {y: {x: UInt<1>}}, a: UInt<1>, un: UInt<2>}
connect o, i
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @b(
module b:
input q: {un: {b: {c: UInt<1>}}, z: UInt<1>, a: UInt<2>}
output r: {un: {b: {c: UInt<1>}}, z: UInt<1>, a: UInt<2>}
connect r, q
; // -----
; "The module A and A_ should be deduped even with different port names and info,
; and annotations should be remapped".
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top16"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top16 : %[[
"class": "circt.test",
"target": "Top16.Top16.a2.y",
"pin": "pin"
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top16
public module Top16 :
output out: UInt<1>
; CHECK: instance a1 @A(
; CHECK-NOT: SourceAnnotation
; CHECK: instance a2 {{.+}} @A(
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
connect out, and(a1.x, a2.y)
; CHECK: module private @A
; CHECK-SAME: [{circt.nonlocal = {{[^,]+}}, class = "circt.test", pin = "pin"}]
module A : @[yy 2:2]
output x: UInt<1> @[yy 2:2]
connect x, UInt(1)
module A_ : @[xx 1:1]
output y: UInt<1> @[xx 1:1]
connect y, UInt(1)
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
; // -----
; "The module A and A_ should dedup with different annotation targets."
; This test is checking that a "DontTouchAnnotation" has the same behavior as
; any other annotation due to deduplication.
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top17"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top17 : %[[
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top17
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a1 @A(
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a2 @A(
public module Top17 :
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
; CHECK: module private @A(
module A :
output x: UInt<1>
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.wire {annotations = [{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}]}
wire b: UInt<1>
invalidate b
connect x, b
module A_ :
output x: UInt<1>
wire b: UInt<1>
invalidate b
connect x, b
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_
; // -----
; "The module A and A_ should dedup with the same annotation targets."
; This is the same situation as the previous test, except that two
; "DontTouchAnnotation"s apply to the same deduplicated wire. It is arguable
; that generating a symbol here is fine. However, this is different from the
; Scala FIRRTL Compiler and we should make a decision on what to do with this.
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top18"
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
circuit Top18 : %[[
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top18
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a1 @A(
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a2 @A(
public module Top18 :
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
; CHECK: module private @A(
module A :
output x: UInt<1>
; CHECK: firrtl.wire
; CHECK-SAME: [{class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation"}]
wire b: UInt<1>
invalidate b
connect x, b
module A_ :
output x: UInt<1>
wire b: UInt<1>
invalidate b
connect x, b
; CHECK-NOT: firrtl.module private @A_