
37 lines
962 B

; RUN: firtool -split-input-file -ir-fir %s -verify-diagnostics
; Tests extracted from:
; - test/scala/firrtlTests/transforms/DedupTests.scala
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
; "modules should not be deduped if the NoCircuitDedupAnnotation is supplied"
; CHECK-LABEL: firrtl.circuit "Top"
; expected-error @below {{Unhandled annotation: {class = "firrtl.transforms.NoCircuitDedupAnnotation"}}}
circuit Top: %[[
; CHECK: firrtl.module @A(
module A:
input a: UInt<1>
output b: UInt<1>
connect b, a
; CHECK: firrtl.module @A_(
module A_:
input a: UInt<1>
output b: UInt<1>
connect b, a
; CHECK: firrtl.module @Top(
public module Top:
input a: UInt<1>
output b: UInt<1>
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a1 @A(
; CHECK-NEXT: firrtl.instance a2 @A_(
inst a1 of A
inst a2 of A_
connect a1.a, a
connect a2.a, a
connect b, xor(a1.b, a2.b)