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![]() treated in a separate example and those in example05 were not adding anything |
.. | ||
ACF_example | ||
BGW_example | ||
CLS_FS_example | ||
CLS_IS_example | ||
ForceTheorem_example | ||
MolDos_example | ||
W90_open_grid_example | ||
WAN90_example | ||
WannierHam_example | ||
WorkFct_example | ||
dipole_example | ||
example01 | ||
example02 | ||
example03 | ||
example04 | ||
example05 | ||
example06 | ||
fermisurf_example | ||
projected_bands_example | ||
pw2gw_example | ||
clean_all | ||
run_all_examples |
These are instructions on how to run the examples for some PostProc programs included in the Quantum ESPRESSO distribution. These examples try to exercise all the programs and features of the PP package. If you find that any relevant feature isn't being tested, please contact us (or even better, write and send us a new example). To run the examples, you should follow this procedure: 1) Edit the "environment_variables" file from the main ESPRESSO directory, setting the following variables as needed: BIN_DIR = directory where ESPRESSO executables reside PSEUDO_DIR = directory where pseudopotential files reside TMP_DIR = directory to be used as temporary storage area If you have downloaded the full ESPRESSO distribution, you may set BIN_DIR=$TOPDIR/bin and PSEUDO_DIR=$TOPDIR/pseudo, where $TOPDIR is the root of the ESPRESSO source tree. TMP_DIR must be a directory you have read and write access to, with enough available space to host the temporary files produced by the example runs, and possibly offering high I/O performance (i.e., don't use an NFS-mounted directory). 2) If you want to test the parallel version of ESPRESSO, you will usually have to specify a driver program (such as "poe" or "mpirun") and the number of processors. This can be done by editing PARA_PREFIX and PARA_POSTFIX variables (in the "environment_variables" file). Parallel executables will be run by a command like this: $PARA_PREFIX pp.x $PARA_POSTFIX < file.in > file.out For example, if the command line is like this (as for an IBM SP): poe pp.x -procs 4 < file.in > file.out you should set PARA_PREFIX="poe", PARA_POSTFIX="-procs 4". See section "Running on parallel machines" of the user guide for details. Furthermore, if your machine does not support interactive use, you must run the commands specified below through the batch queueing system installed on that machine. Ask your system administrator for instructions. 3) To run a single example, go to the corresponding directory (for instance, "example/example01") and execute: ./run_example This will create a subdirectory "results", containing the input and output files generated by the calculation. Some examples take only a few seconds to run, while others may require several minutes depending on your system. 4) In each example's directory, the "reference" subdirectory contains verified output files, that you can check your results against. The reference results were generated on a Linux PC with Intel compiler. On different architectures the precise numbers could be slightly different, in particular if different FFT dimensions are automatically selected. For this reason, a plain "diff" of your results against the reference data doesn't work, or at least, it requires human inspection of the results. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LIST AND CONTENT OF THE EXAMPLES example01: This example shows how to use pw.x and postprocessing codes to make a contour plot in the [110] plane of the charge density for Si, and to plot the band structure of Si. example02: This example shows how to use pw.x to calculate the DOS of Ni and how to plot the Fermi Surface using XCrysDen example03: This example shows a calculation of STM maps. example04: This example shows how to use bands.x to check the band symmetry of fcc-Pt with a fully relativistic pseudo-potential including spin-orbit coupling, and to compute the projected DOS. example05: This example shows how to use pmw.x to generate better projectors for LDA+U calculation on FeO. Read file README for more details example06: This example calculates the band structure of ferromagnetic bcc-Fe in the noncollinear spin-orbit case. projected_bands_example: This example shows how to produce projected ("fat") band plots dipole_example: This example will calculate the water dipole and calculate the work function on a Ni slab with a CO molecule adsorbed using the dipole correction. CLS_IS_example, CLS_FS_example These examples show how to calculate initial-state (IS) and final-state (FS) core-level-shift (CLS) using the core-excited pseudo-potential technique. WorkFct_example: This example shows how to use pw.x, pp.x, and average.x to compute the work function of a metal using the slab-supercell approximation. This example is of a 4 layer unrelaxed Al(100) slab with 5 equivalent layers of vacuum between the surfaces. WAN90_example: This example shows how to use pw2wannier90.x in conjunction with Wannier90 (http://www.wannier.org) to obtain maximally-localised Wannier functions (MLWFs) for the valence bands of diamond. WannierHam_example: This example shows how to generate a model Hamiltonian in a Wannier functions basis, using pw.x and wannier_ham.x. MolDos_example: This example calculates the projection of the density of states of a system, containing a molecule, on the molecular orbitals of the molecule (separately computed). ForceTheorem_example: This example shows how to compute the magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) with the "Force Theorem" method (Phys. Rev. B 90, 205409 (2014), and to get its local decomposition over atomic orbitals using projwfc.x. fermisurf_example: This example generate input files for FermiSurfer (http://osdn.jp/projects/fermisurfer/) to display Fermi surfaces with color plots of the magnitude of the Fermi velocity and orbital characters. BGW_example: This example generates output files for BerkeleyGW using the pw2bgw.x utility ACF_example: This example tests the ppacf.x utility Y. Jiao, E. Schr\"oder, and P. Hyldgaard, Phys. Rev. B 97, 085115 (2018); Y. Jiao, E. Schr\"oder, P. Hyldgaard, J. Chem. Phys. 148, 194115 (2018).