More documentation on PP generation

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giannozz 2010-07-01 10:22:19 +00:00
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@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ Universit\`a di Udine and IOM-Democritos, Trieste\\
URL: {\tt$\thicksim$giannozz}}
When I started to do my first first-principle calculation
@ -662,7 +664,8 @@ from the origin, in the energy range \texttt{eminld=-2.0} Ry to
In the \texttt{\&inputp} namelist, we specify the we want a single-projector,
NC-PP (\texttt{pseudotype=1}), with nonlinear core correction
(\texttt{nlcc=.true.}), using the $l=1$ channel as local (\texttt{lloc=1}).
The output PP wil be written in UPF format to file \texttt{Ti.pbe-rrkj.UPF}.
The output PP wil be written in UPF format to file \texttt{Ti.pbe-n-rrkj.UPF}
(following the {\sc quantum ESPRESSO} convention for PP names).
Following the two namelists, there is a list of states used for pseudization:
the 4S state, with pseudization radius $r_c=2.9$ a.u.; the 3D state,
$r_c=1.3$ a.u.; the 4P, $r_c=2.9$ a.u., listed as last because it is
@ -675,7 +678,7 @@ the channel to be chosen as local potential.
pseudotype=1, nlcc=.true., lloc=1,
4S 1 0 2.00 0.00 2.9 2.9
@ -783,7 +786,7 @@ namelist):
nconf=1, configts(1)='3d2 4s2 4p0',
ecutmin=50, ecutmax=200, decut=50
@ -823,7 +826,7 @@ So our data for PP generation are as follows:
pseudotype=1, nlcc=.true., lloc=0,
4P 2 1 0.00 0.00 2.9 2.9
@ -877,7 +880,7 @@ allows to test several configurations in the following way:
configts(1)='3d2 4s2 4p0'
configts(2)='3d2 4s1 4p1'
@ -985,8 +988,108 @@ on eigenvalues$<5$ mRy. Configurations with different $3d$ occupancy,
however, have errors one order of magnitude higher. For the extreme
case of Ti$^{4+}$, the error is $\sim$ 0.1 Ry.
In order to better understand what is going on, let us have a
look at the AE vs PS orbitals and logarithmic derivatives for
configuration 10 (i.e. for the bare PP). Let us add a line
like this:
rlderiv=2.90, eminld=-4.0, emaxld=0.0, deld=0.01, nld=3,
and plot files \texttt{ld10ps.wfc}, \texttt{ld10.dlog},
\texttt{ld10ps.dlog} using \texttt{gnuplot} as above :
Both the orbitals and the logarithmic derivatives (note the
different energy range) start to exhibit some visible
discrepancy now.
One can try to fiddle with all generation parameters,
better if one at the time, to see whether things improve.
Curiously enough, the pseudization radius for the core
correction, which in principle should be as small as
possible, seems to improve things if pushed slightly
outwards (try \texttt{rcore=2.0}). Also surprisingly,
a smaller pseudization radius for the $3d$ state, 0.9
or 1.0 a.u., doesn't bring any visible improvement
to transferability
(but it increases a lot the required cutoff!).
Changing the pseudization radii for $4s$ and $4p$ states
doesn't affect much the results.
A different local potential -- a pseudized version
of the total self-consistent potential -- can be chosen
by setting \texttt{lloc=-1} and setting \texttt{rcloc}
to the desired pseudization radius (a.u.). For small
\texttt{rcloc} ghosts re-appear, but \texttt{rcloc=2.5}
yields slightly better results. Note that the PP so
generated will also have a $s$ projector, while the previous
ones had only $p$ and $d$ projectors.
One could also generate the PP from a different electronic
configuration. Since Ti tends to lose rather than to attract
electrons, it will be more easily found in a ionized state than
in the neutral one. One might for instance use the electronic
configuration of the Bachelet-Hamann-Schl\"uter paper\cite{BHS}:
$3d^2 4s^{0.75} 4p^{0.25}$. This however doesn't seem to improve
much. Finally we end up with these generation data:
atom='Ti', dft='PBE', config='[Ar] 3d2 4s2 4p0',
pseudotype=1, nlcc=.true., rcore=2.0, lloc=-1, rcloc=2.5,
4P 2 1 0.00 0.00 2.9 2.9
3D 3 2 2.00 0.00 1.3 1.3
4S 1 0 2.00 0.00 2.9 2.9
\subsection {Single-projector, norm-conserving, with semicore states}
The results of transferability tests suggest that a Ti PP with only
$3d$, $4s$, $4p$ states have limited transferability to cases with
different $3d$ configurations. In order to improve it, a possible
way is to put semicore $3s$ and $3p$ states in valence. The maximum
for those states (0.87 a.u. and 0.90 a.u. respectively) is in the
same range as for $3d$ (0.98 a.u.). Let us try thus the following:
atom='Ti', dft='PBE', config='[Ar] 3d2 4s2 4p0',
rlderiv=2.90, eminld=-4.0, emaxld=2.0, deld=0.01, nld=3,
pseudotype=1, lloc=-1, rcloc=2.5, rho0=0.001
3S 1 0 2.00 0.00 1.1 1.1
3P 2 1 6.00 0.00 1.2 1.2
3D 3 2 2.00 0.00 1.3 1.3
configts(1)='3s2 3p6 3d2 4s2 4p0',
Note the presence of the \texttt{\&test} namelist: it is used in this
context to supply the electronic valence configuration, to be used
for unscreening. As a first step, we do not include the core correction
\subsection{Testing in molecules and solids}
Even if our PP looks good
(or not too bad) on paper based on the results of atomic calculations,
it is always a good idea to test it in simple molecular or solid-state
systems, for which all-electron data (i.e. calculations performed with
the same XC functional but without PP's, such as e.g. FLAPW, LMTO,
Quantum Chemstry calculations) is available. The comparison with
experiments is of course interesting, but the goal of PP's is to
reproduce AE data, not to improve DFT.