Some more stuff about pseudopotential generation

git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0
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giannozz 2010-06-30 12:30:43 +00:00
parent 74cc7fbaaf
commit 8526e302e1
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@ -742,9 +742,9 @@ calculations respectively (file names can be changed using variable
\texttt{prefix}). They can be plotted using for instance
\texttt{gnuplot} and the following commands:
plot [-2:2][-20:20] 'ld1.dlog' u 1:2 w l lt 1, 'ld1.dlog' u 1:3 w l lt 2, \
'ld1.dlog' u 1:4 w l lt 3, 'ld1ps.dlog' u 1:2 lt 1, \
'ld1ps.dlog' u 1:3 lt 2, 'ld1ps.dlog' u 1:4 lt 3
plot [-2:2][-20:20] 'ld1.dlog' u 1:2 w l lt 1, 'ld1.dlog' u 1:3 w l lt 2,\
'ld1.dlog' u 1:4 w l lt 3, 'ld1ps.dlog' u 1:2 lt 1, \
'ld1ps.dlog' u 1:3 lt 2, 'ld1ps.dlog' u 1:4 lt 3
PS orbitals and the corresponding AE ones are written to file
\texttt{ld1ps.wfc} (PS on the left, AE on the right). They can be
@ -762,20 +762,229 @@ logarithmic derivatives as $s$, $p$, $d$).
We observe that our first PP seems to reproduced fairly well
We observe that our PP seems to reproduce fairly well
the logarithmic derivatives, with deviations appearing only at
relatively high ($> 1$ Ry) energies. AE and PS orbitals match
very well beyond the pseudization radii; the $3d$ orbital is
slightly deformed, because we have chosen a relatively large
$r_c^{(l=2)}=1.3$ a.u.. It is easy to verify that a smaller
$r_c^{(l=2)}$ yields a better $3d$ PS orbital, but also a harder
$d$ potential: e.g., for $r_c^{(l=2)}=1.0$ a.u., you get
Wfc 3D rcut= 1.009 Estimated cut-off energy= 225.64 Ry
Before proceding, it is wise to verify whether our PP has ``ghosts''.
Let us prepare the following input for the testing phase
(note the variable \texttt{iswitch=2} and the \texttt{\&test}
atom='Ti', dft='PBE', config='[Ar] 3d2 4s2 4p0',
nconf=1, configts(1)='3d2 4s2 4p0',
ecutmin=50, ecutmax=200, decut=50
This will solve the Kohn-Sham equation for the PP read from
\texttt{file\_pseudo}, for a single valence configuration
(\texttt{nconf=1}) listed in \texttt{configts(1)} (the ground state
in this case), using a base of spherical waves whose cutoff
(in Ry) ranges from \texttt{ecutmin} to \texttt{ecutmax} in steps of
\texttt{decut}. The initial part of the output looks good, but let us
look at the test with spherical waves, towards the end:
Cutoff (Ry) : 200.0
N = 1 N = 2 N = 3
E(L=0) = -0.7483 Ry -0.3282 Ry -0.0042 Ry
E(L=1) = -0.1077 Ry 0.0192 Ry 0.0630 Ry
E(L=2) = -0.2961 Ry 0.0304 Ry 0.0654 Ry
The lowest levels found in this way should be the same\footnote{actually
there are numerical differences, especially large for localized states
like $3d$, whose origin is under investigation}
as those calculated from radial integration (see above).
This is true for the $4p$ state (-0.1077 Ry),
for the $3d$ state (-0.2961 Ry vs -0.31302 Ry, see footnote),
for the $4s$ state (-0.3282 Ry)....but note the spurious $4s$
level at -0.7483 Ry! Our PP has a ghost and is unusable.
What should be do now? we may try to change the definition of the
local potential. We had chosen $l=1$, let us try $l=2$ and $l=0$.
The former has the same pathology, the latter has no ghosts.
So our data for PP generation are as follows:
atom='Ti', dft='PBE', config='[Ar] 3d2 4s2 4p0',
rlderiv=2.90, eminld=-2.0, emaxld=2.0, deld=0.01, nld=3,
pseudotype=1, nlcc=.true., lloc=0,
4P 2 1 0.00 0.00 2.9 2.9
3D 3 2 2.00 0.00 1.3 1.3
4S 1 0 2.00 0.00 2.9 2.9
(note \texttt{lloc=0} and the $4s$ state at the end of the list).
Let us plot again logarithmic derivatives and orbitals (they look
quite the same as before) and run again the test with spherical
waves. We get (see the last section in the output):
Cutoff (Ry) : 50.0
N = 1 N = 2 N = 3
E(L=0) = -0.3282 Ry -0.0049 Ry 0.0361 Ry
E(L=1) = -0.1077 Ry 0.0192 Ry 0.0630 Ry
E(L=2) = -0.1469 Ry 0.0311 Ry 0.0682 Ry
Cutoff (Ry) : 100.0
N = 1 N = 2 N = 3
E(L=0) = -0.3282 Ry -0.0049 Ry 0.0361 Ry
E(L=1) = -0.1077 Ry 0.0192 Ry 0.0630 Ry
E(L=2) = -0.2959 Ry 0.0303 Ry 0.0652 Ry
Cutoff (Ry) : 150.0
N = 1 N = 2 N = 3
E(L=0) = -0.3282 Ry -0.0049 Ry 0.0361 Ry
E(L=1) = -0.1077 Ry 0.0192 Ry 0.0630 Ry
E(L=2) = -0.2961 Ry 0.0303 Ry 0.0652 Ry
This time the first column yields (with a small discrepancy for $3d$)
the expected levels, and only those levels. It is wise to inspect
the second column as well for absence of suspiciously low levels:
ghosts may appear also as spurious excited states close to occupied
states. Note how bad the energy for the $3d$ level is at 50 Ry.
At 100 Ry however we are close to convergence and at 150 Ry
well converged, in agreement with the estimate given during
the PP generation (138 Ry).
We have now our first candidate (i.e. not surely wrong) PP.
In order to 1) verify if it really does the job, 2) quantify
its transferability, 3) quantify its hardness, and 4) improve
it if possible, we need to perform some testing.
it, if possible, we need to perform some more testing.
As a first idea of how good our PP is, let us verify how it
behaves on differente electronic configuration. The code
allows to test several configurations in the following way:
atom='Ti', dft='PBE', config='[Ar] 3d2 4s2 4p0',
configts(1)='3d2 4s2 4p0'
configts(2)='3d2 4s1 4p1'
configts(3)='3d2 4s1 4p0'
configts(4)='3d2 4s0 4p0'
configts(5)='3d3 4s1 4p0'
configts(6)='3d1 4s2 4p1'
configts(7)='3d1 4s2 4p0'
configts(8)='3d1 4s1 4p0'
configts(9)='3d1 4s0 4p0'
configts(10)='3d0 4s0 4p0'
here we have chosen 10 different valence configurations
(the corresponding AE configurations are obtained by
superimposing \texttt{configts} to core states in \texttt{config}).
Some of them are neutral, some are ionic, the first five leave
the $3d$ states unchanged, the last one is a completely ionized
Ti$^{4+}$. For each configuration, the code writes results
(e.g. orbitals) into files \texttt{ld1}$N.*$ and \texttt{ld1ps}$N.*$,
where $N$ is the index of the configuration. A summary is written to
file \texttt{ld1.test}. For the first configuration, AE and PS
eigenvalues and total energies are written:
3 2 3D 1( 2.00) -0.31302 -0.31302 0.00000
1 0 4S 1( 2.00) -0.32830 -0.32830 0.00000
2 1 4P 1( 0.00) -0.10777 -0.10777 0.00000
Etot = -1707.131006 Ry, -853.565503 Ha, -23226.698556 eV
Etotps = -9.748745 Ry, -4.874372 Ha, -132.638416 eV
(AE and PS eigenvalues are in this case the same, since this is the
reference configuration used to build the PP). For the following
configurations, AE and PS eigenvalues, plus total energy
{\em differences}\footnote{Reminder: absolute PS total energies
depend upon the specific PP! Only energy differences are significant.}
wrt configuration 1 are printed:
3 2 3D 1( 2.00) -0.40319 -0.40457 0.00138
1 0 4S 1( 1.00) -0.38394 -0.38420 0.00026
2 1 4P 1( 1.00) -0.15248 -0.15237 -0.00011
dEtot_ae = 0.226061 Ry
dEtot_ps = 0.226250 Ry, Delta E= -0.000189 Ry
The discrepancy between AE and PS energy differences (in this case,
wrt the ground state) as well as the discrepancies in AE and PS
eigenvalues, are a measure of how transferrable a PP is. In this case,
the AE-PS discrepancy on $\delta E = E(4s^14p^13d^2) - E(4s^24p^03d^2)$
(look at \texttt{Delta E}) is quite small, $<0.2$ mRy, while the
maximum discrepancy of the eigenvalues (rightmost column) $\sim 1$ mRy.
These are very good results.
Unfortunately this is also a configuration that doesn't differ much
from the reference one. Let us see the other cases:
3 2 3D 1( 2.00) -0.83550 -0.83256 -0.00295
1 0 4S 1( 1.00) -0.76075 -0.76163 0.00088
2 1 4P 1( 0.00) -0.48549 -0.48617 0.00068
dEtot_ae = 0.539968 Ry
dEtot_ps = 0.540344 Ry, Delta E= -0.000376 Ry
3 2 3D 1( 2.00) -1.44648 -1.44538 -0.00110
1 0 4S 1( 0.00) -1.24186 -1.24652 0.00465
2 1 4P 1( 0.00) -0.91224 -0.91599 0.00375
dEtot_ae = 1.537516 Ry
dEtot_ps = 1.540285 Ry, Delta E= -0.002769 Ry
3 2 3D 1( 3.00) -0.14077 -0.12814 -0.01263
1 0 4S 1( 1.00) -0.27408 -0.28302 0.00894
2 1 4P 1( 0.00) -0.08212 -0.08867 0.00655
dEtot_ae = 0.081274 Ry
dEtot_ps = 0.095152 Ry, Delta E= -0.013878 Ry
3 2 3D 1( 1.00) -0.68514 -0.74236 0.05722
1 0 4S 1( 2.00) -0.45729 -0.45802 0.00073
2 1 4P 1( 1.00) -0.18855 -0.18471 -0.00383
dEtot_ae = 0.343391 Ry
dEtot_ps = 0.371650 Ry, Delta E= -0.028259 Ry
3 2 3D 1( 1.00) -1.16621 -1.21438 0.04817
1 0 4S 1( 2.00) -0.87720 -0.87620 -0.00100
2 1 4P 1( 0.00) -0.56807 -0.56137 -0.00670
dEtot_ae = 0.716203 Ry
dEtot_ps = 0.739110 Ry, Delta E= -0.022907 Ry
3 2 3D 1( 1.00) -1.82248 -1.87471 0.05223
1 0 4S 1( 1.00) -1.39447 -1.39936 0.00489
2 1 4P 1( 0.00) -1.03942 -1.03465 -0.00476
dEtot_ae = 1.848995 Ry
dEtot_ps = 1.873240 Ry, Delta E= -0.024245 Ry
3 2 3D 1( 1.00) -2.54976 -2.61959 0.06983
1 0 4S 1( 0.00) -1.94361 -1.96745 0.02383
2 1 4P 1( 0.00) -1.53584 -1.54419 0.00835
dEtot_ae = 3.518170 Ry
dEtot_ps = 3.554733 Ry, Delta E= -0.036564 Ry
3 2 3D 1( 0.00) -3.84145 -3.95251 0.11106
1 0 4S 1( 0.00) -2.73793 -2.81405 0.07612
2 1 4P 1( 0.00) -2.25938 -2.28768 0.02831
dEtot_ae = 6.699594 Ry
dEtot_ps = 6.831938 Ry, Delta E= -0.132344 Ry
It is evident that configurations with $3d^2$ occupancy are well
reproduced, with errors on total energy differences $<3$ mRy and
on eigenvalues$<5$ mRy. Configurations with different $3d$ occupancy,
however, have errors one order of magnitude higher. For the extreme
case of Ti$^{4+}$, the error is $\sim$ 0.1 Ry.