
9.8 KiB


the Fold2Bloch utility

This file explains the use and i/o parameters needed for the "fold2Bloch" post-processor of the ABINIT package.

This program generates an unfolded spectrum in a small cell, from a folded spectrum of eigenvalues in a supercell. The new k-wavevectors and the weights for the range of energies (standard postscript file _fold2Bloch.out_ ) are based on the user's input of number and direction of folds as one of the execution arguments (x:y:z). For the calculations program uses coefficients and their vectors, K values, and eigenvalues found in the _WFK file. Fold2Bloch uses wfk_open_read, wfk_read_band_block and hdr_io routines from the ABINIT package to read the _WFK file header and information about the element structure which is used for our calculations.

It will be easier to discover the present file with the help of the tutorial (tutorial:fold2bloch).

1 Compiling instructions

Compiled as part of abinit package. Fold2Bloch does not differentiate between parallel and serial configuration so it always compiles for serial operation.

2 Execution

The program fold2Bloch is executed by invoking the following command from the directory of the case file :

fold2Bloch case_WFK x:y:z


case is the name of the file that comes before _WFK identification
x:y:z are integer values( >0) that represent a multiplicity in the corresponding direction used when constructing the super-cell; separated by a colon (:).


fold2Bloch Ga8As7Bi1_WFK 2:2:2

If cell structure is spin polarized then there are two output files:
fold2Block_up.out and fold2Bloch_down.out

3 Output sample

Output Sample

Below are three randomly selected parts from an output file. The data is presented as follows (from left to right columns):

New K Values (x, y, z) Eigenvalue(Ht) Weight

0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.884864 1.000000

0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 -0.884864 0.000000

0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 -0.884864 0.000000

0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 -0.884864 0.000000

0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 -0.884864 0.000000

0.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 -0.884864 0.000000

0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.432062 0.000000

0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 -0.432062 0.500000

0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 -0.432062 0.500000

0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 -0.432062 0.000000

0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 -0.432062 0.000000

0.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 -0.432062 0.000000

0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.432062 0.000000

0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 -0.432062 0.500000

0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000 -0.432062 0.500000

0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 -0.432062 0.000000

0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 -0.432062 0.000000

0.000000 1.000000 -1.000000 -0.432062 0.000000

-0.333333 0.666667 0.500000 1.574788 0.499999

-0.333333 0.666667 1.500000 1.574788 0.000000

-0.333333 0.666667 -0.500000 1.574788 0.500001

-0.333333 -0.333333 0.500000 1.574788 0.000000

-0.333333 -0.333333 1.500000 1.574788 0.000000

-0.333333 -0.333333 -0.500000 1.574788 0.000000

-0.333333 0.666667 0.500000 1.574788 0.500001

-0.333333 0.666667 1.500000 1.574788 0.000000

-0.333333 0.666667 -0.500000 1.574788 0.499999

-0.333333 -0.333333 0.500000 1.574788 0.000000

-0.333333 -0.333333 1.500000 1.574788 0.000000

-0.333333 -0.333333 -0.500000 1.574788 0.000000

-0.333333 -0.166667 0.000000 -0.403296 1.000000

-0.333333 -0.166667 1.000000 -0.403296 0.000000

-0.333333 -0.166667 -1.000000 -0.403296 0.000000

-0.333333 0.833333 0.000000 0.040617 0.000000

-0.333333 0.833333 1.000000 0.040617 0.000000

-0.333333 0.833333 -1.000000 0.040617 0.000000

-0.333333 -0.166667 0.000000 0.040617 0.000000

-0.333333 -0.166667 1.000000 0.040617 0.500003

-0.333333 -0.166667 -1.000000 0.040617 0.499997

-0.333333 0.833333 0.000000 0.040617 0.000000

-0.333333 0.833333 1.000000 0.040617 0.000000

-0.333333 0.833333 -1.000000 0.040617 0.000000

-0.333333 -0.166667 0.000000 0.040617 0.000000

-0.333333 -0.166667 1.000000 0.040617 0.499997

-0.333333 -0.166667 -1.000000 0.040617 0.500003

4 Subroutines and functions

Subroutines and Functions

Subroutine Getargs (getargs.F90)

This routine read in the arguments from the command line, checks them for correct format, and checks whether the input file exists. All the values are assigned to their appropriate variables and are passed back to fold2Bloch.



folds, fname

folds : empty array(1,3)
fname : empty string


folds, fname

folds : array containing number of folds in x, y, and z directions. from command argument
fname : string containing the name of the input file. from the command arguments


num_args, argcount, ii, ios, args, argfolds, dir

num_args : integer containing the number of command arguments sent
argcount : integer counter used to iterate through all arguments
ii : index used to indicate ':' position in the folds argument
ios : integer used with iostat to check if folds are digits
args : array containing all the arguments
argfolds : temp string containing folds argument
dir : boolean use to check if input file exists

Subroutine Progress (Progress.F90)

Progress compares K point currently being process with the total number of K points and calculates percent complete. It then outputs the results and the current K point that is being processed to the screen for the user to know.



ikpt, nkpt, kpt

ikpt : current K point number
nkpt : total number of K points
kpt : current K point being processed





Subroutine NewK (NewK.F90)

This subroutine finds new K values for the unfolded spectrum. The K values are determined based on how many times and in what direction the function needs to be unfolded, which gives us the shape and size of the unfolded Brillouin zone.




XX : Original K point coordinate in the x-plane
YY : Original K point coordinate in the y-plane
ZZ : Original K point coordinate in the z-plane
FX : Number of folds in the X direction
FY : Number of folds in the Y direction
FZ : Number of folds in the Z direction



NKVal : 2D array containing x-y-z coordinates of new K points.


field_x, field_y, field_z, TX, TY, TZ, loop, ii, jj, kk, size

field_x : size of unfolded Brillouin zone in X direction
field_y : size of unfolded Brillouin zone in Y direction
field_z : size of unfolded Brillouin zone in Z direction
TX : temporary holds the X coordinate of a new K point
TY : temporary holds the Y coordinate of a new K point
TZ : temporary holds the Z coordinate of a new K point
loop : points to a place in NKVal to store a new K point
I, j, k : counters for x, y, and z directions respectively
size : number of new K points, used for NKVal allocation

Subroutine SortC (SortC.F90)

This subroutine sorts energy coefficients into appropriate groups and finds each group's weight on the unfolded spectrum. Number of groups corresponds to the number of new K points found in NewK. The coefficients are sorted based on their relative position to the Gamma point.



FX, FY, FZ, Vector, CoefC, NV

FX, FY, FZ : number of folds in each directions (see NewK )
Vector : array containing x-y-z coordinates of each energy coefficient
Coef : array containing energy coefficients for a specific Eigenvalue
NV : number of vectors, and coefficients (one vector per coefficient)



Weights : an array containing weights of each group


TGroupc, Sums, counter, sumtot, remainder_x, remainder_y, remainder_z, jj, kk, ll, pp, el

TGroupC : an array containing groups of sorted coefficients
Sums : an array containing sums of squared coefficients in each group
counter : an array that keeps track of number of coefficients in each group
sumtot : total sum of sums of each group
reminader_x : relative position of each coefficient in x-axis
reminader_y : relative position of each coefficient in y-axis
reminader_z : relative position of each coefficient in z-axis
jj, kk, ll : counters cycling through each group
p : counter for elements in each group
el : points to a location in Sums to store the next value

MAIN (fol2Bloch.F90)



fname, folds, nkval, nkpt, kpts, cg, kg, eig, weight, nsppol, nspinor, npwarr, nband.

fname : case name inputted as part of the initial arguments by user, from getargs()
folds : initial argument (x:y:z), indicating number and direction of folds, from getargs()
nkval : array of new k points after the unfolding, from newk()
nkpt : total number of K points, from hdr%nkpt
kpts : K points coordinates, from hdr%kptns
cg :
kg : array of vectors per K point, from wfk_read_band_bloch() **
**eig : array of eigenvalues per K point, from wfk_read_band_bloch() **
**weight : weights calculate by sortc()
nsppol : integer indicating up/down polarization (1 if none, 2 if polarized)
nspinor : number of local orbitals, from hdr%nspinor
npwarr : number of vectors in each kpoint, from hdr%npwarr
nband : number of bands in K point, from hdr%nband


nkval, eig, weights
(written to fold2Bloch.out or fold2Bloch_up.out and fold2Bloch_down.out if spin polarized)

nkval : new K points after unfolding
eigval : original eigenvalues
weights : weight of each new K point for a certain eigenvalue


ikpt, iband, csppol, cg_b, count, infile, outfile, coefc, mband, mcg, outname

ikpt : integer number of current K point being processed
iband : integer current band being processed
csppol : integer current spin polarization being processed
infile : integer input file number
outfile : integer output file number
coefc : array containing coefficient for the band being processed
mband : integer maximum number of bands
mcg : integer maximum possible number of coefficients to allocate them all