This is part of the DeepBurning project developed for agile neural network accelerator design in Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It focuses on the software/hardware co-optimization of FPGA-based accelerators for low bit-width mixed-precision neural network models. In terms of hardware, we mainly explore the packing method of various low bit-width convolution operators, so that each primitive DSP in FPGAs can accommodate as many low bit-width operations as possible, thereby improving DSP utilization. In terms of the model, we mainly utilize differential NAS (Network Architecture Search) technique to perform mixed-precision quantization on the given model, while also considering the hardware implementation efficiency of the quantized model, in order to efficiently deploy the target convolutional neural network model onto FPGA under given resource constraints.
This project mainly explores automatic HW/SW co-optimization of FPGA-based neural network accelerators for mixed-precision neural network models. Currently, we have the mixed-precision neural network models fully pipelined across the FPGA, so it mainly targets smaller neural network models with limited layers. A hybrid multi-core neural network accelerator that can accommodate generic mixed-precision neural network models will come coon.
This repo includes the training, quantization, and weight export of hardware aware mixed precision neural network models. For efficient FPGA HLS operators and optimization code, please refer to
Classification Model
cd cifar/
# 1. Hardware-aware Mixed Precison NAS
python --cd 3e-5 --name mix_vggtiny_cifar_cd3e5
# Params:
# --cd Stands for complexity decay
# --name Stands for checkpoint .pt and .log filename
# --model Mixed precision supernet model, default is `VGGtiny_MixQ`
# Then, the optimal bit width of each layer will converge after dozens of epochs, for example bitw={8,2,2,2,2,2}, bita = {8,3,3,3,6,3}
# 2. Main train
python --bitw 822222 --bita 833363 --name vggtiny_cifar_cd3e5
# Trained weights are under weights/
# 3. Test model
# You can choose for test if nothing wrong
# 4. HLS code generation:
# Now can directly export HLS configuration header and weight file form .pt weight file.
# Adjust `simd, pe` parallelization factor of each layer firstly.
vim hls/config_simd_pe.txt
# Export `config.h` and `weights.hpp` to /hls/tiny_cifar_cd3e5/
# 5. Model-Level Hardware Simulation
# requires /hls/tiny_cifar_cd3e5/model_param.pkl file generated by
# This output should consist with hardware output or HLS C-Level simluation
The target of this contest is optimize performance of the designs in terms of accuracy and power on a Ultra 96 v2 FPGA board. This contest was held 5 times, from 2018 to 2022, and the performance of optimal design in these years increased from 30 fps to thousands of fps.
Base models for anypacking bitwidth search:
UltraNet: by BJUT_runner team, 1st place of 2020 DAC-SDC contest. UltraNet is a VGGNet-like model with much less parameters. UltraNet_iSmart is 2nd place of 2021 DAC-SDC design by UIUC ismart team, which have much better throughput by fixed packing optimize.
UltraNet_Bypass: 21’ SJTU, 3rd place of 2021 DAC-SDC contest. A variant of UltraNet with bypass connect. Bypass connect increases model accuracy, but makes design of NN acclerator based on pipeline architecture more difficult.
SkyNet: SkrSkr by SHTECH, 1st place of 2021 DAC-SDC contest. SkyNet is a MobileNet-like lightweight model.
SkyNetk5: SkyNet with 5x5 depthwise convolution kernel. Since dwconv uses much fewer calculations than pwconv, larger kernel brings higher accuracy with slight cost.
# For Ultranet or Ultranet_Bypass
python [--model UltraNet_Bypass_FixQ]
# For SkyNet or SkyNetk5
python [--model SkyNetk5_FixQ]
This is part of the DeepBurning project developed for agile neural network accelerator design in Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It focuses on the software/hardware co-optimization of FPGA-based accelerators for low bit-width mixed-precision neural network models. In terms of hardware, we mainly explore the packing method of various low bit-width convolution operators, so that each primitive DSP in FPGAs can accommodate as many low bit-width operations as possible, thereby improving DSP utilization. In terms of the model, we mainly utilize differential NAS (Network Architecture Search) technique to perform mixed-precision quantization on the given model, while also considering the hardware implementation efficiency of the quantized model, in order to efficiently deploy the target convolutional neural network model onto FPGA under given resource constraints.
This work has been published at ICCAD’23 and please refer to the paper for more details. (DOI:10.1109/ICCAD57390.2023.10323831)
Erjing Luo#, Haitong Huang#, Cheng Liu*, Guoyu Li, Bing Yang, Ying Wang, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li, “DeepBurning-MixQ: An Open Source Mixed-Precision Neural Network Accelerator Design Framework for FPGAs”, ICCAD, 2023. (# equal contribution)
This project mainly explores automatic HW/SW co-optimization of FPGA-based neural network accelerators for mixed-precision neural network models. Currently, we have the mixed-precision neural network models fully pipelined across the FPGA, so it mainly targets smaller neural network models with limited layers. A hybrid multi-core neural network accelerator that can accommodate generic mixed-precision neural network models will come coon.
This repo includes the training, quantization, and weight export of hardware aware mixed precision neural network models. For efficient FPGA HLS operators and optimization code, please refer to
Classification Model
DAC-SDC Object Detection Model
The DAC System Design Contest focused on low-power object detection on an embedded FPGA system:
The target of this contest is optimize performance of the designs in terms of accuracy and power on a Ultra 96 v2 FPGA board. This contest was held 5 times, from 2018 to 2022, and the performance of optimal design in these years increased from 30 fps to thousands of fps.
Base models for anypacking bitwidth search:
Dataset: See
Usage: First
cd dacsdc/
, then follow next steps.1) Hardware-aware Mixed Precison NAS for bit width
2) Main Train
For UltraNet:
For UltraNet_Bypass/SkyNet/SkyNetk5
3) Test model
4) HLS export
5) Model-Level Hardware Simulation
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.