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# ZFSBootMenu Documentation
This document gives an overview of how the Sphinx documentation for ZFSBootMenu works.
## Building
The `Makefile` alongside this document provides several targets to prepare the Sphinx environment and render documentation.
### Prerequisites
Python 3 and several Python 3 packages are needed:
- rst2ansi
- sphinx
- sphinx-tabs
- sphinx_rtd_theme
- recommonmark
On Void Linux, these can be installed with `make setup-void`. Otherwise, these packages can be installed through your
system package manager or via pip in a virtual environment with `make setup`.
If using the virtual environment method, you will then need to activate this environment with `source env/bin/activate`
(may be different for some shells) before running a build command.
### Generating Documentation
Generally, the commands to build the documentation are `make html` (to build the web documentation) and `make man` (to
build the manpages).
Several special targets exist too. `make serve` can be used to build and locally serve the web documentation using
Python's built-in webserver. `make gen-man` can be used to build the manpages and update them in `/docs/man/dist`.
See `make help` for a list of all possible targets.
## Organisation
- `conf.py`: the Sphinx configuration file
- `index.rst`: the main page, and where the primary `toctree`s are listed
- `CHANGELOG.md`: the changelog for ZFSBootMenu
- `guides`: where most documentation should reside. Documents about various topics, including installation on various
distros and various configuration options
+ guides/_include/ contains distribution agonostic snippets
+ guides/*distro*/_include/ contains distribution specific snippets
- `man`: manpages
- `online`: documentation primarily to be shown within ZFSBootMenu's help system
- `logos`: various versions of the ZFSBootMenu logo
- `_static`: various static files for use within the documentation
## Formatting
- Most pages are written in reStructuredText (RST) format
- Some (like the changelog) are written in markdown for compatibility, so markdown is supported but RST is preferred
- When possible, keep lines limited to 120 characters, and use 2 spaces for indentation
To link to files within the ZFSBootMenu repository, use the `:zbm:` macro:
:zbm:`title <bin/generate-zbm>`
will both create a link to the file `/bin/generate-zbm` on GitHub.
### Headings
reStructuredText allows various forms of section heading syntax. In this documentation, use:
Level 1:
My Title
Level 2:
My Title
Level 3:
My Title
Level 4:
My Title
Also, the number of characters in the underline should match the number of characters in the title.
## Resources
To get a good overview of reStructuredText and Sphinx, take a look at the following resources:
- [reStructuredText Primer](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html)
- [reStructuredText Directives](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/directives.html)
- [Docutils reStructuredText Documentation](https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html)