windows-terminal/doc/specs/#885 - Terminal Settings Model/#885 - Terminal Settings Mo...

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author: Carlos Zamora @carlos-zamora created on: 2020-07-10 last updated: 2020-07-10 issue id: #885

Terminal Settings Model


This spec proposes a major refactor and repurposing of the TerminalSettings project as the TerminalSettingsModel. TerminalSettingsModel would be responsible for exposing, serializing, and deserializing settings as WinRT objects for Windows Terminal. In doing so, Terminal's settings model is accessible as WinRT objects to existing components like TerminalApp, TerminalControl, and TerminalCore. Additionally, Terminal Settings can be used by the Settings UI or Shell Extensions to modify or reference Terminal's settings respectively.


The main driver for this change is the Settings UI. The Settings UI will need to read and modify Terminal's settings objects. At the time of writing this spec, the Terminal's settings are serialized as objects in the TerminalApp project. To access these objects via XAML, the Settings UI needs them to be WinRT objects. Additional features that need the settings objects to be WinRT objects include future shell extensions, like jumplist.

Solution Design

Terminal Settings Model: Objects and Projections

The following TerminalApp objects will become WinRT objects and will be moved to the TerminalSettingsModel project (formerly TerminalSettings):

  • ColorScheme
  • Profile
  • GlobalAppSettings
  • CascadiaSettings

The TerminalSettingsModel project will have a root namespace of Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model.

Adjacent to the introduction of these settings objects, IControlSettings and ICoreSettings will be moved to the Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl namespace. This allows for a better consumption of the settings model that is covered later in the (Consumption section)[#terminal-settings-model:-consumption].

Moving/Splitting the Action Model

Windows Terminal represents actions via several objects:

  • AppKeyBindings: a map of all the defined keybindings and their corresponding actions
  • ActionAndArgs: a (de)serializable action (this holds more objects inside of it, but we won't focus on that for now)
  • ShortcutActionDispatch: responsible for dispatching events pertinent to a given ActionAndArgs object TerminalApp's TerminalPage handles any events dispatched by the ShortcutActionDispatch.

With the introduction of the TerminalSettingsModel, we will split AppKeyBindings using a KeyMapping class. This separation will look something like the following:

namespace TerminalApp
    [default_interface] runtimeclass AppKeyBindings : Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl.IKeyBindings

        // NOTE: It may be possible to move both of these to the constructor instead
        void SetDispatch(ShortcutActionDispatch dispatch);
        void SetKeyMap(KeyMapping keymap);

namespace TerminalSettingsModel
    [default_interface] runtimeclass KeyMapping
        void SetKeyBinding(ActionAndArgs actionAndArgs, Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl.KeyChord chord);
        void ClearKeyBinding(Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl.KeyChord chord);

        Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl.KeyChord GetKeyBindingForAction(ShortcutAction action);
        Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl.KeyChord GetKeyBindingForActionWithArgs(ActionAndArgs actionAndArgs);

This separation leaves AppKeyBindings with the responsibility of detecting and dispatching actions, whereas KeyMapping handles the (de)serialization and navigation of the key bindings.

Fallback Value

Cascading settings allows our settings model to be constructed in layers (i.e. settings.json values override defaults.json values). With the upcoming introduction of the Settings UI and serialization, it is important to know where a setting value comes from. Consider a Settings UI displaying the following information:

    // <profile>: <color scheme value>
    "defaults": "Solarized", // profiles.defaults
    "A": "Raspberry", // profile A
    "B": "Tango", // profile B
    "C": "Solarized" // profile C

If profiles.defaults gets changed to "Tango" via the Settings UI, it is unclear if profile C's value should be updated as well. We need profile C to record if it's value is inherited from profile.defaults or explicitly set by the user.

Object Model Inheritance

To start, each settings object will now have a CreateChild() function. For GlobalAppSettings, it will look something like this:

GlobalAppSettings GlobalAppSettings::CreateChild() const
    GlobalAppSettings child {};
    return child;

std::vector<T> _parents serves as a reference for who to ask if a settings value was not provided by the user. LaunchMode, for example, will now have a getter/setter that looks similar to this:

// _LaunchMode will now be a std::optional<LaunchMode> instead of a LaunchMode
// - std::nullopt will mean that there is no user-set value
// - otherwise, the value was explicitly set by the user

// returns the resolved value for this setting
LaunchMode GlobalAppSettings::LaunchMode()
    // fallback tree:
    //  - user set value
    //  - inherited value
    //  - system set value
    return til::coalesce_value(_LaunchMode, _parents[0].LaunchMode(), _parents[1].LaunchMode(), ..., LaunchMode::DefaultMode);

// explicitly set the user-set value
void GlobalAppSettings::LaunchMode(LaunchMode val)
    _LaunchMode = val;

// check if there is a user-set value
// NOTE: This is important for the Settings UI to identify whether the user explicitly or implicitly set the presented value
bool GlobalAppSettings::HasLaunchMode()
    return _LaunchMode.has_value();

// explicitly unset the user-set value (we want the inherited value)
void GlobalAppSettings::ClearLaunchMode()
    return _LaunchMode = std::nullopt;

As a result, the tracking and functionality of cascading settings is moved into the object model instead of keeping it as a json-only concept.

Updates to CascadiaSettings

As CascadiaSettings loads the settings model, it will create children for each component of the settings model and layer the new values on top of it. Thus, LayerJson will look something like this:

void CascadiaSettings::LayerJson(const Json::Value& json)
    _globals = _globals.CreateChild();

    // repeat the same for Profiles...

For defaults.json, _globals will now hold all of the values set in defaults.json. If any settings were omitted from the defaults.json, _globals will fallback to its parent (a GlobalAppSettings consisting purely of system-defined values).

For settings.json, _globals will only hold the values set in settings.json. If any settings were omitted from settings.json, _globals will fallback to its parent (the GlobalAppSettings built from defaults.json).

This process becomes a bit more complex for Profile because it can fallback in the following order:

  1. settings.json profile
  2. settings.json profiles.defaults
  3. (if a dynamic profile) the hard-coded value in the dynamic profile generator
  4. defaults.json profile

CascadiaSettings must do the following...

  1. load defaults.json
    • append newly created profiles to _profiles (unchanged)
  2. load dynamic profiles
    • append newly created profiles to _profiles (unchanged)
  3. load settings.json profiles.defaults
    • construct a Profile from profiles.defaults. Save as Profile _profileDefaults.
    • CreateChild() for each existing profile
    • add _profileDefaults as the first parent to each child (_parents=[_profileDefaults, <value from generator/defaults.json> ])
    • replace each Profile in _profiles with the child
  4. load settings.json profiles.list
    • if a matching profile exists, CreateChild from the matching profile, and layer the json onto the child.
      • NOTE: we do not include _profileDefaults as a parent here, because it is already an ancestor
    • otherwise, CreateChild() from _profileDefaults, and layer the json onto the child.
    • As before, _profiles must be updated such that the parent is removed

Additionally, _profileDefaults will be exposed by Profile CascadiaSettings::ProfileDefaults(). This will enable #7414's implementation to spawn incoming commandline app tabs with the "Default" profile (as opposed to the "default profile").

Nullable Settings

Some settings are explicitly allowed to be nullable (i.e. Profile Foreground). These settings will be stored as the following struct instead of a std::optional<T>:

template<typename T>
struct NullableSetting
    IReference<T> setting{ nullptr };
    bool set{ false };


  • set determines if the value was explicitly set by the user (if false, we should fall back)
  • setting records the actual user-set value (nullptr represents an explicit set to null)

The API surface will experience the following small changes:

  • the getter/setter will output/input an IReference<T> instead of T
  • Has...() and Clear...() will reference/modify set

CreateChild() vs Copy()

Settings objects will have CreateChild() and Copy(). CreateChild() is responsible for creating a new settings object that inherits undefined values from its parent. Copy() is responsible for recreating the contents of the settings object, including a reference to a copied parent (not the original parent).

CreateChild() will only be used during (de)serialization to adequately interpret and update the JSON. CreateChild() enables, but is not explicitly used, for retrieving a value from a settings object. It can also be used to enable larger hierarchies for inheritance within the settings model.

The Settings UI will use Copy() to get a deep copy of CascadiaSettings and data bind the UI to that copy. Thus, Copy() needs to be exposed in the IDL.

Copying _parents

It is important that _parents is handled properly when performing a deep copy. We need to be aware of the following errors:

  • referencing _parents will result in inheriting from an obsolete object tree
  • referencing a copy of _parents can result in losing the meaning of a reference
    • For example, profile.defaults is a parent to each presented profile. When a change occurs to profile.defaults, that change should impact all profiles. An improper copy may only apply the change to one of the presented profiles

The hierarchy we have created has evolved into a directed acyclic graph (DAG). For example, the hierarchy for profiles will appear similar to the following:

Profile Inheritance DAG Example

In order to preserve profile.defaults as a referenced parent to each profile, a copy of the DAG can be performed using the following algorithm:

# Function to clone a graph. To do this, we start
# reading the original graph depth-wise, recursively
# If we encounter an unvisited node in original graph,
# we initialize a new instance of Node for
# cloned graph with key of original node
def cloneGraph(oldSource, newSource, visited):
    clone = None
    if visited[oldSource.key] is False and oldSource.adj is not None:
        for old in oldSource.adj:

            # Below check is for backtracking, so new
            # nodes don't get initialized every time
            if clone is None or(clone is not None and clone.key != old.key):
                clone = Node(old.key, [])
            cloneGraph(old, clone, visited)

            # Once, all neighbors for that particular node
            # are created in cloned graph, code backtracks
            # and exits from that node, mark the node as
            # visited in original graph, and traverse the
            # next unvisited
            visited[old.key] = True
    return newSource


This algorithm operates in O(n) time and space where n is the number of profiles presented. The above algorithm will be slightly modified to...

  • hold a separate reference to profile.defaults Profile in the CascadiaSettings clone
  • visited will be a map of pointers to the cloned Profile. This ensures that profiles reference the same Profile, over creating a new copy

Terminal Settings Model: Serialization and Deserialization

Introducing these Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model WinRT objects also allow the serialization and deserialization logic from TerminalApp to be moved to TerminalSettings. JsonUtils introduces several quick and easy methods for setting deserialization. This will be moved into the Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model namespace too.

Serialization will be an extension of the existing JsonUtils ConversionTrait struct template. ConversionTrait already includes FromJson and CanConvert. Serialization would be handled by a ToJson function.

Terminal Settings Model: Warnings and Serialization Errors

Today, if the deserialization of CascadiaSettings encounters any errors, an exception is thrown and caught/handled by falling back to a simple CascadiaSettings object. However, WinRT does not support exceptions.

To get around this issue, when CascadiaSettings encounters a serialization error, it must internally record any pertinent information for that error, and return the simple CascadiaSettings as if nothing happened. The consumer must then call CascadiaSettings::GetErrors() and CascadiaSettings::GetWarnings() to properly understand whether an error occurred and how to present that to the user.

TerminalApp: Loading and Reloading Changes

TerminalApp will construct and reference a CascadiaSettings settings as follows:

  • TerminalApp will have a global reference to the "settings.json" filepath
  • construct an CascadiaSettings using CascadiaSettings("settings.json"). This builds an CascadiaSettings from the "defaults.json" file data (which is already compiled as a string literal) and layers the settings.json data on top of it.
  • check for errors/warnings, and handle them appropriately

This will be different from the current model which has the settings.json path hard-coded, and is simplified to a LoadAll() call wrapped in error handlers.

NOTE: This model allows us to layer even more settings files on top of the existing Terminal Settings Model, if so desired. This could be helpful when importing additional settings files from an external location such as a marketplace.

When TerminalApp detects a change to settings.json, it'll repeat the steps above. We could cache the result from constructing an CascadiaSettings from "defaults.json" data to improve performance.

TerminalControl: Acquiring and Applying the Settings

At the time of writing this spec, TerminalApp constructs TerminalControl.TerminalSettings WinRT objects to expose IControlSettings and ICoreSettings to any hosted terminals. In moving IControlSettings and ICoreSettings down to the TerminalControl layer, TerminalApp can now have better control over how to expose relevant settings to a TerminalControl instance.

TerminalSettings (which implements IControlSettings and ICoreSettings) will be moved to TerminalApp and act as a bridge connecting CascadiaSettings to the TermControl. It will operate very similarly as it does today. On construction of the TermControl or hot-reload, TerminalSettings will be constructed by copying the relevant values of CascadiaSettings. Then, it will be passed to TermControl (and TermCore by extension).

UI/UX Design











Performance, Power, and Efficiency

Potential Issues


Future considerations

TerminalSettings: passing by reference

TermApp synthesizes a TerminalSettings by copying the relevant values of CascadiaSettings, then giving it to a Terminal Control. Some visual keybindings and interactions like ctrl+scroll and ctrl+shift+scroll to change the font size and acrylic opacity operate by directly modifying the value of the instantiated TerminalSettings. However, when a settings reload occurs, these instanced changes are lost.

TerminalSettings can be used as a WinRT object that references (instead of copies) the relevant values of CascadiaSettings. This would prevent those instanced changes from being lost on a settings reload.

Since previewing commands like setColorScheme would require a clone of the existing TerminalSettings, a Clone API can be added on TerminalSettings to accomplish that. When passing by value, TerminalSettings can just overwrite the existing property (i.e.: color scheme). When passing by reference, a slightly more complex mechanism is required to override the value.

Now, instead of overwriting the value, we need to override the reference to a constant value (i.e.: snapOnInput=true) or a referenced value (i.e.: colorScheme).

Layering Additional Settings

As we begin to introduce more sources that affect the settings (via extensions or themes), we can introduce a LayerSettings(String path). This layers the new settings file onto the existing CascadiaSettings. This is already done internally, we would just expose it via C++/WinRT.

runtimeclass CascadiaSettings
    // Load a settings file, and layer those changes on top of the existing CascadiaSettings
    void LayerSettings(String path);

Settings UI: Modifying and Applying the Settings (DRAFT)

runtimeclass CascadiaSettings
    // Create a copy of the existing CascadiaSettings
    CascadiaSettings Clone();

    // Compares object to "source" and applies changes to
    // the settings file at "outPath"
    void Save(String outPath);

The Settings UI will also have a reference to the CascadiaSettings settings from TerminalApp as settingsSource. When the Settings UI is opened up, the Settings UI will also have its own CascadiaSettings settingsClone that is a clone of TerminalApp's CascadiaSettings.

settingsClone = settingsSource.Clone()

As the user navigates the Settings UI, the relevant contents of settingsClone will be retrieved and presented. As the user makes changes to the Settings UI, XAML will update settingsClone using XAML data binding. When the user saves/applies the changes in the XAML, settingsClone.Save("settings.json") is called; this compares the changes between settingsClone and settingsSource, then injects the changes (if any) to settings.json.

As mentioned earlier, TerminalApp detects a change to "settings.json" to update its CascadiaSettings. Since the above triggers a change to settings.json, TerminalApp will also update itself. When something like this occurs, settingsSource will automatically be updated too.

In the case that a user is simultaneously updating the settings file directly and the Settings UI, settingsSource and settingsClone can be compared to ensure that the Settings UI, the TerminalApp, and the settings files are all in sync.

NOTE: In the event that the user would want to export their current configuration, Save can be used to export the changes to a new file.

Reserialization (DRAFT)

After deserializing the settings, injecting the new json into settings.json should not remove the existing comments or formatting.

The reserialization process takes place right after comparing the settingsSource and settingsClone objects. For each setting found in the diff, we go to the relevant part of the JSON and see if the key is already there. If it is, we update the value to be the one from settingsClone. Otherwise, we append the key/value pair at the end of the section (much like we do with dynamic profiles in profiles).
