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Helpful info for Event Viewer logging

This C++ project logs to the Windows Event Viewer. It's all wired up to be called from Rust just the same as our RPC code. If you want to test changes here:

  1. Make sure to go change the resourceFileName and the messageFileName in to point at where the files are in your build directory. (For me, that was D:\dev\private\sudo\target\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\debug\sudo.exe). It needs to be the full path, so Event Viewer can find the exe (to load the resources from it to know how to format the packet of binary data written to it)
    • Make sure to change it back to %systemroot%\System32\sudo.exe before you push!
  2. Make sure that Event Viewer is closed, and do
    wevtutil um cpp\logging\
    to remove the old manifest from event viewer
  3. Build the project
  4. Do a
    wevtutil im cpp\logging\
    to install the new manifest to event viewer
  5. Open event viewer, and navigate to "Applications and Services Logs" -> "Microsoft" -> "Windows" -> "Sudo" -> "Admin"
    • alternatively:
      wevtutil qe Microsoft-Windows-Sudo/Admin /c:3 /rd:true /f:text