298 lines
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298 lines
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// CustomerSheetSnapshotTests.swift
// StripePaymentSheet
import iOSSnapshotTestCase
import OHHTTPStubs
import OHHTTPStubsSwift
import StripeCoreTestUtils
import UIKit
@_spi(STP)@testable import StripeCore
@_spi(STP) @testable import StripePayments
@_spi(STP) @_spi(ExperimentalPaymentSheetDecouplingAPI) @_spi(PrivateBetaCustomerSheet) @testable import StripePaymentSheet
@_spi(STP) @_spi(ExperimentalPaymentSheetDecouplingAPI) @_spi(PrivateBetaCustomerSheet) @testable import StripePaymentsUI
@_spi(STP)@testable import StripeUICore
// For backend example
class StubCustomerAdapter: CustomerAdapter {
var paymentMethods: [StripePayments.STPPaymentMethod] = []
func fetchPaymentMethods() async throws -> [StripePayments.STPPaymentMethod] {
return paymentMethods
func attachPaymentMethod(_ paymentMethodId: String) async throws {
func detachPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId: String) async throws {
func setSelectedPaymentOption(paymentOption: CustomerPaymentOption?) async throws {
func fetchSelectedPaymentOption() async throws -> CustomerPaymentOption? {
return nil
func setupIntentClientSecretForCustomerAttach() async throws -> String {
return "seti_123"
var canCreateSetupIntents: Bool = true
class CustomerSheetSnapshotTests: FBSnapshotTestCase {
private let backendCheckoutUrl = URL(
string: "https://stripe-mobile-payment-sheet-test-playground-v6.glitch.me/checkout"
private var cs: CustomerSheet!
private var window: UIWindow {
let window = UIWindow(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 428, height: 1026))
window.isHidden = false
return window
private var configuration = CustomerSheet.Configuration()
override func setUp() {
configuration = CustomerSheet.Configuration()
LinkAccountService.defaultCookieStore = LinkInMemoryCookieStore() // use in-memory cookie store
// self.recordMode = true
public override func tearDown() {
configuration = CustomerSheet.Configuration()
private func stubbedAPIClient() -> STPAPIClient {
return APIStubbedTestCase.stubbedAPIClient()
func testNoSavedPMs() {
prepareCS(applePayEnabled: false)
presentCS(darkMode: false)
func testNoSavedPMsDarkMode() {
prepareCS(applePayEnabled: false)
presentCS(darkMode: true)
func testNoSavedPMsCustomAppearance() {
prepareCS(appearance: .snapshotTestTheme, applePayEnabled: false)
presentCS(darkMode: false)
func testOnlyApplePay() {
prepareCS(applePayEnabled: true)
presentCS(darkMode: false)
func testOnlyApplePayDarkMode() {
prepareCS(applePayEnabled: true)
presentCS(darkMode: true)
func testOnlyApplePayCustomAppearance() {
prepareCS(appearance: .snapshotTestTheme, applePayEnabled: true)
presentCS(darkMode: false)
func stubbedPaymentMethod() -> STPPaymentMethod {
return STPPaymentMethod.decodedObject(fromAPIResponse: [
"id": "pm_123card",
"type": "card",
"card": [
"last4": "4242",
"brand": "visa",
func testOneSavedCardPM() {
let customerAdapter = StubCustomerAdapter()
customerAdapter.paymentMethods = [stubbedPaymentMethod()]
prepareCS(customerAdapter: customerAdapter, applePayEnabled: true)
presentCS(darkMode: false)
func testOneSavedCardPMDarkMode() {
let customerAdapter = StubCustomerAdapter()
customerAdapter.paymentMethods = [stubbedPaymentMethod()]
prepareCS(customerAdapter: customerAdapter, applePayEnabled: true)
presentCS(darkMode: true)
func testOneSavedCardPMCustomApperance() {
let customerAdapter = StubCustomerAdapter()
customerAdapter.paymentMethods = [stubbedPaymentMethod()]
prepareCS(appearance: .snapshotTestTheme, customerAdapter: customerAdapter, applePayEnabled: true)
presentCS(darkMode: false)
func testManySavedPMs() {
let customerAdapter = StubCustomerAdapter()
customerAdapter.paymentMethods = Array(repeating: stubbedPaymentMethod(), count: 20)
prepareCS(customerAdapter: customerAdapter, applePayEnabled: true)
presentCS(darkMode: false)
private func prepareCS(
appearance: PaymentSheet.Appearance = .default,
customerAdapter: CustomerAdapter = StubCustomerAdapter(),
applePayEnabled: Bool = true
) {
var config = self.configuration
config.appearance = appearance
config.apiClient = stubbedAPIClient()
config.applePayEnabled = applePayEnabled
StripeAPI.defaultPublishableKey = "pk_test_123456789"
self.cs = CustomerSheet(configuration: config, customer: customerAdapter)
private func presentCS(darkMode: Bool, preferredContentSizeCategory: UIContentSizeCategory = .large) {
let vc = UIViewController()
let navController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
let testWindow = self.window
if darkMode {
testWindow.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .dark
testWindow.rootViewController = navController
cs.present(from: vc) { _ in }
// Payment sheet usually takes anywhere between 50ms-200ms (but once in a while 2-3 seconds).
// to present with the expected content. When the sheet is presented, it initially shows a loading screen,
// and when it is done loading, the loading screen is replaced with the expected content.
// Therefore, the following code polls every 50 milliseconds to check if the LoadingViewController
// has been removed. If the LoadingViewController is not there (or we reach the maximum number of times to poll),
// we assume the content has been loaded and continue.
let presentingExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Presenting payment sheet")
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
var isLoading = true
var count = 0
while isLoading && count < 10 {
count += 1
DispatchQueue.main.sync {
(self.cs.bottomSheetViewController.contentStack.first as? LoadingViewController)
!= nil
else {
isLoading = false
if isLoading {
usleep(50000) // 50ms
wait(for: [presentingExpectation], timeout: 10.0)
cs.bottomSheetViewController.presentationController!.overrideTraitCollection = UITraitCollection(
preferredContentSizeCategory: preferredContentSizeCategory
func verify(
_ view: UIView,
identifier: String? = nil,
file: StaticString = #filePath,
line: UInt = #line
) {
identifier: identifier,
suffixes: FBSnapshotTestCaseDefaultSuffixes(),
file: file,
line: line
fileprivate extension PaymentSheet.Appearance {
static var snapshotTestTheme: PaymentSheet.Appearance {
var appearance = PaymentSheet.Appearance()
// Customize the font
var font = PaymentSheet.Appearance.Font()
font.sizeScaleFactor = 0.85
font.base = UIFont(name: "AvenirNext-Regular", size: 12)!
appearance.cornerRadius = 0.0
appearance.borderWidth = 2.0
appearance.shadow = PaymentSheet.Appearance.Shadow(
color: .orange,
opacity: 0.5,
offset: CGSize(width: 0, height: 2),
radius: 4
// Customize the colors
var colors = PaymentSheet.Appearance.Colors()
colors.primary = .systemOrange
colors.background = .cyan
colors.componentBackground = .yellow
colors.componentBorder = .systemRed
colors.componentDivider = .black
colors.text = .red
colors.textSecondary = .orange
colors.componentText = .red
colors.componentPlaceholderText = .systemBlue
colors.icon = .green
colors.danger = .purple
appearance.font = font
appearance.colors = colors
return appearance
static var snapshotPrimaryButtonTestTheme: PaymentSheet.Appearance {
var appearance = PaymentSheet.Appearance.snapshotTestTheme
var button = PaymentSheet.Appearance.PrimaryButton()
button.backgroundColor = .purple
button.textColor = .red
button.borderColor = .blue
button.cornerRadius = 15
button.borderWidth = 3
button.font = UIFont(name: "AmericanTypewriter", size: 16)
button.shadow = PaymentSheet.Appearance.Shadow(
color: .blue,
opacity: 0.5,
offset: CGSize(width: 0, height: 2),
radius: 4
appearance.primaryButton = button
return appearance