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# node-oracledb 4.0 Documentation for the Oracle Database Node.js Add-on
*Copyright (c) 2015, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.*
You may not use the identified files except in compliance with the Apache
License, Version 2.0 (the "License.")
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
## ===> *** Note: Go to []( for production documentation ***
## Manual Sections
This document contains:
- [Node-oracledb API Manual](#apimanual)
- [Node-oracledb User Manual](#usermanual)
For installation information, see the [Node-oracledb Installation Instructions][2].
## <a name="contents"></a> Contents
1. [Introduction](#intro)
- 1.1 [Getting Started with Node-oracledb](#getstarted)
- 1.1.1 [Example: A SQL SELECT statement in Node.js](#examplequery)
- 1.1.2 [Example: Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) in Node.js](#examplesodaawait)
2. [Errors](#errorobj)
- 2.1 [Error Properties](#properror)
- 2.1.1 [`errorNum`](#properrerrornum)
- 2.1.2 [`message`](#properrmessage)
- 2.1.3 [`offset`](#properroffset)
3. [Oracledb Class](#oracledbclass)
- 3.1 [Oracledb Constants](#oracledbconstants)
- 3.1.1 [Query `outFormat` Constants](#oracledbconstantsoutformat)
- [`OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY`](#oracledbconstantsoutformat), [`OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT`](#oracledbconstantsoutformat)
- 3.1.2 [Node-oracledb Type Constants](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype)
- [`BLOB`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype), [`BUFFER`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype), [`CLOB`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype), [`CURSOR`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype), [`DATE`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype), [`DEFAULT`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype), [`NUMBER`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype), [`STRING`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype)
- 3.1.3 [Oracle Database Type Constants](#oracledbconstantsdbtype)
- [`DB_TYPE_BFILE`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_BINARY_DOUBLE`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_BINARY_INTEGER`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_BLOB`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_BOOLEAN`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype),
[`DB_TYPE_CHAR`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_CLOB`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_CURSOR`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype),
[`DB_TYPE_DATE`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_INTERVAL_DS`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_INTERVAL_YM`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_LONG`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_LONG_RAW`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_NCHAR`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_NCLOB`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_NUMBER`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_NVARCHAR`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_OBJECT`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_RAW`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_ROWID`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_TZ`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), [`DB_TYPE_VARCHAR`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype)
- 3.1.4 [Execute Bind Direction Constants](#oracledbconstantsbinddir)
- [`BIND_IN`](#oracledbconstantsbinddir), [`BIND_INOUT`](#oracledbconstantsbinddir), [`BIND_OUT`](#oracledbconstantsbinddir)
- 3.1.5 [Privileged Connection Constants](#oracledbconstantsprivilege)
- [`SYSASM`](#oracledbconstantsprivilege), [`SYSBACKUP`](#oracledbconstantsprivilege), [`SYSDBA`](#oracledbconstantsprivilege), [`SYSDG`](#oracledbconstantsprivilege), [`SYSKM`](#oracledbconstantsprivilege), [`SYSOPER`](#oracledbconstantsprivilege), [`SYSRAC`](#oracledbconstantsprivilege)
- 3.1.6 [SQL Statement Type Constants](#oracledbconstantsstmttype)
- [`STMT_TYPE_ALTER`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_BEGIN`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_CALL`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_COMMIT`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype) [`STMT_TYPE_CREATE`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_DECLARE`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_DELETE`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_DROP`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_EXPLAIN_PLAN`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_INSERT`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_MERGE`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_ROLLBACK`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_SELECT`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_UNKNOWN`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype), [`STMT_TYPE_UPDATE`](#oracledbconstantsstmttype)
- 3.1.7 [Subscription Constants](#oracledbconstantssubscription)
- [`SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_AQ`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_DEREG`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_OBJ_CHANGE`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_QUERY_CHANGE`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_SHUTDOWN`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_SHUTDOWN_ANY`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_STARTUP`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_GROUPING_CLASS_TIME`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_GROUPING_TYPE_LAST`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_GROUPING_TYPE_SUMMARY`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_QOS_BEST_EFFORT`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_QOS_DEREG_NFY`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_QOS_QUERY`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_QOS_RELIABLE`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_QOS_ROWIDS`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_AQ`](#oracledbconstantssubscription), [`SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_DBCHANGE`](#oracledbconstantssubscription)
- 3.1.8 [Advanced Queuing Constants](#oracledbconstantsaq)
- [`AQ_DEQ_MODE_BROWSE`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_DEQ_MODE_LOCKED`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_DEQ_MODE_REMOVE`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_DEQ_MODE_REMOVE_NO_DATA`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_DEQ_NAV_NEXT_TRANSACTION`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_DEQ_NAV_NEXT_MSG`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_DEQ_NO_WAIT`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_DEQ_WAIT_FOREVER`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_MSG_DELIV_MODE_PERSISTENT`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_MSG_DELIV_MODE_BUFFERED`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_MSG_DELIV_MODE_PERSISTENT_OR_BUFFERED`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_MSG_STATE_READY`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_MSG_STATE_WAITING`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_MSG_STATE_PROCESSED`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_MSG_STATE_EXPIRED`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_VISIBILITY_IMMEDIATE`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`AQ_VISIBILITY_ON_COMMIT`](#oracledbconstantsaq)
- 3.1.9 [Continuous Query Notification Constants](#oracledbconstantscqn)
- [`CQN_OPCODE_ALL_OPS`](#oracledbconstantscqn), [`CQN_OPCODE_ALL_ROWS`](#oracledbconstantscqn), [`CQN_OPCODE_ALTER`](#oracledbconstantscqn), [`CQN_OPCODE_DELETE`](#oracledbconstantscqn), [`CQN_OPCODE_DROP`](#oracledbconstantscqn), [`CQN_OPCODE_INSERT`](#oracledbconstantscqn), [`CQN_OPCODE_UPDATE`](#oracledbconstantscqn)
- 3.1.10 [Pool Status Constants](#oracledbconstantspool)
- [`POOL_STATUS_CLOSED`](#oracledbconstantspool), [`POOL_STATUS_DRAINING`](#oracledbconstantspool), [`POOL_STATUS_OPEN`](#oracledbconstantspool)
- 3.1.11 [Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) Constants](#oracledbconstantssoda)
- [`SODA_COLL_MAP_MODE`](#oracledbconstantssoda)
- 3.2 [Oracledb Properties](#oracledbproperties)
- 3.2.1 [`autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit)
- 3.2.2 [`connectionClass`](#propdbconclass)
- 3.2.3 [`edition`](#propdbedition)
- 3.2.4 [`events`](#propdbevents)
- 3.2.5 [`extendedMetaData`](#propdbextendedmetadata)
- 3.2.6 [`externalAuth`](#propdbisexternalauth)
- 3.2.7 [`fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize)
- 3.2.8 [`fetchAsBuffer`](#propdbfetchasbuffer)
- 3.2.9 [`fetchAsString`](#propdbfetchasstring)
- 3.2.10 [`lobPrefetchSize`](#propdblobprefetchsize)
- 3.2.11 [`maxRows`](#propdbmaxrows)
- 3.2.12 [`oracleClientVersion`](#propdboracleclientversion)
- 3.2.13 [`oracleClientVersionString`](#propdboracleclientversionstring)
- 3.2.14 [`outFormat`](#propdboutformat)
- 3.2.15 [`poolIncrement`](#propdbpoolincrement)
- 3.2.16 [`poolMax`](#propdbpoolmax)
- 3.2.17 [`poolMin`](#propdbpoolmin)
- 3.2.18 [`poolPingInterval`](#propdbpoolpinginterval)
- 3.2.19 [`poolTimeout`](#propdbpooltimeout)
- 3.2.20 [`prefetchRows`](#propdbprefetchrows)
- 3.2.21 [`Promise`](#propdbpromise)
- 3.2.22 [`queueRequests`](#propdbqueuerequests)
- 3.2.23 [`queueTimeout`](#propdbqueuetimeout)
- 3.2.24 [`stmtCacheSize`](#propdbstmtcachesize)
- 3.2.25 [`version`](#propdbversion)
- 3.2.26 [`versionString`](#propdbversionstring)
- 3.2.27 [`versionSuffix`](#propdbversionsuffix)
- 3.3 [Oracledb Methods](#oracledbmethods)
- 3.3.1 [`createPool()`](#createpool)
- [`createPool()`: Parameters and Attributes](#createpoolpoolattrs)
- [`connectString`](#createpoolpoolattrsconnectstring), [`connectionString`](#createpoolpoolattrsconnectstring)
- [`edition`](#createpoolpoolattrsedition)
- [`events`](#createpoolpoolattrsevents)
- [`externalAuth`](#createpoolpoolattrsexternalauth)
- [`homogeneous`](#createpoolpoolattrshomogeneous)
- [`password`](#createpoolpoolattrspassword)
- [`poolAlias`](#createpoolpoolattrspoolalias)
- [`poolIncrement`](#createpoolpoolattrspoolincrement)
- [`poolMax`](#createpoolpoolattrspoolmax)
- [`poolMin`](#createpoolpoolattrspoolmin)
- [`poolPingInterval`](#createpoolpoolattrspoolpinginterval)
- [`poolTimeout`](#createpoolpoolattrspooltimeout)
- [`queueRequests`](#createpoolpoolattrsqueuerequests)
- [`queueTimeout`](#createpoolpoolattrsqueuetimeout)
- [`sessionCallback`](#createpoolpoolattrssessioncallback)
- [`stmtCacheSize`](#createpoolpoolattrsstmtcachesize)
- [`user`](#createpoolpoolattrsuser)
- [`createPool()`: Callback Function](#createpoolpoolcallback)
- 3.3.2 [`getConnection()`](#getconnectiondb)
- [`getConnection()`: Parameters](#getconnectiondbattrs)
- [Pool Alias](#getconnectionpoolalias)
- [`getConnection()`: Attributes](#getconnectiondbattrsconnattrs)
- [`connectString`](#getconnectiondbattrsconnectstring), [`connectionString`](#getconnectiondbattrsconnectstring)
- [`edition`](#getconnectiondbattrsedition)
- [`events`](#getconnectiondbattrsevents)
- [`externalAuth`](#getconnectiondbattrsexternalauth)
- [`matchAny`](#getconnectiondbattrsmatchany)
- [`newPassword`](#getconnectiondbattrsnewpassword)
- [`poolAlias`](#getconnectiondbattrspoolalias)
- [`password`](#getconnectiondbattrspassword)
- [`privilege`](#getconnectiondbattrsprivilege)
- [`stmtCacheSize`](#getconnectiondbattrsstmtcachesize)
- [`tag`](#getconnectiondbattrstag)
- [`user`](#getconnectiondbattrsuser)
- [`getConnection()`: Callback Function](#getconnectiondbcallback)
- 3.3.3 [`getPool()`](#getpool)
- [`getPool()`: Parameters](#getpoolattrs)
- [`poolAlias`](#getpoolattrsalias)
4. [Connection Class](#connectionclass)
- 4.1 [Connection Properties](#connectionproperties)
- 4.1.1 [`action`](#propconnaction)
- 4.1.2 [`callTimeout`](#propconncalltimeout)
- 4.1.3 [`clientId`](#propconnclientid)
- 4.1.4 [`currentSchema`](#propconncurrentschema)
- 4.1.5 [`module`](#propconnmodule)
- 4.1.6 [`oracleServerVersion`](#propconnoracleserverversion)
- 4.1.7 [`oracleServerVersionString`](#propconnoracleserverversionstring)
- 4.1.8 [`stmtCacheSize`](#propconnstmtcachesize)
- 4.1.9 [`tag`](#propconntag)
- 4.2 [Connection Methods](#connectionmethods)
- 4.2.1 [`break()`](#break)
- 4.2.2 [`changePassword()`](#changepassword)
- 4.2.3 [`close()`](#connectionclose)
- 4.2.4 [`commit()`](#commit)
- 4.2.5 [`createLob()`](#connectioncreatelob)
- 4.2.6 [`execute()`](#execute)
- [`execute()`: SQL Statement](#executesqlparam)
- [`execute()`: Bind Parameters](#executebindParams)
- [`dir`](#executebindParams), [`maxArraySize`](#executebindParams), [`maxSize`](#executebindParams), [`type`](#executebindParams), [`val`](#executebindParams)
- [`execute()`: Options](#executeoptions)
- [`autoCommit`](#propexecautocommit)
- [`extendedMetaData`](#propexecextendedmetadata)
- [`fetchArraySize`](#propexecfetcharraysize)
- [`fetchInfo`](#propexecfetchinfo)
- [`maxRows`](#propexecmaxrows)
- [`outFormat`](#propexecoutformat)
- [`prefetchRows`](#propexecprefetchrows)
- [`resultSet`](#propexecresultset)
- [`execute()`: Callback Function](#executecallback)
- [`implicitResults`](#execimplicitresults)
- [`metaData`](#execmetadata)
- [`byteSize`](#execmetadata), [`dbType`](#execmetadata), [`dbTypeClass`](#execmetadata), [`dbTypeName`](#execmetadata), [`fetchType`](#execmetadata), [`name`](#execmetadata), [`nullable`](#execmetadata), [`precision`](#execmetadata), [`scale`](#execmetadata)
- [`outBinds`](#execoutbinds)
- [`resultSet`](#execresultset)
- [`rows`](#execrows)
- [`rowsAffected`](#execrowsaffected)
- 4.2.7 [`executeMany()`](#executemany)
- [`executeMany()`: SQL Statement](#executemanysqlparam)
- [`executeMany()`: Binds](#executemanybinds)
- [`executeMany()`: Options](#executemanyoptions)
- [`autoCommit`](#executemanyoptautocommit)
- [`batchErrors`](#executemanyoptbatcherrors)
- [`bindDefs`](#executemanyoptbinddefs)
- [`dir`](#executemanyoptbinddefs), [`maxSize`](#executemanyoptbinddefs), [`type`](#executemanyoptbinddefs)
- [`dmlRowCounts`](#executemanyoptdmlrowcounts)
- [`executeMany()`: Callback Function](#executemanycallback)
- [`batchErrors`](#execmanybatcherrors)
- [`dmlRowCounts`](#execmanydmlrowscounts)
- [`outBinds`](#execmanyoutbinds)
- [`rowsAffected`](#execmanyrowsaffected)
- 4.2.8 [`getDbObjectClass()`](#getdbobjectclass)
- 4.2.9 [`getQueue()`](#getqueue)
- 4.2.10 [`getSodaDatabase()`](#getsodadatabase)
- 4.2.11 [`getStatementInfo()`](#getstmtinfo)
- 4.2.12 [`ping()`](#connectionping)
- 4.2.13 [`queryStream()`](#querystream)
- 4.2.14 [`release()`](#release)
- 4.2.15 [`rollback()`](#rollback)
- 4.2.16 [`subscribe()`](#consubscribe)
- [`subscribe()`: Name](#consubscribename)
- [`subscribe()`: Options](#consubscribeoptions)
- [`binds`](#consubscribeoptbinds)
- [`callback`](#consubscribeoptcallback)
- [`groupingClass`](#consubscribeoptgroupingclass)
- [`groupingType`](#consubscribeoptgroupingtype)
- [`groupingValue`](#consubscribeoptgroupingvalue)
- [`ipAddress`](#consubscribeoptipaddress)
- [`namespace`](#consubscribeoptnamespace)
- [`operations`](#consubscribeoptoperations)
- [`port`](#consubscribeoptport)
- [`qos`](#consubscribeoptqos)
- [`sql`](#consubscribeoptsql)
- [`timeout`](#consubscribeopttimeout)
- [`subscribe()`: Callback Function](#consubscribecallback)
- 4.2.17 [`unsubscribe()`](#conunsubscribe)
5. [AqQueue Class](#aqqueueclass)
- 5.1 [AqQueue Properties](#aqqueueproperties)
- 5.1.1 [`name`](#aqqueuename)
- 5.1.2 [`deqOptions`](#aqqueuedeqopts)
- [AqDeqOptions Class](#aqdeqoptionsclass)
- 5.1.3 [`enqOptions`](#aqqueueenqopts)
- [AqEnqOptions Class](#aqenqoptionsclass)
- 5.1.4 [`payloadType`](#aqqueuepayloadtype)
- 5.1.5 [`payloadTypeClass`](#aqqueuepayloadtypeclass)
- 5.1.6 [`payloadTypeName`](#aqqueuepayloadtypename)
- 5.2 [AqQueue Methods](#aqqueuemethods)
- 5.2.1 [`deqMany()`](#aqqueuemethoddeqmany)
- 5.2.2 [`deqOne()`](#aqqueuemethoddeqone)
- [AqMessage Class](#aqmessageclass)
- 5.2.3 [`enqMany()`](#aqqueuemethodenqmany)
- 5.2.4 [`enqOne()`](#aqqueuemethodenqone)
6. [DbObject Class](#dbobjectclass)
- 6.1 [DbObject Properties](#dbobjectproperties)
- 6.1.1 [`attributes`](#dbobjattributesattributes)
- 6.1.2 [`elementType`](#dbobjattributeselementtype)
- 6.1.3 [`elementTypeClass`](#dbobjattributeselementtypeclass)
- 6.1.4 [`elementTypeName`](#dbobjattributeselementtypename)
- 6.1.5 [`fqn`](#dbobjattributesfqn)
- 6.1.6 [`isCollection`](#dbobjattributesiscollection)
- 6.1.7 [`length`](#dbobjattributeslength)
- 6.1.8 [`name`](#dbobjattributesname)
- 6.1.9 [`schema`](#dbobjattributesschema)
- 6.2 [DbObject Methods](#dbobjectmethods)
- 6.2.1 [DbObject Methods for Collections](#dbobjectmethodscolls)
- [`append()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls), [`deleteElement()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls), [`getElement()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls),
[`getFirstIndex()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls), [`getKeys()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls), [`getLastIndex()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls),
[`getNextIndex()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls), [`getPrevIndex()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls), [`hasElement()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls),
[`setElement()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls), [`getValues()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls), [`trim()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls)
7. [Lob Class](#lobclass)
- 7.1 [Lob Properties](#lobproperties)
- 7.1.1 [`chunkSize`](#proplobchunksize)
- 7.1.2 [`length`](#proploblength)
- 7.1.3 [`pieceSize`](#proplobpiecesize)
- 7.1.4 [`type`](#proplobtype)
- 7.2 [Lob Methods](#lobmethods)
- 7.2.1 [`close()`](#lobclose)
- 7.2.2 [`getData()`](#lobgetdata)
8. [Pool Class](#poolclass)
- 8.1 [Pool Properties](#poolproperties)
- 8.1.1 [`connectionsInUse`](#proppoolconnectionsinuse)
- 8.1.2 [`connectionsOpen`](#proppoolconnectionsopen)
- 8.1.3 [`poolAlias`](#proppoolpoolalias)
- 8.1.4 [`poolIncrement`](#proppoolpoolincrement)
- 8.1.5 [`poolMax`](#proppoolpoolmax)
- 8.1.6 [`poolMin`](#proppoolpoolmin)
- 8.1.7 [`poolPingInterval`](#proppoolpoolpinginterval)
- 8.1.8 [`poolTimeout`](#proppoolpooltimeout)
- 8.1.9 [`queueRequests`](#proppoolqueuerequests)
- 8.1.10 [`queueTimeout`](#proppoolqueueTimeout)
- 8.1.11 [`status`](#proppoolstatus)
- 8.1.12 [`stmtCacheSize`](#proppoolstmtcachesize)
- 8.2 [Pool Methods](#poolmethods)
- 8.2.1 [`close()`](#poolclose)
- 8.2.2 [`getConnection()`](#getconnectionpool)
- 8.2.3 [`terminate()`](#terminate)
9. [ResultSet Class](#resultsetclass)
- 9.1 [ResultSet Properties](#resultsetproperties)
- 9.1.1 [`metaData`](#rsmetadata)
- 9.2 [ResultSet Methods](#resultsetmethods)
- 9.2.1 [`close()`](#close)
- 9.2.2 [`getRow()`](#getrow)
- 9.2.3 [`getRows()`](#getrows)
- 9.2.4 [`toQueryStream()`](#toquerystream)
10. [SodaCollection Class](#sodacollectionclass)
- 10.1 [SodaCollection Properties](#sodacollectionproperties)
- 10.1.1 [`metaData`](#sodacollectionpropmetadata)
- 10.1.2 [`name`](#sodacollectionpropname)
- 10.2 [SodaCollection Methods](#sodacollectionmethods)
- 10.2.1 [`createIndex()`](#sodacollcreateindex)
- [`createIndex()`: Parameters](#sodacollcreateindexparams)
- [`indexSpec`](#sodacollcreateindexspec)
- [`createIndex()`: Callback Function](#sodacollcreateindexcb)
- 10.2.2 [`drop()`](#sodacolldrop)
- [`drop()`: Callback Function](#sodacolldropcallback)
- 10.2.3 [`dropIndex()`](#sodacolldropindex)
- [`dropIndex()`: Parameters](#sodacolldropindexparams)
- [`indexName`](#sodacolldropindexindexname)
- [`options`](#sodacolldropindexoptions)
- [`dropIndex()`: Callback Function](#sodacolldropindexcb)
- 10.2.4 [`find()`](#sodacollfind)
- [SodaOperation Class](#sodaoperationclass)
- [Non-terminal SodaOperation Methods](#sodaoperationclassnonterm)
- [`filter()`](#sodaoperationclassfilter)
- [`key()`](#sodaoperationclasskey)
- [`keys()`](#sodaoperationclasskeys)
- [`limit()`](#sodaoperationclasslimit)
- [`skip()`](#sodaoperationclassskip)
- [`version()`](#sodaoperationclassversion)
- [Terminal SodaOperation Methods](#sodaoperationclassterm)
- [`count()`](#sodaoperationclasscount)
- [`getCursor()`](#sodaoperationclassgetcursor)
- [`getDocuments()`](#sodaoperationclassgetdocuments)
- [`getOne()`](#sodaoperationclassgetone)
- [`remove()`](#sodaoperationclassremove)
- [`replaceOne()`](#sodaoperationclassreplaceone)
- [`replaceOneAndGet()`](#sodaoperationclassreplaceoneandget)
- 10.2.5 [`getDataGuide()`](#sodacollgetdataguide)
- 10.2.6 [`insertMany()`](#sodacollinsertmany)
- 10.2.7 [`insertManyAndGet()`](#sodacollinsertmanyandget)
- 10.2.8 [`insertOne()`](#sodacollinsertone)
- [`insertOne()`: Parameters](#sodacollinsertoneparams)
- [`newDocumentContent`](#sodacollinsertoneparamsdoc), [`newSodaDocument`](#sodacollinsertoneparamsdoc)
- [`insertOne()`: Callback Function](#sodacollinsertonecb)
- 10.2.9 [`insertOneAndGet()`](#sodacollinsertoneandget)
- [`insertOneAndGet()`: Parameters](#sodacollinsertoneandgetparams)
- [`newDocumentContent`](#sodacollinsertoneandgetparamsdoc), [`newSodaDocument`](#sodacollinsertoneandgetparamsdoc)
- [`insertOneAndGet()`: Callback Function](#sodacollinsertoneandgetcb)
11. [SodaDatabase Class](#sodadatabaseclass)
- 11.1 [SodaDatabase Methods](#sodadatabasemethods)
- 11.1.1 [`createCollection()`](#sodadbcreatecollection)
- [`createCollection(): collectionName`](#sodadbcreatecollectionname)
- [`createCollection(): options`](#sodadbcreatecollectionoptions)
- [`metaData`](#sodadbcreatecollectionoptsmetadata)
- [`mode`](#sodadbcreatecollectionoptsmode)
- [`createCollection()`: Callback Function](#sodadbcreatecollectioncb)
- 11.1.2 [`createDocument()`](#sodadbcreatedocument)
- [`createDocument(): content`](#sodadbcreatedocumentcontent)
- [`createDocument(): options`](#sodadbcreatedocumentoptions)
- [`key`](#sodadbcreatedocumentoptskey)
- [`mediaType`](#sodadbcreatedocumentoptsmediatype)
- 11.1.3 [`getCollectionNames()`](#sodadbgetcollectionnames)
- [`getCollectionNames()`: Parameters](#sodadbgetcollectionnamesparams)
- [`options`](#sodadbgetcollectionnamesoptions)
- [`getCollectionNames()`: Callback Function](#sodadbgetcollectionnamescb)
- 11.1.4 [`openCollection()`](#sodadbopencollection)
- [`openCollection()`: Parameters](#sodadbopencollectionparams)
- [`collectionName`](#sodadbopencollectionname)
- [`openCollection()`: Callback Function](#sodadbopencollectioncb)
12. [SodaDocument Class](#sodadocumentclass)
- 12.1 [SodaDocument Properties](#sodadocumentproperties)
- 12.2 [SodaDocument Methods](#sodadocumentmethods)
- 12.2.1 [`getContent()`](#sodadocgetcontent)
- 12.2.2 [`getContentAsBuffer()`](#sodadocgetcontentasbuffer)
- 12.2.3 [`getContentAsString()`](#sodadocgetcontentasstring)
13. [SodaDocumentCursor Class](#sodadocumentcursorclass)
- 13.1 [SodaDocumentCursor Methods](#sodadoccursormethods)
- 13.1.1 [`close()`](#sodadoccursorclose)
- 13.1.2 [`getNext()`](#sodadoccursorgetnext)
14. [Connection Handling](#connectionhandling)
- 14.1 [Configuring Connections and Node-oracledb](#configureconnections)
- 14.1.1 [Oracle Environment Variables](#environmentvariables)
- 14.1.2 [Optional Oracle Net Configuration](#tnsadmin)
- 14.1.3 [Optional Oracle Client Configuration](#oraaccess)
- 14.2 [Connection Strings](#connectionstrings)
- 14.2.1 [Easy Connect Syntax for Connection Strings](#easyconnect)
- 14.2.2 [Embedded Connect Descriptor Strings](#embedtns)
- 14.2.3 [Net Service Names for Connection Strings](#tnsnames)
- 14.2.4 [JDBC and Oracle SQL Developer Connection Strings](#notjdbc)
- 14.3 [Connections and Number of Threads](#numberofthreads)
- 14.4 [Connection Pooling](#connpooling)
- 14.4.1 [Connection Pool Sizing](#conpoolsizing)
- 14.4.2 [Connection Pool Closing and Draining](#conpooldraining)
- 14.4.3 [Connection Pool Cache](#connpoolcache)
- 14.4.4 [Connection Pool Queue](#connpoolqueue)
- 14.4.5 [Connection Pool Monitoring and Throughput](#connpoolmonitor)
- 14.4.6 [Connection Pool Pinging](#connpoolpinging)
- 14.4.7 [Connection Tagging and Session State](#connpooltagging)
- [Node.js Session Callback](#sessionfixupnode)
- [Connection Tagging](#sessionfixuptagging)
- [Node.js Session Tagging Callback](#sessiontaggingnode)
- [PL/SQL Session Tagging Callback](#sessiontaggingplsql)
- 14.4.8 [Heterogeneous Connection Pools and Pool Proxy Authentication](#connpoolproxy)
- 14.4 [External Authentication](#extauth)
- 14.5 [Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP)](#drcp)
- 14.6 [Privileged Connections](#privconn)
- 14.7 [Securely Encrypting Network Traffic to Oracle Database](#securenetwork)
- 14.8 [Changing Passwords and Connecting with an Expired Password](#changingpassword)
- 14.9 [Connections and High Availability](#connectionha)
- 14.9.1 [Fast Application Notification (FAN)](#connectionfan)
- 14.9.2 [Runtime Load Balancing (RLB)](#connectionrlb)
- 14.9.3 [Database Call Timeouts](#dbcalltimeouts)
15. [SQL Execution](#sqlexecution)
- 15.1 [SELECT Statements](#select)
- 15.1.1 [Fetching Rows with Direct Fetches](#fetchingrows)
- 15.1.2 [Fetching Rows with Result Sets](#resultsethandling)
- 15.1.3 [Query Streaming](#streamingresults)
- 15.1.4 [Query Output Formats](#queryoutputformats)
- 15.1.5 [Query Column Metadata](#querymeta)
- 15.1.6 [Query Result Type Mapping](#typemap)
- [Fetching CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR and NVARCHAR](#stringhandling)
- [Fetching Numbers](#numberhandling)
- [Fetching Dates and Timestamps](#datehandling)
- [Fetching Numbers and Dates as String](#fetchasstringhandling)
- [Fetching BLOB and CLOB](#fetchlob)
- [Fetching LONG and LONG RAW](#fetchlong)
- [Fetching ROWID and UROWID](#fetchrowid)
- [Fetching XMLType](#fetchxml)
- [Fetching RAW](#fetchraw)
- [Fetching Oracle Database Objects and Collections](#fetchobjects)
- 15.1.7 [Limiting Rows and Creating Paged Datasets](#pagingdata)
- 15.1.8 [Auto-Increment Columns](#autoincrement)
- 15.2 [Cursor Management](#cursors1000)
16. [PL/SQL Execution](#plsqlexecution)
- 16.1 [PL/SQL Stored Procedures](#plsqlproc)
- 16.2 [PL/SQL Stored Functions](#plsqlfunc)
- 16.3 [Anonymous PL/SQL blocks](#plsqlanon)
- 16.4 [Using DBMS_OUTPUT](#dbmsoutput)
- 16.5 [Edition-Based Redefinition](#ebr)
- 16.6 [Implicit Results](#implicitresults)
17. [Working with CLOB and BLOB Data](#lobhandling)
- 17.1 [Simple Insertion of LOBs](#basiclobinsert)
- 17.2 [Simple LOB Queries and PL/SQL OUT Binds](#queryinglobs)
- 17.3 [Streaming Lobs](#streamsandlobs)
- 17.4 [Using RETURNING INTO to Insert into LOBs](#lobinsertdiscussion)
- 17.5 [Getting LOBs as Streams from Oracle Database](#loboutstream)
- 17.6 [Using `createLob()` for PL/SQL IN Binds](#templobdiscussion)
- 17.7 [Closing Lobs](#closinglobs)
18. [Oracle Database 12c JSON Data type](#jsondatatype)
19. [Working with XMLType](#xmltype)
20. [Bind Parameters for Prepared Statements](#bind)
- 20.1 [IN Bind Parameters](#inbind)
- 20.2 [OUT and IN OUT Bind Parameters](#outbind)
- 20.3 [DML RETURNING Bind Parameters](#dmlreturn)
- 20.4 [REF CURSOR Bind Parameters](#refcursors)
- 20.5 [LOB Bind Parameters](#lobbinds)
- 20.6 [Binding Multiple Values to a SQL `WHERE IN` Clause](#sqlwherein)
- 20.7 [Binding Column and Table Names in Queries](#sqlbindtablename)
21. [Oracle Database Objects and Collections](#objects)
- 21.1 [Inserting Objects](#objectinsert)
- 21.2 [Fetching Objects](#objectfetch)
- 21.3 [PL/SQL Collection Types](#plsqlcollections)
- 21.3.1 [PL/SQL Collection Associative Arrays (Index-by)](#plsqlindexbybinds)
- 21.3.2 [PL/SQL Collection VARRAY Types](#plsqlvarray)
- 21.3.3 [PL/SQL Collection Nested Tables](#plsqlnestedtables)
- 21.4 [PL/SQL RECORD Types](#plsqlrecords)
- 21.5 [Inserting or Passing Multiple Objects of the Same Type](#objexecmany)
- 21.6 [Oracle Database Object Type Limitations](#objectlimitations)
22. [Batch Statement Execution and Bulk Loading](#batchexecution)
23. [Transaction Management](#transactionmgt)
24. [Statement Caching](#stmtcache)
25. [Continuous Query Notification (CQN)](#cqn)
26. [Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ)](#aq)
- 26.1 [Sending Simple AQ Messages](#aqrawexample)
- 26.2 [Sending Oracle Database Object AQ Messages](#aqobjexample)
- 26.3 [Changing AQ options](#aqoptions)
- 26.4 [Enqueuing and Dequeuing Multiple Messages](#aqmultiplemessages)
- 26.5 [Advanced Queuing Notifications](#aqnotifications)
27. [Globalization and National Language Support (NLS)](#nls)
28. [End-to-end Tracing, Mid-tier Authentication, and Auditing](#endtoend)
29. [Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA)](#sodaoverview)
- 29.1 [Node-oracledb SODA Requirements](#sodarequirements)
- 29.2 [Creating SODA Collections](#creatingsodacollections)
- 29.3 [Creating and Accessing SODA documents](#accessingsodadocuments)
- 29.4 [SODA Query-by-Example Searches for JSON Documents](#sodaqbesearches)
- 29.5 [SODA Text Searches](#sodatextsearches)
- 29.6 [SODA Client-Assigned Keys and Collection Metadata](#sodaclientkeys)
- 29.7 [JSON Data Guides in SODA](#sodajsondataguide)
30. [Database Round-trips](#roundtrips)
31. [Tracing SQL and PL/SQL Statements](#tracingsql)
32. [Node.js Programming Styles and node-oracledb](#programstyles)
- 32.1 [Callbacks and node-oracledb](#callbackoverview)
- 32.2 [Promises and node-oracledb](#promiseoverview)
- 32.2.1 [Custom Promise Libraries](#custompromises)
- 32.3 [Async/Await and node-oracledb](#asyncawaitoverview)
33. [Migrating from Previous node-oracledb Releases](#migrate)
- 33.1 [Migrating from node-oracledb 1.13 to node-oracledb 2.0](#migratev1v2)
- 33.2 [Migrating from node-oracledb 2.0 to node-oracledb 2.1](#migratev20v21)
- 33.3 [Migrating from node-oracledb 2.3 to node-oracledb 3.0](#migratev23v30)
- 33.4 [Migrating from node-oracledb 3.0 to node-oracledb 3.1](#migratev30v31)
- 33.5 [Migrating from node-oracledb 3.1 to node-oracledb 4.0](#migratev31v40)
## <a name="apimanual"></a> NODE-ORACLEDB API MANUAL
## <a name="intro"></a> 1. Introduction
The [*node-oracledb*][1] add-on for Node.js powers high performance Oracle Database applications.
This document shows how to use node-oracledb version 4. The API
reference is in the first sections of this document and the [user
manual](#usermanual) in subsequent sections. Documentation about
node-oracledb version 1 is [here][94]. Documentation about
node-oracledb version 2 is [here][121]. Documentation about
node-oracledb version 3 is [here][135].
The node-oracledb API is a generic Oracle Database access layer.
Almost all the functionality described here is common across all
current Oracle Databases. However the documentation may describe some
database features that are in specific Oracle Database versions,
editions, or require additional database options or packs.
### <a name="getstarted"></a> 1.1 Getting Started with Node-oracledb
Install Node.js from [][88].
Install node-oracledb using the [Quick Start Node-oracledb
Installation][87] steps.
Download node-oracledb [examples][3] or create a script like the one
below. As well as [Async/Await](#asyncawaitoverview) functions,
node-oracledb can also use [Callbacks](#callbackoverview), and
Scripts to create Oracle's sample schemas can be found at
Locate your Oracle Database [user name and password][91], and the database
[connection string](#connectionstrings). The connection string is
commonly of the format `hostname/servicename`, using the host name
where the database is running and the Oracle Database service name of
the database instance.
Substitute your user name, password and connection string in the code.
For downloaded examples, put these in [`dbconfig.js`][89].
Run the script, for example:
node myscript.js
#### <a name="examplequery"></a> 1.1.1 Example: A SQL SELECT statement in Node.js
// myscript.js
// This example uses Node 8's async/await syntax.
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.outFormat = oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT;
const mypw = ... // set mypw to the hr schema password
async function run() {
let connection;
try {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection( {
user : "hr",
password : mypw,
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1"
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT manager_id, department_id, department_name
FROM departments
WHERE manager_id = :id`,
[103], // bind value for :id
} catch (err) {
} finally {
if (connection) {
try {
await connection.close();
} catch (err) {
With Oracle's sample HR schema, the output is:
#### <a name="examplesodaawait"></a> 1.1.2 Example: Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) in Node.js
[node-oracledb's SODA API](#sodaoverview) can be used with Oracle Database 18
and above, when node-oracledb uses Oracle Client 18.5 or Oracle Client 19.3, or
later. Users who have been granted the SODA_APP role.
// mysoda.js
// This example uses Node 8's async/await syntax.
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const mypw = ... // set mypw to the hr schema password
oracledb.autoCommit = true;
async function run() {
let connection;
try {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection( {
user : "hr",
password : mypw,
connectString : "localhost/orclpdb1"
// Create a new (or open an existing) document collection
const soda = connection.getSodaDatabase();
const collectionName = 'nodb_soda_collection';
const myCollection = await soda.createCollection(collectionName);
// Insert a new document
const myContent = { name: "Sally", address: {city: "Melbourne"} };
await myCollection.insertOne(myContent);
// Print names of people living in Melbourne
const filterSpec = { "": "Melbourne" };
const myDocuments = await myCollection.find().filter(filterSpec).getDocuments();
myDocuments.forEach(function(element) {
const content = element.getContent();
console.log( + ' lives in Melbourne.');
} catch(err) {
console.log('Error in processing:\n', err);
} finally {
if (connection) {
try {
await connection.close();
} catch(err) {
console.log('Error in closing connection:\n', err);
## <a name="errorobj"></a> 2. Errors
The last parameter of each method is a callback, unless
[Promises](#promiseoverview) or [Async/Await](#asyncawaitoverview) are
being used. The first parameter of the callback is an *Error* object
that contains error information if the call fails. If the call
succeeds, then the object is null.
When using Promises or Async/Await, the `catch()` error object will
contain error information when a failure occurs.
If an invalid value is set for a property, then an error occurs. The
same is true for invalid operations on read-only or write-only
properties. If an unrecognized property name is used, it will be
### <a name="properror"></a> 2.1 Error Properties
The *Error* object contains `errorNum`, `message` and `offset` properties.
#### <a name="properrerrornum"></a> 2.1.1 `errorNum`
Number errorNum
The Oracle error number. This value is undefined for non-Oracle
errors and for messages prefixed with NJS or DPI.
#### <a name="properrmessage"></a> 2.1.2 `message`
String message
The text of the error message.
The error may be a standard Oracle message with a prefix like ORA or
PLS. Alternatively it may be a node-oracledb specific error prefixed with
A single line error message may look like this:
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
A multi-line error message may look like this:
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PLS-00201: identifier 'TESTPRC' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
#### <a name="properroffset"></a> 2.1.3 `offset`
Number offset
Generally `offset` is the character offset into the SQL text that
resulted in the Oracle error. The value may be `0` in non-SQL
contexts. This value is undefined for non-Oracle errors and for
messages prefixed with NJS or DPI.
When [`batchErrors`](#executemanyoptbatcherrors) mode in
[`executeMany()`](#executemany) returns an array of Error objects in
the callback result parameter, each `offset` property is a 0-based
index corresponding to the `executeMany()` [binds
parameter](#executemanybinds) array, indicating which record could not
be processed. See [Handling Data Errors](#handlingbatcherrors).
## <a name="oracledbclass"></a> 3. Oracledb Class
The *Oracledb* object is the factory class for *Pool* and *Connection* objects.
The *Oracledb* object is instantiated by loading node-oracledb:
const oracledb = require("oracledb");
Internally, the add-on creates the *Oracledb* object as a singleton.
Reloading it in the same Node.js process creates a new pointer to the
same object.
### <a name="oracledbconstants"></a> 3.1 Oracledb Constants
These constants are defined in the `oracledb` module. Usage is
described later in this document.
The numeric values for the constants are shown to aid debugging. They
may change in future, so use the constant names in applications.
#### <a name="oracledbconstantsoutformat"></a> 3.1.1 Query `outFormat` Constants
Constants for the query result [outFormat](#propdboutformat) option:
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY` | 4001 | Fetch each row as array of column values
`oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT` | 4002 | Fetch each row as an object
The `oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY` and `oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT`
constants were introduced in node-oracledb 4.0. The previous
constants `oracledb.ARRAY` and `oracledb.OBJECT` are deprecated but
still usable.
#### <a name="oracledbconstantsnodbtype"></a> 3.1.2 Node-oracledb Type Constants
Constants for `execute()` [bind parameter](#executebindParams) `type` property,
for the [`createLob()`](#connectioncreatelob) `type` parameter,
for the [Lob](#proplobtype) `type` property,
for [`fetchAsBuffer`](#propdbfetchasbuffer),
for [`fetchAsString`](#propdbfetchasstring)
and [`fetchInfo`](#propexecfetchinfo), and
for [extended metadata](#propdbextendedmetadata).
Not all constants can be used in all places.
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.BLOB` | 2019 | Bind a BLOB to a Node.js Stream or create a temporary BLOB, or for fetchAsBuffer and fetchInfo
`oracledb.BUFFER` | 2006 | Bind a RAW, LONG RAW or BLOB to a Node.js Buffer
`oracledb.CLOB` | 2017 | Bind a CLOB to a Node.js Stream, create a temporary CLOB, or for fetchAsString and fetchInfo
`oracledb.CURSOR` | 2021 | Bind a REF CURSOR to a node-oracledb ResultSet class
`oracledb.DATE` | 2014 | Bind as JavaScript date type. Can also be used for fetchAsString and fetchInfo
`oracledb.DEFAULT` | 0 | Used with fetchInfo to reset the fetch type to the database type
`oracledb.NUMBER` | 2010 | Bind as JavaScript number type. Can also be used for fetchAsString and fetchInfo
`oracledb.STRING` | 2001 | Bind as JavaScript String type. Can be used for most database types.
Note the values for these constants changed in node-oracledb 4.0.
#### <a name="oracledbconstantsdbtype"></a> 3.1.3 Oracle Database Type Constants
These values indicate the Oracle Database type shown in [extended
metadata](#propdbextendedmetadata) for queries and REF CURSORS, and
also shown for [DbObject](#dbobjectclass) types.
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_BFILE` | 2020 | BFILE
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_BLOB` | 2019 | BLOB
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_BOOLEAN` | 2022 | PL/SQL BOOLEAN
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_CHAR` | 2003 | CHAR
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_CLOB` | 2017 | CLOB
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_CURSOR` | 2021 | Nested Cursors, SYS_REFCURSOR
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_DATE` | 2011 | DATE
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_INTERVAL_DS` | 2015 | Interval Day to Second
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_INTERVAL_YM` | 2016 | Interval Year to Month
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_LONG` | 2024 | LONG
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_LONG_RAW` | 2025 | LONG RAW
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_NCHAR` | 2004 | NCHAR
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_NCLOB` | 2018 | NCLOB
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_NUMBER` | 2010 | NUMBER or FLOAT
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_NVARCHAR` | 2002 | NVARCHAR
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_OBJECT` | 2023 | OBJECT
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_RAW` | 2006 | RAW
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_ROWID` | 2005 | ROWID
`oracledb.DB_TYPE_VARCHAR` | 2001 | VARCHAR2
Note the values for constants changed in node-oracledb 4.0.
#### <a name="oracledbconstantsbinddir"></a> 3.1.4 Execute Bind Direction Constants
Constants for the `dir` property of `execute()`
[bindParams](#executebindParams), [`queryStream()`](#querystream) and
`executeMany()` [`bindDefs`](#executemanyoptbinddefs).
These specify whether data values bound to SQL or PL/SQL bind
parameters are passed into, or out from, the database:
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.BIND_IN` | 3001 | Direction for IN binds
`oracledb.BIND_INOUT` | 3002 | Direction for IN OUT binds
`oracledb.BIND_OUT` | 3003 | Direction for OUT binds
#### <a name="oracledbconstantsprivilege"></a> 3.1.5 Privileged Connection Constants
Constants for [`getConnection()`](#getconnectiondb)
[`privilege`](#getconnectiondbattrsprivilege) properties.
These specify what privilege should
be used by the connection that is being established.
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.SYSASM` | 32768 | SYSASM privileges
`oracledb.SYSBACKUP` | 131072 | SYSBACKUP privileges
`oracledb.SYSDBA` | 2 | SYSDBA privileges
`oracledb.SYSDG` | 262144 | SYSDG privileges
`oracledb.SYSKM` | 524288 | SYSKM privileges
`oracledb.SYSOPER` | 4 | SYSOPER privileges
`oracledb.SYSRAC` | 1048576 | SYSRAC privileges
#### <a name="oracledbconstantsstmttype"></a> 3.1.6 SQL Statement Type Constants
Constants for [`connection.getStatementInfo()`](#getstmtinfo)
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.STMT_TYPE_ALTER` | 7 | ALTER
`oracledb.STMT_TYPE_BEGIN` | 8 | BEGIN
`oracledb.STMT_TYPE_CALL` | 10 | CALL
`oracledb.STMT_TYPE_COMMIT` | 21 | COMMIT
`oracledb.STMT_TYPE_CREATE` | 5 | CREATE
`oracledb.STMT_TYPE_DELETE` | 3 | DELETE
`oracledb.STMT_TYPE_DROP` | 6 | DROP
`oracledb.STMT_TYPE_INSERT` | 4 | INSERT
`oracledb.STMT_TYPE_MERGE` | 16 | MERGE
`oracledb.STMT_TYPE_SELECT` | 1 | SELECT
`oracledb.STMT_TYPE_UNKNOWN` | 0 | Unknown statement type
`oracledb.STMT_TYPE_UPDATE` | 2 | UPDATE
#### <a name="oracledbconstantssubscription"></a> 3.1.7 Subscription Constants
Constants for the Continuous Query Notification [`message.type`](#consubscribeoptcallback).
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_AQ` | 100 | Advanced Queuing notifications are being used
`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_DEREG` | 5 | A subscription has been closed or the timeout value has been reached
`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_OBJ_CHANGE` | 6 | Object-level notifications are being used (Database Change Notification)
`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_QUERY_CHANGE` | 7 | Query-level notifications are being used (Continuous Query Notification)
`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_SHUTDOWN` | 2 | The database is being shut down
`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_SHUTDOWN_ANY` | 3 | An instance of Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) is being shut down
`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_STARTUP` | 1 | The database is being started up
Constant for the Continuous Query Notification [`groupingClass`](#consubscribeoptgroupingclass).
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.SUBSCR_GROUPING_CLASS_TIME` | 1 | Group notifications by time into a single notification
Constants for the Continuous Query Notification [`groupingType`](#consubscribeoptgroupingtype).
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.SUBSCR_GROUPING_TYPE_LAST` | 2 | The last notification in the group is sent
`oracledb.SUBSCR_GROUPING_TYPE_SUMMARY` | 1 | A summary of the grouped notifications is sent
Constants for the Continuous Query Notification [`qos`](#consubscribeoptqos) Quality of Service.
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.SUBSCR_QOS_BEST_EFFORT` | 16 | When best effort filtering for query result set changes is acceptable. False positive notifications may be received. This behavior may be suitable for caching applications.
`oracledb.SUBSCR_QOS_DEREG_NFY` | 2 | The subscription will be automatically unregistered as soon as the first notification is received.
`oracledb.SUBSCR_QOS_QUERY` | 8 | Continuous Query Notification will be used instead of Database Change Notification. This means that notifications are only sent if the result set of the registered query changes. By default no false positive notifications are generated. Use `oracledb.SUBSCR_QOS_BEST_EFFORT` if this is not needed.
`oracledb.SUBSCR_QOS_RELIABLE` | 1 | Notifications are not lost in the event of database failure.
`oracledb.SUBSCR_QOS_ROWIDS` | 4 | Notifications include the ROWIDs of the rows that were affected
Constants for the Continuous Query Notification [`namespace`](#consubscribeoptnamespace).
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_AQ` | 1 | For Advanced Queuing notifications.
`oracledb.SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_DBCHANGE` | 2 | For Continuous Query Notifications.
#### <a name="oracledbconstantsaq"></a> 3.1.8 Advanced Queuing Constants
Refer to [Advanced Queuing documentation][129] for more details about attributes.
Constants for [AqDeqOptions Class](#aqdeqoptionsclass) `mode`.
Constant Name | Value | Description
`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_MODE_BROWSE` | 1 | Read a message without acquiring a lock.
`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_MODE_LOCKED` | 2 | Read and obtain write lock on message.
`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_MODE_REMOVE` | 3 | Read the message and delete it.
`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_MODE_REMOVE_NO_DATA` | 4 | Delete message without returning payload.
Constants for [AqDeqOptions Class](#aqdeqoptionsclass) `navigation`.
Constant Name | Value | Description
`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG` | 1 | Get the message at the head of queue.
`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_NEXT_TRANSACTION` | 2 | Get first message of next transaction group.
`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_NEXT_MSG` | 3 | Get the next message in the queue.
Constants for [AqDeqOptions Class](#aqdeqoptionsclass) `wait`.
Constant Name | Value | Description
`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NO_WAIT` | 0 | Do not wait if no message is available.
`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_WAIT_FOREVER` | 4294967295 | Wait forever if no message is available.
Constants for [AqEnqOptions Class](#aqenqoptionsclass) `deliveryMode`.
Constant Name | Value | Description
`oracledb.AQ_MSG_DELIV_MODE_PERSISTENT` | 1 | Messages are persistent.
`oracledb.AQ_MSG_DELIV_MODE_BUFFERED` | 2 | Messages are buffered.
`oracledb.AQ_MSG_DELIV_MODE_PERSISTENT_OR_BUFFERED` | 3 | Messages are either persistent or buffered.
Constants for [AqMessage Class](#aqmessageclass) `state`.
Constant Name | Value | Description
`oracledb.AQ_MSG_STATE_READY` | 0 | Consumers can dequeue messages that are in the READY state.
`oracledb.AQ_MSG_STATE_WAITING` | 1 | Message is hidden for a given retry delay interval.
`oracledb.AQ_MSG_STATE_PROCESSED` | 2 | All intended consumers have successfully dequeued the message.
`oracledb.AQ_MSG_STATE_EXPIRED` | 3 | One or more consumers did not dequeue the message before the expiration time.
Constants for [AqEnqOptions Class](#aqenqoptionsclass) and [AqDeqOptions
Class](#aqdeqoptionsclass) `visibility`.
Constant Name | Value | Description
`oracledb.AQ_VISIBILITY_IMMEDIATE` | 1 | The message is not part of the current transaction. It constitutes a transaction on its own.
`oracledb.AQ_VISIBILITY_ON_COMMIT` | 2 | The message is part of the current transaction.
#### <a name="oracledbconstantscqn"></a> 3.1.9 Continuous Query Notification Constants
Constants for the Continuous Query Notification
`connection.subscribe()` option [`operations`](#consubscribeoptoperations), and for the
notification message [`operation`](#consubscribeoptcallback) properties.
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_ALL_OPS` | 0 | Default. Used to request notification of all operations.
`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_ALL_ROWS` | 1 | Indicates that row information is not available. This occurs if the `qos` quality of service flags do not specify the desire for ROWIDs, or if grouping has taken place and summary notifications are being sent.
`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_ALTER` | 16 | Set if the table was altered in the notifying transaction
`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_DELETE` | 8 | Set if the notifying transaction included deletes on the table
`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_DROP` | 32 | Set if the table was dropped in the notifying transaction
`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_INSERT` | 2 | Set if the notifying transaction included inserts on the table
`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_UPDATE` | 4 | Set if the notifying transaction included updates on the table
#### <a name="oracledbconstantspool"></a> 3.1.10 Pool Status Constants
Constants for the connection [`pool.status`](#proppoolstatus) readonly attribute.
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.POOL_STATUS_CLOSED` | 6002 | The connection pool has been closed.
`oracledb.POOL_STATUS_DRAINING` | 6001 | The connection pool is being drained of in-use connections and will be force closed soon.
`oracledb.POOL_STATUS_OPEN` | 6000 | The connection pool is open.
#### <a name="oracledbconstantssoda"></a> 3.1.11 Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) Constants
Constant Name | Value |Description
`oracledb.SODA_COLL_MAP_MODE` | 5001 | Indicate [`sodaDatabase.createCollection()`](#sodadbcreatecollection) should use an externally created table to store the collection
### <a name="oracledbproperties"></a> 3.2 Oracledb Properties
The properties of the *Oracledb* object are used for setting up
configuration parameters for deployment.
If required, these properties can be overridden for the *Pool* or
*Connection* objects.
These properties may be read or modified. If a property is modified,
only subsequent invocations of the `createPool()` or `getConnection()`
methods will be affected. Objects that exist before a property is
modified are not altered.
Invalid values, or combinations of values, for pool configuration
properties can result in the error *ORA-24413: Invalid number of
sessions specified*.
Each of the configuration properties is described below.
#### <a name="propdbisautocommit"></a> 3.2.1 `oracledb.autoCommit`
Boolean autoCommit
If this property is *true*, then the transaction in the current
connection is automatically committed at the end of statement
The default value is *false*.
This property may be overridden in an [`execute()`](#executeoptions) call.
Note prior to node-oracledb 0.5 this property was called
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.autoCommit = false;
#### <a name="propdbconclass"></a> 3.2.2 `oracledb.connectionClass`
String connectionClass
The user-chosen Connection class value defines a logical name for connections.
Most single purpose applications should set `connectionClass` when
using a connection pool or DRCP.
When a pooled session has a connection class, Oracle ensures that the
session is not shared outside of that connection class.
The connection class value is similarly used by
[Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP)](#drcp) to allow or
disallow sharing of sessions.
For example, where two different kinds of users share one pool, you
might set `connectionClass` to 'HRPOOL' for connections that access a
Human Resources system, and it might be set to 'OEPOOL' for users of an
Order Entry system. Users will only be given sessions of the
appropriate class, allowing maximal reuse of resources in each case,
and preventing any session information leaking between the two systems.
If `connectionClass` is set for a non-pooled connection, the driver
name is not recorded in `V$` views.
[End-to-end Tracing, Mid-tier Authentication, and Auditing](#endtoend).
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.connectionClass = 'HRPOOL';
#### <a name="propdbedition"></a> 3.2.3 `oracledb.edition`
String edition
Sets the name used for Edition-Based Redefinition by connections.
See [Edition-Based Redefinition](#ebr) for more information.
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.2.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.edition = 'ed_2';
#### <a name="propdbevents"></a> 3.2.4 ``
Boolean events
Determines whether Oracle Client events mode should be enabled.
The default value for `events` is *true*.
This property can be overridden in the
[`oracledb.createPool()`](#createpoolpoolattrsevents) call and when
getting a standalone connection from
Events mode is required for [Continuous Query
Notification](#consubscribe), [Fast Application Notification
(FAN)](#connectionfan) and [Runtime Load Balancing
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.2. Up until node-oracledb
4.0 the default value for `events` was *false*.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb'); = true;
#### <a name="propdbextendedmetadata"></a> 3.2.5 `oracledb.extendedMetaData`
Boolean extendedMetaData
Determines whether additional metadata is available for queries and
for REF CURSORs returned from PL/SQL blocks.
The default value for `extendedMetaData` is *false*. With this value,
the [`result.metaData`](#execmetadata)
[`result.resultSet.metaData`](#rsmetadata) objects only include column
If `extendedMetaData` is *true* then `metaData` will contain
additional attributes. These are listed in
[Result Object Properties](#execmetadata).
This property may be overridden in an [`execute()`](#executeoptions) call.
This property was added in node-oracledb 1.10.
#### <a name="propdbisexternalauth"></a> 3.2.6 `oracledb.externalAuth`
Boolean externalAuth
If this property is *true* then connections are established using
external authentication. See [External Authentication](#extauth) for
more information.
The default value is *false*.
The `user` and `password` properties should not be set when
`externalAuth` is *true*.
This property can be overridden in the
[`oracledb.createPool()`](#createpool) call and when getting a
standalone connection from
Note prior to node-oracledb 0.5 this property was called
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.externalAuth = false;
#### <a name="propdbfetcharraysize"></a> 3.2.7 `oracledb.fetchArraySize`
Number fetchArraySize
This property sets the size of an internal buffer used for fetching
query rows from Oracle Database. Changing it may affect query
performance but does not affect how many rows are returned to the
The default value is 100.
The property is used during the default [direct
fetches](#fetchingrows), during ResultSet [`getRow()`](#getrow) calls,
and for [`queryStream()`](#querystream). It is not used for
Increasing this value reduces the number of [round-trips](#roundtrips)
to the database but increases memory usage for each data fetch. For
queries that return a large number of rows, higher values of
`fetchArraySize` may give better performance. For queries that only
return a few rows, reduce the value of `fetchArraySize` to minimize
the amount of memory management during data fetches. JavaScript
memory fragmentation may occur in some cases, see [Fetching Rows with
Direct Fetches](#fetchingrows).
For direct fetches (those using `execute()` option [`resultSet:
false`](#propexecresultset)), the internal buffer size will be based
on the lesser of [`maxRows`](#propdbmaxrows) and `fetchArraySize`.
The property was introduced in node-oracledb version 2.0. It replaces
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.fetchArraySize = 100;
#### <a name="propdbfetchasbuffer"></a> 3.2.8 `oracledb.fetchAsBuffer`
Array fetchAsBuffer
An array of node-oracledb types. Currently the only valid type
is [`oracledb.BLOB`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype). When a BLOB column is
queried with [`execute()`](#execute)
or [`queryStream()`](#querystream), the column data is returned as a
Buffer instead of the default representation.
By default in node-oracledb, all columns are returned as native types
or as [Lob](#lobclass) instances, in the case of CLOB and BLOB types.
Individual query columns in [`execute()`](#execute)
or [`queryStream()`](#querystream) calls can override the
`fetchAsBuffer` global setting by
using [`fetchInfo`](#executeoptions).
This property was added in node-oracledb 1.13.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [ oracledb.BLOB ];
#### <a name="propdbfetchasstring"></a> 3.2.9 `oracledb.fetchAsString`
Array fetchAsString
An array of node-oracledb types. The valid types are
and [`oracledb.CLOB`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype). When any column having one
of the specified types is queried with [`execute()`](#execute)
or [`queryStream()`](#querystream), the column data is returned as a
string instead of the default representation.
By default in node-oracledb, all columns are returned as native types
or as [Lob](#lobclass) instances, in the case of CLOB and BLOB types.
This property helps avoid situations where using JavaScript types can
lead to numeric precision loss, or where date conversion is unwanted.
See [Query Result Type Mapping](#typemap) for more discussion.
For raw data returned as a string, Oracle returns the data as a hex-encoded
string. For dates and numbers returned as a string, the maximum length of a
string created by this mapping is 200 bytes. Strings created for CLOB columns
will generally be limited by Node.js and V8 memory restrictions.
Individual query columns in [`execute()`](#execute)
or [`queryStream()`](#querystream) calls can override the
`fetchAsString` global setting by
using [`fetchInfo`](#executeoptions).
For non-CLOB types, the conversion to string is handled by Oracle
client libraries and is often referred to as *defining* the fetch
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.DATE, oracledb.NUMBER ];
#### <a name="propdblobprefetchsize"></a> 3.2.10 `oracledb.lobPrefetchSize`
Number lobPrefetchSize
This attribute is temporarily disabled. Setting it has no effect.
Node-oracledb internally uses Oracle *LOB Locators* to manipulate long
object (LOB) data. LOB Prefetching allows LOB data to be returned
early to node-oracledb when these locators are first returned. This
is similar to the way [row prefetching](#rowprefetching) allows for
efficient use of resources and [round-trips](#roundtrips) between
node-oracledb and the database.
Prefetching of LOBs is mostly useful for small LOBs.
The default size is 16384.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.lobPrefetchSize = 16384;
#### <a name="propdbmaxrows"></a> 3.2.11 `oracledb.maxRows`
Number maxRows
The maximum number of rows that are fetched by a query with
[`connection.execute()`](#execute) when *not* using a
[ResultSet](#resultsetclass). Rows beyond this limit are not fetched
from the database. A value of 0 means there is no limit.
The default value is 0, meaning unlimited.
This property may be overridden in an [`execute()`](#executeoptions)
To improve database efficiency, SQL queries should use a row limiting
clause like [`OFFSET` / `FETCH`](#pagingdata) or equivalent. The `maxRows`
property can be used to stop badly coded queries from returning
unexpectedly large numbers of rows.
When the number of query rows is relatively big, or can not be
predicted, it is recommended to use a [ResultSet](#resultsetclass) or
[`queryStream()`](#querystream). This allows applications to process
rows in smaller chunks or individually, preventing the Node.js memory
limit being exceeded or query results being unexpectedly truncated by
a `maxRows` limit.
In version 1, the default value was 100.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.maxRows = 0;
#### <a name="propdboracleclientversion"></a> 3.2.12 `oracledb.oracleClientVersion`
readonly Number oracleClientVersion
This readonly property gives a numeric representation of the Oracle client library version which is useful in comparisons.
For version *a.b.c.d.e*, this property gives the number: `(100000000 * a) + (1000000 * b) + (10000 * c) + (100 * d) + e`
This property was added in node-oracledb 1.3.
From node-oracledb 3.1.0, using `oracledb.oracleClientVersion` will
throw a *DPI-1047* error if node-oracledb cannot load Oracle Client
libraries. Previous versions threw this error from
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
console.log("Oracle client library version number is " + oracledb.oracleClientVersion);
#### <a name="propdboracleclientversionstring"></a> 3.2.13 `oracledb.oracleClientVersionString`
readonly String oracleClientVersionString
This readonly property gives a string representation of the Oracle client library version which is useful for display.
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.2.
From node-oracledb 3.1.0, using `oracledb.oracleClientVersionString`
will throw a *DPI-1047* error if node-oracledb cannot load Oracle
Client libraries. Previous versions threw this error from
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
console.log("Oracle client library version is " + oracledb.oracleClientVersionString);
#### <a name="propdboutformat"></a> 3.2.14 `oracledb.outFormat`
Number outFormat
The format of query rows fetched when
using [`connection.execute()`](#execute)
or [`connection.queryStream()`](#querystream). It affects
both [ResultSet](#propexecresultset) and non-ResultSet queries. It
can be used for top level queries and REF CURSOR output.
This can be either of the [Oracledb constants](#oracledbconstantsoutformat)
`oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY` or `oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT`. The default value
is `oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY` which is more efficient. The older, equivalent
constants `oracledb.ARRAY` and `oracledb.OBJECT` are deprecated.
If specified as `oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY`, each row is fetched as an array of
column values.
If specified as `oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT`, each row is fetched as a
JavaScript object. The object has a property for each column name, with the
property value set to the respective column value. The property name follows
Oracle's standard name-casing rules. It will commonly be uppercase, since most
applications create tables using unquoted, case-insensitive names.
This property may be overridden in
an [`execute()`](#executeoptions)
or [`queryStream()`](#querystream) call.
See [Query Output Formats](#queryoutputformats) for more information.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.outFormat = oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY;
#### <a name="propdbpoolincrement"></a> 3.2.15 `oracledb.poolIncrement`
Number poolIncrement
The number of connections that are opened whenever a connection
request exceeds the number of currently open connections.
The default value is 1.
This property may be overridden when [creating a connection pool](#createpool).
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.poolIncrement = 1;
#### <a name="propdbpoolmax"></a> 3.2.16 `oracledb.poolMax`
Number poolMax
The maximum number of connections to which a connection pool can grow.
The default value is 4.
This property may be overridden when [creating a connection pool](#createpool).
Importantly, if you increase `poolMax` you should also increase the
number of threads available to node-oracledb. See [Connections and
Number of Threads](#numberofthreads).
See [Connection Pooling](#connpooling) for other pool sizing guidelines.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.poolMax = 4;
#### <a name="propdbpoolmin"></a> 3.2.17 `oracledb.poolMin`
Number poolMin
The minimum number of connections a connection pool maintains, even
when there is no activity to the target database.
The default value is 0.
This property may be overridden when [creating a connection pool](#createpool).
For pools created with [External Authentication](#extauth) or with
[`homogeneous`](#createpoolpoolattrshomogeneous) set to *false*, the
number of connections initially created is zero even if a larger value
is specified for `poolMin`. The pool increment is always 1,
regardless of the value of
[`poolIncrement`](#createpoolpoolattrspoolincrement). Once the number
of open connections exceeds `poolMin` and connections are idle for
more than the [`poolTimeout`](#propdbpooltimeout) seconds, then the
number of open connections does not fall below `poolMin`.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.poolMin = 0;
#### <a name="propdbpoolpinginterval"></a> 3.2.18 `oracledb.poolPingInterval`
Number poolPingInterval
When a pool [`getConnection()`](#getconnectionpool) is called and the
connection has been idle in the pool for at least `poolPingInterval`
seconds, node-oracledb internally "pings" the database to check the
connection is alive. After a ping, an unusable connection is
destroyed and a usable one is returned by `getConnection()`.
Connection pinging improves the chance a pooled connection is valid
when it is first used because identified unusable connections will not
be returned to the application.
The default `poolPingInterval` value is 60 seconds. Possible values
`poolPingInterval` Value | Behavior of a Pool `getConnection()` Call
`n` < `0` | Never checks for connection aliveness
`n` = `0` | Always checks for connection aliveness. This value is not recommended for most applications because of the overhead in performing each ping
`n` > `0` | Checks aliveness if the connection has been idle in the pool (not "checked out" to the application by `getConnection()`) for at least `n` seconds
This property may be overridden when [creating a connection pool](#createpool).
See [Connection Pool Pinging](#connpoolpinging) for more discussion.
This property was added in node-oracledb 1.12. It was disabled when
using Oracle Client 12.2 (and later) until node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.poolPingInterval = 60; // seconds
#### <a name="propdbpooltimeout"></a> 3.2.19 `oracledb.poolTimeout`
Number poolTimeout
The number of seconds after which idle connections (unused in the
pool) are terminated. Idle connections are terminated only when the
pool is accessed. If the `poolTimeout` is set to 0, then idle
connections are never terminated.
The default value is 60.
This property may be overridden when [creating a connection pool](#createpool).
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.poolTimeout = 60;
#### <a name="propdbprefetchrows"></a> 3.2.20 `oracledb.prefetchRows`
Number prefetchRows
This attribute is no longer used in node-oracledb version 2 and has no
effect on applications. Use
[`oracledb.fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize) instead.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.prefetchRows = 100;
#### <a name="propdbpromise"></a> 3.2.21 `oracledb.Promise`
Promise Promise
Node-oracledb supports Promises on all methods. The standard Promise
library is used.
See [Promises and node-oracledb](#promiseoverview) for a discussion of
using Promises.
This property can be set to override or disable the Promise
##### Example
const mylib = require('myfavpromiseimplementation');
oracledb.Promise = mylib;
Promises can be completely disabled by setting
oracledb.Promise = null;
#### <a name="propdbqueuerequests"></a> 3.2.22 `oracledb.queueRequests`
This property was removed in node-oracledb 3.0. Queuing is now always
enabled. See [Connection Pool Queue](#connpoolqueue) for more
#### <a name="propdbqueuetimeout"></a> 3.2.23 `oracledb.queueTimeout`
Number queueTimeout
The number of milliseconds after which connection requests waiting in
the connection request queue are terminated. If `queueTimeout` is
0, then queued connection requests are never terminated.
The default value is 60000.
This property may be overridden when [creating a connection pool](#createpool).
See [Connection Pool Queue](#connpoolqueue) for more information.
This property was added in node-oracledb 1.7.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.queueTimeout = 3000; // 3 seconds
#### <a name="propdbstmtcachesize"></a> 3.2.24 `oracledb.stmtCacheSize`
Number stmtCacheSize
The number of statements that are cached in the [statement cache](#stmtcache) of
each connection.
The default value is 30.
This property may be overridden for specific *Pool* or *Connection*
In general, set the statement cache to the size of the working set of
statements being executed by the application. Statement caching can
be disabled by setting the size to 0.
See [Statement Caching](#stmtcache) for examples.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.stmtCacheSize = 30;
#### <a name="propdbversion"></a> 3.2.25 `oracledb.version`
readonly Number version
This readonly property gives a numeric representation of the node-oracledb version.
For version *x.y.z*, this property gives the number: `(10000 * x) + (100 * y) + z`
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
console.log("Driver version number is " + oracledb.version);
#### <a name="propdbversionstring"></a> 3.2.26 `oracledb.versionString`
readonly String versionString
This readonly property gives a string representation of the node-oracledb version, including the version suffix if one is present.
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.1.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
console.log("Driver version is " + oracledb.versionString);
#### <a name="propdbversionsuffix"></a> 3.2.27 `oracledb.versionSuffix`
readonly String versionSuffix
This readonly property gives a string representing the version suffix (e.g. "-dev" or "-beta") or an empty string if no version suffix is present.
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.1.
##### Example
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
console.log("Driver version suffix is " + oracledb.versionSuffix);
### <a name="oracledbmethods"></a> 3.3 Oracledb Methods
#### <a name="createpool"></a> 3.3.1 `oracledb.createPool()`
##### Prototype
createPool(Object poolAttrs, function(Error error, Pool pool){});
promise = createPool(Object poolAttrs);
##### Description
This method creates a pool of connections with the specified user
name, password and connection string. A pool is typically created
once during application initialization.
Internally, `createPool()` creates an [Oracle Call Interface Session
Pool][6] for each Pool object.
The default properties may be overridden by specifying new properties
in the `poolAttrs` parameter.
It is possible to add pools to the pool cache when calling `createPool()`.
This allows pools to later be accessed by name, removing the need to
pass the pool object through code.
See [Connection Pool Cache](#connpoolcache) for more details.
A pool should be terminated with the [`pool.close()`](#poolclose)
From node-oracledb 3.1.0, the `createPool()` error callback will
return a *DPI-1047* error if node-oracledb cannot load Oracle Client
libraries. Previous versions threw this error from
See [Connection Pooling](#connpooling) for more information about pooling.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrs"></a> `createPool()`: Parameters and Attributes
Object poolAttrs
The `poolAttrs` parameter object provides connection credentials and
pool-specific configuration properties, such as the maximum or minimum
number of connections for the pool, or the statement cache size for
the connections.
The properties provided in the `poolAttrs` parameter override the
default pooling properties of the *Oracledb* object. If an attribute
is not set, or is null, the value of the related *Oracledb* property
will be used.
Note that the `poolAttrs` parameter may have configuration
properties that are not used by the `createPool()` method. These are
The properties of `poolAttrs` are described below.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrsconnectstring"></a> `connectString`, `connectionString`
String connectString
String connectionString
The two properties are aliases for each other. Use only one of the properties.
The Oracle database instance used by connections in the pool. The
string can be an Easy Connect string, or a Net Service Name from a
`tnsnames.ora` file, or the name of a local Oracle Database instance.
See [Connection Strings](#connectionstrings) for examples.
The alias `connectionString` was added in node-oracledb 2.1.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrsedition"></a> `edition`
String edition
Sets the name used for [Edition-Based Redefinition](#ebr) by
connections in the pool.
This optional property overrides the
[`oracledb.edition`](#propdbedition) property.
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.2.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrsevents"></a> `events`
Boolean events
Indicate whether Oracle Call Interface events mode should be enabled for this pool.
This optional property overrides the
[``](#propdbevents) property.
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.2.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrsexternalauth"></a> `externalAuth`
Boolean externalAuth
Indicate whether pooled connections should be established using
[External Authentication](#extauth).
The default is *false*.
This optional property overrides the
[`oracledb.externalAuth`](#propdbisexternalauth) property.
The `user` and `password` properties should not be set when
`externalAuth` is *true*.
Note prior to node-oracledb 0.5 this property was called
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrshomogeneous"></a> `homogeneous`
Boolean homogeneous
Indicate whether connections in the pool all have the same credentials
(a 'homogeneous' pool), or whether different credentials can be used
(a 'heterogeneous' pool).
The default is *true*.
When set to *false*, the user name and password can be omitted from
the `connection.createPool()` call, but will need to be given for
subsequent `pool.getConnection()` calls. Different
`pool.getConnection()` calls can provide different user credentials.
Alternatively, when `homogeneous` is *false*, the user name (the
'proxy' user name) and password can be given, but subsequent
`pool.getConnection()` calls can specify a different user name to
access that user's schema.
Heterogeneous pools cannot be used with the [connection pool
cache](#connpoolcache). Applications should ensure the pool object is
explicitly passed between code modules, or use a homogeneous pool and
make use of [`connection.clientId`](#propconnclientid).
See [Heterogeneous Connection Pools and Pool Proxy
Authentication](#connpoolproxy) for details and examples.
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.3.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrspassword"></a> `password`
String password
The password of the database user used by connections in the pool. A
password is also necessary if a proxy user is specified at pool creation.
If `homogeneous` is *false*, then the password may be omitted at pool
creation but given in subsequent `pool.getConnection()` calls.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrspoolalias"></a> `poolAlias`
String poolAlias
The `poolAlias` is an optional property that is used to explicitly add pools to the
connection pool cache. If a pool alias is provided, then the new pool will be added
to the connection pool cache and the `poolAlias` value can then be used with methods
that utilize the connection pool cache, such as [`oracledb.getPool()`](#getpool) and
See [Connection Pool Cache](#connpoolcache) for details and examples.
This property was added in node-oracledb 1.11.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrspoolincrement"></a> `poolIncrement`
Number poolIncrement
The number of connections that are opened whenever a connection
request exceeds the number of currently open connections.
The default value is 1.
This optional property overrides the
[`oracledb.poolIncrement`](#propdbpoolincrement) property.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrspoolmax"></a> `poolMax`
Number poolMax
The maximum number of connections to which a connection pool can grow.
The default value is 4.
This optional property overrides the
[`oracledb.poolMax`](#propdbpoolmax) property.
Importantly, if you increase `poolMax` you should also increase the
number of threads available to node-oracledb. See [Connections and
Number of Threads](#numberofthreads).
See [Connection Pooling](#connpooling) for other pool sizing guidelines.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrspoolmin"></a> `poolMin`
Number poolMin
The minimum number of connections a connection pool maintains, even
when there is no activity to the target database.
The default value is 0.
This optional property overrides the
[`oracledb.poolMin`](#propdbpoolmin) property.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrspoolpinginterval"></a> `poolPingInterval`
Number poolPingInterval
When a pool [`getConnection()`](#getconnectionpool) is called and the
connection has been idle in the pool for at least `poolPingInterval`
seconds, an internal "ping" will be performed first to check the
aliveness of the connection.
The default value is 60.
This optional property overrides the
[`oracledb.poolPingInterval`](#propdbpoolpinginterval) property.
See [Connection Pool Pinging](#connpoolpinging) for more discussion.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrspooltimeout"></a> `poolTimeout`
Number poolTimeout
The number of seconds after which idle connections (unused in the
pool) may be terminated. Idle connections are terminated only when
the pool is accessed.
The default value is 60.
This optional property overrides the
[`oracledb.poolTimeout`](#propdbpooltimeout) property.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrsqueuerequests"></a> `queueRequests`
This property was removed in node-oracledb 3.0. Queuing is now always
enabled. See [Connection Pool Queue](#connpoolqueue) for more
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrsqueuetimeout"></a> `queueTimeout`
Number queueTimeout
The number of milliseconds after which connection requests waiting in the
connection request queue are terminated. If `queueTimeout` is
set to 0, then queued connection requests are never terminated.
The default value is 60000.
This optional property overrides the
[`oracledb.queueTimeout`](#propdbqueuetimeout) property.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrssessioncallback"></a> `sessionCallback`
String sessionCallback | function sessionCallback(Connection connection, String requestedTag, function callback(Error error, Connection connection){})
When `sessionCallback` is a Node.js function, each `pool.getConnection()` will
select a connection from the pool and may invoke `sessionCallback` before
returning. The `sessionCallback` function is called:
- when the pool selects a brand new, never used connection in the pool.
- if the pool selects a connection from the pool with a given
[`tag`](#getconnectiondbattrstag) but that tag string value does not match
the connection's current, actual tag. The tag requested (if any) by
`pool.getConnection()` is available in the `requestedTag` parameter. The
actual tag in the connection selected by the pool is available in
It will not be invoked for other `pool.getConnection()` calls.
The session callback is called before `pool.getConnection()` returns so it can
be used for logging or to efficiently set session state, such as with ALTER
SESSION statements. Make sure any session state is set and `connection.tag` is
updated in the `sessionCallback` function prior to it calling its own
`callback()` function otherwise the session will not be correctly set when
`getConnection()` returns. The connection passed into `sessionCallback` should
be passed out through `callback()` so it is returned from the application's
`pool.getConnection()` call.
When node-oracledb is using Oracle Client libraries 12.2 or later, tags are
[multi-property tags][125] with name=value pairs like "k1=v1;k2=v2".
When using Oracle Client libraries 12.2 or later, `sessionCallback`
can be a string containing the name of a PL/SQL procedure to be called
when `pool.getConnection()` requests a
[`tag`](#getconnectiondbattrstag), and that tag does not match the
connection's actual tag. When the application uses [DRCP
connections](#drcp), a PL/SQL callback can avoid the
[round-trip](#roundtrips) calls that a Node.js function would require
to set session state. For non-DRCP connections, the PL/SQL callback
will require a round-trip from the application.
The PL/SQL procedure declaration is:
PROCEDURE mycallback (
desired_props IN VARCHAR2,
actual_props IN VARCHAR2
See [Connection Tagging and Session State](#connpooltagging) for more
This property was added in node-oracledb 3.1.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrsstmtcachesize"></a> `stmtCacheSize`
Number stmtCacheSize
The number of statements to be cached in the
[statement cache](#stmtcache) of each connection in the pool.
This optional property overrides the
[`oracledb.stmtCacheSize`](#propdbstmtcachesize) property.
###### <a name="createpoolpoolattrsuser"></a> `user`
String user
The database user name for connections in the pool. Can be a simple
user name or a proxy of the form *alison[fred]*. See the [Client
Access Through a Proxy][7] section in the Oracle Call Interface manual
for more details about proxy authentication.
If `homogeneous` is *false*, then the pool user name and password need
to be specified only if the application wants that user to proxy the
users supplied in subsequent `pool.getConnection()` calls.
#### <a name="createpoolpoolcallback"></a> `createPool()`: Callback Function
##### Prototype
function(Error error, Pool pool)
##### Parameters
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `createPool()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
*Pool pool* | The newly created connection pool. If `createPool()` fails, `pool` will be NULL. If the pool will be accessed via the [pool cache](#connpoolcache), this parameter can be omitted. See [Pool class](#poolclass) for more information.
#### <a name="getconnectiondb"></a> 3.3.2 `oracledb.getConnection()`
##### Prototype
getConnection([String poolAlias | Object connAttrs], function(Error error, Connection connection){});
promise = getConnection([String poolAlias | Object connAttrs]);
##### Description
Obtains a connection from a pool in the [connection pool
cache](#connpoolcache) or creates a new, standalone, non-pooled
For situations where connections are used infrequently, creating a
standalone connection may be more efficient than creating and managing
a connection pool. However, in most cases, Oracle recommends getting
connections from a [connection pool](#createpool).
The following table shows the various signatures that can be used when invoking
`getConnection` and describes how the function will behave as a result.
Signature | Description
--------- | -----------
`oracledb.getConnection()` | Gets a connection from the previously created default pool. Returns a promise.
`oracledb.getConnection(callback)` | Gets a connection from the previously created default pool. Invokes the callback.
`oracledb.getConnection(poolAlias)` | Gets a connection from the previously created pool with the specified `poolAlias`. Returns a promise.
`oracledb.getConnection(poolAlias, callback)` | Gets a connection from the previously created pool with the specified `poolAlias`. Invokes the callback.
`oracledb.getConnection(connAttrs)` | Creates a standalone, non-pooled connection. Returns a promise.
`oracledb.getConnection(connAttrs, callback)` | Creates a standalone, non-pooled connection. Invokes the callback.
Note if the application opens a number of connections, you should
increase the number of threads available to node-oracledb.
See [Connections and Number of Threads](#numberofthreads).
From node-oracledb 3.1.0, a non-pooled `oracledb.getConnection()` call
will return a *DPI-1047* error if node-oracledb cannot load Oracle
Client libraries. Previous versions threw this error from
See [Connection Handling](#connectionhandling) for more information on
##### <a name="getconnectiondbattrs"></a> `getConnection()`: Parameters
###### <a name="getconnectionpoolalias"></a> Pool Alias
String poolAlias
The `poolAlias` parameter specifies which previously created pool in
the [connection pool cache](#connpoolcache) to use to obtain the
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrsconnattrs"></a> `getConnection()`: Attributes
Object connAttrs
The `connAttrs` parameter object provides connection credentials and
connection-specific configuration properties.
Any `connAttrs` properties that are not used by the `getConnection()`
method are ignored.
The properties of the `connAttrs` object are described below.
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrsconnectstring"></a> `connectString`, `connectionString`
String connectString
String connectionString
The two properties are aliases for each other. Use only one of the properties.
The Oracle database instance to connect to. The string can be an Easy Connect string, or a
Net Service Name from a `tnsnames.ora` file, or the name of a local
Oracle database instance. See
[Connection Strings](#connectionstrings) for examples.
The alias `connectionString` was added in node-oracledb 2.1.
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrsedition"></a> `edition`
String edition
Sets the name used for [Edition-Based Redefinition](#ebr) by this connection.
This optional property overrides the
[`oracledb.edition`](#propdbedition) property.
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.2.
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrsevents"></a> `events`
Boolean events
Determines if the standalone connection is created using Oracle Call Interface events mode.
This optional property overrides the
[``](#propdbisevents) property.
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.2.
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrsexternalauth"></a> `externalAuth`
Boolean externalAuth
If this optional property is *true* then the connection will be
established using [External Authentication](#extauth).
This optional property overrides the
[`oracledb.externalAuth`](#propdbisexternalauth) property.
The `user` and `password` properties should not be set when
`externalAuth` is *true*.
Note prior to node-oracledb 0.5 this property was called
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrsmatchany"></a> `matchAny`
Boolean matchAny
Used in conjunction with [`tag`](#getconnectiondbattrstag) when
getting a connection from a [connection pool](#poolclass).
Indicates that the tag in a connection returned from a connection pool
may not match the requested tag.
See [Connection Tagging and Session State](#connpooltagging).
This property was added in node-oracledb 3.1.
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrsnewpassword"></a> `newPassword`
String newPassword
The new password to use for the database user. When using
`newPassword`, the [`password`](#getconnectiondbattrspassword)
property should be set to the current password.
This allows passwords to be changed at the time of connection, in
particular it can be used to connect when the old password has
See [Changing Passwords and Connecting with an Expired Password](#changingpassword).
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.2.
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrspoolalias"></a> `poolAlias`
String poolAlias
Specifies which previously created pool in the [connection pool
cache](#connpoolcache) to obtain the connection from. See [Pool
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrspassword"></a> `password`
String password
The password of the database user. A password is also necessary if a
proxy user is specified.
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrsprivilege"></a> `privilege`
Number privilege
The privilege to use when establishing connection to the database. This
optional property should be one of the
[privileged connection constants](#oracledbconstantsprivilege).
See [Privileged Connections](#privconn) for more information.
Note only non-pooled connections can be privileged.
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.1.
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrsstmtcachesize"></a> `stmtCacheSize`
Number stmtCacheSize
The number of statements to be cached in the
[statement cache](#stmtcache) of each connection. This optional
property may be used to override the
[`oracledb.stmtCacheSize`](#propdbstmtcachesize) property.
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrstag"></a> `tag`
String tag
Used when getting a connection from a [connection pool](#poolclass).
Indicates the tag that a connection returned from a connection pool
should have. Various heuristics determine the tag that is actually
returned, see [Connection Tagging and Session
This property was added in node-oracledb 3.1.
###### <a name="getconnectiondbattrsuser"></a> `user`
String user
The database user name. Can be a simple user name or a proxy of the
form *alison[fred]*. See the [Client Access Through a Proxy][7]
section in the Oracle Call Interface manual for more details about
proxy authentication.
##### <a name="getconnectiondbcallback"></a> `getConnection()`: Callback Function
##### Prototype
function(Error error, Connection connection)
##### Parameters
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `getConnection()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
*Connection connection* | The newly created connection. If `getConnection()` fails, `connection` will be NULL. See [Connection class](#connectionclass) for more details.
#### <a name="getpool"></a> 3.3.3 `oracledb.getPool()`
##### Prototype
getPool([String poolAlias]);
##### Description
Retrieves a previously created pool from the [connection pool
cache](#connpoolcache). Note that this is a synchronous method.
##### <a name="getpoolattrs"></a> Parameters
###### <a name="getpoolattrsalias"></a> `alias`
String poolAlias
The pool alias of the pool to retrieve from the connection pool cache. The default
value is 'default' which will retrieve the default pool from the cache.
## <a name="connectionclass"></a> 4. Connection Class
A *Connection* object is obtained by a *Pool* class
[`getConnection()`](#getconnectionpool) or
*Oracledb* class [`getConnection()`](#getconnectiondb)
The connection is used to access an Oracle database.
### <a name="connectionproperties"></a> 4.1 Connection Properties
The properties of a *Connection* object are listed below.
#### <a name="propconnaction"></a> 4.1.1 `connection.action`
writeonly String action
The [action][9] attribute for end-to-end application tracing.
This is a write-only property. Displaying a Connection object will
show a value of `null` for this attribute. See
[End-to-end Tracing, Mid-tier Authentication, and Auditing](#endtoend).
#### <a name="propconncalltimeout"></a> 4.1.2 `connection.callTimeout`
Number callTimeout
Sets the maximum number of milliseconds that each underlying
[round-trip](#roundtrips) between node-oracledb and Oracle Database
may take. Each node-oracledb method or operation may make zero or
more round-trips. The `callTimeout` value applies to each round-trip
individually, not to the sum of all round-trips. Time spent
processing in node-oracledb before or after the completion of each
round-trip is not counted.
See [Database Call Timeouts](#dbcalltimeouts) for more information.
This property was added in node-oracledb 3.0. An exception will occur
if node-oracledb is not using Oracle client library version 18.1 or
#### <a name="propconnclientid"></a> 4.1.3 `connection.clientId`
writeonly String clientId
The [client identifier][10] for end-to-end application tracing, use
with mid-tier authentication, and with [Virtual Private
This is a write-only property. Displaying a Connection object will
show a value of `null` for this attribute. See
[End-to-end Tracing, Mid-tier Authentication, and Auditing](#endtoend).
#### <a name="propconncurrentschema"></a> 4.1.4 `connection.currentSchema`
String currentSchema
After setting `currentSchema`, SQL statements using unqualified
references to schema objects will resolve to objects in the specified
This setting does not change the session user or the current user, nor
does it give the session user any additional system or object
privileges for the session.
The value of `currentSchema` will be empty until it has been
explicitly set.
This property is an efficient alternative to [`ALTER SESSION SET
This property was added in node-oracledb 4.0.
#### <a name="propconnmodule"></a> 4.1.5 `connection.module`
writeonly String module
The [module][9] attribute for end-to-end application tracing.
This is a write-only property. Displaying a Connection object will
show a value of `null` for this attribute. See
[End-to-end Tracing, Mid-tier Authentication, and Auditing](#endtoend).
#### <a name="propconnoracleserverversion"></a> 4.1.6 `connection.oracleServerVersion`
readonly Number oracleServerVersion
This readonly property gives a numeric representation of the Oracle database version which is useful in comparisons.
For version *a.b.c.d.e*, this property gives the number: `(100000000 * a) + (1000000 * b) + (10000 * c) + (100 * d) + e`
Note if you connect to Oracle Database 18, the version will only be
accurate if node-oracledb is also using Oracle Database 18 client
libraries. Otherwise it will show the base release such as 1800000000
instead of 1803000000.
This property was added in node-oracledb 1.3.
#### <a name="propconnoracleserverversionstring"></a> 4.1.7 `connection.oracleServerVersionString`
readonly String oracleServerVersionString
This readonly property gives a string representation of the Oracle database version which is useful for display.
Note if you connect to Oracle Database 18, or later, then the version
will only be accurate if node-oracledb is also using Oracle Database
18, or later, client libraries. Otherwise it will show the base
release such as "" instead of "".
This property was added in node-oracledb 2.2.
#### <a name="propconnstmtcachesize"></a> 4.1.8 `connection.stmtCacheSize`
readonly Number stmtCacheSize
The number of statements to be cached in the
[statement cache](#stmtcache) of the connection. The default value is
the `stmtCacheSize` property in effect in the *Pool* object when the
connection is created in the pool.
#### <a name="propconntag"></a> 4.1.9 `connection.tag`
String tag
Applications can set the tag property on pooled connections to
indicate the 'session state' that a connection has. The tag will be
retained when the connection is released to the pool. A subsequent
`pool.getConnection()` can request a connection that has a given
[`tag`](#getconnectiondbattrstag). It is up to the application to set
any desired session state and set `connection.tag` prior to closing
the connection.
The tag property is not used for standalone connections.
When node-oracledb is using Oracle Client libraries 12.2 or later, the
tag must be a [multi-property tag][125] with name=value pairs like
An empty string represents not having a tag set.
See [Connection Tagging and Session State](#connpooltagging).
This property was added in node-oracledb 3.1.
##### Getting the tag
After a `pool.getConnection()` requests a [tagged
- When no [`sessionCallback`](#createpoolpoolattrssessioncallback) is
in use, then `connection.tag` will contain the actual tag of the
- When a Node.js `sessionCallback` function is used, then
`connection.tag` will be set to the value of the connection's actual
tag prior to invoking the callback. The callback can then set
connection state and alter `connection.tag`, as desired, before the
connection is returned from `pool.getConnection()`.
- When a PL/SQL `sessionCallback` procedure is used, then after
`pool.getConnection()` returns, `connection.tag` contains a tag with
the same property values as the tag that was requested. The
properties may be in a different order. If `matchAnyTag` is *true*,
then `connection.tag` may contain other properties in addition to
the requested properties. Code after each `pool.getConnection()`
call mirroring the PL/SQL code may be needed so `connection.tag` can
be set to a value representing the session state changed in the
PL/SQL procedure.
##### Setting the tag
A tag can be set anytime prior to closing the connection. If a
Node.js `sessionCallback` function is being used, the best practice
recommendation is to set the tag in the callback function.
To clear a connection's tag, set `connection.tag = ""`.
### <a name="connectionmethods"></a> 4.2 Connection Methods
#### <a name="break"></a> 4.2.1 `connection.break()`
##### Prototype
break(function(Error error){});
promise = break();
##### Description
This call stops the currently running operation on the connection.
If there is no operation in progress or the operation has completed by
the time the break is issued, the `break()` is effectively a no-op.
If the running asynchronous operation is interrupted, its callback
will return an error.
In network configurations that drop (or in-line) out-of-band breaks,
`break()` may hang unless you have [`DISABLE_OOB=ON`][122] in a
`sqlnet.ora` file, see [Optional Oracle Net Configuration](#tnsadmin).
If you use use `break()` with [DRCP connections](#drcp), it is
currently recommended to drop the connection when releasing it back to
the pool: `await connection.close({drop: true})`. See Oracle bug
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `break()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
#### <a name="changepassword"></a> 4.2.2 `connection.changePassword()`
##### Prototype
changePassword(String user, String oldPassword, String newPassword, function(Error error){});
promise = changePassword(String user, String oldPassword, String newPassword);
##### Description
Changes the password of the specified user.
Only users with the ALTER USER privilege can change passwords of other
See [Changing Passwords and Connecting with an Expired Password](#changingpassword).
This method was added in node-oracledb 2.2.
##### Parameters
- ```
String user
The name of the user whose password is to be changed.
- ```
String oldPassword
The current password of the currently connected user.
If `changePassword()` is being used by a DBA to change the password of
another user, the value of `oldPassword` is ignored and can be an
empty string.
- ```
String newPassword
The new password of the user whose password is to be changed.
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `changePassword()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
#### <a name="connectionclose"></a> 4.2.3 `connection.close()`
##### Prototype
close([Object options, ] function(Error error){});
promise = close([Object options]);
##### Description
Releases a connection.
Calling `close()` as soon as a connection is no longer required is
strongly encouraged for system efficiency. Calling `close()` for
pooled connections is required to prevent the pool running out of
When a connection is released, any ongoing transaction on the
connection is rolled back.
If an error occurs on a pooled connection and that error is known to
make the connection unusable, then `close()` will drop that connection
from the connection pool so a future pooled `getConnection()` call
that grows the pool will create a new, valid connection.
This method was added to node-oracledb 1.9, replacing the equivalent
alias `connection.release()`.
##### Parameters
- ```
Object options
This parameter only affects pooled connections.
The only valid option attribute is `drop`.
For pooled connections, if `drop` is *false*, then the
connection is returned to the pool for reuse. If `drop` is *true*,
the connection will be completely dropped from the connection pool, for example:
await connection.close({drop: true});
The default is *false*.
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `close()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
#### <a name="commit"></a> 4.2.4 `connection.commit()`
##### Prototype
commit(function(Error error){});
promise = commit();
##### Description
This call commits the current transaction in progress on the connection.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `commit()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
#### <a name="connectioncreatelob"></a> 4.2.5 `connection.createLob()`
##### Prototype
createLob(Number type, function(Error error, Lob lob){});
promise = createLob(Number type);
##### Description
Creates a [Lob](#lobclass) as an Oracle [temporary LOB][12]. The LOB
is initially empty. Data can be streamed to the LOB, which can then
be passed into PL/SQL blocks, or inserted into the database.
When no longer required, Lobs created with `createLob()` should be
closed with [`lob.close()`](#lobclose) because Oracle Database
resources are held open if temporary LOBs are not closed.
Open temporary LOB usage can be monitored using the view
LOBs created with `createLob()` can be bound for IN, IN OUT and OUT
See [Working with CLOB and BLOB Data](#lobhandling) and [LOB Bind Parameters](#lobbinds) for more information.
##### Parameters
- ```
Number type
One of the constants [`oracledb.CLOB`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype)
or [`oracledb.BLOB`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype).
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `createLob()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
#### <a name="execute"></a> 4.2.6 `connection.execute()`
##### Prototype
execute(String sql [, Object bindParams [, Object options]], function(Error error, Object result){});
promise = execute(String sql [, Object bindParams [, Object options]]);
##### Description
This call executes a single SQL or PL/SQL statement.
See [SQL Execution](#sqlexecution) for examples. Also
see [`queryStream()`](#querystream) for an alternative way of executing
The statement to be executed may contain [IN binds](#inbind),
[OUT or IN OUT](#outbind) bind values or variables, which are bound
using either an object or an array.
A callback function returns a [`result`](#executecallback) object,
containing any fetched rows, the values of any OUT and IN OUT bind
variables, and the number of rows affected by the execution of
[DML][14] statements.
##### Parameters
Parameter | Description
[`String sql`](#executesqlparam) | The SQL statement that is executed. The statement may contain bind parameters.
[`Object bindParams`](#executebindParams) | This function parameter is needed if there are bind parameters in the SQL statement.
[`Object options`](#executeoptions) | This is an optional parameter to `execute()` that may be used to control statement execution.
[`function(Error error, Object result)`](#executecallback) | Callback function with the execution results.
The parameters are discussed in the next sections.
##### <a name="executesqlparam"></a> `execute()`: SQL Statement
String sql
The SQL or PL/SQL statement that `execute()` executes. The statement
may contain bind variables.
##### <a name="executebindParams"></a> `execute()`: Bind Parameters
Object bindParams
The `execute()` function `bindParams` parameter is needed if there are
bind variables in the statement, or if [`options`](#executeoptions)
are used. It can be either an object that associates values or
JavaScript variables to the statement's bind variables by name, or an
array of values or JavaScript variables that associate to the
statement's bind variables by their relative positions.
See [Bind Parameters for Prepared Statements](#bind) for more details
on binding.
If a bind value is an object it may have the following properties:
Bind Property | Description
`dir` | The direction of the bind. One of the [Execute Bind Direction Constants](#oracledbconstantsbinddir) `oracledb.BIND_IN`, `oracledb.BIND_INOUT`, or `oracledb.BIND_OUT`. The default is `oracledb.BIND_IN`.
`maxArraySize` | The number of array elements to be allocated for a PL/SQL Collection INDEX BY associative array OUT or IN OUT array bind variable. For IN binds, the value of `maxArraySize` is ignored. See [PL/SQL Collection Associative Arrays](#plsqlindexbybinds).
`maxSize` | The maximum number of bytes that an OUT or IN OUT bind variable of type `oracledb.STRING` or `oracledb.BUFFER` can use to get data. The default value is 200. The maximum limit depends on the database type, see below. When binding IN OUT, then `maxSize` refers to the size of the returned value: the input value can be smaller or bigger. For IN binds, `maxSize` is ignored.
`type` | The node-oracledb or JavaScript data type or Oracle object type name to be bound. Can be one of the [Node-oracledb Type Constants](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype) `oracledb.BLOB`, `oracledb.BUFFER`, `oracledb.CLOB`, `oracledb.CURSOR`, `oracledb.DATE`, `oracledb.NUMBER`, or `oracledb.STRING`. It may also be the name of an Oracle Database object or collection, or a [DbObject Class](#dbobjectclass). With IN or IN OUT binds the type can be explicitly set with `type` or it will default to the type of the input data value. With OUT binds, the type defaults to `oracledb.STRING` whenever `type` is not specified.
`val` | The input value or variable to be used for an IN or IN OUT bind variable.
The limit for `maxSize` when binding as `oracledb.BUFFER` is 2000
bytes, and as `oracledb.STRING` is 4000 bytes unless you are using
Oracle Database 12 or later, and the database initialization parameter
`MAX_STRING_SIZE` has a value of `EXTENDED`. In this case the limit
is 32767 bytes.
When binding Oracle LOBs as `oracledb.STRING` or `oracledb.BUFFER`,
the value of `maxSize` can be much larger, see the limits
in [LOB Bind Parameters](#lobbinds).
When binding to get a UROWID value from the database, note that
UROWIDs can take up to 5267 bytes when fetched from the database so
`maxSize` should be set to at least this value.
Note `oracledb.CURSOR` bind variables can be used only for PL/SQL OUT binds.
##### <a name="executeoptions"></a> `execute()`: Options
Object options
This is an optional parameter to `execute()` that may be used to
control statement execution.
If there are no bind variables in the SQL statement, then a null
`bindParams`, for example `{}`, must be specified before `options`
otherwise you will get an error like *ORA-01036: Illegal variable
name/number* or *NJS-012: encountered invalid bind data type in parameter*.
The following properties can be set or overridden for the execution of
a statement.
###### <a name="propexecautocommit"></a> `autoCommit`
Boolean autoCommit
Overrides [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit).
###### <a name="propexecextendedmetadata"></a> `extendedMetaData`
Boolean extendedMetaData
Overrides [`oracledb.extendedMetaData`](#propdbextendedmetadata).
###### <a name="propexecfetcharraysize"></a> `fetchArraySize`
Number fetchArraySize
Overrides [`oracledb.fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize).
###### <a name="propfetchinfo"></a> <a name="propexecfetchinfo"></a> `fetchInfo`
Object fetchInfo
Object defining how query column data should be represented in
JavaScript. It can be used in conjunction with, or instead of, the
global settings [`fetchAsString`](#propdbfetchasstring)
and [`fetchAsBuffer`](#propdbfetchasbuffer).
For example:
fetchInfo: {
"HIRE_DATE": { type: oracledb.STRING }, // return the date as a string
"HIRE_DETAILS": { type: oracledb.DEFAULT } // override fetchAsString or fetchAsBuffer
Each column is specified by name, using Oracle's standard naming
The `type` property can be set to one of:
- [`oracledb.STRING`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype) for number, date and
raw columns in a query to indicate they should be returned as
Strings instead of their native format. CLOB column data can also
be returned as Strings instead of [Lob](#lobclass) instances.
Raw columns returned as strings will be returned as hex-encoded
strings. The maximum length of a string created by type mapping
number and date columns is 200 bytes. If a database column that is
already being fetched as type `oracledb.STRING` is specified in
`fetchInfo`, then the actual database metadata will be used to
determine the maximum length.
- [`oracledb.BUFFER`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype) for a BLOB column,
each BLOB item will be returned as a Buffer instead of a
[Lob](#lobclass) instance.
- [`oracledb.DEFAULT`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype) overrides any
global mapping given by [`fetchAsString`](#propdbfetchasstring) or
[`fetchAsBuffer`](#propdbfetchasbuffer). The column data is
returned in native format.
Strings and Buffers created for LOB columns will generally be limited
by Node.js and V8 memory restrictions.
Columns fetched from REF CURSORS are not mapped by `fetchInfo`
settings in the `execute()` call. Use the
global [`fetchAsString`](#propdbfetchasstring)
or [`fetchAsBuffer`](#propdbfetchasbuffer) settings instead.
See [Query Result Type Mapping](#typemap) for more information on query type
###### <a name="propexecmaxrows"></a> `maxRows`
Number maxRows
Overrides [`oracledb.maxRows`](#propdbmaxrows).
###### <a name="propexecoutformat"></a> `outFormat`
Number outFormat
Overrides [`oracledb.outFormat`](#propdboutformat).
###### <a name="propexecprefetchrows"></a> `prefetchRows`
Number prefetchRows
This attribute is no longer supported in node-oracledb version 2 and
has no effect on applications. Use
[`fetchArraySize`](#propexecfetcharraysize) instead.
###### <a name="propexecresultset"></a> `resultSet`
Boolean resultSet
Determines whether query results and [Implicit
Results](#implicitresults) should be returned as a
[ResultSet](#resultsetclass) object or directly. The default is
##### <a name="executecallback"></a> `execute()`: Callback Function
function(Error error, Object result)
The parameters of the `execute()` callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `execute()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
*Object result* | The [`result`](#resultobject) object, described below. The `result` parameter can be omitted for [DDL][15] and [DML][14] statements where the application only checks `error` for success or failure.
##### <a name="resultobject"></a> Result Object Properties
The properties of `result` object from the `execute()` callback are described below.
###### <a name="execimplicitresults"></a> `implicitResults`
This property will be defined if the executed statement returned
Implicit Results. Depending on the value of
[`resultSet`](#propexecresultset) it will either be an array, each
element containing an array of rows from one query, or an array of
[ResultSets](#resultsethandling) each corresponding to a query.
See [Implicit Results](#implicitresults) for examples.
This property was added in node-oracledb 4.0. Implicit Results
requires Oracle Database 12.1 or later, and Oracle Client 12.1 or
###### <a name="execmetadata"></a> `metaData`
readonly Array metaData
For `SELECT` statements, this contains an array of objects describing
details of columns for the select list. For non queries, this property is undefined.
Each column's `name` is always given. If the
[`oracledb.extendedMetaData`](#propdbextendedmetadata) or `execute()` option
[`extendedMetaData`](#propexecextendedmetadata) are *true* then
additional information is included.
- `byteSize`: the database byte size. This is only set for `oracledb.DB_TYPE_VARCHAR`, `oracledb.DB_TYPE_CHAR` and `oracledb.DB_TYPE_RAW` column types.
- `dbType`: one of the [Oracle Database Type Constant](#oracledbconstantsdbtype) values.
- `dbTypeClass`: the class associated with the database type. This is only set if the database type is an object type.
- `dbTypeName`: the name of the database type, such as "NUMBER" or "VARCHAR2". For object types, this will be the object name.
- `fetchType`: one of the [Node-oracledb Type Constant](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype) values.
- `name`: The column name follows Oracle's standard name-casing rules. It will commonly be uppercase, since most applications create tables using unquoted, case-insensitive names.
- `nullable`: indicates whether `NULL` values are permitted for this column.
- `precision`: set only for `oracledb.DB_TYPE_NUMBER`, `oracledb.DB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP`, `oracledb.DB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_TZ` and `oracledb.DB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ` columns.
- `scale`: set only for `oracledb.DB_TYPE_NUMBER` columns.
For numeric columns: when `precision` is `0`, then the column is
simply a NUMBER. If `precision` is nonzero and `scale` is `-127`,
then the column is a FLOAT. Otherwise, it is a NUMBER(precision,
Metadata for ResultSets and REF CURSORS is available in a
[ResultSet property](#rsmetadata). For Lobs, a
[Lob type property](#proplobtype) also indicates whether the object is
To get query metadata without fetching rows, use a
[ResultSet](#resultsetclass). Access
[`resultset.metaData`](#rsmetadata) and then close the ResultSet. Do
not call `getRow()` or `getRows()`. Preferably use a query clause
such as `WHERE 1 = 0` so the database does minimal work.
See [Query Column Metadata](#querymeta) for examples.
###### <a name="execoutbinds"></a> `outBinds`
Array/object outBinds
This contains the output values of OUT and IN OUT binds.
If [`bindParams`](#executebindParams) is passed as an array, then
`outBinds` is returned as an array. If `bindParams` is passed as an
object, then `outBinds` is returned as an object. If there are no OUT
or IN OUT binds, the value is undefined.
###### <a name="execresultset"></a> `resultSet`
Object resultSet
For `SELECT` statements when the [`resultSet`](#executeoptions) option
is *true*, use the `resultSet` object to fetch rows.
See [ResultSet Class](#resultsetclass)
and [Fetching Rows with Result Sets](#resultsethandling).
When using this option, [`resultSet.close()`](#close) must be called
when the ResultSet is no longer needed. This is true whether or not
rows have been fetched from the ResultSet.
###### <a name="execrows"></a> `rows`
Array rows
For `SELECT` statements using [direct fetches](#fetchingrows), `rows`
contains an array of fetched rows. It will be NULL if there is an
error or the SQL statement was not a SELECT statement. By default,
the rows are in an array of column value arrays, but this can be
changed to arrays of objects by setting
[`outFormat`](#propdboutformat) to `oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT`. If a single
row is fetched, then `rows` is an array that contains one single row.
The number of rows returned is limited by
[`oracledb.maxRows`](#propdbmaxrows) or the
[`maxRows`](#propexecmaxrows) option in an `execute()` call. If
`maxRows` is 0, then the number of rows is limited by Node.js memory
###### <a name="execrowsaffected"></a> `rowsAffected`
Number rowsAffected
For [DML][14] statements (including SELECT FOR UPDATE) this contains
the number of rows affected, for example the number of rows
inserted. For non-DML statements such as queries and PL/SQL statements,
`rowsAffected` is undefined.
#### <a name="executemany"></a> 4.2.7 `connection.executeMany()`
##### Prototype
executeMany(String sql, Array binds [, Object options], function(Error error, Object result) {});
executeMany(String sql, Number numIterations [, Object options], function(Error error, Object result) {});
promise = executeMany(String sql, Array binds [, Object options]);
promise = executeMany(String sql, Number numIterations [, Object options]);
##### Description
This method allows sets of data values to be bound to one DML or
PL/SQL statement for execution. It is like calling
[`connection.execute()`](#execute) multiple times but requires fewer
[round-trips](#roundtrips). This is an efficient way to handle batch
changes, for example when inserting or updating multiple rows. The
method cannot be used for queries.
The `executeMany()` method supports IN, IN OUT and OUT binds for most
data types except [PL/SQL Collection Associative
The version of this function which accepts a number of iterations should be
used when no bind parameters are required or when all bind parameters are OUT
See [Batch Statement Execution and Bulk Loading](#batchexecution) for more
This method was added in node-oracledb 2.2.
##### <a name="executemanysqlparam"></a> `executeMany()`: SQL Statement
String sql
The SQL or PL/SQL statement that `executeMany()` executes. The
statement should contain bind variable names.
##### <a name="executemanybinds"></a> `executeMany()`: Binds
The `binds` parameter contains the values or variables to be bound to
the executed statement. It must be an array of arrays (for 'bind by
position') or an array of objects whose keys match the bind variable
names in the SQL statement (for 'bind by name'). Each sub-array or
sub-object should contain values for the bind variables used in the
SQL statement. At least one such record must be specified.
If a record contains fewer values than expected, NULL values will be
used. For bind by position, empty values can be specified using
syntax like `[a,,c,d]`.
By default, the direction of binds is `oracledb.BIND_IN`. The first
data record determines the number of bind variables, each bind
variable's data type, and its name (when binding by name). If a
variable in the first record contains a null, this value is ignored
and a subsequent record is used to determine that variable's
characteristics. If all values in all records for a particular bind
variable are null, the type of that bind is `oracledb.STRING` with a
maximum size of 1.
The maximum sizes of strings and buffers are determined by scanning
all records in the bind data.
If a [`bindDefs`](#executemanyoptbinddefs) property is used, no data
scanning occurs. This property explicitly specifies the
characteristics of each bind variable.
##### <a name="executemanyoptions"></a> `executeMany()`: Options
The `options` parameter is optional. It can contain the following
###### <a name="executemanyoptautocommit"></a> `autoCommit`
Boolean autoCommit
This optional property overrides
Note [`batchErrors`](#executemanyoptbatcherrors) can affect autocommit
###### <a name="executemanyoptbatcherrors"></a> `batchErrors`
Boolean batchErrors
This optional property allows invalid data records to be rejected
while still letting valid data be processed. It can only be set
*true* for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or MERGE statements.
When *false*, the `executeMany()` call will stop when the first error
occurs. The callback [error object](#errorobj) will be set.
When `batchErrors` is *true*, processing will continue even if there
are data errors. The `executeMany()` callback error parameter is not
set. Instead, an array containing an error per input data record will
be returned in the callback `result` parameter. All valid data
records will be processed and a transaction will be started but not
committed, even if `autoCommit` is *true*. The application can
examine the errors, take action, and explicitly commit or rollback as
Note that some classes of error will always return via the
`executeMany()` callback error object, not as batch errors. No
transaction is created in this case.
The default value is *false*.
###### <a name="executemanyoptbinddefs"></a> `bindDefs`
Object bindDefs
The `bindDefs` object defines the bind variable types, sizes and
directions. This object is optional in some cases but it is more
efficient to set it.
It should be an array or an object, depending on the structure of the
[`binds parameter`](#executemanybinds).
Each value in the `bindDefs` array or object should be an object
containing the keys `dir`, `maxSize`, and `type` for each bind
variable, similar to how [`execute() bind
parameters`](#executebindParams) are identified.
BindDef Property | Description
`dir` | The direction of the bind. One of the [Execute Bind Direction Constants](#oracledbconstantsbinddir) `oracledb.BIND_IN`, `oracledb.BIND_INOUT` or `oracledb.BIND_OUT`. The default is `oracledb.BIND_IN`.
`maxSize` | Required for Strings and Buffers. Ignored for other types. Specifies the maximum number of bytes allocated when processing each value of this bind variable. When data is being passed into the database, `maxSize` should be at least the size of the longest value. When data is being returned from the database, `maxSize` should be the size of the longest value. If `maxSize` is too small, `executeMany()` will throw an error that is not handled by [`batchErrors`](#executemanyoptbatcherrors).
`type` | The node-oracledb or JavaScript data type to be bound. One of the [Node-oracledb Type Constants](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype) `oracledb.BLOB`, `oracledb.BUFFER`, `oracledb.CLOB`, `oracledb.CURSOR`, `oracledb.DATE`, `oracledb.NUMBER`, or `oracledb.STRING`.
###### <a name="executemanyoptdmlrowcounts"></a> `dmlRowCounts`
Boolean dmlRowCounts
When *true*, this optional property enables output of the number of
rows affected by each input data record. It can only be set *true*
for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or MERGE statements.
The default value is *false*.
This feature works when node-oracledb is using version 12, or later,
of the Oracle client library.
##### <a name="executemanycallback"></a> `executeMany()`: Callback Function
function(Error error, Object result)
If `executeMany()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs,
then `error` contains the error message.
The `result` object may contain:
###### <a name="execmanybatcherrors"></a> `result.batchErrors`
Array batchErrors
This property is an array of [error objects](#errorobj) that were
reported during execution. The `offset` property of each error object
corresponds to the 0-based index of the `executeMany()` [binds
parameter](#executemanybinds) array, indicating which record could not
be processed.
It will be present only if [`batchErrors`](#executemanyoptbatcherrors)
was *true* in the [`executeMany()` options](#executemanyoptions)
parameter and there are data errors to report. Some classes of
execution error will always return via the `executeMany()` callback
error object, not in `batchErrors`.
###### <a name="execmanydmlrowscounts"></a> `result.dmlRowCounts`
Array dmlRowCounts
This is an array of integers identifying the number of rows affected
by each record of the [binds parameter](#executemanybinds). It is
present only if [`dmlRowCounts`](#executemanyoptdmlrowcounts) was
*true* in the [`executeMany()` options](#executemanyoptions) parameter
and a DML statement was executed.
###### <a name="execmanyoutbinds"></a> `result.outBinds`
Object outBinds
This contains the value of any returned IN OUT or OUT binds. It is an
array of arrays, or an array of objects, depending on the [`binds
parameters`](#executemanybinds) structure. The length of the array
will correspond to the length of the array passed as the [binds
parameter](#executemanybinds). It will be present only if there is at
least one OUT bind variable identified.
###### <a name="execmanyrowsaffected"></a> `result.rowsAffected`
Number rowsAffected
This is an integer identifying the total number of database rows
affected by the processing of all records of the [binds
parameter](#executemanybinds). It is only present if a DML statement
was executed.
#### <a name="getdbobjectclass"></a> 4.2.8 `connection.getDbObjectClass()`
getDbObjectClass(String className, function(error, DbObject obj) {})
promise = getDbObjectClass(String className)
##### Description
Returns a [DbObject](#dbobjectclass) prototype object representing the
named Oracle Database object or collection.
When the definition of a type changes in the database, such as might
occur in a development environment, you should fully close connections
to clear the object caches used by node-oracledb and the Oracle client
libraries. For example, when using a pool you could use [`await
connection.close({drop: true})`](#connectionclose), or restart the
pool. Then `getDbObjectClass()` can be called again to get the
updated type information.
See [Oracle Database Objects and Collections](#objects).
This method was added in node-oracledb 4.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
String className
The name of the Oracle object or collection.
- ```
function(Error error, DbObject obj)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `getDbObjectClass()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
*DbObject obj* | A [DbObject](#dbobjectclass) representing an Oracle Database object or collection.
#### <a name="getQueue"></a> 4.2.9 `connection.getQueue()`
##### Prototype
getQueue(String name, [Object options,] function(Error error, AqQueue queue){})
promise = getQueue(String name [, Object options])
##### Return Value
This method returns an [AqQueue Class](#aqqueueclass) object.
##### Description
This method returns a queue for enqueuing and dequeuing
[Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ)](#aq) messages.
##### Parameters
- ```
String name
The name of the Advanced Queue to use. This queue should have
been created previously, for example with the
If the Advanced Queue does not exist in the database, an error will
occur when the queue is attempted to be used.
- ```
Object options
This optional argument can be used to specify the payload type.
It is an object with the following attributes:
Attribute Name | Description
`payloadType` | A string containing the name of an Oracle Database object type, or a [DbObject Class](#dbobjectclass) earlier acquired from [`connection.getDbObjectClass()`](#getdbobjectclass). If the name of an object type is used, it is recommended that a fully qualified name be used.
- ```
function(Error error, AqQueue queue)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `queue()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
#### <a name="getsodadatabase"></a> 4.2.10 `connection.getSodaDatabase()`
##### Prototype
##### Return Value
This synchronous method returns a [SodaDatabase](#sodadatabaseclass).
##### Description
Returns a parent SodaDatabase object for use with Simple Oracle
Document Access (SODA).
SODA can be used with Oracle Database 18.3 and above, when node-oracledb uses
Oracle Client 18.5 or Oracle Client 19.3, or later. The SODA bulk insert methods
[`sodaCollection.insertMany()`](#sodacollinsertmany) and
are in Preview status.
See [Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA)](#sodaoverview) for more
information about using SODA in node-oracledb.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
#### <a name="getstmtinfo"></a> 4.2.11 `connection.getStatementInfo()`
##### Prototype
getStatementInfo(String sql, function(Error error, Object information){});
promise = getStatementInfo(String sql);
##### Description
Parses a SQL statement and returns information about it. This is most
useful for finding column names of queries, and for finding the names
of bind variables used.
This method performs a [round-trip](#roundtrips) to the database, so
unnecessary calls should be avoided.
The information is provided by lower level APIs that have some
limitations. Some uncommon statements will return the statement type
as `oracledb.STMT_TYPE_UNKNOWN`. DDL statements are not parsed, so
syntax errors in them will not be reported. The direction and types
of bind variables cannot be determined.
This method was added in node-oracledb 2.2.
##### Parameters
- ```
String sql
The SQL statement to parse.
- ```
function(Error error, Object information)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `getStatementInfo()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
*Object information* | The `information` object, described below.
Depending on the statement type, the `information` object may contain:
- `bindNames`: an array of strings corresponding to the unique names
of the bind variables used in the SQL statement.
- `metaData`: containing properties equivalent to those given by
`execute()` [extendedMetaData](#execmetadata). This property exists
only for queries.
- `statementType`: an integer corresponding to one of the [SQL
Statement Type Constants](#oracledbconstantsstmttype).
#### <a name="connectionping"></a> 4.2.12 ``
##### Prototype
ping(function(Error error){});
promise = ping();
##### Description
This method checks that a connection is currently usable and the
network to the database is valid. This call can be useful for system
health checks. A ping only confirms that a single connection is
usable at the time of the ping.
Pinging does not replace error checking during statement execution,
since network or database failure may occur in the interval between
`ping()` and `execute()` calls.
Pinging requires a [round-trip](#roundtrips) to the database so unnecessary
ping calls should be avoided.
If `ping()` returns an error, the application should close the
This method was added in node-oracledb 2.2.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `ping()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
#### <a name="querystream"></a> 4.2.13 `connection.queryStream()`
##### Prototype
queryStream(String sql [, Object bindParams, [Object options]]);
##### Return Value
This method will return a [Readable Stream][16] for queries.
##### Description
This function provides query streaming support. The parameters are
the same as [`execute()`](#execute) except a callback is not used.
Instead this function returns a stream used to fetch data.
Each row is returned as a `data` event. Query metadata is available
via a `metadata` event. The `end` event indicates the end of the
query results.
The connection must remain open until the stream is completely read.
For tuning, adjust the value of
[`oracledb.fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize) or the
option [`fetchArraySize`](#propexecfetcharraysize) (see `execute()`).
See [Query Streaming](#streamingresults) for more information.
Support for Node.js version 8 Stream `destroy()` method was added in
node-oracledb 2.1.
This method was added in node-oracledb 1.8.
##### Parameters
See [execute()](#execute).
#### <a name="release"></a> 4.2.14 `connection.release()`
An alias for [connection.close()](#connectionclose).
#### <a name="rollback"></a> 4.2.15 `connection.rollback()`
##### Prototype
rollback(function(Error error){});
promise = rollback();
##### Description
This call rolls back the current transaction in progress on the
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `rollback()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
#### <a name="consubscribe"></a> 4.2.16 `connection.subscribe()`
##### Prototype
subscribe(String name, Object options, function(Error error, Object result){});
promise = subscribe(String name, Object options);
##### Description
Register a JavaScript callback method to be invoked when data is
changed in the database by any committed transaction, or when there
are Advanced Queuing messages to be dequeued.
For notification to work, the connection must be created with
[`events`](#propdbevents) mode *true*, which is the default.
The database must be able to connect to the node-oracledb machine for
notifications to be received. Typically this means that the machine
running node-oracledb needs a fixed IP address. If there is any
problem sending a notification, then the callback method will not be
The `connection.subscribe()` method may be called multiple times with the same
`name`, as long as the same connection is used. In this case, the second and
subsequent invocations ignore all `options` properties other than
[`sql`](#consubscribeoptsql) and [`binds`](#consubscribeoptbinds). Instead, the
new SQL statement is registered to the same subscription, and the same
JavaScript notification callback is used. For performance reasons this can be
preferable to creating a new subscription for each query.
See [Continuous Query Notification (CQN)](#cqn) and
[Advanced Queuing Notifications](#aqnotifications) for more information.
This method was added in node-oracledb 2.3. AQ notifications were
added in node-oracledb 4.0
The [`result`](#consubscribecallback) callback parameter was added in node-oracledb 4.0.
##### <a name="consubscribename"></a> `subscribe()`: Name
String name
For Continuous Query Notification this is an arbitrary name given to
the subscription. For Advanced Queuing notifications this must be the
queue name.
##### <a name="consubscribeoptions"></a> `subscribe()`: Options
Object options
The options that control the subscription. The following properties can be set.
###### <a name="consubscribeoptbinds"></a> `binds`
Object binds
An array (bind by position) or object (bind by name) containing the
bind values to use in the [`sql`](#consubscribeoptsql) property.
###### <a name="consubscribeoptcallback"></a> `callback`
function callback(Object message)
The notification callback that will be called whenever notifications
are sent by the database. It accepts one parameter which contains
details of the notification.
Callback function parameter | Description
*Object message* | Information about the notification. Described below.
The `message` parameter in the notification callback is an object containing the following properties:
- `dbName` - the name of the database which sent a notification. This property is only defined for CQN. It is not defined when `type` is [`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_DEREG`](#oracledbconstantssubscription).
- `queueName` - the name of the Advanced Queue. Undefined for CQN. This was added in node-oracledb 4.0.
- `queries` - an array of objects specifying the queries which were affected by the Query Change notification. This is only defined if the `type` key is the value [`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_QUERY_CHANGE`](#oracledbconstantssubscription). It contains the following key:
- `tables` - an array of objects identical to the objects created for Database Change Notification (see the `tables` property below).
- `registered` - a boolean indicating whether the subscription is registered with the database. Will be *false* if `type` is [`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_DEREG`](#oracledbconstantssubscription) or if the subscription was created with the [`qos`](#consubscribeoptqos) property set to [`oracledb.SUBSCR_QOS_DEREG_NFY`](#oracledbconstantssubscription).
- `tables` - an array of objects specifying the tables which were affected by the notification. This is only defined if `type` is [`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_OBJ_CHANGE`](#oracledbconstantssubscription). It contains the following properties:
- `name` - the name of the table which was modified in some way.
- `operation` - an integer mask composed of one or more values of the following constants:
- [`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_ALL_ROWS`](#oracledbconstantscqn) - if row information is not available. This occurs if the [`qos`](#consubscribeoptqos) quality of service flags do not specify the desire for ROWIDs or if grouping has taken place and summary notifications are being sent. This may also be set when too many rows are returned.
- [`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_ALTER`](#oracledbconstantscqn) - if the table was altered in the notifying transaction.
- [`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_DELETE`](#oracledbconstantscqn) - if the notifying transaction included deletes on the table.
- [`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_DROP`](#oracledbconstantscqn) - if the table was dropped in the notifying transaction.
- [`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_INSERT`](#oracledbconstantscqn) - if the notifying transaction included inserts on the table.
- [`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_UPDATE`](#oracledbconstantscqn) - if the notifying transaction included updates on the table.
- `rows` - an array of objects specifying the rows which were changed. This will only be defined if the [`qos`](#consubscribeoptqos) quality of service used when creating the subscription indicated the desire for ROWIDs and no summary grouping took place. It contains the following properties:
- `operation` - an integer which is one of [`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_INSERT`](#oracledbconstantscqn), [`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_UPDATE`](#oracledbconstantscqn), [`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_DELETE`](#oracledbconstantscqn) as described earlier
- `rowid` - a string containing the ROWID of the row that was affected
- `txId` - a buffer containing the identifier of the CQN transaction which spawned the notification.
- `type` - the type of notification sent. This will be the value of one of the following constants:
- [`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_AQ`](#oracledbconstantssubscription) - One or more Advanced Queuing messages are available to be dequeued.
- [`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_DEREG`](#oracledbconstantssubscription) - the subscription has been closed or the timeout value has been reached.
- [`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_OBJ_CHANGE`](#oracledbconstantssubscription) - object-level notifications are being used (Database Change Notification).
- [`oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_QUERY_CHANGE`](#oracledbconstantssubscription) - query-level notifications are being used (Continuous Query Notification).
###### <a name="consubscribeoptgroupingclass"></a> `groupingClass`
Number groupingClass
An integer mask which currently, if set, can only contain the value
[`oracledb.SUBSCR_GROUPING_CLASS_TIME`](#oracledbconstantssubscription). If
this value is set then notifications are grouped by time into a single
###### <a name="consubscribeoptgroupingtype"></a> `groupingType`
Number groupingType
(the default) indicating notifications should be grouped in a summary,
indicating the last notification in the group should be sent.
###### <a name="consubscribeoptgroupingvalue"></a> `groupingValue`
Number groupingValue
If `groupingClass` contains
then `groupingValue` can be used to set the number of seconds over
which notifications will be grouped together, invoking `callback`
once. If `groupingClass` is not set, then `groupingValue` is ignored.
###### <a name="consubscribeoptipaddress"></a> `ipAddress`
String ipAddress
A string containing an IPv4 or IPv6 address on which the subscription
should listen to receive notifications. If not specified, then the
Oracle Client library will select an IP address.
###### <a name="consubscribeoptnamespace"></a> `namespace`
Number namespace
One of the
[`oracledb.SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_AQ`](#oracledbconstantssubscription) or
(the default) constants.
You can use `oracledb.SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_AQ` to get notifications that
Advanced Queuing messages are available to be dequeued, see
[Advanced Queuing Notifications](#aqnotifications).
###### <a name="consubscribeoptoperations"></a> `operations`
Number operations
An integer mask containing one or more of the operation type
[`oracledb.CQN_OPCODE_*`](#oracledbconstantscqn) constants to indicate
what types of database change should generation notifications.
###### <a name="consubscribeoptport"></a> `port`
Number port
The port number on which the subscription should listen to receive
notifications. If not specified, then the Oracle Client library will
select a port number.
###### <a name="consubscribeoptqos"></a> `qos`
Number qos
An integer mask containing one or more of the quality of service
[`oracledb.SUBSCR_QOS_*`](#oracledbconstantssubscription) constants.
###### <a name="consubscribeoptsql"></a> `sql`
String sql
The SQL query string to use for notifications.
###### <a name="consubscribeopttimeout"></a> `timeout`
The number of seconds the subscription should remain active. Once
this length of time has been reached, the subscription is
automatically unregistered and a deregistration notification is sent.
##### <a name="consubscribecallback"></a> `subscribe()`: Callback Function
##### Prototype
function(Error error, Object result)
##### Parameters
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `subscribe()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
*Object result* | For [CQN](#cqn) `oracledb.SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_DBCHANGE` subscriptions this contains a single property `regId` corresponding the value of `REGID` in the database view `USER_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_REGS` or the value of `REG_ID` in `USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS`. For [AQ](#aq) `oracledb.SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_AQ` subscriptions, `regId`is undefined.
The `result` callback parameter was added in node-oracledb 4.0.
#### <a name="conunsubscribe"></a> 4.2.17 `connection.unsubscribe()`
##### Prototype
unsubscribe(String name, function(Error error){});
promise = unsubscribe(String name);
##### Description
Unregister a [Continuous Query Notification (CQN)](#cqn) subscription
previously created with [`connection.subscribe()`](#consubscribe). No
further notifications will be sent. The notification callback does
not receive a notification of the deregistration event.
A subscription can be unregistered using a different connection to the
initial subscription, as long as the credentials are the same.
If the subscription [`timeout`](#consubscribeoptions) was reached and
the subscription was automatically unregistered, you will get an error
if you call `connection.unsubscribe()`.
This method was added in node-oracledb 2.3.
##### Parameters
- ```
String name
The name of the subscription used in [`connection.subscribe()`](#consubscribe).
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `unsubscribe()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
## <a name="aqqueueclass"></a> 5. AqQueue Class
An AqQueue object is created by [`connection.getQueue()`](#getqueue). It
is used for enqueuing and dequeuing Oracle Advanced Queuing messages.
Each AqQueue can be used for enqueuing, dequeuing, or for both.
See [Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ)](#aq) for usage.
The AqQueue class was added in node-oracledb 4.0.
### <a name="aqqueueproperties"></a> 5.1 AqQueue Properties
#### <a name="aqqueuename"></a> 5.1.1 ``
readonly String name
A string containing the name of the queue specified in the
[`connection.getQueue()`](#getqueue) call.
#### <a name="aqqueuedeqopts"></a> 5.1.2 `aqQueue.deqOptions`
AqDeqOptions deqOptions
An object specifying the Advanced Queuing options to use when
dequeuing messages. Attributes can be set before each
[`queue.deqOne()`](#aqqueuemethoddeqone) or
[`queue.deqMany()`](#aqqueuemethoddeqmany), see [Changing AQ
When a [queue is created](#getqueue), the `queue.deqOptions` property is
an [AqDeqOptions object](#aqdeqoptionsclass). AqDeqOptions objects
cannot be created independently.
##### <a name="aqdeqoptionsclass"></a> AqDeqOptions Class
Attribute Name | Description
`condition` | A String that defines the condition that must be satisfied in order for a message to be dequeued.
`consumerName` | A String that defines the name of the consumer that is dequeuing messages.
`correlation` | A String that defines the correlation to use when dequeuing.
`mode` | An integer value that defines the mode to use for dequeuing messages. It can be one of the following constants: [`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_MODE_BROWSE`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_MODE_LOCKED`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_MODE_REMOVE`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_MODE_REMOVE_NO_DATA`](#oracledbconstantsaq).
`msgId` | A Buffer containing a unique identifier specifying the message to be dequeued.
`navigation` | An integer value that defines the position in the queue of the message that is to be dequeued. It can be one of the following constants: [`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_FIRST_MSG`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_NEXT_TRANSACTION`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NAV_NEXT_MSG`](#oracledbconstantsaq).
`transformation` | A String that defines the transformation that will take place on messages when they are dequeued.
`visibility` | An integer value that defines whether the dequeue occurs in the current transaction or as a separate transaction. It can be one of the following constants: [`oracledb.AQ_VISIBILITY_IMMEDIATE`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_VISIBILITY_ON_COMMIT`](#oracledbconstantsaq).
`wait` | An integer defining the number of seconds to wait for a message matching the search criteria to become available. It can alternatively be one of the following constants: [`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NO_WAIT`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_DEQ_WAIT_FOREVER.`](#oracledbconstantsaq)
See [Oracle Advanced Queuing Documentation][129] for more information about attributes.
#### <a name="aqqueueenqopts"></a> 5.1.3 `aqQueue.enqOptions`
AqEnqOptions enqOptions
An object specifying the Advanced Queuing options to use when
enqueuing messages. Attributes can be set before each
[`queue.enqOne()`](#aqqueuemethodenqone) or
[`queue.enqMany()`](#aqqueuemethodenqmany) call to change the behavior
of message delivery, see [Changing AQ options](#aqoptions).
When a [queue is created](#getqueue), the `queue.enqOptions` property is
an [AqEnqOptions object](#aqenqoptionsclass). AqEnqOptions objects
cannot be created independently.
##### <a name="aqenqoptionsclass"></a> AqEnqOptions Class
Attribute Name | Description
`deliveryMode` | An integer defining the delivery mode when enqueuing messages. It can be one of the following constants: [`oracledb.AQ_MSG_DELIV_MODE_PERSISTENT`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_MSG_DELIV_MODE_BUFFERED`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_MSG_DELIV_MODE_PERSISTENT_OR_BUFFERED`](#oracledbconstantsaq)
`transformation` | A string defining the transformation that will take place when messages are enqueued.
`visibility` | An integer value that defines whether the enqueue occurs in the current transaction or as a separate transaction. It can be one of the following constants: [`oracledb.AQ_VISIBILITY_IMMEDIATE`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_VISIBILITY_ON_COMMIT`](#oracledbconstantsaq).
See [Oracle Advanced Queuing Documentation][129] for more information about attributes.
#### <a name="aqqueuepayloadtype"></a> 5.1.4 `aqQueue.payloadType`
readonly Number payloadType
One of [`oracledb.DB_TYPE_RAW`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype) or [`oracledb.DB_TYPE_OBJECT`](#oracledbconstantsdbtype) constants.
#### <a name="aqqueuepayloadtypeclass"></a> 5.1.5 `aqQueue.payloadTypeClass`
readonly DbObject payloadTypeClass
The [DbObject Class](#dbobjectclass) corresponding to the payload type
specified when the queue was created.
This is defined only if `payloadType` has the value `oracledb.DB_TYPE_OBJECT`.
#### <a name="aqqueuepayloadtypename"></a> 5.1.6 `aqQueue.payloadTypeName`
readonly String payloadTypeName
Either the string "RAW" or the name of the Oracle Database object type
identified when the queue was created.
### <a name="aqqueuemethods"></a> 5.2 AqQueue Methods
#### <a name="aqqueuemethoddeqmany"></a> 5.2.1 `aqQueue.deqMany()`
##### Prototype
deqMany(Number maxMessages, function(Error error, Array messages));
promise = deqMany(Number maxMessages);
##### Description
Dequeues up to the specified number of messages from an [Oracle Advanced
##### Parameters
- ```
Number maxMessages
Dequeue at most this many messages. Depending on the dequeue
options, the number of messages returned will be between zero and
- ```
function(Array messages, Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Array messages* | An array of [AqMessage objects](#aqmessageclass).
*Error error* | If `deqMany()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
#### <a name="aqqueuemethoddeqone"></a> 5.2.2 `aqQueue.deqOne()`
##### Prototype
deqOne(function(Error error, AqMessage message));
promise = deqOne();
##### Description
Dequeues a single message from an [Oracle Advanced Queue](#aq).
Depending on the dequeue options, the message may also be returned as
undefined if no message is available.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error, AqMessage message)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `deqOne()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
*AqMessage message* | The message that is dequeued. See [AqMessage Class](#aqmessageclass).
##### <a name="aqmessageclass"></a> AqMessage Class
Dequeued messages are returned as AqMessage objects. Note AqMessage
objects are not used for enqueuing.
Attribute Name | Description
`correlation` | A String containing the correlation that was used during enqueue.
`delay` | An integer containing the number of seconds the message was delayed before it could be dequeued.
`deliveryMode` | An integer containing the delivery mode the messages was enqueued with.
`exceptionQueue`| A String containing the name of the exception queue defined when the message was enqueued.
`expiration` | The number of seconds until expiration defined when the message was enqueued.
`msgId` | A Buffer containing the unique identifier of the message.
`numAttempts` | An integer containing the number of attempts that were made to dequeue the message.
`originalMsgId` | A Buffer containing the unique identifier of the message in the last queue that generated it.
`payload` | A Buffer or DbObject containing the payload of the message, depending on the value of `queue.payloadType`. Note that enqueued Strings are returned as UTF-8 encoded Buffers.
`priority` | An integer containing the priority of the message when it was enqueued.
`state` | An integer representing the state of the message. It is one of the following constants: [`oracledb.AQ_MSG_STATE_READY`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_MSG_STATE_WAITING`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_MSG_STATE_PROCESSED`](#oracledbconstantsaq), [`oracledb.AQ_MSG_STATE_EXPIRED`](#oracledbconstantsaq)
See [Oracle Advanced Queuing Documentation][129] for more information about attributes.
### <a name="aqqueuemethodenqmany"></a> 5.2.3 `aqQueue.enqMany()`
##### Prototype
enqMany(Array messages, function(Error error));
promise = enqMany();
##### Description
Enqueues multiple messages to an [Oracle Advanced Queue](#aq).
Warning: calling `enqMany()` in parallel on different connections
acquired from the same pool may fail due to Oracle bug 29928074.
Ensure that `enqMany()` is not run in parallel, use [standalone
connections](#connectionhandling), or make multiple calls to
`enqOne()`. The `deqMany()` method is not affected.
##### Parameters
- ```
Array messages
Each element of the array must be a String, a Buffer, a [DbObject](#dbobjectclass), or a JavaScript Object
as used by [`enqOne()`](#aqqueuemethodenqone).
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `enqMany()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
#### <a name="aqqueuemethodenqone"></a> 5.2.4 `aqQueue.enqOne()`
##### Prototype
enqOne(String message, function(Error error));
enqOne(Buffer message, function(Error error));
enqOne(DbObject message, function(Error error));
enqOne(Object message, function(Error error));
promise = enqOne();
##### Description
Enqueues a single message to an [Oracle Advanced Queue](#aq). The
message may be a String, or a Buffer, or a [DbObject](#dbobjectclass).
It may also be a JavaScript Object containing the actual message and
some attributes controlling the behavior of the queued message.
##### Parameters
- ```
String | Buffer | DbObject | Object message
The message can be one of the following four types.
- ```
String message
If the message is a String, it will be converted to a buffer using the UTF-8 encoding.
- ```
Buffer message
If the message is a Buffer, it will be transferred as it is.
- ```
DbObject message
An object of the [DbObject Class](#dbobjectclass).
- ```
Object message
<a name="aqjsmessage"></a> A JavaScript object can be used to
alter the message properties. It must contain a `payload`
property with the actual message content. It may contain
other attributes as noted below.
Message Attribute | Description
`correlation` | A string containing the correlation of the message to be enqueued.
`delay` | The number of seconds to delay the message before it can be dequeued.
`exceptionQueue` | A string containing the name of an exception queue in which to place the message if an exception takes place.
`expiration` | The number of seconds the message is available to be dequeued before it expires.
`payload` | A String, Buffer or [DbObject](#dbobjectclass) that is the actual message to be queued. This property must be specified.
`priority` | An integer priority of the message.
See [Oracle Advanced Queuing Documentation][129] for more information about attributes.
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `enqOne()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
## <a name="dbobjectclass"></a> 6. DbObject Class
Calling [`connection.getDbObjectClass()`](#getdbobjectclass) returns a
prototype object representing a named Oracle Database object or
collection. Use `dbObject.prototype` on the class to see the
available attributes.
Objects of a named DbObject type are:
- created from a DbObject prototype by calling `new()`
- returned by queries
- returned when using BIND_OUT for an Oracle Database object
See [Oracle Database Objects and Collections](#objects) for more information.
The DbObject class was added in node-oracledb 4.0.
### <a name="dbobjectproperties"></a> 6.1 DbObject Properties
The properties of a DbObject object are listed below.
#### <a name="dbobjattributesattributes"></a> 6.1.1 `dbObject.attributes`
Object attributes
When `dbObject.isCollection` is *false*, this will be an object
containing attributes corresponding to the Oracle Database object
attributes. The name of each attribute follows normal Oracle casing
Each attribute will have an object that contains:
- `type`: the value of one of the [Oracle Database Type Constants](#oracledbconstantsdbtype), such as 2010 for `oracledb.DB_TYPE_NUMBER` and 2023 for `oracledb.DB_TYPE_OBJECT`.
- `typeName`: a string corresponding to the type, such as "VARCHAR2" or "NUMBER". When the attribute is a DbObject, it will contain the name of the object.
- `typeClass`: set if the value of `type` is a DbObject. It is the DbObject class for the attribute.
For example:
attributes: {
STREET_NUMBER: { type: 2, typeName: 'NUMBER' },
type: 2023,
typeClass: [Function]
#### <a name="dbobjattributeselementtype"></a> 6.1.2 `dbObject.elementType`
readonly Number elementType
When `dbObject.isCollection` is *true*, this will have a value
corresponding to one of the [Oracle Database Type
#### <a name="dbobjattributeselementtypeclass"></a> 6.1.3 `dbObject.elementTypeClass`
readonly Object elementTypeClass
#### <a name="dbobjattributeselementtypename"></a> 6.1.4 `dbObject.elementTypeName`
readonly String elementTypeName
When `dbObject.isCollection` is *true*, this will have the name of the
element type, such as "VARCHAR2" or "NUMBER".
#### <a name="dbobjattributesfqn"></a> 6.1.5 `dbObject.fqn`
readonly String fqn
The fully qualified name of the Oracle Database object or collection.
#### <a name="dbobjattributesiscollection"></a> 6.1.6 `dbObject.isCollection`
readonly Boolean isCollection
This is *true* if the Oracle object is a collection, *false* otherwise.
#### <a name="dbobjattributeslength"></a> 6.1.7 `dbObject.length`
readonly Number length
When `dbObject.isCollection` is *true*, this will have the number of
elements in the collection. It is undefined for non-collections.
#### <a name="dbobjattributesname"></a> 6.1.8 ``
readonly String name
The name of the Oracle Database object or collection.
#### <a name="dbobjattributesschema"></a> 6.1.9 `dbObject.schema`
readonly String schema
The schema owning the Oracle Database object or collection.
### <a name="dbobjectmethods"></a> 6.2 DbObject Methods
#### <a name="dbobjectmethodscolls"></a> 6.2.1 DbObject Methods for Collections
These methods can be used on Oracle Database collections, identifiable
when [`dbObject.isCollection`](#dbobjattributesiscollection) is
*true*. When collections are fetched from the database, altered, and
then passed back to the database, it may be more efficient to use
these methods directly on the retrieved DbObject than it is to convert
that DbObject to and from a JavaScript object.
Method Name | Description
`dbObject.append(value)` | Add the given value to the end of the collection.
`dbObject.deleteElement(Number index)` | Deletes the value from collection at the given index.
`dbObject.getElement(Number index)` | Return the value associated with the given index.
`dbObject.getFirstIndex()` | Returns the first index for later use to obtain the value.
`dbObject.getKeys()` | Returns a JavaScript array containing the 'index' keys.
`dbObject.getLastIndex()` | To obtain the last index for later use to obtain a value.
`dbObject.getNextIndex(Number index)` | Returns the next index value for later use to obtain a value.
`dbObject.getPrevIndex(Number index)` | Returns the previous index for later use to obtain the value.
`dbObject.hasElement(Number index)` | Returns *true* if an element exists in the collection at the given index. Returns *false* otherwise.
`dbObject.setElement(Number index, value)` | To set the given value at the position of the given index.
`dbObject.getValues()` | Returns an array of element values as a JavaScript array in key order.
`dbObject.trim(count)` | Trims the specified number of elements from the end of the collection.
## <a name="lobclass"></a> 7. Lob Class
Lob objects can be used to access Oracle Database CLOB and BLOB data.
A Lob object implements the [Node.js Stream][16] interface.
See [Working with CLOB and BLOB Data](#lobhandling) and [LOB Bind Parameters](#lobbinds) for more information.
### <a name="lobproperties"></a> 7.1 Lob Properties
The properties of a Lob object are listed below.
#### <a name="proplobchunksize"></a> 7.1.1 `lob.chunkSize`
readonly Number chunkSize
This corresponds to the size used by the Oracle LOB layer when
accessing or modifying the LOB value.
#### <a name="proploblength"></a> 7.1.2 `lob.length`
readonly Number length
Length of a queried LOB in bytes (for BLOBs) or characters (for CLOBs).
#### <a name="proplobpiecesize"></a> 7.1.3 `lob.pieceSize`
Number pieceSize
The number of bytes (for BLOBs) or characters (for CLOBs) to read for
each Stream 'data' event of a queried LOB.
The default value is [`chunkSize`](#proplobchunksize).
For efficiency, it is recommended that `pieceSize` be a multiple of
The property should not be reset in the middle of streaming since data
will be lost when internal buffers are resized.
The maximum value for `pieceSize` is limited to the value of UINT_MAX.
#### <a name="proplobtype"></a> 7.1.4 `lob.type`
readonly Number type
This read-only attribute shows the type of Lob being used. It will
have the value of one of the constants
[`oracledb.BLOB`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype) or
[`oracledb.CLOB`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype). The value is derived from the
bind type when using LOB bind variables, or from the column type when
a LOB is returned by a query.
### <a name="lobmethods"></a> 7.2 Lob Methods
#### <a name="lobclose"></a> 7.2.1 `lob.close()`
##### Prototype
close(function(Error error){});
promise = close();
##### Description
Explicitly closes a Lob.
Lobs created with [`createLob()`](#connectioncreatelob) should be
explicitly closed with [`lob.close()`](#lobclose) when no longer
needed. This frees resources in node-oracledb and in Oracle Database.
Persistent or temporary Lobs returned from the database may also be
closed with `lob.close()` as long as streaming is not currently
happening. Note these Lobs are automatically closed when streamed to
completion or used as the source for an IN OUT bind. If you try to
close a Lob being used for streaming you will get the error *NJS-023:
concurrent operations on a Lob are not allowed*.
The `lob.close()` method emits the [Node.js Stream][16] 'close' event
unless the Lob has already been explicitly or automatically closed.
The connection must be open when calling `lob.close()` on a temporary
LOB, such as those created by `createLob()`.
Once a Lob is closed, it cannot be bound.
See [Closing Lobs](#closinglobs) for more discussion.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `close()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
#### <a name="lobgetdata"></a> 7.2.2 `lob.getData()`
##### Prototype
getData(function(Error error, String data));
getData(function(Error error, Buffer data));
promise = getData();
##### Description
Return all the LOB data. CLOBs and NCLOBs will be returned as strings.
BLOBs will be returned as a Buffer. This method is usable for LOBs up
to 1 GB in length.
For queries returning LOB columns, it can be more efficient to use
[`fetchAsBuffer`](#propdbfetchasbuffer), or
[`fetchInfo`](#executeoptions) instead of `lob.getData()`.
Note it is an asynchronous method and requires a round-trip
to the database:
const data = async myLob.getData();
This method was added in node-oracledb 4.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `getData()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
*String data* or *Buffer data* | The value of the LOB.
## <a name="poolclass"></a> 8. Pool Class
A connection *Pool* object is created by calling the
[`oracledb.createPool()`](#createpool) method.
The *Pool* object obtains connections to the Oracle database using the
`getConnection()` method to "check them out" from the pool. Internally
[Oracle Call Interface Session Pooling][6] is used.
After the application finishes using a connection pool, it should
release all connections and terminate the connection pool by calling
the `close()` method on the Pool object.
See [Connection Pooling](#connpooling) for more information.
### <a name="poolproperties"></a> 8.1 Pool Properties
The *Pool* object properties may be read to determine the current
#### <a name="proppoolconnectionsinuse"></a> 8.1.1 `pool.connectionsInUse`
readonly Number connectionsInUse
The number of currently active connections in the connection pool
i.e. the number of connections currently "checked out" using
#### <a name="proppoolconnectionsopen"></a> 8.1.2 `pool.connectionsOpen`
readonly Number connectionsOpen
The number of currently open connections in the underlying connection
#### <a name="proppoolpoolalias"></a> 8.1.3 `pool.poolAlias`
readonly Number poolAlias
The alias of this pool in the [connection pool cache](#connpoolcache). An alias cannot be changed once the pool has been created. This property will be undefined for the second and subsequent pools that were created without an explicit alias specified.
#### <a name="proppoolpoolincrement"></a> 8.1.4 `pool.poolIncrement`
readonly Number poolIncrement
The number of connections that are opened whenever a connection
request exceeds the number of currently open connections.
See [`oracledb.poolIncrement`](#propdbpoolincrement).
#### <a name="proppoolpoolmax"></a> 8.1.5 `pool.poolMax`
readonly Number poolMax
The maximum number of connections that can be open in the connection
See [`oracledb.poolMax`](#propdbpoolmax).
#### <a name="proppoolpoolmin"></a> 8.1.6 `pool.poolMin`
readonly Number poolMin
The minimum number of connections a connection pool maintains, even
when there is no activity to the target database.
See [`oracledb.poolMin`](#propdbpoolmin).
#### <a name="proppoolpoolpinginterval"></a> 8.1.7 `pool.poolPingInterval`
readonly Number poolPingInterval
The maximum number of seconds that a connection can remain idle in a
connection pool (not "checked out" to the application by
`getConnection()`) before node-oracledb pings the database prior to
returning that connection to the application.
See [`oracledb.poolPingInterval`](#propdbpoolpinginterval).
#### <a name="proppoolpooltimeout"></a> 8.1.8 `pool.poolTimeout`
readonly Number poolTimeout
The time (in seconds) after which the pool terminates idle connections
(unused in the pool). The number of connections does not drop below
See [`oracledb.poolTimeout`](#propdbpooltimeout).
#### <a name="proppoolqueuerequests"></a> 8.1.9 `pool.queueRequests`
This property was removed in node-oracledb 3.0. Queuing is now always
enabled. See [Connection Pool Queue](#connpoolqueue) for more
#### <a name="proppoolqueueTimeout"></a> 8.1.10 `pool.queueTimeout`
readonly Number queueTimeout
The time (in milliseconds) that a connection request should wait in
the queue before the request is terminated.
See [`oracledb.queueTimeout`](#propdbqueuetimeout).
#### <a name="proppoolstatus"></a> 8.1.11 `pool.status`
readonly Number status
One of the [`oracledb.POOL_STATUS_OPEN`](#oracledbconstantspool),
[`POOL_STATUS_DRAINING`](#oracledbconstantspool), or
[`POOL_STATUS_CLOSED`](#oracledbconstantspool) constants indicating whether the
pool is open, being drained of in-use connections, or has been closed.
See [Connection Pool Closing and Draining](#conpooldraining).
#### <a name="proppoolstmtcachesize"></a> 8.1.12 `pool.stmtCacheSize`
readonly Number stmtCacheSize
The number of statements to be cached in the
[statement cache](#stmtcache) of each connection.
See [`oracledb.stmtCacheSize`](#propdbstmtcachesize).
### <a name="poolmethods"></a> 8.2 Pool Methods
#### <a name="poolclose"></a> 8.2.1 `pool.close()`
##### Prototype
close([Number drainTime,] function(Error error){});
promise = close([Number drainTime]);
##### Description
This call closes connections in the pool and terminates the connection
If a `drainTime` is not given, then any open connections should be
released with [`connection.close()`](#connectionclose) before
`pool.close()` is called, otherwise the pool close will fail and the
pool will remain open.
If a `drainTime` is specified, then any new `pool.getConnection()`
calls will fail. If connections are in use by the application, they
can continue to be used for the specified number of seconds, after
which the pool and all open connections are forcibly closed. Prior to
this time limit, if there are no connections currently "checked out"
from the pool with `getConnection()`, then the pool and any
connections that are idle in the pool are immediately closed.
Non-zero `drainTime` values are strongly recommended so applications
have the opportunity to gracefully finish database operations. A
`drainTime` of 0 may be used to close a pool and its connections
In network configurations that drop (or in-line) out-of-band breaks,
forced pool termination may hang unless you have
[`DISABLE_OOB=ON`][122] in a `sqlnet.ora` file, see [Optional Oracle
Net Configuration](#tnsadmin).
When the pool is closed, it will be removed from the [connection pool
This method was added to node-oracledb 1.9, replacing the equivalent
alias `pool.terminate()`.
The `drainTime` parameter was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
Number drainTime
The number of seconds before the pool and connections are force closed.
If `drainTime` is 0, the pool and its connections are closed immediately.
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `close()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
#### <a name="getconnectionpool"></a> 8.2.2 `pool.getConnection()`
##### Prototype
getConnection([Object poolAttrs,] function(Error error, Connection connection){});
promise = getConnection([Object poolAttrs]);
##### Description
This method obtains a connection from the connection pool.
If a previously opened connection is available in the pool, that
connection is returned. If all connections in the pool are in use, a
new connection is created and returned to the caller, as long as the
number of connections does not exceed the specified maximum for the
pool. If the pool is at its maximum limit, the `getConnection()` call
results in an error, such as *ORA-24418: Cannot open further sessions*.
By default pools are created with
[`homogeneous`](#createpoolpoolattrshomogeneous) set to *true*. The
user name and password are supplied when the pool is created. Each
time `pool.getConnection()` is called, a connection for that user is
const connection = await pool.getConnection();
If a heterogeneous pool was created by setting
[`homogeneous`](#createpoolpoolattrshomogeneous) to *false* during
creation and credentials were omitted, then the user name and password
may be used in `pool.getConnection()` like:
const connection = await pool.getConnection(
user : 'hr',
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
In this case, different user names may be used each time
`pool.getConnection()` is called. Proxy users may also be specified.
See [Connection Handling](#connectionhandling) for more information on
See [Heterogeneous Connection Pools and Pool Proxy
Authentication](#connpoolproxy) for more information on heterogeneous
##### Parameters
- ```
Object poolAttrs
This optional parameter is used when getting connections from
heterogeneous pools. It can contain `user` and `password` properties
for true heterogeneous pool usage, or it can contain a `user` property
when a pool proxy user is desired. It can contain `tag` when
[connection tagging](#connpooltagging) is in use.
See [Connection Attributes](#getconnectiondbattrsconnattrs) for
discussion of these attributes.
- ```
function(Error error, Connection connection)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `getConnection()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the [error message](#errorobj).
*Connection connection* | The newly created connection. If `getConnection()` fails, `connection` will be NULL. See [Connection class](#connectionclass) for more details.
#### <a name="terminate"></a> 8.2.3 `pool.terminate()`
An alias for [pool.close()](#poolclose).
## <a name="resultsetclass"></a> 9. ResultSet Class
ResultSets allow query results to fetched from the database one at a
time, or in groups of rows. They can also be converted to Readable
Streams. ResultSets enable applications to process very large data
ResultSets should also be used where the number of query rows cannot
be predicted and may be larger than Node.js can handle in a single
A *ResultSet* object is obtained by setting `resultSet: true` in the
`options` parameter of the *Connection* [`execute()`](#execute) method
when executing a query. A *ResultSet* is also returned to
node-oracledb when binding as type [`oracledb.CURSOR`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype) to a
PL/SQL REF CURSOR bind parameter.
See [Fetching Rows with Result Sets](#resultsethandling) for more information on ResultSets.
### <a name="resultsetproperties"></a> 9.1 ResultSet Properties
The properties of a *ResultSet* object are listed below.
#### <a name="rsmetadata"></a> 9.1.1 `resultset.metaData`
readonly Array metaData
Contains an array of objects with metadata about the query or REF
CURSOR columns.
Each column's `name` is always given. If the
[`oracledb.extendedMetaData`](#propdbextendedmetadata) or `execute()` option
[`extendedMetaData`](#propexecextendedmetadata) are *true* then
additional information is included.
See [`result.metaData`](#execmetadata) for the available attributes.
### <a name="resultsetmethods"></a> 9.2 ResultSet Methods
#### <a name="close"></a> 9.2.1 `resultset.close()`
##### Prototype
close(function(Error error){});
promise = close();
##### Description
Closes a ResultSet. Applications should always call this at the end
of fetch or when no more rows are needed. It should also be called if
no rows are ever going to be fetched from the ResultSet.
#### <a name="getrow"></a> 9.2.2 `resultset.getRow()`
##### Prototype
getRow(function(Error error, Object row){});
promise = getRow();
##### Description
This call fetches one row of the ResultSet as an object or an array of
column values, depending on the value of
At the end of fetching, the ResultSet should be freed by calling
Performance of `getRow()` can be tuned by adjusting the value of
[`oracledb.fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize) or the `execute()`
option [`fetchArraySize`](#propexecfetcharraysize).
#### <a name="getrows"></a> 9.2.3 `resultset.getRows()`
##### Prototype
getRows(Number numRows, function(Error error, Array rows){});
promise = getRows(Number numRows);
##### Description
This call fetches `numRows` rows of the ResultSet as an object or an
array of column values, depending on the value of [outFormat](#propdboutformat).
At the end of fetching, the ResultSet should be freed by calling [`close()`](#close).
Different values of `numRows` may alter the time needed for fetching
data from Oracle Database. The value of
[`fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize) has no effect on `getRows()`
performance or internal buffering.
#### <a name="toquerystream"></a> 9.2.4 `resultset.toQueryStream()`
##### Prototype
##### Return Value
This method will return a [Readable Stream][16].
##### Description
This synchronous method converts a ResultSet into a stream.
It can be used to make ResultSets from top-level queries or from REF
CURSOR bind variables streamable. To make top-level queries
streamable, the alternative [`connection.queryStream()`](#querystream)
method may be easier to use.
To change the behavior of `toQueryStream()`, such as setting the
[query output Format](#queryoutputformats) or the internal buffer size
for performance, adjust global attributes such as
[`oracledb.outFormat`](#propdboutformat) and
[`oracledb.fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize) before calling
See [Query Streaming](#streamingresults) for more information.
The `toQueryStream()` method was added in node-oracledb 1.9. Support
for Node.js 8's Stream `destroy()` method was added in node-oracledb 2.1.
## <a name="sodacollectionclass"></a> 10. SodaCollection Class
SODA can be used with Oracle Database 18.3 and above, when node-oracledb uses
Oracle Client 18.5 or Oracle Client 19.3, or later. The SODA bulk insert
methods [`sodaCollection.insertMany()`](#sodacollinsertmany) and
[`sodaCollection.insertManyAndGet()`](#sodacollinsertmanyandget) are in Preview
#### <a name="sodacollectionproperties"></a> 10.1 SodaCollection Properties
Each SodaCollection object contains read-only properties:
#### <a name="sodacollectionpropmetadata"></a> 10.1.1 `sodaCollection.metaData`
readonly Object metaData
Metadata of the current collection. See [SODA Client-Assigned Keys
and Collection Metadata](#sodaclientkeys).
This property was added in node-oracledb 3.0. Its type was changed to Object in
node-oracledb 4.0.
#### <a name="sodacollectionpropname"></a> 10.1.2 ``
readonly String name
Name of the current collection.
This property was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
#### <a name="sodacollectionmethods"></a> 10.2 SodaCollection Methods
#### <a name="sodacollcreateindex"></a> 10.2.1 `sodaCollection.createIndex()`
##### Prototype
createIndex(Object indexSpec, function(Error error){});
promise = createIndex(Object indexSpec);
##### Description
Creates an index on a SODA collection, to improve the performance of
SODA query-by-examples (QBE) or enable text searches. An index is
defined by a specification, which is a JSON object that specifies how
particular QBE patterns are to be indexed for quicker matching.
Note that a commit should be performed before attempting to create an
Different index types can be used:
- B-tree: used to speed up query-by-example (QBE) [`filter()`](#sodaoperationclassfilter) searches.
- JSON search: required for text searches using the `$contains` operator in QBEs. Also improves QBE filter operation performance. Note a B-tree index will perform better for non-text searches.
- GeoSpatial: for speeding up QBEs that do GeoJSON queries.
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`createIndex()` succeeds, then any open user transaction is committed.
Note SODA DDL operations do not commit an open transaction the way that
SQL always does for DDL statements.
See [Overview of SODA Indexing][118].
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
As an example, if a collection has these documents:
{"name": "Chris"}
{"name": "Venkat"}
{"name": "Srinath"}
Then a B-tree index could be created with:
indexSpec = {name: "myIndex", fields: [{path: "name"}]};
await createIndex(indexSpec);
This index would improve the performance of QBEs like:
d = await collection.find().filter({name: "Venkat"}).getOne();
##### <a name="sodacollcreateindexparams"></a> `createIndex()` Parameters
###### <a name="sodacollcreateindexspec"></a> `indexSpec`
Object indexSpec
An object with fields as shown in the [SODA Index Specifications (Reference)][119] manual.
##### <a name="sodacollcreateindexcb"></a> `createIndex()`: Callback Function
function(Error error)
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `createIndex()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
#### <a name="sodacolldrop"></a> 10.2.2 `sodaCollection.drop()`
##### Prototype
drop(function(Error error, Object result){});
promise = drop();
##### Description
Drops the current collection.
An error such as *ORA-40626* will be returned and the collection will
not be dropped if there are uncommitted writes to the collection in
the current transaction.
If the collection was created with mode
[`oracledb.SODA_COLL_MAP_MODE`](#oracledbconstantssoda), then `drop()`
will not physically delete the database storage containing the
collection, and won't drop SODA indexes. Instead it will simply unmap
the collection, making it inaccessible to SODA operations.
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is true, and `drop()`
succeeds, then any open user transaction is committed. Note SODA
operations do not commit an open transaction the way that SQL always
does for DDL statements.
If the collection was created with custom metadata changing the key
assignment method to SEQUENCE, the `drop()` method will not delete the
underlying Oracle sequence. This is in case it was created outside
SODA. To drop the sequence, use the SQL command DROP SEQUENCE after
`drop()` has completed.
Note you should never use SQL DROP TABLE command on the database table
underlying a collection. This will not clean up SODA's metadata. If
you do accidentally execute DROP SQL, you should cleanup the metadata
with `drop()` or execute the SQL statement: `SELECT
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### <a name="sodacolldropcallback"></a> `drop()`: Callback Function
function(Error error, Object result)
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `drop()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. It is not an error if the collection does not exist. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*Object result* | See below.
The `result` object contains one attribute:
Boolean dropped
If the drop operation succeeded, `dropped` will be *true*. If no
collection was found, `dropped` will be *false*.
#### <a name="sodacolldropindex"></a> 10.2.3 `sodaCollection.dropIndex()`
##### Prototype
dropIndex(String indexName [, Object options], function(Error error, Object result){});
promise = dropIndex(String indexName [, Object options]);
##### Description
Drops the specified index.
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*,
and `dropIndex()` succeeds, then any open user transaction is
committed. Note SODA operations do not commit an open transaction the
way that SQL always does for DDL statements.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### <a name="sodacolldropindexparams"></a> `dropIndex()`: Parameters
###### <a name="sodacolldropindexindexname"></a> `indexName`
String indexName
Name of the index to be dropped.
###### <a name="sodacolldropindexoptions"></a> `options`
Object options
The `options` parameter can have the following attribute:
Boolean force
Setting `force` to *true* forces dropping of a JSON Search index or
Spatial index if the underlying Oracle Database domain index does not
permit normal dropping. See [DROP INDEX][120].
##### <a name="sodacolldropindexcb"></a> `dropIndex()` Callback Function
##### Prototype
function(Error error, Object result)
##### Parameters
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `dropIndex()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. It is not an error if the index does not exist. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*Boolean dropped* | If dropping the index succeeded, `dropped` will be *true*. If no index was found, `dropped` will be *false*.
#### <a name="sodacollfind"></a> 10.2.4 `sodaCollection.find()`
##### Prototype
##### Description
The synchronous `find()` method is used to locate and order a set of
SODA documents for retrieval, replacement, or removal. It creates and
returns a [SodaOperation](#sodaoperationclass) object which is used
via method chaining with non-terminal and terminal methods described
below. Note that SodaOperation is an internal object whose attributes
should not be accessed directly.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Returns
Returns a [SodaOperation](#sodaoperationclass) object.
##### Example
documents = await collection.find().filter({"": "Melbourne", "salary": {"$gt": 500000}}).getDocuments();
See [Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA)](#sodaoverview) for more examples.
##### <a name="sodaoperationclass"></a> SodaOperation Class
You can chain together SodaOperation methods, to specify read or write
operations against a collection.
Non-terminal SodaOperation methods return the same object on which
they are invoked, allowing them to be chained together.
A terminal SodaOperation method always appears at the end of a method
chain to execute the operation.
A SodaOperation object is an internal object. You should not directly
modify its properties.
##### <a name="sodaoperationclassnonterm"></a> Non-terminal SodaOperation Methods
Non-terminal SodaOperation methods are chained together to set
criteria that documents must satisfy. At the end of the chain, a
single terminal method specifies the operation to be performed on
the matching documents.
When a non-terminal method is repeated, the last one overrides the
earlier one. For example if `find().key("a").key("b")...` was used,
then only documents with the key "b" are matched. If
`find().keys(["a","b"]).key("c")...` is used, then only the document
with the key "c" is matched.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclassfilter"></a> `sodaOperation.filter()`
##### Prototype
filter(Object filterSpec)
##### Description
Sets a filter specification for the operation, allowing for complex
document queries and ordering of JSON documents. Filter
specifications can include comparisons, regular expressions, logical,
and spatial operators, among others. See [Overview of SODA Filter
Specifications (QBEs)][108] and [SODA Filter Specifications
For node-oracledb examples, see [SODA Query-by-Example Searches for
JSON Documents](#sodaqbesearches)
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclasskey"></a> `sodaOperation.key()`
##### Prototype
key(String value)
##### Description
Sets the key value to be used to match a document for the operation.
Any previous calls made to this method or
[`keys()`](#sodaoperationclasskeys) will be ignored.
SODA document keys are unique.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclasskeys"></a> `sodaOperation.keys()`
##### Prototype
keys(Array value)
##### Description
Sets the keys to be used to match multiple documents for the
operation. Any previous calls made to this method or
[`key()`](#sodaoperationclasskey) will be ignored.
SODA document keys are unique.
A maximum of 1000 keys can be used.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclasslimit"></a> `sodaOperation.limit()`
##### Prototype
limit(Number n)
##### Description
Sets the maximum number of documents that a terminal method will apply
to. The value of `n` must be greater than 0. The limit is applied to
documents that match the other SodaOperation criteria. The `limit()`
method only applies to SodaOperation read operations like
`getCursor()` and `getDocuments()`. If a filter `$orderby` is not
used, the document order is internally defined.
The `limit()` method cannot be used in conjunction with
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclassskip"></a> `sodaOperation.skip()`
##### Prototype
skip(Number n)
##### Description
Sets the number of documents that will be skipped before the terminal
method is applied. The value of `n` must be greater or equal to 0. The
skip applies to documents that match the other SodaOperation criteria.
If a filter `$orderby` is not used, the document order (and hence which
documents are skipped) is internally defined.
The `skip()` method only applies to SodaOperation read operations like
`getDocuments()`. It cannot be used with
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclassversion"></a> `sodaOperation.version()`
##### Prototype
version(String value)
##### Description
Sets the document version that documents must have.
This is typically used in conjunction with a key, for example
Using `version()` allows for optimistic locking, so that the
subsequent SodaOperation terminal method does not affect a document
that someone else has already modified. If the requested document
version is not matched, then your terminal operation will not impact
any document. The application can then query to find the latest
document version and apply any desired change.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### <a name="sodaoperationclassterm"></a> Terminal SodaOperation Methods
A terminal SodaOperation method operates on the set of documents that
satisfy the criteria specified by previous non-terminal methods in the
method chain. Only one terminal method can be used in each chain.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclasscount"></a> `sodaOperation.count()`
##### Prototype
count(function Error error, Object result){});
promise = count();
##### Description
Finds the number of documents matching the given SodaOperation query criteria.
If `skip()` or `limit()` are set, then `count()` will return an error.
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`count()` succeeds, then any open transaction on the connection is
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error, Object result)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `count()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*Object result* | See below.
The `result` object contains one attribute:
Number count
The number of documents matching the SodaOperation criteria.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclassgetcursor"></a> `sodaOperation.getCursor()`
##### Prototype
getCursor(function(Error error, SodaDocumentCursor cursor){});
promise = getCursor()
##### Description
Returns a [SodaDocumentCursor](#sodadocumentcursorclass) for documents
that match the SodaOperation query criteria. The cursor can be
iterated over with
[`sodaDocumentCursor.getNext()`](#sodadoccursorgetnext) to access each
When the application has completed using the cursor it must be closed
with [`sodaDocumentCursor.close()`](#sodadoccursorclose).
If the number of documents is known to be small, it is recommended to
use [`sodaOperation.getDocuments()`](#sodaoperationclassgetdocuments)
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`getCursor()` succeeds, then any open transaction on the connection is
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error, SodaDocumentCursor cursor)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `getCursor()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*SodaDocumentCursor cursor* | A cursor that can be iterated over to access SodaDocument objects matching the SodaOperation search criteria.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclassgetdocuments"></a> `sodaOperation.getDocuments()`
##### Prototype
getDocuments(function(Error error, Array documents){});
promise = getDocuments();
##### Description
Gets an array of [SodaDocuments](#sodadocumentclass) matching the
SodaOperation query criteria. An empty array will be returned when no
documents match.
Where the number of matching documents is known to be small, this API
should be used in preference to
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`getDocuments()` succeeds, then any open transaction on the connection
is committed.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error, Array documents)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `getDocuments()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*Array documents* | An array of SodaDocuments that match the SodaOperation query criteria.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclassgetone"></a> `sodaOperation.getOne()`
##### Prototype
getOne(function(Error error, SodaDocument document){});
promise = getOne();
##### Description
Obtains one document matching the SodaOperation query criteria. If
the criteria match more than one document, then only the first is
Typically `getone()` should be used with `key(k)` or
`key(k).version(v)` to ensure only one document is matched.
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`getOne()` succeeds, then any open transaction on the connection is
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error, SodaDocument document)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `getOne()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*SodaDocument document* | One SodaDocument that matches the sodaOperation query criteria. If no document is found, then `document` will be undefined.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclassremove"></a> `sodaOperation.remove()`
##### Prototype
remove(function(Error error, Object result){});
promise = remove();
##### Description
Removes a set of documents matching the SodaOperation query criteria.
Note settings from `skip()` and `limit()` non-terminals are ignored because they only apply to read operations.
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`remove()` succeeds, then removal and any open transaction on the
connection is committed.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error, Object result)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `remove()` succeeds, error is NULL. If an error occurs, then error contains the error message.
*Object result* | See below.
The `result` object contains one attribute:
The number of documents removed from the collection.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclassreplaceone"></a> `sodaOperation.replaceOne()`
##### Prototype
replaceOne(Object newDocumentContent, function(Error error, Object result){});
replaceOne(SodaDocument newSodaDocument, function(Error error, Object result){});
promise = replaceOne(Object newDocumentContent);
promise = replaceOne(SodaDocument newSodaDocument);
##### Description
Replaces a document in a collection. The input document can be either
a JavaScript object representing the data content, or it can be an
existing [SodaDocument](#sodadocumentclass).
The `mediaType` document component and content of the document that
matches the SodaOperation query criteria will be replaced by the
content and any `mediaType` document component of the new document.
Any other document components will not be affected. The
`lastModified` and `version` document components of the replaced
document will be updated.
The `key()` non-terminal must be used when using `replaceOne()`.
No error is reported if the operation criteria do not match any
Note settings from `skip()` and `limit()` non-terminals are ignored
because they only apply to read operations.
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`replaceOne()` succeeds, then any open transaction on the connection
is committed.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
Object newDocumentContent
SodaDocument newSodaDocument
The new document. See
[sodaCollection.insertOne()](#sodacollinsertone), which has the same
semantics for the document.
- ```
function(Error error, Object result)
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `replaceOne()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. It is not an error if no document is replaced. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*Object result* | See below.
The `result` object contains one attribute:
This attribute will be *true* if the document was successfully replaced, *false* otherwise.
###### <a name="sodaoperationclassreplaceoneandget"></a> `sodaOperation.replaceOneAndGet()`
##### Prototype
replaceOneAndGet(Object newDocumentContent, function(Error error, SodaDocument updatedDocument){});
replaceOneAndGet(SodaDocument newSodaDocument, function(Error error, SodaDocument updatedDocument){});
promise = replaceOneAndGet(Object newDocumentContent);
promise = replaceOneAndGet(SodaDocument newSodaDocument);
##### Description
Replaces a document in a collection similar to
[`replaceOne()`](#sodaoperationclassreplaceone), but also returns the
result document which contains all [SodaDocument](#sodadocumentclass)
components (key, version, etc.) except for content. Content itself is not
returned for performance reasons. The result document has new values
for components that are updated as part of the replace operation (such
as version, last-modified timestamp, and media type)
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`replaceOneAndGet()` succeeds, then any open transaction on the
connection is committed.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
Object newDocumentContent
SodaDocument newSodaDocument
The new document. See
[sodaCollection.insertOne()](#sodacollinsertone), which has the same
semantics for the document.
- ```
function(Error error, SodaDocument updatedDocument)
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `replaceOneAndGet()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. It is not an error if no document is replaced. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*SodaDocument updatedDocument* | The updated [SodaDocument](#sodadocumentclass) if replacement was successful, otherwise `updatedDocument` will be undefined. The `lastModified` and `version` attributes of the stored SodaDocument will be updated. The `mediaType` attribute and the content will be replaced. Other attributes of `newSodaDocument` are ignored. Note for performance reasons, `updatedDocument` will not have document content and cannot itself be passed directly to SODA insert or replace methods.
#### <a name="sodacollgetdataguide"></a> 10.2.5 `sodaCollection.getDataGuide()`
##### Prototype
getDataGuide(function(Error error, SodaDocument document){});
promise = getDataGuide();
##### Description
Infers the schema of a collection of JSON documents at the current
time. A [JSON data guide][116] shows details like the JSON property
names, data types and lengths. It is useful for exploring the schema
of a collection. The data guide is represented as JSON content in a
This method is supported for JSON-only collections which have a [JSON
Search index](#sodacollcreateindex) where the "dataguide" option is
"on". An error will be returned if a data guide cannot be created.
A data guide is a best effort heuristic and should not be used as a
schema to validate new JSON documents. The data guide is always
additive, and does not update itself when documents are deleted.
There are some limits such as the maximum number of children under one
node, and the maximum length of a path.
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`getDataGuide()` succeeds, then any open user transaction is
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error, SodaDocument document)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `getDataGuide()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*SodaDocument document* | The SodaDocument containing JSON content which can be accessed from the document as normal with [`sodaDocument.getContent()`](#sodadocgetcontent), [`sodaDocument.getContentAsString()`](#sodadocgetcontentasstring) or [`sodaDocument.getContentAsBuffer()`](#sodadocgetcontentasbuffer).
#### <a name="sodacollinsertmany"></a> 10.2.6 `sodaCollection.insertMany()`
##### Prototype
insertMany(Array newDocumentContentArray, function(Error error){});
insertMany(Array newSodaDocumentArray, function(Error error){});
promise = insertMany(Array newDocumentContentArray);
promise = insertMany(Array newSodaDocumentArray);
##### Description
This is similar to [`insertOne()`](#sodacollinsertone) however it
accepts an array of the Objects or SodaDocuments that `insertOne()`
accepts. When inserting multiple documents, using `insertMany()` is
recommended in preference to `insertOne()`.
If an error occurs, the offset attribute on the [Error
objects](#errorobj) will contain the number of documents that were
successfully inserted. Subsequent documents in the input array will
not be inserted.
This method is in Preview status and should not be used in production.
This method was added in node-oracledb 4.0. It requires Oracle Client 18.5 or higher.
#### <a name="sodacollinsertmanyandget"></a> 10.2.7 `sodaCollection.insertManyAndGet()`
##### Prototype
insertManyAndGet(Array newDocumentContentArray, function(Error error, Array SodaDocuments){});
insertManyAndGet(Array newSodaDocumentArray, function(Error error, Array SodaDocuments){});
promise = insertManyAndGet(Array newDocumentContentArray);
promise = insertManyAndGet(Array newSodaDocumentArray);
##### Description
Similar to [sodaCollection.insertMany()](#sodacollinsertmany) but also returns
an array of the inserted documents so system managed properties, such as the
keys (in default collections), can be found. Content itself is not returned for
performance reasons. When inserting multiple documents, using
`insertManyAndGet()` is recommended in preference to `insertOneAndGet()`.
This method is in Preview status and should not be used in production.
This method was added in node-oracledb 4.0. It requires Oracle Client 18.5 or higher.
#### <a name="sodacollinsertone"></a> 10.2.8 `sodaCollection.insertOne()`
##### Prototype
insertOne(Object newDocumentContent, function(Error error){});
insertOne(SodaDocument newSodaDocument, function(Error error){});
promise = insertOne(Object newDocumentContent);
promise = insertOne(SodaDocument newSodaDocument);
##### Description
Inserts a given document to the collection. The input document can be
either a JavaScript object representing the data content, or it can be
an existing [SodaDocument](#sodadocumentclass).
Note SodaDocuments returned from
[`sodaOperation.replaceOneAndGet()`](#sodaoperationclassreplaceoneandget), and
[`sodaCollection.insertManyAndGet()`](#sodacollinsertmanyandget) cannot be
passed to SODA insert methods, since they do not contain any document content.
Instead, create a JavaScript object using the desired attribute values, or use
[`sodaDatabase.createDocument()`](#sodadbcreatedocument), or use a SodaDocument
returned by a [`sodaCollection.find()`](#sodacollfind) query.
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`insertOne()` succeeds, then the new document and any open transaction
on the connection is committed.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
The following examples are equivalent:
newDocumentContent = {name: "Alison"};
await sodaCollection.insertOne(newDocumentContent);
newDocumentContent = {name: "Alison"};
doc = sodaDatabase.createDocument(newDocumentContent);
await sodaCollection.insertOne(doc);
##### <a name="sodacollinsertoneparams"></a> `insertOne()`: Parameters
###### <a name="sodacollinsertoneparamsdoc"></a> `newDocumentContent`, `newSodaDocument`
Object newDocumentContent
SodaDocument newSodaDocument
The document to insert.
Passed as a simple JavaScript object, the value is interpreted as JSON
document content. Other document components (key, version, etc.) will
be auto-generated by SODA during insert. The media type will be set to
Alternatively, a [SodaDocument](#sodadocumentclass) can be passed.
The `content` and `mediaType` supplied in the SodaDocument will be
used. The `key`, if set, will also be used if collection has
client-assigned keys. Other components in the input SodaDocument,
such as version and last-modified, will be ignored and auto-generated
values will be used instead.
##### <a name="sodacollinsertonecb"></a> `insertOne()` Callback Function
##### Prototype
function(Error error)
##### Parameters
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `insertOne()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
#### <a name="sodacollinsertoneandget"></a> 10.2.9 `sodaCollection.insertOneAndGet()`
##### Prototype
insertOneAndGet(Object newDocumentContent, function(Error error, SodaDocument document){});
insertOneAndGet(SodaDocument newSodaDocument, function(Error error, SodaDocument document){});
promise = insertOneAndGet(Object newDocumentContent);
promise = insertOneAndGet(SodaDocument newSodaDocument);
##### Description
Inserts a document in a collection similar to
[`sodaCollection.insertOne()`](#sodacollinsertone), but also returns the result
document which contains all [SodaDocument](#sodadocumentclass) components (key,
version, etc.) except for content. Content itself is not returned for
performance reasons.
If you want to insert the document again, use the original `newDocumentContent`
or `newSodaDocument`. Alternatively construct a new object from the returned
document and add content.
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`insertOneAndGet()` succeeds, then any open transaction on the
connection is committed.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### <a name="sodacollinsertoneandgetparams"></a> `insertOneAndGet()`: Parameters
###### <a name="sodacollinsertoneandgetparamsdoc"></a> `newDocumentContent`, `newSodaDocument`
Object newDocumentContent
SodaDocument newSodaDocument
The document to insert.
For related documentation, see [`sodaCollection.insertOne()`](#sodacollinsertoneparamsdoc)
##### <a name="sodacollinsertoneandgetcb"></a> `insertOneAndGet()` Callback Function
##### Prototype
function(Error error, SodaDocument document)
##### Parameters
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `insertOne()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*SodaDocument document* | A result [SodaDocument](#sodadocumentclass) that is useful for finding the system generated key and other metadata of the newly inserted document. Note for performance reasons, `document` will not have document content and cannot itself be passed directly to SODA insert or replace methods.
## <a name="sodadatabaseclass"></a> 11. SodaDatabase Class
The SodaDatabase class is the top level object for node-oracledb SODA
operations. A 'SODA database' is an abstraction, allowing access to
SODA collections in that 'SODA database', which then allow access to
documents in those collections.
SODA can be used with Oracle Database 18.3 and above, when node-oracledb uses
Oracle Client 18.5 or Oracle Client 19.3, or later. The SODA bulk insert
methods [`sodaCollection.insertMany()`](#sodacollinsertmany) and
[`sodaCollection.insertManyAndGet()`](#sodacollinsertmanyandget) are in Preview
A SODA database is equivalent to an Oracle Database user, see
[Overview of SODA][117] in the Introduction to SODA manual.
A SODA database object is created by calling
See [Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA)](#sodaoverview) for more
#### <a name="sodadatabasemethods"></a> 11.1 SodaDatabase Methods
#### <a name="sodadbcreatecollection"></a> 11.1.1 `sodaDatabase.createCollection()`
##### Prototype
createCollection(String collectionName [, Object options], function(Error error, SodaCollection collection){});
promise = createCollection(String collectionName [, Object options]);
##### Description
Creates a SODA collection of the given name. If you try to create a
collection, and a collection with the same name already exists, then
that existing collection is opened without error.
Optional metadata allows collection customization. If metadata is not
supplied, a default collection will be created
By default, `createCollection()` first attempts to create the Oracle Database
table used internally to store the collection. If the table exists already, it
will attempt to use it as the table underlying the collection. Most users will
use this default behavior.
If the optional `mode` parameter is
[`oracledb.SODA_COLL_MAP_MODE`](#oracledbconstantssoda), SODA will
attempt to use a pre-existing table as the table underlying the
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`createCollection()` succeeds, then any open transaction on the
connection is committed. Note SODA operations do not commit an open
transaction the way that SQL always does for DDL statements.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### <a name="sodadbcreatecollectionname"></a> `createCollection(): collectionName`
Name of the collection to be created.
##### <a name="sodadbcreatecollectionoptions"></a> `createCollection(): options`
Object options
The options that specify the collection. The following properties can be set.
###### <a name="sodadbcreatecollectionoptsmetadata"></a> `metaData`
Object metaData
Metadata specifying various details about the collection, such as its
database storage, whether it should track version and time stamp
document components, how such components are generated, and what
document types are
If undefined or null, then a default collection metadata description
will be used. The default metadata specifies that the collection
contains only JSON documents, and is recommend for most SODA users.
For more discussion see [SODA Client-Assigned Keys and Collection
Metadata](#sodaclientkeys). Also see [SODA Collection Metadata
###### <a name="sodadbcreatecollectionoptsmode"></a> `mode`
Number mode
If `mode` is [`oracledb.SODA_COLL_MAP_MODE`](#oracledbconstantssoda), the
collection will be stored in an externally, previously created table.
A future `sodaCollection.drop()` will not drop the collection table.
It will simply unmap it, making it inaccessible to SODA operations.
Most users will leave `mode` undefined.
##### <a name="sodadbcreatecollectioncb"></a> `createCollection()`: Callback Function
##### Prototype
function(Error error, SodaCollection collection)
##### Parameters
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `createCollection()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*SodaCollection collection* | The [SodaCollection](#sodacollectionclass) containing zero or more SODA documents, depending whether it is a new or existing collection.
#### <a name="sodadbcreatedocument"></a> 11.1.2 `sodaDatabase.createDocument()`
##### Prototype
sodaDatabase.createDocument(String content [, Object options])
sodaDatabase.createDocument(Buffer content [, Object options])
sodaDatabase.createDocument(Object content [, Object options])
##### Description
A synchronous method that constructs a proto
[SodaDocument](#sodadocumentclass) object usable for SODA insert and
replace methods. SodaDocument attributes like `createdOn` will not be
defined, and neither will attributes valid in `options` but not
specified. The document will not be stored in the database until an
insert or replace method is called.
You only need to call `createDocument()` if your collection requires
client-assigned keys or has non-JSON content, otherwise you can pass
your JSON content directly to the SODA insert and replace methods.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Example
myDoc = soda.createDocument({name: "Chris", city: "Melbourne"}, {key: "123"}); // assuming client-assigned keys
newDoc = await collection.insertOneAndGet(myDoc);
console.log("The key of the new document is: ", newDoc.key); // 123
##### <a name="sodadbcreatedocumentcontent"></a> `createDocument(): content`
String content
Buffer content
Object content
The document content.
When a Buffer is used, and if the collection `mediaType` is (or will
be) 'application/json' (which is the default media type), then the
JSON must be encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16LE or UTF-16BE otherwise you will
get a SODA error on a subsequent write operation.
##### <a name="sodadbcreatedocumentoptions"></a> `createDocument(): options`
Object options
The following properties can be set.
###### <a name="sodadbcreatedocumentoptskey"></a> `key`
String key
Must be supplied if the document in intended to be inserted into a
collection with client-assigned keys. It should be undefined,
###### <a name="sodadbcreatedocumentoptsmediatype"></a> `mediaType`
String mediaType
If the document has non-JSON content, then `mediaType` should be set
to the desired media type. Using a MIME type is recommended.
The default is 'application/json'.
#### <a name="sodadbgetcollectionnames"></a> 11.1.3 `sodaDatabase.getCollectionNames()`
##### Prototype
getCollectionNames([Object options,] function(Error error, Array collectionNames){});
promise = getCollectionNames([Object options]);
##### Description
Gets an array of collection names in alphabetical order.
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`getCollectionNames()` succeeds, then any open transaction on the
connection is committed.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### <a name="sodadbgetcollectionnamesparams"></a> `getCollectionNames()`: Parameters
###### <a name="sodadbgetcollectionnamesoptions"></a> `options`
Object options
If `options` is undefined, then all collection names will be returned. Otherwise, it can have the following attributes:
Attribute | Description
*Number limit* | Limits the number of names returned. If limit is 0 or undefined, then all collection names are returned.
*String startsWith* | Returns names that start with the given string, and all subsequent names, in alphabetic order. For example, if collections with names "cat", "dog", and "zebra" exist, then using `startsWith` of "d" will return "dog" and "zebra". If `startsWith` is an empty string or undefined, all collection names are returned, subject to the value of `limit`.
##### <a name="sodadbgetcollectionnamescb"></a> `getCollectionNames()`: Callback Function
##### Prototype
function(Error error, Array collectionNames)
##### Parameters
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `getCollectionNames()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*Array collectionNames* | An array of Strings, each containing the name of a SODA collection in this SODA database. The array is in alphabetical order.
#### <a name="sodadbopencollection"></a> 11.1.4 `sodaDatabase.openCollection()`
##### Prototype
openCollection(String collectionName, function(Error error, SodaCollection collection){});
promise = openCollection(String collectionName);
##### Description
Opens an existing [SodaCollection](#sodacollectionclass) of the given
name. The collection can then be used to access documents.
If the requested collection does not exist, it is not an
error. Instead, the returned collection value will be undefined.
If [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, and
`openCollection()` succeeds, then any open transaction on the
connection is committed.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### <a name="sodadbopencollectionparams"></a> `openCollection()`: Parameters
###### <a name="sodadbopencollectionname"></a> `collectionName`
String collectionName
Name of the collection to open.
##### <a name="sodadbopencollectioncb"></a> `openCollection()`: Callback Function
##### Prototype
function(Error error, SodaCollection collection)
##### Parameters
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `openCollection()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. It is not an error if the requested collection does not exist. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*SodaCollection collection* | The requested collection, if one is found. Otherwise it will be undefined.
## <a name="sodadocumentclass"></a> 12. SodaDocument Class
SodaDocuments represents the document for SODA read and write
SODA can be used with Oracle Database 18.3 and above, when node-oracledb uses
Oracle Client 18.5 or Oracle Client 19.3, or later. The SODA bulk insert
methods [`sodaCollection.insertMany()`](#sodacollinsertmany) and
[`sodaCollection.insertManyAndGet()`](#sodacollinsertmanyandget) are in Preview
SodaDocument objects can be created in three ways:
- The result of [`sodaDatabase.createDocument()`](#sodadbcreatedocument). This
is a proto SodaDocument object usable for SODA insert and replace methods.
The SodaDocument will have content and media type components set. Attributes
like `createdOn` will not be defined. Optional attributes not specified when
calling `createDocument()` will also not be defined.
- The result of a read operation from the database, such as calling
[`sodaOperation.getOne()`](#sodaoperationclassgetone), or from
[`sodaDocumentCursor.getNext()`](#sodadoccursorgetnext) after a
[`sodaOperation.getCursor()`](#sodaoperationclassgetcursor) call. These
return complete SodaDocument objects containing the document content and
attributes, such as time stamps.
- The result of [`sodaCollection.insertOneAndGet()`](#sodacollinsertoneandget),
[`sodaOperation.replaceOneAndGet()`](#sodaoperationclassreplaceoneandget), or
[`sodaCollection.insertManyAndGet()`](#sodacollinsertmanyandget) methods.
These return SodaDocuments that contain all attributes except the document
content itself. They are useful for finding document attributes such as
system generated keys, and versions of new and updated documents.
### <a name="sodadocumentproperties"></a> 12.1 SodaDocument Properties
The available document properties are shown below. Document content
of queried SodaDocument objects is only accessible via one of the
accessor methods [`getContent()`](#sodadocgetcontent),
[`getContentAsBuffer()`](#sodadocgetcontentasbuffer) or
Other properties of a SodaDocument object can be accessed directly.
They are read-only. The properties for default collections are:
Property | Description
*readonly String createdOn* | The creation time of the document as a string in the UTC time zone using an ISO8601 format such as '2018-07-11T01:37:50.123456Z' or '2018-07-11T01:37:50.123Z'. By default, SODA sets this automatically.
*readonly String key* | A unique key value for this document. By default, SODA automatically generates the key.
*readonly String lastModified* | Last modified time of the document as a string in the UTC time zone using an ISO8601 format such as '2018-07-11T01:37:50.123456Z' or '2018-07-11T01:37:50.123Z'. By default, SODA sets this automatically.
*readonly String mediaType* | An arbitrary string value designating the content media type. The recommendation when creating documents is to use a MIME type for the media type. By default, collections store only JSON document content and this property will be 'application/json'. This property will be null if the media type is unknown, which will only be in the rare case when a collection was created to store mixed or non-JSON content on top of a pre-existing database table, and that table has NULLs in its `mediaType` column.
*readonly String version* | Version of the document. By default, SODA automatically updates the version each time the document is changed.
These properties were added in node-oracledb 3.0.
### <a name="sodadocumentmethods"></a> 12.2 SodaDocument Methods
These methods return the document content stored in a SodaDocument.
Which one to call depends on the content and how you want to use it.
For example, if the document content is JSON, then any of the methods
may be called. But if the document content is binary, then only
[`getContentAsBuffer()`](#sodadocgetcontentasbuffer) may be called.
Although documents cannot be null, content can be.
#### <a name="sodadocgetcontent"></a> 12.2.1 `sodaDocument.getContent()`
##### Prototype
##### Description
A synchronous method that returns the document content as an object.
An exception will occur if the document content is not JSON and cannot
be converted to an object.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
#### <a name="sodadocgetcontentasbuffer"></a> 12.2.2 `sodaDocument.getContentAsBuffer()`
##### Prototype
##### Description
A synchronous method that returns the document content as a Buffer.
If the documents were originally created with
[`sodaDatabase.createDocument()`](#sodadbcreatedocument), then
documents are returned as they were created.
For documents fetched from the database where the collection storage
is BLOB (which is the default), and whose `mediaType` is
'application/json', then the buffer returned is identical to that
which was stored. If the storage is not BLOB, it is UTF-8 encoded.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
#### <a name="sodadocgetcontentasstring"></a> 12.2.3 `sodaDocument.getContentAsString()`
##### Prototype
##### Description
A synchronous method that returns JSON document content as a String.
An exception will occur if the document content cannot be converted to
a string.
If the document encoding is not known, UTF8 will be used.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
## <a name="sodadocumentcursorclass"></a> 13. SodaDocumentCursor Class
A SodaDocumentCursor is used to walk through a set of SODA documents
returned from a [`find()`](#sodacollfind)
[`getCursor()`](#sodaoperationclassgetcursor) method.
### <a name="sodadoccursormethods"></a> 13.1 SodaDocumentCursor Methods
#### <a name="sodadoccursorclose"></a> 13.1.1 `sodaDocumentCursor.close()`
##### Prototype
close(function(Error error){});
promise = close();
##### Description
This method closes a SodaDocumentCursor. It must be called when the
cursor is no longer required. It releases resources in node-oracledb
and Oracle Database.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `close()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
#### <a name="sodadoccursorgetnext"></a> 13.1.2 `sodaDocumentCursor.getNext()`
##### Prototype
getNext(function(Error error, SodaDocument document){});
promise = getNext();
##### Description
This method returns the next [SodaDocument](#sodadocumentclass) in the
cursor returned by a [`find()`](#sodacollfind) terminal method read
If there are no more documents, the returned `document` parameter will
be undefined.
This method was added in node-oracledb 3.0.
##### Parameters
- ```
function(Error error, SodaDocument document)
The parameters of the callback function are:
Callback function parameter | Description
*Error error* | If `getNext()` succeeds, `error` is NULL. If an error occurs, then `error` contains the error message.
*SodaDocument document* | The next document in the cursor. If there are no more documents, then `document` will be undefined.
## <a name="usermanual"></a> NODE-ORACLEDB USER MANUAL
## <a name="connectionhandling"></a> 14. Connection Handling
Connections may be standalone or pooled.
##### Standalone Connections
In applications which use connections infrequently, create a
connection with [`oracledb.getConnection()`](#getconnectiondb).
Connections should be released with
[`connection.close()`](#connectionclose) when no longer needed:
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const mypw = ... // set mypw to the hr schema password
async function run() {
try {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection({
user : "hr",
password : mypw,
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1"
result = await connection.execute(`SELECT last_name FROM employees`);
console.log("Result is:", result);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
if (connection) {
try {
await connection.close(); // Always close connections
} catch (err) {
##### Pooled Connections
Applications which frequently create and close connections should use
a Connection Pool. Since pools provide Oracle high availability
features, using one is also recommended if you have a long running
application, particularly if connections are released to the pool
while no database work is being done.
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const mypw = ... // set mypw to the hr schema password
async function run() {
let pool;
try {
pool = await oracledb.createPool({
user : "hr",
password : mypw // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1"
let connection;
try {
connection = await pool.getConnection();
result = await connection.execute(`SELECT last_name FROM employees`);
console.log("Result is:", result);
} catch (err) {
throw (err);
} finally {
if (connection) {
try {
await connection.close(); // Put the connection back in the pool
} catch (err) {
throw (err);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
await pool.close();
See [Connection Pooling](#connpooling) for more information.
### <a name="configureconnections"></a> 14.1 Configuring Connections and Node-oracledb
Connections to Oracle Database are influenced by optional Oracle
environment variables and configuration files.
#### <a name="environmentvariables"></a> 14.1.1 Oracle Environment Variables
Some Oracle environment variables that can influence node-oracledb include:
Name | Description
`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` | Used on Linux and some UNIX platforms. Set this to include the Oracle libraries, for example `$ORACLE_HOME/lib` or `/opt/oracle/instantclient_19_3`. Not needed if the libraries are located by an alternative method, such as from running `ldconfig`. On other UNIX platforms you will need to set the OS specific equivalent, such as `LIBPATH` or `SHLIB_PATH`.
`ORACLE_HOME` | The directory containing the Oracle Database software. This directory must be accessible by the Node.js process. This variable should *not* be set if node-oracledb uses Oracle Instant Client.
`NLS_DATE_FORMAT`, `NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT` | See [Fetching Numbers and Dates as String](#fetchasstringhandling). The variables are ignored if `NLS_LANG` is not set.
`NLS_LANG` | Determines the globalization options for node-oracledb. If not set, a default value will be chosen by Oracle. Note that node-oracledb will always uses the AL32UTF8 character set. See [Globalization and National Language Support (NLS)](#nls).
`NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS` | See [Fetching Numbers and Dates as String](#fetchasstringhandling). The variable is ignored if `NLS_LANG` is not
`TNS_ADMIN` | The location of the optional [Oracle Net configuration files](#tnsadmin) and [Oracle Client configuration files](#oraaccess), including `tnsnames.ora`, `sqlnet.ora`, and `oraaccess.xml`, if they are not in a default location.
It is recommended to set Oracle variables in the environment before invoking
Node.js, however they may also be set in application code as long as they are
set before node-oracledb is first used. System environment variables like
`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` must be set before Node.js starts.
If you are using Linux and node-oracledb is being run on the same
computer as the database, you can set required Oracle environment
variables, such as `ORACLE_HOME` and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` in your shell
by executing:
source /usr/local/bin/oraenv
Or, if you are using [Oracle Database XE 11.2][130], by executing:
source /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/
Make sure the Node.js process has directory and file access
permissions for the Oracle libraries and other files. Typically the
home directory of the Oracle software owner will need permissions
#### <a name="tnsadmin"></a> 14.1.2 Optional Oracle Net Configuration
Optional Oracle Net configuration files are read when node-oracledb
is loaded. These files affect connections and applications. The common
files are:
Name | Description
`tnsnames.ora` | Contains net service names and Oracle Net options for databases that can be connected to, see [Net Service Names for Connection Strings](#tnsnames). This file is only needed for advanced configuration. Not needed if connection strings use the [Easy Connect syntax](#easyconnect). The [Oracle Net documentation on `tnsnames.ora`][18] has more information.
`sqlnet.ora` | A configuration file controlling the network transport behavior. For example it can set call timeouts for [high availability](#connectionha), or be used to [encrypt network traffic](#securenetwork), or be used to configure logging and tracing. The [Oracle Net documentation on `sqlnet.ora`][132] has more information.
The files should be in a directory accessible to Node.js, not the
database server. Default locations include:
- `/opt/oracle/instantclient_19_3/network/admin` if Instant Client is in `/opt/oracle/instantclient_19_3`.
- `/usr/lib/oracle/19.3/client64/lib/network/admin` if Oracle 19.3 Instant Client RPMs are used on Linux.
- `$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin` if node-oracledb is using libraries from the database installation.
Alternatively, the files can be put in another, accessible directory.
Then set the environment variable [`TNS_ADMIN`][8] to that directory
name. For example, if the file `/etc/my-oracle-config/tnsnames.ora`
is being used, set `TNS_ADMIN` to `/etc/my-oracle-config`.
#### <a name="oraaccess"></a> 14.1.3. Optional Oracle Client Configuration
If the Oracle Client Libraries used by node-oracledb are version 12,
or later, then an optional [`oraaccess.xml`][63] file can be used to
configure some behaviors of those libraries. The file is read when
node-oracledb starts. The directory it should be in is determined
using a similar heuristic to the [Optional Oracle Net
Configuration](#tnsadmin) file directory.
Refer to the [`oraaccess.xml` documentation][63] for more information.
The following `oraaccess.xml` file sets the Oracle client
['prefetch'][79] value to 100 rows. This value affects every SQL
query in the application:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<oraaccess xmlns=""
Prefetching is the number of additional rows the underlying Oracle
client library fetches whenever node-oracledb requests query data from
the database. Prefetching is a tuning option to maximize data
transfer efficiency and minimize [round-trips](#roundtrips) to the
database. The prefetch size does not affect when, or how many, rows
are returned by node-oracledb to the application. The cache
management is transparently handled by the Oracle client
libraries. Note, standard node-oracledb fetch tuning is via
[`fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize), but changing the prefetch
value can be useful in some cases such as when modifying the
application is not feasible.
The `oraaccess.xml` file has other uses including:
- Changing the value of [Fast Application Notification (FAN)](#connectionfan) events which affects FAN notifications and [Runtime Load Balancing (RLB)](#connectionrlb).
- Configuring [Client Result Caching][66] parameters
- Turning on [Client Statement Cache Auto-tuning][67]
### <a name="connectionstrings"></a> 14.2 Connection Strings
The `connectString` property for [`oracledb.getConnection()`](#getconnectiondb)
and [`oracledb.createPool()`](#createpool) can be one of:
- An [Easy Connect](#easyconnect) string
- A [Connect Descriptor](#embedtns) string
- A [Net Service Name](#tnsnames) from a local [`tnsnames.ora`](#tnsnames) file or external naming service
- The SID of a local Oracle database instance
If a connect string is not specified, the empty string "" is used
which indicates to connect to the local, default database.
The `connectionString` property is an alias for `connectString`.
Use only one of the properties.
#### <a name="easyconnect"></a> 14.2.1 Easy Connect Syntax for Connection Strings
An Easy Connect string is often the simplest to use. For example, to connect to
the Oracle Database service ``orclpdb1`` that is running on the host
```` with the default Oracle Database port 1521, use:
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString : ""
If the database is using a non-default port, for example 1984, the port must be
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString : ""
The Easy Connect syntax supports Oracle Database service names. It cannot be
used with the older System Identifiers (SID).
The Easy Connect syntax has been extended in recent versions of Oracle Database
client since its introduction in 10g. Check the Easy Connect Naming method in
[Oracle Net Service Administrator's Guide][17] for the syntax to use in your
version of the Oracle Client libraries.
If you are using Oracle Client 19c, the latest [Easy Connect Plus][151] syntax
allows the use of multiple hosts or ports, along with optional entries for the
wallet location, the distinguished name of the database server, and even lets
some network configuration options be set. This means that a
[`sqlnet.ora`](#tnsadmin) file is not needed for some common connection
#### <a name="embedtns"></a> 14.2.2 Embedded Connect Descriptor Strings
Full Connect Descriptor strings can be embedded in applications:
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
#### <a name="tnsnames"></a> 14.2.3 Net Service Names for Connection Strings
Connect Descriptor strings are commmonly stored in [`tnsnames.ora`](#tnsadmin)
files and associated with a Net Service Name, for example:
sales =
Net Service Names may also be defined in a directory server.
Given a Net Service Name, node-oracledb can connect like:
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString : "sales"
Some older databases may use a 'SID' instead of a 'Service Name'. A
connection string for these databases could look like:
sales =
(SID = orcl)
See [Optional Oracle Net Configuration](#tnsadmin) for where `tnsnames.ora`
files can be located.
For general information on `tnsnames.ora` files, see the [Oracle Net
documentation on `tnsnames.ora`][18].
#### <a name="notjdbc"></a> 14.2.4 JDBC and Oracle SQL Developer Connection Strings
The node-oracledb connection string syntax is different to Java JDBC and the
common Oracle SQL Developer syntax. If these JDBC connection strings reference
a service name like:
for example:
then use Oracle's Easy Connect syntax in node-oracledb:
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString : ""
Alternatively, if a JDBC connection string uses an old-style
Oracle system identifier [SID][19], and there is no service name available:
for example:
then either [embed the Connect Descriptor](#embedtns):
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
or create a [Net Service Name](#tnsnames):
# tnsnames.ora
finance =
This can be referenced in node-oracledb:
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString : "finance"
### <a name="numberofthreads"></a> 14.3 Connections and Number of Threads
If you open more than four connections, such as via
increasing [`poolMax`](#proppoolpoolmax), you should increase the
number of worker threads available to node-oracledb. The thread pool
size should be at least equal to the maximum number of connections.
If the application does database and non-database work concurrently,
extra threads could also be required for optimal throughput.
Increase the thread pool size by setting the environment variable
[UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE][20] before starting Node. For example, in a
Linux terminal, the number of Node.js worker threads can be increased
to 10 by using the following command:
$ UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE=10 node myapp.js
If the value is set inside the application with
`process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE` ensure it is set prior to any
asynchronous call that uses the thread pool otherwise the default size
of 4 will still be used.
Note the '[libuv][21]' library used by Node.js 12.5 and earlier limits
the number of threads to 128. In Node.js 12.6 onward the limit
is 1024. You should restrict the maximum number of connections opened
in an application, i.e. `poolMax`, to a value lower than the
`UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE` limit. If you have multiple pools, make sure the
sum of all `poolMax` values is no larger than `UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE`.
Connections can handle one database operation at a time. Node.js
worker threads executing database statements on a connection will wait
until [round-trips](#roundtrips) between node-oracledb and the
database are complete. When an application handles a sustained number
of user requests, and database operations take some time to execute or
the network is slow, then all available threads may be held in use.
This prevents other connections from beginning work and stops Node.js
from handling more user load. Increasing the number of worker threads
may improve throughput and prevent [deadlocks][22].
As well as correctly setting the thread pool size, structure your code
to avoid starting parallel operations on a connection. For example,
instead of using `async.parallel` or `async.each()` which call each
of their items in parallel, use `async.series` or `async.eachSeries()`.
When you use parallel calls on a connection, the queuing ends up being
done in the C layer via a mutex. However libuv is not aware that a
connection can only do one thing at a time - it only knows when it has
background threads available and so it sends off the work to be done.
If your application runs operations in parallel on a connection, you
could use more than one background thread (perhaps all of them) and
each could be waiting on the one before it to finish its "execute". Of
course other users or transactions cannot use the threads at
that time either. When you use methods like `async.series` or
`async.eachSeries()`, the queuing is instead done in the main
JavaScript thread.
### <a name="connpooling"></a> 14.4 Connection Pooling
When applications use a lot of connections for short periods, Oracle
recommends using a connection pool for efficiency. Each node-oracledb
process can use one or more connection pools. Each pool can contain
one or more connections. A pool can grow or shrink, as needed. In
addition to providing an immediately available set of connections,
pools provide [dead connection detection](#connpoolpinging) and
transparently handle Oracle Database [High Availability
events](#connectionha). This helps shield applications during planned
maintenance and from unplanned failures. Internally [Oracle Call
Interface Session Pooling][6] is used, which provides many of these
Since pools provide Oracle high availability features, using one is
also recommended if you have a long running application, particularly
if connections are released to the pool while no database work is
being done.
Pools are created by calling [`oracledb.createPool()`](#createpool).
Generally applications will create a pool once as part of
initialization. After an application finishes using a connection
pool, it should release all connections and terminate the connection
pool by calling the [`pool.close()`](#poolclose) method.
Connections from the pool are obtained with
[`pool.getConnection()`](#getconnectionpool). If all connections in a
pool are being used, then subsequent `getConnection()` calls will be
put in a [queue](#connpoolqueue). Connections must be released with
[`connection.close()`](#connectionclose) when no longer needed so they
are available for reuse. Make sure to release connections in all
codes paths, include error handlers.
When a connection is released back to its pool, any ongoing
transaction will be [rolled back](#transactionmgt) however it will
retain session state, such as [NLS](#nls) settings from ALTER SESSION
statements. See [Connection Tagging and Session
State](#connpooltagging) for more information.
Connections can also be [dropped completely from the pool](#connectionclose).
A connection pool can be used like:
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const mypw = ... // set mypw to the hr schema password
async function run() {
let pool;
try {
pool = await oracledb.createPool({
user : "hr",
password : mypw // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1"
let connection;
try {
connection = await pool.getConnection();
result = await connection.execute(`SELECT last_name FROM employees`);
console.log("Result is:", result);
} catch (err) {
throw (err);
} finally {
if (connection) {
try {
await connection.close(); // Put the connection back in the pool
} catch (err) {
throw (err);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
await pool.close();
#### <a name="conpoolsizing"></a> 14.4.1 Connection Pool Sizing
The [`poolMax`](#propdbpoolmax), [`poolMin`](#propdbpoolmin) and
[`poolPingInterval`](#propdbpoolpinginterval) attributes should be
adjusted to handle the desired workload within the bounds of available
resources in Node.js and the database.
Each connection should be used for a given unit of work, such as a
transaction or a set of sequentially executed statements. Statements
should be [executed sequentially, not in parallel](#numberofthreads)
on each connection.
If you increase the size of the pool, you must [increase the number of
threads](#numberofthreads) used by Node.js.
The growth characteristics of a connection pool are determined by the
Pool attributes [`poolIncrement`](#proppoolpoolincrement),
[`poolMax`](#proppoolpoolmax), [`poolMin`](#proppoolpoolmin) and
[`poolTimeout`](#proppoolpooltimeout). Note that when External
Authentication is used, the pool behavior is different, see
[External Authentication](#extauth).
Pool expansion happens when the following are all true: (i)
[`getConnection()`](#getconnectionpool) is called and (ii) all the
currently established connections in the pool are "checked out" by
previous `getConnection()` calls and are in-use by the application,
and (iii) the number of those connections is less than the pool's
`poolMax` setting.
The Oracle Real-World Performance Group's general recommendation for
client connection pools is for the pool to have a fixed sized. The
values of `poolMin` and `poolMax` should be the same (and
`poolIncrement` equal to zero), and the firewall, [resource
manager][101] or user profile [`IDLE_TIME`][100] should not expire
idle sessions. This avoids connection storms which can decrease
throughput. See [About Optimizing Real-World Performance with Static
Connection Pools][23], which contains details about sizing of pools.
The Pool attribute [`stmtCacheSize`](#propconnstmtcachesize) can be
used to set the statement cache size used by connections in the pool,
see [Statement Caching](#stmtcache).
#### <a name="conpooldraining"></a> 14.4.2 Connection Pool Closing and Draining
Closing a connection pool allows database resources to be freed. If
Node.js is killed without [`pool.close()`](#poolclose) being called,
it may be some time before the unused database-side of connections are
automatically cleaned up in the database.
When `pool.close()` is called, the pool will be closed only if all
connections have been released to the pool with `connection.close()`.
Otherwise an error is returned and the pool will not be closed.
An optional `drainTime` parameter can be used to force the pool closed
even if connections are in use. This lets the pool be 'drained' of
connections. The `drainTime` indicates how many seconds the pool is
allowed to remain active before it and its connections are terminated.
For example, to give active connections 10 seconds to complete their
work before being terminated:
await pool.close(10);
When a pool has been closed with a specified `drainTime`, then any new
`pool.getConnection()` calls will fail. If connections are currently
in use by the application, they can continue to be used for the
specified number of seconds, after which the pool and all open
connections are forcibly closed. Prior to this time limit, if there
are no connections currently "checked out" from the pool with
`getConnection()`, then the pool and its connections are immediately
In network configurations that drop (or in-line) out-of-band breaks,
forced pool termination may hang unless you have
[`DISABLE_OOB=ON`][122] in a [`sqlnet.ora`][136] file, see [Optional Oracle
Net Configuration](#tnsadmin).
Non-zero `drainTime` values are recommended so applications
have the opportunity to gracefully finish database operations, however
pools can be forcibly closed by specifying a zero drain time:
await pool.close(0);
Closing the pool would commonly be one of the last stages of a Node.js
application. A typical closing routine look likes:
// Close the default connection pool with 10 seconds draining, and exit
async function closePoolAndExit() {
try {
await oracledb.getPool().close(10);
} catch(err) {
It is helpful to invoke `closePoolAndExit()` if Node.js is
sent a signal or interrupted:
// Close the pool cleanly if Node.js is interrupted
.once('SIGTERM', closePoolAndExit)
.once('SIGINT', closePoolAndExit);
#### <a name="connpoolcache"></a> 14.4.3 Connection Pool Cache
When pools are created, they can be given a named alias. The alias
can later be used to retrieve the related pool object for use. This
facilitates sharing pools across modules and simplifies getting
Pools are added to the cache by using a
[`poolAlias`](#createpoolpoolattrspoolalias) property in the
[`poolAttrs`](#createpoolpoolattrs) object:
async function init() {
try {
await oracledb.createPool({ // no need to store the returned pool
user: 'hr',
password: mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString: 'localhost/XEPDB1',
poolAlias: 'hrpool'
// do stuff
. . .
// get the pool from the cache and use it
const pool = oracledb.getPool('hrpool');
. . .
There can be multiple pools in the cache if each pool is created with
a unique alias.
If a pool is created without providing a pool alias, and a pool with
an alias of 'default' is not in the cache already, this pool will be
cached using the alias 'default'. This pool is used by default in
methods that utilize the connection pool cache. If subsequent pools
are created without explicit aliases, they will be not stored in the
pool cache.
Methods that can affect or use the connection pool cache include:
- [oracledb.createPool()](#createpool) - can add a pool to the cache
- [oracledb.getPool()](#getpool) - retrieves a pool from the cache
- [oracledb.getConnection()](#getconnectiondb) - can use a pool in the cache to retrieve connections
- [pool.close()](#poolclose) - automatically removes a pool from the cache
##### Using the Default Pool
Assuming the connection pool cache is empty, the following will create a new pool
and cache it using the pool alias 'default':
async function init() {
try {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
user: 'hr',
password: mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString: 'localhost/XEPDB1'
console.log(pool.poolAlias); // 'default'
. . .
If you are using callbacks, note that `createPool()` is not synchronous.
Once cached, the default pool can be retrieved using [oracledb.getPool()](#getpool) without
passing the `poolAlias` parameter:
const pool = oracledb.getPool();
const connection = await pool.getConnection();
This specific sequence can be simplified by using the shortcut to
[oracledb.getConnection()](#getconnectiondb) that returns a connection
from a pool:
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection();
. . . // Use connection from the previously created 'default' pool and then release it
##### Using Multiple Pools
If the application needs to use more than one pool at a time, unique pool aliases
can be used when creating the pools:
await oracledb.createPool({
user: 'hr',
password: myhrpw, // myhrpw contains the hr schema password
connectString: 'localhost/XEPDB1',
poolAlias: 'hrpool'
await oracledb.createPool({
user: 'sh',
password: myshpw, // myshpw contains the sh schema password
connectString: 'localhost/XEPDB1',
poolAlias: 'shpool'
. . .
To use the methods or attributes of a pool in the cache, a pool can be retrieved
from the cache by passing its pool alias to [oracledb.getPool()](#getpool):
const pool = oracledb.getPool('hrpool'); // or 'shpool'
const connection = await pool.getConnection();
. . . // Use connection from the pool and then release it
The [oracledb.getConnection()](#getconnectiondb) shortcut can also be used with a pool alias:
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection('hrpool');
. . . // Use connection from the pool and then release it
From node-oracledb 3.1.0 you can pass the alias as an attribute of the
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection({ poolAlias: 'hrpool' });
. . . // Use connection from the pool and then release it
The presence of the `poolAlias` attribute indicates the previously
created connection pool should be used instead of creating a
standalone connection. This syntax is useful when you want to pass
other attributes to a pooled `getConnection()` call, such as for
[proxy connections](#connpoolproxy) or with [connection
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection({ poolAlias: 'hrpool', tag: 'loc=cn;p=1 });
. . . // Use connection from the pool and then release it
To use the default pool in this way you must explicitly pass the alias
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection({ poolAlias: 'default', tag: 'loc=cn;p=1 });
. . . // Use connection from the pool and then release it
#### <a name="connpoolqueue"></a> 14.4.4 Connection Pool Queue
If the application has called `getConnection()` so that all
connections in the pool are in use, and
further [`pool.getConnection()`](#getconnectionpool) requests
(or [`oracledb.getConnection()`](#getconnectiondb) calls that use a
pool) are made, then each new request will be queued until an in-use
connection is released back to the pool
with [`connection.close()`](#connectionclose). If `poolMax` has not
been reached, then connections can be satisfied and are not queued.
The amount of time that a queued request will wait for a free
connection can be configured with [queueTimeout](#propdbqueuetimeout).
When connections are timed out of the queue, they will return the
error *NJS-040: connection request timeout* to the application.
Internally the queue is implemented in node-oracledb's JavaScript top
level. A queued connection request is dequeued and passed down to
node-oracledb's underlying C API connection pool when an active
connection is [released](#connectionclose), and the number of
connections in use drops below the value of
#### <a name="connpoolmonitor"></a> 14.4.5 Connection Pool Monitoring and Throughput
Connection pool usage should be monitored to choose the appropriate
connection pool settings for your workload.
The Pool attributes [`connectionsInUse`](#proppoolconnectionsinuse)
and [`connectionsOpen`](#proppoolconnectionsopen) provide basic
information about an active pool.
Further statistics can be enabled by setting the
[`createPool()`](#createpool) `poolAttrs` parameter `_enableStats` to
*true*. Statistics can be output to the console by calling the
`pool._logStats()` method. The underscore prefixes indicate that
these are private attributes and methods. **This interface may be
altered or enhanced in the future**.
To enable recording of queue statistics:
const pool = await oracledb.createPool (
_enableStats : true, // default is false
user : "hr",
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1"
. . .
The application can later, on some developer-chosen event, display the
current statistics to the console by calling:
The current implementation of `_logStats()` displays pool queue
statistics, pool settings, and related environment variables.
##### Statistics
The statistics displayed by `_logStats()` in this release are:
Statistic | Description
total up time | The number of milliseconds this pool has been running.
total connection requests | Number of `getConnection()` requests made by the application to this pool.
total requests enqueued | Number of `getConnection()` requests that could not be immediately satisfied because every connection in this pool was already being used, and so they had to be queued waiting for the application to return an in-use connection to the pool.
total requests dequeued | Number of `getConnection()` requests that were dequeued when a connection in this pool became available for use.
total requests failed | Number of `getConnection()` requests that invoked the underlying C API `getConnection()` callback with an error state. Does not include queue request timeout errors.
total request timeouts | Number of queued `getConnection()` requests that were timed out after they had spent [queueTimeout](#propdbqueuetimeout) or longer in this pool's queue.
max queue length | Maximum number of `getConnection()` requests that were ever waiting at one time.
sum of time in queue | The sum of the time (milliseconds) that dequeued requests spent in the queue.
min time in queue | The minimum time (milliseconds) that any dequeued request spent in the queue.
max time in queue | The maximum time (milliseconds) that any dequeued request spent in the queue.
avg time in queue | The average time (milliseconds) that dequeued requests spent in the queue.
pool connections in use | The number of connections from this pool that `getConnection()` returned successfully to the application and have not yet been released back to the pool.
pool connections open | The number of connections in this pool that have been established to the database.
Note that for efficiency, the minimum, maximum, average, and sum of
times in the queue are calculated when requests are removed from the
queue. They do not take into account times for connection requests
still waiting in the queue.
##### Attribute Values
The `_logStats()` method also shows attribute values of the pool:
Attribute |
[`queueTimeout`](#propdbqueuetimeout) |
[`poolMin`](#propdbpoolmin) |
[`poolMax`](#propdbpoolmax) |
[`poolIncrement`](#propdbpoolincrement) |
[`poolTimeout`](#propdbpooltimeout) |
[`poolPingInterval`](#propdbpoolpinginterval) |
[`stmtCacheSize`](#propdbstmtcachesize) |
##### Pool Status
The `_logStats()` method also shows the pool status:
Attribute |
[`status`](#proppoolstatus) |
##### Related Environment Variables
One related environment variable is is shown by `_logStats()`:
Environment Variable | Description
[`process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE`](#numberofthreads) | The number of worker threads for this process. Note this shows the value of the variable, however if this variable was set after the thread pool starts, the thread pool will actually be the default size of 4.
#### <a name="connpoolpinging"></a> 14.4.6 Connection Pool Pinging
Connection pool pinging is a way for node-oracledb to identify
unusable pooled connections and replace them with usable ones before
returning them to the application. Database connections may become
unusable due to network dropouts, database instance failures,
exceeding user profile resource limits, or by explicit session closure
from a DBA. By default, idle connections in the pool are unaware of
these events so the pool could return unusable connections to the
application and errors would only occur when they are later used.
Pinging helps provide tolerance against this situation.
The frequency of pinging can be controlled with the
[`oracledb.poolPingInterval`](#propdbpoolpinginterval) property or
during [pool creation](#createpoolpoolattrspoolpinginterval) to meet
your quality of service requirements.
The default [`poolPingInterval`](#propdbpoolpinginterval) value is 60
seconds. Possible values are:
`poolPingInterval` Value | Behavior of a Pool `getConnection()` Call
`n` < `0` | Never checks for connection aliveness
`n` = `0` | Always checks for connection aliveness
`n` > `0` | Checks aliveness if the connection has been idle in the pool (not "checked out" to the application by `getConnection()`) for at least `n` seconds
A ping has the cost of a [round-trip](#roundtrips) to the database so
always pinging after each `getConnection()` is not recommended for
most applications.
When `getConnection()` is called to return a pooled connection, and
the connection has been idle in the pool (not "checked out" to the
application by `getConnection()`) for the specified `poolPingInterval`
time, then an internal "ping" will be performed first. If the ping
detects the connection is invalid then node-oracledb internally drops
the unusable connection and obtains another from the pool. This
second connection may also need a ping. This ping-and-release process
may be repeated until:
- an existing connection that does not qualify for pinging is obtained. The `getConnection()` call returns this to the application. Note that since a ping may not have been performed, the connection is not guaranteed to be usable
- a new, usable connection is opened. This is returned to the application
- a number of unsuccessful attempts to find a valid connection have been made, after which an error is returned to the application
Pools in active use may never have connections idle longer than
`poolPingInterval`, so pinging often only occurs for infrequently
accessed connection pools.
Because a ping may not occur every time a connection is returned from
[`getConnection()`](#getconnectionpool), and also it is possible for
network outages to occur after `getConnection()` is called,
applications should continue to use appropriate statement execution
error checking.
When node-oracledb is using the Oracle client library version 12.2 or
later, then a lightweight connection check always occurs in the client
library. While this check prevents some unusable connections from
being returned by `getConnection()`, it does not identify errors such
as session termination from the database [resource manager][101] or
user resource profile [`IDLE_TIME`][100], or from an `ALTER SYSTEM
KILL SESSION` command. The explicit ping initiated by
`poolPingInterval` will detect these problems.
For ultimate scalability, use Oracle client 12.2 (or later) libraries,
disable explicit pool pinging by setting `poolPingInterval` to a
negative value, and make sure the firewall, database resource manager,
or user profile is not expiring idle sessions.
In all cases, when a bad connection is released back to the pool with
[connection.close()](#connectionclose), the connection is
automatically destroyed. This allows a valid connection to the
database to be opened by some subsequent `getConnection()` call.
Explicit pings can be performed at any time with
#### <a name="connpooltagging"></a> 14.4.7 Connection Tagging and Session State
Applications can set "session" state in each connection. For all
practical purposes, connections are synonymous with sessions.
Examples of session state are [NLS](#nls) settings from ALTER SESSION
statements. Pooled connections will retain their session state after
they have been released back to the pool with `connection.close()`.
However, because pools can grow, or connections in the pool can be
recreated, there is no guarantee a subsequent `pool.getConnection()`
call will return a database connection that has any particular state.
The [`oracledb.createPool()`](#createpool) option attribute
[`sessionCallback`](#createpoolpoolattrssessioncallback) can be used
to set session state efficiently so that connections have a known
session state. The `sessionCallback` can be a Node.js function that
will be called whenever `pool.getConnection()` will return a newly
created database connection that has not been used before. It is also
called when connection tagging is being used and the requested tag is
not identical to the tag in the connection returned by the pool. It
is called before `pool.getConnection()` returns in these two cases.
It will not be called in other cases. Using a callback saves the cost
of setting session state if a previous user of a connection has
already set it. The caller of `pool.getConnection()` can always
assume the correct state is set. The `sessionCallback` can also be a
PL/SQL procedure, described in [PL/SQL Session Tagging
There are three common scenarios for `sessionCallback`:
- When all connections in the pool should have the same state: use a
[Node.js callback without tagging](#sessionfixupnode).
- When connections in the pool require different state for different
users: use a [Node.js callback with tagging](#sessiontaggingnode).
- When using [DRCP](#drcp): use a [PL/SQL callback and
###### <a name="sessionfixupnode"></a> Node.js Session Callback
This example sets two NLS settings in each pooled connection. They
are only set the very first time connections are established to the
database. The `requestedTag` parameter is ignored because it is only
valid when tagging is being used:
function initSession(connection, requestedTag, cb) {
`alter session set nls_date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD' nls_language = AMERICAN`,
try {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
user: 'hr',
password: mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString: 'localhost/XEPDB1',
sessionCallback: initSession
. . .
If you need to execute multiple SQL statements in the callback, use an
anonymous PL/SQL block to save [round-trips](#roundtrips) of repeated
`execute()` calls:
execute immediate
'alter session set nls_date_format = ''YYYY-MM-DD'' nls_language = AMERICAN';
-- other SQL statements could be put here
See [`sessionfixup.js`][126] for a runnable example.
Connection tagging and `sessionCallback` are new features in
node-oracledb 3.1.
###### <a name="sessionfixuptagging"></a> Connection Tagging
Pooled connections can be tagged to record their session state by
setting the property [`connection.tag`](#propconntag) to a string. A
`pool.getConnection({tag: 'mytag'})` call can request a connection
that has the specified tag. If no available connections with that tag
exist in the pool, an untagged connection or a connection with a new
session will be returned. If the optional `getConnection()` attribute
`matchAnyTag` is *true*, then a connection that has a different tag
may be returned.
The [`sessionCallback`](#createpoolpoolattrssessioncallback) function
is invoked before `pool.getConnection()` returns if the requested tag
is not identical to the actual tag of the pooled connection. The
callback can compare the requested tag with the current actual tag in
`connection.tag`. Any desired state change can be made to the
connection and `connection.tag` can be updated to record the change.
The best practice recommendation is to set the tag in the callback
function but, if required, a tag can be set anytime prior to closing
the connection. To clear a connection's tag set `connection.tag` to
an empty string.
You would use tagging where you want `pool.getConnection()` to return
a connection which has one of several different states. If all
connections should have the same state then you can simply set
`sessionCallback`, as shown [earlier](#sessionfixupnode), and not use
tagging. Also, it may not be worthwhile using huge numbers of
different tags or using tagging where connections are being
[dropped](#connectionclose) or recreated frequently since the chance
of `pool.getConnection()` returning an already initialized connection
with the requested tag could be low, so most `pool.getConnection()`
calls would return a connection needing its session reset, and tag
management will just add overhead.
When node-oracledb is using Oracle Client libraries 12.2 or later,
then node-oracledb uses 'multi-property tags' and the tag string must
be of the form of one or more "name=value" pairs separated by a
semi-colon, for example `"loc=uk;lang=cy"`. The Oracle [session
pool][6] used by node-oracledb has various heuristics to determine
which connection is returned to the application. Refer to the
[multi-property tags documentation][125]. The callback function can
parse the requested multi-property tag and compare it with the
connection's actual properties in [`connection.tag`](#propconntag) to
determine what exact state to set and what value to update
`connection.tag` to.
###### <a name="sessiontaggingnode"></a> Node.js Session Tagging Callback
This example Node.js callback function ensures the connection contains
valid settings for an application-specific "location=USA" property and
ignores any other properties in the tag that represent session state
set by other parts of the application (not shown) that are using the
same pool:
const sessionTag = "location=USA";
function initSession(connection, requestedTag, cb) {
connection.tag = "LOCATION=GB";
const seen = connection.tag ? connection.tag.split(";").includes(requestedTag) : false;
if (seen) {
} else {
(err) => {
// Update the tag the record the connection's new state
const k = requestedTag.substr(0, requestedTag.indexOf('=')+1);
if (connection.tag.indexOf(k) >= 0) {
// Update value of an existing, matching property in the tag
const re = new RegExp(k + "[^;]*");
connection.tag = connection.tag.replace(re, requestedTag);
} else {
// the requested property was not previously set in the tag
connection.tag = requestedTag + ';' + connection.tag;
try {
await oracledb.createPool({
user: 'hr',
password: mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString: 'localhost/XEPDB1',
sessionCallback: initSession
// Request a connection with a given tag from the pool cache, but accept any tag being returned.
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection({poolAlias: 'default', tag: sessionTag, matchAnyTag: true});
. . . // Use the connection
// The connection will be returned to the pool with the tag value of connection.tag
await connection.close();
. . .
For runnable examples, see [`sessiontagging1.js`][127] and [`sessiontagging2.js`][128].
###### <a name="sessiontaggingplsql"></a> PL/SQL Session Tagging Callback
When node-oracledb is using Oracle Client libraries 12.2 or later,
`sessionCallback` can be a string containing the name of a PL/SQL
procedure that is called when the requested tag does not match the
actual tag in the connection. When the application uses [DRCP
connections](#drcp), a PL/SQL callback can avoid the
[round-trip](#roundtrips) calls that a Node.js function would require
to set session state. For non-DRCP connections, the PL/SQL callback
will require a round-trip from the application.
After a PL/SQL callback completes and `pool.getConnection()` returns,
[`connection.tag`](#propconntag) will have the same property values as
the requested tag. The property order may be different. For example
you may request "USER_TZ=UTC;LANGUAGE=FRENCH" but `connection.tag` may
be "LANGUAGE=FRENCH;USER_TZ=UTC". When `matchAnyTag` is *true*, then
various heuristics are used to determine which connection in the pool
to use. See the [multi-property tags documentation][125]. Additional
properties may be present in `connection.tag`.
There is no direct way for Node.js to know if the PL/SQL procedure was
called or what session state it changed. After `pool.getConnection()`
returns, care must be taken to set `connection.tag` to an appropriate
A sample PL/SQL callback procedure looks like:
propertyTab OUT property_t
PROCEDURE myPlsqlCallback (
requestedTag IN VARCHAR2,
actualTag IN VARCHAR2
-- Parse the "property=value" pairs in the tag
PROCEDURE buildTab(tag IN VARCHAR2, propertyTab OUT property_t) IS
property VARCHAR2(64);
propertyName VARCHAR2(64);
propertyValue VARCHAR2(64);
propertyEndPos NUMBER := 1;
propertyStartPos NUMBER := 1;
propertyNameEndPos NUMBER := 1;
WHILE (LENGTH(tag) > propertyEndPos)
propertyEndPos := INSTR(tag, ';', propertyStartPos);
IF (propertyEndPos = 0) THEN
propertyEndPos := LENGTH(tag) + 1;
propertyNameEndPos := INSTR(tag, '=', propertyStartPos);
propertyName := SUBSTR(tag, propertyStartPos,
propertyNameEndPos - propertyStartPos);
propertyValue := SUBSTR(tag, propertyNameEndPos + 1,
propertyEndPos - propertyNameEndPos - 1);
propertyTab(propertyName) := propertyValue;
propertyStartPos := propertyEndPos + 1;
PROCEDURE myPlsqlCallback (
requestedTag IN VARCHAR2,
actualTag IN VARCHAR2
) IS
reqPropTab property_t;
actPropTab property_t;
propertyName VARCHAR2(64);
buildTab(requestedTag, reqPropTab);
buildTab(actualTag, actPropTab);
-- Iterate over requested properties to set state when it's not
-- currently set, or not set to the desired value
propertyName := reqPropTab.FIRST;
WHILE (propertyName IS NOT NULL)
IF ((NOT actPropTab.exists(propertyName)) OR
(actPropTab(propertyName) != reqPropTab(propertyName))) THEN
IF (propertyName = 'SDTZ') THEN
'ALTER SESSION SET TIME_ZONE=''' || reqPropTab(propertyName) || '''';
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'Unexpected session setting requested');
propertyName := reqPropTab.NEXT(propertyName);
-- Could iterate over other actual properties to set any to a default state
END myPackage;
This could be used in your application like:
const sessionTag = "SDTZ=UTC";
try {
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({
user: 'hr',
password: mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString: 'localhost/XEPDB1',
sessionCallback: "myPackage.myPlsqlCallback"
. . .
const connection = await pool.getConnection({tag: sessionTag});
. . . // The value of connection.tag will be sessionTag
// Use connection.
await connection.close();
#### <a name="connpoolproxy"></a> 14.4.8 Heterogeneous Connection Pools and Pool Proxy Authentication
By default, connection pools are 'homogeneous' meaning that all
connections use the same database credentials. However, if the pool
option [`homogeneous`](#createpoolpoolattrshomogeneous) is *false* at
pool creation, then a 'heterogeneous' pool will be created. This
allows different credentials to be used each time a connection is
acquired from the pool with
##### Heterogeneous Pools
When a heterogeneous pool is created by setting
[`homogeneous`](#createpoolpoolattrshomogeneous) to *false* and no
credentials supplied during pool creation, then a user name and
password may be passed to `pool.getConnection()`:
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1", // no user name or password
homogeneous : false,
. . . // other pool options such as poolMax
const connection = await pool.getConnection(
user : 'hr',
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
. . . // use connection
await connection.close();
The `connectString` is required during pool creation since the pool is
created for one database instance.
Different user names may be used each time `pool.getConnection()` is
When applications want to use connection pools but are not able to use
[`connection.clientId`](#propconnclientid) to distinguish application
users from database schema owners, a 'heterogeneous' connection pool
might be an option.
Note heterogeneous pools cannot be used with the [connection pool
cache](#connpoolcache). Applications should ensure the pool object is
explicitly passed between code modules, or use a homogeneous pool and
make use of [`connection.clientId`](#propconnclientid).
For heterogeneous pools, the number of connections initially created
is zero even if a larger value is specified for
[`poolMin`](#propdbpoolmin). The pool increment is always 1,
regardless of the value of
[`poolIncrement`](#createpoolpoolattrspoolincrement). Once the number
of open connections exceeds `poolMin` and connections are idle for
more than the [`poolTimeout`](#propdbpooltimeout) seconds, then the
number of open connections does not fall below `poolMin`.
##### Pool Proxy Authentication
Pool proxy authentication requires a heterogeneous pool.
The idea of a proxy is to create a schema in one database user name.
Privilege is granted on that schema to other database users so they
can access the schema and manipulate its data. This aids three-tier
applications where one user owns the schema while multiple end-users
access the data.
To grant access, typically a DBA would execute:
For example, to allow a user called `MYPROXYUSER` to access the schema
of `HR`:
SQL> CONNECT myproxyuser[hr]/myproxyuserpassword
-------------------- --------------------
See the [Client Access Through a Proxy][7] section in the Oracle Call
Interface manual for more details about proxy authentication.
To use the proxy user with a node-oracledb heterogeneous connection
pool you could do:
const myproxyuserpw = ... // the password of the 'myproxyuser' proxy user
const pool = await oracledb.createPool({ connectString: "localhost/orclpdb1", homogeneous: false });
const connection = await pool.getConnection({ user: 'myproxyuser[hr]', password: myproxyuserpw});
. . . // connection has access to the HR schema objects
await connection.close();
Other proxy cases are supported such as:
const myproxyuserpw = ... // the password of the 'myproxyuser' proxy user
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(
user : 'myproxyuser',
password : myproxyuserpw,
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1",
homogeneous : false,
. . . // other pool options such as poolMax can be used
const connection = await pool.getConnection({ user : 'hr' }); // the session user
. . . // connection has access to the HR schema objects
await connection.close();
### <a name="extauth"></a> 14.4 External Authentication
External Authentication allows applications to use an external
password store (such as an [Oracle Wallet][27]), the [Secure Socket
Layer][28] (SSL), or the [operating system][29] to validate user
access. One of the benefits is that database credentials do not need
to be hard coded in the application.
To use external authentication, set the
[`oracledb.externalAuth`](#propdbisexternalauth) property to *true*. This property can
also be set in the `connAttrs` or `poolAttrs` parameters of the
[`oracledb.getConnection()`](#getconnectiondb) or
[`oracledb.createPool()`](#createpool) calls, respectively.
When `externalAuth` is set, any subsequent connections obtained using
the [`oracledb.getConnection()`](#getconnectiondb) or
[`pool.getConnection()`](#getconnectionpool) calls will use external
authentication. Setting this property does not affect the operation
of existing connections or pools.
For a standalone connection:
const config = { connectString: "localhost/orclpdb1", externalAuth: true };
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(config);
. . . // connection has access to the schema objects of the externally identified user
If a user `HR` has been given the `CONNECT THROUGH` grant from the
externally identified user `MYPROXYUSER`:
then to specify that the session user of the connection should be
`HR`, use:
const config = { connectString: "localhost/orclpdb1", user: "[hr]", externalAuth: true };
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(config);
. . . // connection has access to the HR schema objects
For a *Pool*, you can authenticate as an externally identified user like:
const config = { connectString: "localhost/orclpdb1", externalAuth: true };
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(config);
const connection = await pool.getConnection();
. . . // connection has access to the schema objects of the externally identified user
await connection.close();
If a user `HR` has been given the `CONNECT THROUGH` grant from the
externally identified user, then to specify that the session user of
the connection should be `HR`, use:
const config = { connectString: "localhost/orclpdb1", externalAuth: true };
const pool = await oracledb.createPool(config);
const connection = await pool.getConnection({ user: "[hr]" });
. . . // connection has access to the HR schema objects
await connection.close();
Note this last case needs Oracle Client libraries version 18 or later.
Using `externalAuth` in the `connAttrs` parameter of a
`pool.getConnection()` call is not possible. The connections from a *Pool*
object are always obtained in the manner in which the pool was
initially created.
For pools created with external authentication, the number of
connections initially created is zero even if a larger value is
specified for [`poolMin`](#propdbpoolmin). The pool increment is
always 1, regardless of the value of
[`poolIncrement`](#proppoolpoolincrement). Once the number
of open connections exceeds `poolMin` and connections are idle for
more than the [`poolTimeout`](#propdbpooltimeout) seconds, then the
number of open connections does not fall below `poolMin`.
### <a name="drcp"></a> 14.5 Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP)
[Database Resident Connection Pooling][24] (DRCP) enables database
resource sharing for applications that run in multiple client
processes or run on multiple middle-tier application servers. DRCP
reduces the overall number of connections that a database must handle.
DRCP is useful for applications which share the same database credentials, have
similar session settings (for example date format settings and PL/SQL
package state), and where the application gets a database connection,
works on it for a relatively short duration, and then releases it.
To use DRCP in node-oracledb:
1. The DRCP pool must be started in the database: `SQL> EXECUTE DBMS_CONNECTION_POOL.START_POOL();`
2. The [`connectionClass`](#propdbconclass) should be set by the node-oracledb application. If it is not set, the pooled server session memory will not be reused optimally, and the statistic views will record large values for `NUM_MISSES`.
3. The `pool.createPool()` or `oracledb.getConnection()` property `connectString` (or its alias `connectionString`) must specify to use a pooled server, either by the Easy Connect syntax like [`myhost/sales:POOLED`](#easyconnect), or by using a [`tnsnames.ora`](#tnsnames) alias for a connection that contains `(SERVER=POOLED)`.
For efficiency, it is recommended that DRCP connections should be used
with node-oracledb's local [connection pool](#poolclass).
The DRCP 'Purity' is SELF for DRCP connections. This allows reuse of
both the pooled server process and session memory, giving maximum
benefit from DRCP. See the Oracle documentation on [benefiting from
The [Oracle DRCP documentation][24] has more details, including when
to use, and when not to use DRCP.
There are a number of Oracle Database `V$` views that can be used to
monitor DRCP. These are discussed in the Oracle documentation and in
the Oracle white paper [PHP Scalability and High Availability][26].
This paper also gives more detail on configuring DRCP.
### <a name="privconn"></a> 14.6 Privileged Connections
Database privileges such as `SYSDBA` can be obtained when using
standalone connections. Use one of the [Privileged Connection
Constants](#oracledbconstantsprivilege) with the connection
[`privilege`](#getconnectiondbattrsprivilege) property, for example:
let connection;
try {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : 'sys',
password : 'secret',
connectString : 'localhost/orclpdb1',
privilege : oracledb.SYSDBA
console.log('I have power');
. . . // use connection
} catch (err) {
} finally {
if (connection) {
try {
await connection.close();
} catch (err) {
Note that if node-oracledb is using the Oracle client libraries
located in the Oracle Database installation, i.e. is on the same
machine as the database and is not using Oracle Instant Client, then
operating system privileges may be used for authentication. In this
case the password value is ignored. For example on Linux, membership
of the operating system [`dba`][96] group allows `SYSDBA` connections.
Administrative privileges can allow access to a database instance even
when the database is not open. Control of these privileges is totally
outside of the database itself. Care must be taken with
authentication to ensure security. See the [Database Administrators
Guide][90] for information.
### <a name="securenetwork"></a> 14.7 Securely Encrypting Network Traffic to Oracle Database
Data transferred between Oracle Database and the Oracle client
libraries used by node-oracledb can be [encrypted][30] so that
unauthorized parties are not able to view plain text data as it passes
over the network. The easiest configuration is Oracle's native
network encryption. The standard SSL protocol can also be used if you
have a PKI, but setup is necessarily more involved.
With native network encryption, the client and database server
negotiate a key using Diffie-Hellman key exchange. There is
protection against man-in-the-middle attacks.
Native network encryption can be configured by editing Oracle Net's
optional [`sqlnet.ora`][136] configuration files, on either the
database server and/or on each node-oracledb 'client'. Parameters
control whether data integrity checking and encryption is required or
just allowed, and which algorithms the client and server should
consider for use.
As an example, to ensure all connections to the database are checked
for integrity and are also encrypted, create or edit the Oracle
Database `$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora` file. Set the
checksum negotiation to always validate a checksum and set the
checksum type to your desired value. The network encryption settings
can similarly be set. For example, to use the SHA512 checksum and
AES256 encryption use:
If you definitely know that the database server enforces integrity and
encryption, then you do not need to configure Node.js separately.
However you can also, or alternatively, do so depending on your
business needs. Create a file `sqlnet.ora` (see [Optional Oracle Net
The client and server sides can negotiate the protocols used if the
settings indicate more than one value is accepted.
Note these are example settings only. You must review your security
requirements and read the documentation for your Oracle version. In
particular review the available algorithms for security and
The `NETWORK_SERVICE_BANNER` column of the database view
[`V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO`][31] can be used to verify the encryption
status of a connection.
For more information about Oracle Data Network Encryption and
Integrity, and for information about configuring SSL network
encryption, refer to the [Oracle Database Security Guide][32]. This
manual also contains information about other important security
features that Oracle Database provides, such Transparent Data
Encryption of data-at-rest in the database.
### <a name="changingpassword"></a> 14.8 Changing Passwords and Connecting with an Expired Password
#### Changing Passwords
Database passwords can be changed with
[`connection.changePassword()`](#changepassword). For example:
const currentpw = ... // the current password for the hr schema
const newpw = ... // the new hr schema password
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : currentpw,
connectString : "localhost/orclpdb1"
await connection.changePassword('hr', currentpw, newpw);
Only DBAs, or users with the ALTER USER privilege, can change the
password of another user. In this case, the old password value is
ignored and can be an empty string:
const newpw = ... // the new password
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "system", // a privileged user
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString : "localhost/orclpdb1"
await connection.changePassword('hr', '', newpw);
#### Connecting with an Expired Password
When creating a standalone, non-pooled connection the user's password
can be changed at time of connection. This is most useful when the
user's password has expired, because it allows a user to connect
without requiring a DBA to reset their password.
Both the current and new passwords must be given when connecting. For
const oldpw = ... // the hr schema's old password
const newpw = ... // the new password
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : oldpw,
newPassword : newpw,
connectString : "localhost/orclpdb1"
### <a name="connectionha"></a> 14.9 Connections and High Availability
For applications that need to be highly available, use the latest
versions of Oracle Client and Database, and use the latest
node-oracledb driver.
The immediate usability of connections from a connection pool can be
aided by tuning
[`oracledb.poolPingInterval`](#propdbpoolpinginterval). However note
this can mask scalability-reducing issues such as firewalls
terminating idle connections.
You can configure your OS network settings and Oracle Net (which
handles communication between node-oracledb and the database).
For Oracle Net configuration, a [`tnsnames.ora`](#tnsnames) file can
be used to configure the database service settings such as for
failover using Oracle RAC or a standby database. A
[`ENABLE=BROKEN`][36] option can be used to aid detection of a
terminated remote server.
A [`sqlnet.ora`][136] file can be used to configure settings like
and [`SQLNET.SEND_TIMEOUT`][35] to bound the amount of time the
application will wait for responses from the database service. Note
that [`connection.callTimeout`](#dbcalltimeouts) is a newer
alternative to the latter two options. On systems that drop (or
in-line) out-of-band breaks, you may want to add
[`DISABLE_OOB=ON`][122] to your `sqlnet.ora` file.
See [Optional Oracle Net Configuration](#tnsadmin) for where to place
`tnsnames.ora` and `sqlnet.ora`.
Other [Oracle Net Services][37] options may also be useful for high
availability and performance tuning. For example the database's
`listener.ora` file can have [`RATE_LIMIT`][133] and
[`QUEUESIZE`][134] parameters that can help handle connection storms.
#### <a name="connectionfan"></a> 14.9.1 Fast Application Notification (FAN)
Users of [Oracle Database FAN][64] must connect to a FAN-enabled
database service. The application should have
[``](#propdbevents) is set to *true*, which is the
default. This value can also be changed via [Oracle Client
FAN support is useful for planned and unplanned outages. It provides
immediate notification to node-oracledb following outages related to
the database, computers, and networks. Without FAN, node-oracledb can
hang until a TCP timeout occurs and an error is returned, which might
be several minutes.
FAN allows node-oracledb to provide high availability features without
the application being aware of an outage. Unused, idle connections in
a connection pool will be automatically cleaned up. A future
`pool.getConnection()` call will establish a fresh connection to a
surviving database instance without the application being aware of any
service disruption.
To handle errors that affect active connections, you can add
application logic to re-connect (this will connect to a surviving
database instance) and replay application logic without having to
return an error to the application user.
FAN benefits users of Oracle Database's clustering technology ([Oracle
RAC][93]) because connections to surviving database instances can be
immediately made. Users of Oracle's Data Guard with a broker will get
FAN events generated when the standby database goes online.
Standalone databases will send FAN events when the database restarts.
For a more information on FAN see the [whitepaper on Fast Application
#### <a name="connectionrlb"></a> 14.9.2 Runtime Load Balancing (RLB)
[Oracle Database RAC][93] users with [Oracle Database (RLB)][65]
advisory events configured should use node-oracledb [Connection
Pooling](#connpooling) and make sure
[``](#propdbevents) is *true*. The events mode can
also be changed via [Oracle Client Configuration](#oraaccess).
RLB allows optimal use of database resources by balancing database
requests across RAC instances.
For a more information on RLB, see the [whitepaper on Fast Application
#### <a name="dbcalltimeouts"></a> 14.9.3 Database Call Timeouts
When node-oracledb is using Oracle client libraries version 18, or
later, a millisecond timeout for database calls can be set with
The call timeout is on each individual [round-trip](#roundtrips)
between node-oracledb and Oracle Database. Each node-oracledb method
or operation may require zero or more round-trips to Oracle Database.
The `callTimeout` value applies to each round-trip individually, not
to the sum of all round-trips. Time spent processing in node-oracledb
before or after the completion of each round-trip is not counted.
- If the time from the start of any one round-trip to the completion
of that same round-trip exceeds `callTimeout` milliseconds, then the
operation is halted and an error is returned.
- In the case where a node-oracledb operation requires more than one
round-trip and each round-trip takes less than `callTimeout`
milliseconds, then no timeout will occur, even if the sum of all
round-trip calls exceeds `callTimeout`.
- If no round-trip is required, the operation will never be
After a timeout occurs, node-oracledb attempts to clean up the
internal connection state. The cleanup is allowed to take another
`callTimeout` milliseconds.
If the cleanup was successful, a *DPI-1067* error will be returned and
the application can continue to use the connection.
For small values of `callTimeout`, the connection cleanup may not
complete successfully within the additional `callTimeout` period. In
this case an *ORA-3114* is returned and the connection will no longer
be usable. It should be released.
Users of pre-Oracle 18c client libraries can set call timeouts by
setting [`SQLNET.RECV_TIMEOUT`][34] and [`SQLNET.SEND_TIMEOUT`][35] in
a [`sqlnet.ora` file](#tnsadmin).
## <a name="sqlexecution"></a> 15. SQL Execution
A single SQL or PL/SQL statement may be executed using the
*Connection* [`execute()`](#execute) method. The callback style shown
below, or [promises](#promiseoverview), or
[Async/Await](#asyncawaitoverview) may be used.
Results may be returned in a single array, or fetched in batches with
a [ResultSet](#resultsetclass). Queries may optionally be streamed
using the [`connection.queryStream()`](#querystream) method.
Node-oracledb's [`execute()`](#execute) and
[`queryStream()`](#querystream) methods use [Statement
Caching](#stmtcache) to make re-execution of statements efficient.
This removes the need for a separate 'prepare' method to parse
For queries that return a large number of rows, the network traffic
for fetching data from Oracle Database can be optimized by increasing
[`oracledb.fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize). For queries that
are known to return a small set of rows, reduce
[`fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize) to avoid unnecessary memory
allocation. The `execute()` option
[`fetchArraySize`](#propexecfetcharraysize) can be used to override
the global property for individual queries.
Connections can handle one database operation at a time. Other
database operations will block. Structure your code to avoid starting
parallel operations on a connection. For example, instead of using
`async.parallel` or `async.each()` which calls each of its items in
parallel, use `async.series` or `async.eachSeries()`. Also see
[Connections and Number of Threads](#numberofthreads).
After all database calls on the connection complete, the application
should use the [`connection.close()`](#connectionclose) call to
release the connection.
### <a name="select"></a> 15.1 SELECT Statements
#### <a name="fetchingrows"></a> 15.1.1 Fetching Rows with Direct Fetches
By default, queries are handled as 'direct fetches', meaning all
results are returned in the callback [`result.rows`](#execrows)
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments
WHERE department_id = :did`,
{ maxRows: 10 } // a maximum of 10 rows will be returned
console.log(result.rows); // print all returned rows
Any rows beyond the `maxRows` limit are not returned. If `maxRows` is
0 (the default), then the number of rows is only limited by Node.js
To improve database efficiency, SQL queries should use a row limiting
clause like [`OFFSET` / `FETCH`](#pagingdata) or equivalent. The
`maxRows` property can be used to stop badly coded queries from
returning unexpectedly large numbers of rows.
Internally, rows are fetched from Oracle Database in batches. The
internal batch size is based on the lesser of `fetchArraySize` and
`maxRows`. Each batch is concatenated into the array returned to the
For queries expected to return a small number of rows, reduce
`maxRows` or [`fetchArraySize`](#propexecfetcharraysize) to reduce
internal memory overhead by node-oracledb.
For direct fetches, JavaScript memory can become a limitation in two
- the absolute amount of data returned is simply too large for
JavaScript to hold in a single array.
- the JavaScript heap can be exceeded, or become fragmented, due to
concatenation of the buffers of records fetched from the database.
To minimize this, use a `fetchArraySize` value determined by tuning.
In both cases, use a [ResultSet](#resultsethandling) or [Query
Stream](#streamingresults) instead of a direct fetch.
#### <a name="resultsethandling"></a> 15.1.2 Fetching Rows with Result Sets
When the number of query rows is relatively big, or cannot be
predicted, it is recommended to use a [ResultSet](#resultsetclass)
with callbacks, as described in this section, or via query streaming,
as described [later](#streamingresults). This prevents query results
being unexpectedly truncated by the [`maxRows`](#propdbmaxrows) limit,
or exceeding Node.js memory constraints. Otherwise, for queries that
return a known small number of rows, non-ResultSet queries may have
less overhead.
A ResultSet is created when the `execute()` option property
[`resultSet`](#executeoptions) is *true*. ResultSet rows can be
fetched using [`getRow()`](#getrow) or [`getRows()`](#getrows) on the
`execute()` callback function's `result.resultSet` property.
For ResultSets, the [`maxRows`](#propdbmaxrows) limit is ignored. All
rows can be fetched.
When all rows have been fetched, or the application does not want to
continue getting more rows, then the ResultSet should be freed using
[`close()`](#close). The ResultSet should also be explicitly closed
in the cases where no rows will be fetched from it.
REF CURSORS returned from a PL/SQL block via an
[`oracledb.CURSOR`](#oracledbconstants) OUT binds are also available
as a ResultSet. See [REF CURSOR Bind Parameters](#refcursors).
The format of each row will be an array or object, depending on the
value of [outFormat](#propdboutformat).
See [resultset1.js][38], [resultset2.js][39] and [refcursor.js][40]
for full examples.
To fetch one row at a time use getRow() :
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT employee_id, last_name
FROM employees
ORDER BY employee_id`,
[], // no bind variables
resultSet: true // return a ResultSet (default is false)
const rs = result.resultSet;
let row;
let i = 1;
while ((row = await rs.getRow())) {
console.log("getRow(): row " + i++);
// always close the ResultSet
await rs.close();
To fetch multiple rows at a time, use `getRows()`:
const numRows = 10;
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT employee_id, last_name
FROM employees
ORDER BY employee_id`,
[], // no bind variables
resultSet: true // return a ResultSet (default is false)
// Fetch rows from the ResultSet.
const rs = result.resultSet;
let rows;
do {
rows = await rs.getRows(numRows); // get numRows rows at a time
if (rows.length > 0) {
console.log("getRows(): Got " + rows.length + " rows");
} while (rows.length === numRows);
// always close the ResultSet
await rs.close();
#### <a name="streamingresults"></a> 15.1.3 Query Streaming
Streaming of query results allows data to be piped to other streams,
for example when dealing with HTTP responses.
Use [`connection.queryStream()`](#querystream) to create a stream from
a top level query and listen for events. You can also call
[`connection.execute()`](#execute) and use
[`toQueryStream()`](#toquerystream) to return a stream from the
returned [ResultSet](#resultsetclass), an OUT bind REF CURSOR
ResultSet, or [Implicit Results](#implicitresults) ResultSet.
With streaming, each row is returned as a `data` event. Query
metadata is available via a `metadata` event. The `end` event
indicates the end of the query results.
Query results should be fetched to completion to avoid resource leaks, or the
Stream [`destroy()`][92] method can be used to terminate a stream early.
The connection must remain open until the stream is completely read
and any returned [Lob](#lobclass) objects have been processed.
The query stream implementation is a wrapper over the [ResultSet
Class](#resultsetclass). In particular, successive calls to
[getRow()](#getrow) are made internally. Each row will generate a
`data` event. For tuning, adjust the value of
[`oracledb.fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize) or the `execute()`
option [`fetchArraySize`](#propexecfetcharraysize).
An example of streaming query results is:
const stream = await connection.queryStream(`SELECT employees_name FROM employees`);
stream.on('error', function (error) {
// handle any error...
stream.on('data', function (data) {
// handle data row...
stream.on('end', function () {
// release connection...
stream.on('metadata', function (metadata) {
// access metadata of query
// listen to any other standard stream events...
See [selectstream.js][41] for a runnable example using
The [REF CURSOR Bind Parameters](#refcursors) section shows using
`toQueryStream()` to return a stream for a REF CURSOR.
#### <a name="queryoutputformats"></a> 15.1.4 Query Output Formats
Query rows may be returned as an array of column values, or as
JavaScript objects, depending on the values of
The default format for each row is an array of column values. For
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments
WHERE manager_id < :id`,
[110] // bind value for :id
If run with Oracle's sample HR schema, the output is:
[ [ 60, 'IT' ], [ 90, 'Executive' ], [ 100, 'Finance' ] ]
Using this format is recommended for efficiency.
Alternatively, rows may be fetched as JavaScript objects. To do so,
specify the `outFormat` option to be `oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT`:
oracledb.outFormat = oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT;
The value can also be set as an `execute()` option:
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments
WHERE manager_id < :id`,
[110], // bind value for :id
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT }
The output is:
In the preceding example, each row is a JavaScript object that
specifies column names and their respective values. Note the property
names follow Oracle's standard name-casing rules. They will commonly
be uppercase, since most applications create tables using unquoted,
case-insensitive names.
Prior to node-oracledb 4.0, the constants `oracledb.ARRAY` and `oracledb.OBJECT`
where used. These are now deprecated.
#### <a name="querymeta"></a> 15.1.5 Query Column Metadata
The column names of a query are returned in the `execute()` callback's
[`result.metaData`](#execmetadata) attribute:
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments
WHERE manager_id < :id`,
[110] // bind value for :id
console.log(result.metaData); // show the metadata
When using a [ResultSet](#resultsetclass), metadata is also available
in [`result.resultSet.metaData`](#rsmetadata). For queries using
[`queryStream()`](#querystream), metadata is available via the
`metadata` event.
The metadata is an array of objects, one per column. By default each
object has a `name` attribute:
[ { name: 'DEPARTMENT_ID' }, { name: 'DEPARTMENT_NAME' } ]
The names are in uppercase. This is the default casing behavior for
Oracle client programs when a database table is created with unquoted,
case-insensitive column names.
##### Extended Metadata
More metadata is included when the
[`oracledb.extendedMetaData`](#propdbextendedmetadata) or
`connection.execute()` option
[`extendedMetaData`](#propexecextendedmetadata) is *true*. For
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments
WHERE manager_id < :id`,
[110], // bind value for :id
{ extendedMetaData: true }
console.log(result.metaData); // show the extended metadata
The output is:
[ { name: 'DEPARTMENT_ID',
fetchType: 2002,
dbType: 2,
precision: 4,
scale: 0,
nullable: false },
fetchType: 2001,
dbType: 1,
byteSize: 30,
nullable: false } ]
Description of the properties is given in the
[`result.metaData`](#execmetadata) description.
Also see [`connection.getStatementInfo()`](#getstmtinfo).
#### <a name="typemap"></a> 15.1.6 Query Result Type Mapping
Supported Oracle number, date, character, ROWID, UROWID, LONG and LONG
RAW column types are selected as Numbers, Dates, Strings, or Buffers.
BLOBs and CLOBs are selected into [Lobs](#lobclass).
The default mapping for some types can be changed using
[`fetchAsBuffer`](#propdbfetchasbuffer), or
[`fetchAsString`](#propdbfetchasstring). The
[`fetchInfo`](#propexecfetchinfo) property can also be used to change
the default mapping, or override a global mapping, for individual
Data types in `SELECT` statements that are unsupported give an error
*NJS-010: unsupported data type in select list*. These include
INTERVAL, BFILE and XMLType types.
Details are in the following sections.
##### <a name="stringhandling"></a> Fetching CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR and NVARCHAR
Columns of database type CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR and NVARCHAR are
returned from queries as JavaScript strings.
Note that binding NCHAR and NVARCHAR for [DML][14] is not supported
and may cause unexpected character set translation, see [Bind Data
Type Notes](#binddatatypenotes).
##### <a name="numberhandling"></a> Fetching Numbers
By default all numeric columns are mapped to JavaScript numbers.
Node.js uses double floating point numbers as its native number type.
When numbers are fetched from the database, conversion to JavaScript's
less precise binary number format can result in "unexpected"
representations. For example:
const result = await connection.execute(`SELECT 38.73 FROM dual`);
console.log(result.rows[0]); // gives 38.730000000000004
Similar issues can occur with binary floating-point arithmetic purely
in Node.js, for example:
console.log(0.2 + 0.7); // gives 0.8999999999999999
Node.js can also only represent numbers up to 2 ^ 53 which
is 9007199254740992. Numbers larger than this will be truncated.
The primary recommendation for number handling is to use Oracle SQL or
PL/SQL for mathematical operations, particularly for currency
To reliably work with numbers in Node.js, use `fetchAsString` or
`fetchInfo` (see [below](#fetchasstringhandling)) to fetch numbers in
string format, and then use one of the available third-party
JavaScript number libraries that handles large values and more
##### <a name="datehandling"></a> Fetching Dates and Timestamps
By default, date and timestamp columns are mapped to JavaScript Date
LOCAL TIME ZONE using the session time zone. Oracle INTERVAL types
are not supported.
Note that JavaScript Date has millisecond precision therefore
timestamps will lose any sub-millisecond fractional part when fetched.
To make applications more portable, it is recommended to always set
the session time zone to a pre-determined value, such as UTC. This
can be done by setting the environment variable [`ORA_SDTZ`][42]
before starting Node.js, for example:
$ export ORA_SDTZ='UTC'
$ node myapp.js
The session time zone can also be changed at runtime for each
connection by executing:
await connection.execute(`ALTER SESSION SET TIME_ZONE='UTC'`);
With pooled connections, you could make use of a
[`sessionCallback`](#createpoolpoolattrssessioncallback) function to
minimize the number of times the ALTER SESSION needs to be executed.
To set the time zone without requiring the overhead of a
[round-trip](#roundtrips) to execute the `ALTER` statement, you could
use a PL/SQL trigger:
See [Working with Dates Using the Node.js Driver][43] for more
discussion of date handling.
##### <a name="fetchasstringhandling"></a> Fetching Numbers and Dates as String
The global [`fetchAsString`](#propdbfetchasstring) property can be used to force
all number or date columns (and [CLOB columns](#queryinglobs)) queried by an
application to be fetched as strings instead of in native format. Allowing data
to be fetched as strings helps avoid situations where using JavaScript types can
lead to numeric precision loss, or where date conversion is unwanted. This
method can be used for CLOBs up to 1 GB in length.
For example, to force all dates and numbers used by queries in an
application to be fetched as strings:
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.DATE, oracledb.NUMBER ];
For dates and numbers, the maximum length of a string created can be
200 bytes.
Individual queries can use the [`execute()`](#execute) option
[`fetchInfo`](#propexecfetchinfo) to map individual number or date
columns to strings without affecting other columns or other queries.
Any global `fetchAsString` setting can be overridden to allow specific
columns to have data returned in native format:
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const mypw = ... // set mypw to the hr schema password
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.NUMBER ]; // any number queried will be returned as a string
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : mypw,
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1"
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT last_name, hire_date, salary, commission_pct FROM employees WHERE employee_id = :id`,
fetchInfo :
"HIRE_DATE": { type : oracledb.STRING }, // return the date as a string
"COMMISSION_PCT": { type : oracledb.DEFAULT } // override oracledb.fetchAsString and fetch as native type
The output is:
[ [ 'Grant', '24-MAY-07', '7000', 0.15 ] ]
The date and salary columns are returned as strings, but the
commission is a number. The date is mapped using the current session
date format, which was `DD-MON-YY` in this example. The default date
format can be set, for example, with the environment variable
`NLS_DATE_FORMAT`. Note this variable will only be read if `NLS_LANG`
is also set.
Without the mapping capabilities provided by `fetchAsString` and
`fetchInfo` the hire date would have been a JavaScript date in the
local time zone, and both numeric columns would have been represented
as numbers:
[ [ 'Grant', Thu May 24 2007 00:00:00 GMT+1000 (AEST), 7000, 0.15 ] ]
To map columns returned from REF CURSORS, use `fetchAsString`. The
`fetchInfo` settings do not apply.
When using `fetchAsString` or `fetchInfo` for numbers, you may need to
explicitly use `NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS` to override your NLS settings
and force the decimal separator to be a period. This can be done for
each connection by executing the statement:
await connection.execute(`ALTER SESSION SET NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '.,'`);
Alternatively you can set the equivalent environment variable prior to
starting Node.js:
Note this environment variable is not used unless the `NLS_LANG`
environment variable is also set.
##### <a name="fetchlob"></a> Fetching BLOB, CLOB and NCLOB
By default BLOB, CLOB and NCLOB columns are fetched into [Lob](#lobclass)
instances. For LOBs less than 1 GB in length it can be more convenient to fetch
them directly into Buffers or Strings by using the global
[`fetchAsBuffer`](#propdbfetchasbuffer) or
[`fetchAsString`](#propdbfetchasstring) settings, or the per-column
[`fetchInfo`](#propexecfetchinfo) setting. See the section [Working with CLOB
and BLOB Data](#lobhandling).
Note that binding NCLOB for [DML][14] is not supported and may cause
unexpected character set translation, see [Bind Data Type
##### <a name="fetchlong"></a> Fetching LONG and LONG RAW
LONG columns in queries will be fetched as Strings. LONG RAW columns
will be fetched as Buffers.
Unlike for LOBs, there is no support for streaming LONG types. Oracle
Database allows values 2 GB in length, but Node.js and V8 memory
limitations typically only allow memory chunks in the order of tens of
megabytes. This means complete data may not be able to fetched from
the database. The SQL function [`TO_LOB`][44] can be used to migrate
data to LOB columns which can be streamed to node-oracledb, however
`TO_LOB` cannot be used directly in a `SELECT`.
##### <a name="fetchrowid"></a> Fetching ROWID and UROWID
Queries will return ROWID and UROWID columns as Strings.
##### <a name="fetchxml"></a> Fetching XMLType
`XMLType` columns queried will returns as Strings. They can also be
handled as CLOBs, see [Working with XMLType](#xmltype).
##### <a name="fetchraw"></a> Fetching RAW
Queries will return RAW columns as Node.js Buffers.
##### <a name="fetchobjects"></a> Fetching Oracle Database Objects and Collections
See [Oracle Database Objects and Collections](#objects).
#### <a name="pagingdata"></a> 15.1.7 Limiting Rows and Creating Paged Datasets
Query data is commonly broken into one or more sets:
- To give an upper bound on the number of rows that a query has to process,
which can help improve database scalability.
- To perform 'Web pagination' that allows moving from one set of rows to a next,
or previous, set on demand.
- For fetching of all data in consecutive small sets for batch processing. This
happens because the number of records is too large for Python to handle at the
same time.
The latter can be handled by [ResultSets](#resultsethandling) or
[`queryStream()`](#querystream) with one execution of the SQL query as
discussed in those links.
'Web pagination' and limiting the maximum number of rows are discussed in this
section. For each 'page' of results, a SQL query is executed to get the
appropriate set of rows from a table. Since the query will be executed more
than once, make sure to use bind variables for row numbers and row limits.
Oracle Database 12c SQL introduced an `OFFSET` / `FETCH` clause which
is similar to the `LIMIT` keyword of MySQL. See [Row Limiting:
Examples][5] in the Oracle documentation. A node-oracledb example is:
const myoffset = 0; // do not skip any rows (start at row 1)
const mymaxnumrows = 20; // get 20 rows
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT last_name
FROM employees
ORDER BY last_name
OFFSET :offset ROWS FETCH NEXT :maxnumrows ROWS ONLY`,
{offset: myoffset, maxnumrows: mymaxnumrows});
A runnable example is in [rowlimit.js][84].
You can use a basic [`execute()`](#execute) or a
[ResultSet](#resultsetclass), or [`queryStream()`](#querystream) with
your query. For basic `execute()` fetches, make sure that
`oracledb.maxRows` is greater than the value bound to `:maxnumrows`,
or set to 0 (meaning unlimited).
In applications where the SQL query is not known in advance, this
method sometimes involves appending the `OFFSET` clause to the 'real'
user query. Be very careful to avoid SQL injection security issues.
As an anti-example, another way to limit the number of rows returned
involves setting [`maxRows`](#propdbmaxrows). However it is more
efficient to let Oracle Database do the row selection in the SQL query
and only return the exact number of rows required to node-oracledb.
For Oracle Database 11g and earlier there are several alternative ways
to limit the number of rows returned. The old, canonical paging query
FROM (YOUR_QUERY_GOES_HERE -- including the order by) a
Here, `MIN_ROW` is the row number of first row and `MAX_ROW` is the
row number of the last row to return. For example:
FROM (SELECT last_name FROM employees ORDER BY last_name) a
WHERE rnum >= 1
This always has an 'extra' column, here called RNUM.
An alternative and preferred query syntax for Oracle Database 11g uses
the analytic `ROW_NUMBER()` function. For example to get the 1st to
20th names the query is:
SELECT last_name FROM
(SELECT last_name,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY last_name) AS myr
FROM employees)
WHERE myr BETWEEN 1 and 20
Refer to [On Top-n and Pagination Queries][85] in Oracle Magazine for
#### <a name="autoincrement"></a> 15.1.8 Auto-Increment Columns
From Oracle Database 12c you can create tables with auto-incremented
values. This is useful to generate unique primary keys for your data
when ROWID or UROWID are not preferred.
In SQL*Plus execute:
mydata VARCHAR2(20)
Refer to the [CREATE TABLE identity column documentation][86].
If you already have a sequence `myseq` you can use values from it to
auto-increment a column value like this:
mydata VARCHAR2(20)
This also requires Oracle Database 12c or later.
Prior to Oracle Database 12c, auto-increment columns in Oracle
Database can be created using a sequence generator and a trigger.
Sequence generators are defined in the database and return Oracle
numbers. Sequence numbers are generated independently of tables.
Therefore, the same sequence generator can be used for more than one
table or anywhere that you want to use a unique number. You can get a
new value from a sequence generator using the NEXTVAL operator in a
SQL statement. This gives the next available number and increments
the generator. The similar CURRVAL operator returns the current value
of a sequence without incrementing the generator.
A trigger is a PL/SQL procedure that is automatically invoked at a
predetermined point. In this example a trigger is invoked whenever an
insert is made to a table.
In SQL*Plus run:
CREATE TABLE mytable (myid NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, mydata VARCHAR2(20));
:new.myid := myseq.NEXTVAL;
Prior to Oracle Database 11g replace the trigger assignment with a
SELECT like:
SELECT myseq.NEXTVAL INTO :new.myid FROM dual;
##### Getting the Last Insert ID
To get the automatically inserted identifier in node-oracledb, use a
[DML RETURNING](#dmlreturn) clause:
. . .
const result = await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO mytable (mydata) VALUES ('Hello') RETURN myid INTO :id`,
{id : {type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT } }
console.log(; // print the ID of the inserted row
### <a name="cursors1000"></a> 15.2 Cursor Management
Developers starting out with Node have to get to grips with the
'different' programming style of JavaScript that seems to cause
methods to be called when least expected! While you are still in the
initial hacking-around-with-node-oracledb phase you may sometimes
encounter the error *ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded*. A
cursor is a "handle for the session-specific private SQL area that
holds a parsed SQL statement and other processing information".
Here are things to do when you see an *ORA-1000*:
- Avoid having too many incompletely processed statements open at one
- Make sure your application is handling connections and
statements in the order you expect.
- [Close ResultSets](#close) before releasing the connection.
- If cursors are opened with `DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR()` in a PL/SQL
block, close them before the block returns - except for REF
CURSORs being passed back to node-oracledb.
- Choose the appropriate Statement Cache size. Node-oracledb has a
statement cache per connection. When node-oracledb internally
releases a statement it will be put into the statement cache of that
connection, and its cursor will remain open. This makes statement
re-execution very efficient.
The cache size is settable with the
[`oracle.stmtCacheSize`](#propdbstmtcachesize) attribute. The size
you choose will depend on your knowledge of the locality of the
statements, and of the resources available to the application. Are
statements re-executed? Will they still be in the cache when they
get executed? How many statements do you want to be cached? In
rare cases when statements are not re-executed, or are likely not to
be in the cache, you might even want to disable the cache to
eliminate its management overheads.
Incorrectly sizing the statement cache will reduce application
To help set the cache size, you can turn on auto-tuning with Oracle
12.1, or later, using an [`oraaccess.xml`](#oraaccess) file.
For more information, see the [Statement Caching](#stmtcache)
- Use bind variables otherwise each variant of the statement will have
its own statement cache entry and cursor. With appropriate binding
only one entry and cursor will be needed.
- Set the database's [*open_cursors*][47] parameter appropriately.
This parameter specifies the maximum number of cursors that each
"session" (i.e each node-oracle connection) can use. When a
connection exceeds the value, the *ORA-1000* error is thrown.
Along with a cursor per entry in the connection's statement cache,
any new statements that a connection is currently executing, or
ResultSets that have not been released (in neither situation are
these yet cached), will also consume a cursor. Make sure that
*open_cursors* is large enough to accommodate the maximum open
cursors any connection may have. The upper bound required is
*stmtCacheSize* + the maximum number of executing statements in a
Remember this is all per connection. Also cache management happens
when statements are internally released. The majority of your
connections may use less than *open_cursors* cursors, but if one
connection is at the limit and it then tries to execute a new
statement, that connection will get *ORA-1000: maximum open cursors
## <a name="plsqlexecution"></a> 16. PL/SQL Execution
PL/SQL stored procedures, functions and anonymous blocks can be called
from node-oracledb using [`execute()`](#execute).
Note the error property of the callback is not set when PL/SQL
"success with info" warnings such as compilation warnings occur.
### <a name="plsqlproc"></a> 16.1 PL/SQL Stored Procedures
The PL/SQL procedure:
SELECT last_name INTO name FROM employees WHERE employee_id = id;
can be called:
const result = await connection.execute(
myproc(:id, :name);
{ // bind variables
id: 159,
name: { dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 40 },
The output is:
{ name: 'Smith' }
Binding is required for IN OUT and OUT parameters. It is strongly
recommended for IN parameters. See [Bind Parameters for Prepared
### <a name="plsqlfunc"></a> 16.2 PL/SQL Stored Functions
The PL/SQL function:
RETURN 'Hello';
can be called by using an OUT bind variable for the function return
const result = await connection.execute(
:ret := myfunc();
ret: { dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 40 }
The output is:
{ ret: 'Hello' }
See [Bind Parameters for Prepared Statements](#bind) for information
on binding.
### <a name="plsqlanon"></a> 16.3 PL/SQL Anonymous PL/SQL Blocks
Anonymous PL/SQL blocks can be called from node-oracledb like:
const result = await connection.execute(
SELECT last_name INTO :name FROM employees WHERE employee_id = :id;
{ // bind variables
id: 134,
name: { dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 40 },
The output is:
{ name: 'Rogers' }
See [Bind Parameters for Prepared Statements](#bind) for information
on binding.
### <a name="dbmsoutput"></a> 16.4 Using DBMS_OUTPUT
The [DBMS_OUTPUT][48] package is the standard way to "print" output
from PL/SQL. The way DBMS_OUTPUT works is like a buffer. Your
Node.js application code must first turn on DBMS_OUTPUT buffering for
the current connection by calling the PL/SQL procedure
`DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE(NULL)`. Then any PL/SQL executed by the
connection can put text into the buffer using
fetch from that buffer. Note, any PL/SQL code that uses DBMS_OUTPUT
runs to completion before any output is available to the user. Also,
other database connections cannot access your buffer.
A basic way to fetch DBMS_OUTPUT with node-oracledb is to bind an
output string when calling the PL/SQL `DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE()`
procedure, print the string, and then repeat until there is no more
data. The following snippet is based on the example
let result;
do {
result = await connection.execute(
{ ln: { dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 32767 },
st: { dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.NUMBER }
if ( === 0)
} while ( === 0);
Another way is to wrap the `DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE()` call into a
pipelined function and fetch the output using a SQL query. See
[dbmsoutputpipe.js][50] for the full example.
The pipelined function could be created like:
line VARCHAR2(32767);
status INTEGER;
DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE(line, status);
EXIT WHEN status = 1;
PIPE ROW (line);
To get DBMS_OUTPUT, simply query this function using the same
connection that created the output:
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT * FROM TABLE(mydofetch())`,
{ resultSet: true }
const rs = result.resultSet;
let row;
while ((row = await rs.getRow())) {
The query rows in this example are handled using a
Remember to first enable output using `DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE(NULL)`.
### <a name="ebr"></a> 16.5 Edition-Based Redefinition
The [Edition-Based Redefinition][98] (EBR) feature of Oracle Database
allows multiple versions of views, synonyms, PL/SQL objects and SQL
Translation profiles to be used concurrently. Each items version is
associated with an 'edition' which can be nominated at runtime by
applications. This lets database logic be updated and tested while
production users are still accessing the original version. Once every
user has begun using the objects in the new edition, the old objects
can be dropped.
To choose the edition, node-oracledb applications can set
[`oracledb.edition`](#propdbedition) globally, or specify a value when
[`creating a pool`](#createpoolpoolattrsedition) or a [`standalone
The example below shows how a PL/SQL function `DISCOUNT` can be
created with two different implementations. The initial procedure is
created as normal in the SQL*Plus command line:
CONNECT nodedemo/welcome
-- The default edition's DISCOUNT procedure
newprice NUMBER;
newprice := price - 4;
IF (newprice < 1) THEN
newprice := 1;
RETURN newprice;
This initial implementation is in the default 'edition' `ora$base`,
which is pre-created in new and upgraded databases.
The user `nodedemo` can be given permission to create new 'editions':
CONNECT system
The next SQL*Plus script creates a new edition `e2`, and changes the
current session to use it. A new version of `DISCOUNT` is created
under that edition:
CONNECT nodedemo/welcome
-- E2 edition's discount
newprice NUMBER;
newprice := 0.75 * price;
RETURN newprice;
There are now two implementations of the PL/SQL procedure `DISCOUNT`
with the same prototype. Applications can choose at runtime which
implementation to use. Here is a script that calls `DISCOUNT`:
const mypw = ... // set mypw to the nodedemo schema password
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user: 'nodedemo',
password: mypw,
connectString: 'localhost/orclpdb1'
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT name, price, DISCOUNT(price) AS discountprice
FROM parts
{ outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT }
Since the code does not explicitly set `oracledb.edition` (or
equivalent), then the first implementation of `DISCOUNT` in the
default edition is used. The output might be like:
[ { NAME: 'lamp', PRICE: 40, DISCOUNTPRICE: 36 },
{ NAME: 'wire', PRICE: 10, DISCOUNTPRICE: 6 },
{ NAME: 'switch', PRICE: 4, DISCOUNTPRICE: 1 } ]
If the connection uses edition `e2`, then the second implementation of
`DISCOUNT` will be used:
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user: 'nodedemo',
password: mypw, // mypw contains the nodedemo schema password
connectString: 'localhost/orclpdb1',
edition: 'e2'
. . . // same query code as before
The output might be like:
[ { NAME: 'lamp', PRICE: 40, DISCOUNTPRICE: 30 },
{ NAME: 'wire', PRICE: 10, DISCOUNTPRICE: 7.5 },
{ NAME: 'switch', PRICE: 4, DISCOUNTPRICE: 3 } ]
See the Database Development Guide chapter [Using Edition-Based
Redefinition][98] for more information about EBR.
### <a name="implicitresults"></a> 16.6 Implicit Results
Oracle Implicit Results allow queries in PL/SQL to be returned to
Node.js without requiring REF CURSORS or bind variables. Implicit
Results requires node-oracledb 4.0, Oracle Database 12.1 or later, and
Oracle Client 12.1 or later.
PL/SQL code uses `DBMS_SQL.RETURN_RESULT()` to return query results.
These are accessible in the `execute()` callback
[`implicitResults`](#execimplicitresults) attribute.
For example:
const plsql = `
OPEN c1 FOR SELECT city, postal_code
FROM locations
WHERE location_id < 1200;
OPEN C2 FOR SELECT job_id, employee_id, last_name
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id < 103;
result = await connection.execute(plsql);
will display:
[ 'Roma', '00989' ],
[ 'Venice', '10934' ],
[ 'AD_PRES', 100, 'King' ],
[ 'AD_VP', 101, 'Kochhar' ],
[ 'AD_VP', 102, 'De Haan' ],
For larger query results, fetching [ResultSets](#resultsethandling) is
result = await connection.execute(plsql, [], { resultSet: true });
for (const i = 0; i < result.implicitResults.length; i++) {
console.log(" Implicit Result Set", i + 1);
const rs = result.implicitResults[i]; // get the next ResultSet
let row;
while ((row = await rs.getRow())) {
console.log(" ", row);
await rs.close();
This displays:
Implicit Result Set 1
[ 'Roma', '00989' ]
[ 'Venice', '10934' ]
Implicit Result Set 2
[ 'AD_PRES', 100, 'King' ]
[ 'AD_VP', 101, 'Kochhar' ]
[ 'AD_VP', 102, 'De Haan' ]
A runnable example is in [impres.js][138].
## <a name="lobhandling"></a> 17. Working with CLOB and BLOB Data
Oracle Database uses LOB data types to store long objects. The CLOB
type is used for character data and the BLOB type is used for binary
data. In node-oracledb, LOBs can be represented by instances of the
[Lob](#lobclass) class or as Strings and Buffers.
There are runnable LOB examples in the GitHub [examples][3] directory.
### <a name="basiclobinsert"></a> 17.1 Simple Insertion of LOBs
Node.js String or Buffer types can be passed into PL/SQL blocks or
inserted into the database by binding to LOB columns or PL/SQL
If the data is larger than can be handled as a String or Buffer in
Node.js or node-oracledb, it will need to be streamed to a
[Lob](#lobclass), as discussed in [Streaming Lobs](#streamsandlobs).
See [LOB Bind Parameters](#lobbinds) for size considerations regarding
LOB binds.
Given the table:
an `INSERT` example is:
const fs = require('fs');
const str = fs.readFileSync('example.txt', 'utf8');
. . .
const result = await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO mylobs (id, myclobcol) VALUES (:idbv, :cbv)`,
{ idbv: 1, cbv: str } // type and direction are optional for IN binds
console.log('CLOB inserted from example.txt');
. . .
Updating LOBs is similar to insertion:
const result = await connection.execute(
`UPDATE mylobs SET myclobcol = :cbv WHERE id = :idbv`,
{ idbv: 1, cbv: str }
Buffers can similarly be bound for inserting into, or updating, BLOB
When using PL/SQL, a procedure:
PROCEDURE lobs_in (p_id IN NUMBER, c_in IN CLOB, b_in IN BLOB) . . .
can be called like:
const bigStr = 'My string to insert';
const bigBuf = Buffer.from([. . .]);
const result = await connection.execute(
`BEGIN lobs_in(:id, :c, :b); END;`,
{ id: 20,
c: bigStr, // type and direction are optional for IN binds
b: bigBuf }
### <a name="queryinglobs"></a> 17.2 Simple LOB Queries and PL/SQL OUT Binds
#### Querying LOBs
LOBs queried from the database that are shorter than 1 GB can be returned as
Strings or Buffers by using [`oracledb.fetchAsString`](#propdbfetchasstring) or
[`oracledb.fetchAsBuffer`](#propdbfetchasbuffer) (or
[`fetchInfo`](#propexecfetchinfo)). If the data is larger than can be handled
as a String or Buffer in Node.js or node-oracledb, it will need to be streamed
from a [Lob](#lobclass), as discussed later in [Streaming
For example, to make every CLOB queried by the application be returned
as a string:
oracledb.fetchAsString = [ oracledb.CLOB ];
const result = await connection.execute(`SELECT c FROM mylobs WHERE id = 1`);
if (result.rows.length === 0)
console.error("No results");
else {
const clob = result.rows[0][0];
CLOB columns in individual queries can be fetched as strings using
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT c FROM mylobs WHERE id = 1`,
[], // no binds
{ fetchInfo: {"C": {type: oracledb.STRING}} }
if (result.rows.length === 0) {
console.error("No results");
else {
const clob = result.rows[0][0];
BLOB query examples are very similar. To force every BLOB in the
application to be returned as a buffer:
oracledb.fetchAsBuffer = [ oracledb.BLOB ];
const result = await connection.execute(`SELECT b FROM mylobs WHERE id = 2`);
if (result.rows.length === 0)
console.error("No results");
else {
const blob = result.rows[0][0];
console.log(blob.toString()); // assuming printable characters
BLOB columns in individual queries can be fetched as buffers using
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT b FROM mylobs WHERE id = 2`,
[ ], // no binds
{ fetchInfo: {"B": {type: oracledb.BUFFER}} }
if (result.rows.length === 0) {
console.error("No results");
} else {
const blob = result.rows[0][0];
console.log(blob.toString()); // assuming printable characters
#### Getting LOBs as String or Buffer from PL/SQL
PL/SQL LOB OUT parameters can be bound as `oracledb.STRING` or
`oracledb.BUFFER`. See [LOB Bind Parameters](#lobbinds) for size
considerations regarding LOB binds.
const result = await connection.execute(
`BEGIN lobs_out(:id, :c, :b); END;`,
{ id: 20,
c: {type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: 50000},
b: {type: oracledb.BUFFER, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: 50000}
const str = result.outBinds.c; // a String
const buf = result.outBinds.b; // a Buffer
. . . // do something with str and buf
The fetched String and Buffer can be used directly in Node.js.
If data to be bound is larger than can be handled as a String or
Buffer in Node.js or node-oracledb, it will need to be explicitly
streamed to a [Lob](#lobclass), as discussed in [Streaming
Lobs](#streamsandlobs). See [LOB Bind Parameters](#lobbinds) for size
considerations regarding LOB binds.
### <a name="streamsandlobs"></a> 17.3 Streaming Lobs
The [Lob Class](#lobclass) in node-oracledb implements the [Node.js
Stream][16] interface to provide streaming access to CLOB and BLOB
database columns and to PL/SQL bind parameters.
Node-oracledb Lobs can represent persistent LOBs (those permanently
stored in the database) or temporary LOBs (such as those created with
[`connection.createLob()`](#connectioncreatelob), or returned from
some SQL or PL/SQL).
If multiple LOBs are streamed concurrently, worker threads will
effectively be serialized on the connection.
It is the application's responsibility to make sure the connection
remains open while a Stream operation such as `pipe()` is in progress.
#### Readable Lobs
Being a Stream object, a Lob being read from the database has two
modes of operation: "flowing mode" and "paused mode". In flowing
mode, data is piped to another stream, or events are posted as data is
read. In paused mode the application must explicitly call `read()` to
get data.
The `read(size)` unit is in characters for CLOBs and in bytes for
When reading a LOB from the database, resources are automatically
released at completion of the readable stream or if there is a LOB
error. The `lob.close()` method can also be used to close persistent
LOBs that have not been streamed to completion.
A Readable Lob object starts out in paused mode. If a 'data' event
handler is added, or the Lob is piped to a Writeable stream, then the
Lob switches to flowing mode.
For unpiped Readable Lobs operating in flowing mode where the Lob is
read through event handlers, the Lob object can be switched to paused
mode by calling `pause()`. Once the Lob is in paused mode, it stops
emitting `data` events.
Similarly, a Readable Lob operating in the paused mode can be switched
to flowing mode by calling `resume()`. It will then start emitting
'data' events again.
#### Writeable Lobs
Lobs are written to with `pipe()`. Alternatively the `write()` method
can be called successively, with the last piece being written by the
`end()` method. The `end()` method must be called because it frees
resources. If the Lob is being piped into, then the `write()` and
`end()` methods are automatically called.
Writeable Lobs also have events, see the [Node.js Stream][16]
At the conclusion of streaming into a Writeable Lob, the `close` event
will occur. It is recommended to put logic such as committing and
releasing connections in this event (or after it occurs). See
[lobinsert2.js][51]. It is also recommended that persistent LOBs not
use the `finish` event handler for cleanup.
### <a name="lobinsertdiscussion"></a> 17.4 Using RETURNING INTO to Insert into LOBs
If Strings or Buffers are too large to be directly inserted into the
database (see [Simple Insertion of LOBs](#basiclobinsert)), use a
`RETURNING INTO` clause to retrieve a [Lob](#lobclass) for a table
item. Data can then be streamed into the Lob and committed directly
to the table:
const result = await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO mylobs (id, c) VALUES (:id, EMPTY_CLOB()) RETURNING c INTO :lobbv`,
{ id: 4,
lobbv: {type: oracledb.CLOB, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT} },
{ autoCommit: false } // a transaction needs to span the INSERT and pipe()
if (result.rowsAffected != 1 || result.outBinds.lobbv.length != 1) {
throw new Error('Error getting a LOB locator');
const doInsert = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const lob = result.outBinds.lobbv[0];
lob.on('close', async () => {
await connection.commit(); // all data is loaded so we can commit it
lob.on('error', async (err) => {
await connection.close();
const inStream = fs.createReadStream('example.txt'); // open the file to read from
inStream.on('error', (err) => {
inStream.pipe(lob); // copies the text to the LOB
await doInsert;
This example streams from a file into the table. When the data has
been completely streamed, the Lob is automatically closed and the
'close' event triggered. At this point the data can be committed.
See [lobinsert2.js][51] for the full example.
### <a name="loboutstream"></a> 17.5 Getting LOBs as Streams from Oracle Database
By default, when a `SELECT` clause contains a LOB column, or a PL/SQL
OUT parameter returns a LOB, instances of [Lob](#lobclass) are
created. (This can be changed, see [Simple LOB Queries and PL/SQL OUT
For each Lob instance, the [`lob.type`](#proplobtype) property will be
[`oracledb.BLOB`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype) or
[`oracledb.CLOB`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype), depending on the column
or PL/SQL parameter type.
Returned Lobs can be used as [Readable Streams][16]. Data can be
streamed from each Lob, for example to a file. At the conclusion of
the stream, persistent LOBs are automatically closed.
Lobs returned from the database that are not streamed can be passed
back to the database as IN binds for PL/SQL blocks, for `INSERT`, or
for `UPDATE` statements. The Lobs should then be closed with
[`lob.close()`](#lobclose). If they are passed as IN OUT binds, they
will be automatically closed and the execution
[`outBinds`](#execoutbinds) property will contain the updated Lob.
#### LOB Query Example
Each CLOB or BLOB in a `SELECT` returns a [Lob](#lobclass) by default.
The table:
can be called to get a Lob `clob` like:
const result = await connection.execute(`SELECT c FROM mylobs WHERE id = 1`);
if (result.rows.length === 1) {
const clob = result.rows[0][0]; // Instance of a node-oracledb Lob
// console.log(clob.type); // -> 2006 aka oracledb.CLOB
. . . // do something with the Lob
#### PL/SQL LOB Parameter Fetch Example
A PL/SQL procedure such as this:
PROCEDURE lobs_out (id IN NUMBER, clob_out OUT CLOB, blob_out OUT BLOB) . . .
can be called to get the [Lobs](#lobclass) `clob` and `blob`:
const result = await connection.execute(
`BEGIN lobs_out(:id, :c, :b); END;`,
{ id: 1,
c: {type: oracledb.CLOB, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT},
b: {type: oracledb.BLOB, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT}
const clob = result.outBinds.c;
const blob = result.outBinds.b;
. . . // do something with the Lobs
#### Streaming Out a Lob
Once a Lob is obtained from a query or PL/SQL OUT bind, it can be
streamed out:
if (lob === null) {
// . . . do special handling such as create an empty file or throw an error
if (lob.type === oracledb.CLOB) {
lob.setEncoding('utf8'); // set the encoding so we get a 'string' not a 'buffer'
lob.on('error', function(err) { cb(err); });
lob.on('close', function() { cb(null); }); // all done. The Lob is automatically closed.
const outStream = fs.createWriteStream('myoutput.txt');
outStream.on('error', function(err) { cb(err); });
// switch into flowing mode and push the LOB to myoutput.txt
Note the Lob is automatically closed at the end of the stream.
An alternative to the `lob.pipe()` call is to have a `data` event on
the Lob Stream which processes each chunk of LOB data separately.
Either a String or Buffer can be built up or, if the LOB is big, each
chunk can be written to another Stream or to a file:
if (lob === null) {
// . . . do special handling such as create an empty file or throw an error
let str = "";
lob.setEncoding('utf8'); // set the encoding so we get a 'string' not a 'buffer'
lob.on('error', function(err) { cb(err); });
lob.on('close', function() { cb(null); }); // all done. The Lob is automatically closed.
lob.on('data', function(chunk) {
str += chunk; // or use Buffer.concat() for BLOBS
lob.on('end', function() {
fs.writeFile(..., str, ...);
Node-oracledb's [`lob.pieceSize`](#proplobpiecesize) can be used to
control the number of bytes retrieved for each readable 'data' event.
This sets the number of bytes (for BLOBs) or characters (for CLOBs).
The default is [`lob.chunkSize`](#proplobchunksize). The
recommendation is for it to be a multiple of `chunkSize`.
See [lobbinds.js][52] for a full example.
### <a name="templobdiscussion"></a> 17.6 Using `createLob()` for PL/SQL IN Binds
Node-oracledb applications can create Oracle 'temporary LOBs' by
calling [`connection.createLob()`](#connectioncreatelob). These are
instances of the [Lob](#lobclass) class. They can be populated with
data and passed to PL/SQL blocks. This is useful if the data is
larger than feasible for direct binding (see [Simple Insertion of
LOBs](#basiclobinsert)). These Lobs can also be used for SQL
statement IN binds, however the `RETURNING INTO` method shown above
will be more efficient.
Lobs from `createLob()` will use space in the temporary tablespace
until [`lob.close()`](#lobclose) is called. Database Administrators
can track this usage by querying [`V$TEMPORARY_LOBS`][13].
#### Passing a Lob Into PL/SQL
The following insertion example is based on [lobplsqltemp.js][53]. It
creates an empty LOB, populates it, and then passes it to a PL/SQL
A temporary LOB can be created with
const templob = await connection.createLob(oracledb.CLOB);
Once created, data can be inserted into it. For example to read a
text file:
templob.on('error', function(err) { somecallback(err); });
// The data was loaded into the temporary LOB, so use it
templob.on('finish', function() { somecallback(null, templob); });
// copies the text from 'example.txt' to the temporary LOB
const inStream = fs.createReadStream('example.txt');
inStream.on('error', function(err) { . . . });
Now the LOB has been populated, it can be bound in `somecallback()` to
a PL/SQL IN parameter:
// For PROCEDURE lobs_in (p_id IN NUMBER, c_in IN CLOB, b_in IN BLOB)
const result = await connection.execute(
`BEGIN lobs_in(:id, :c, null); END;`,
{ id: 3,
c: templob // type and direction are optional for IN binds
When the temporary LOB is no longer needed, it must be closed with
await templob.close();
### <a name="closinglobs"></a> 17.7 Closing Lobs
Closing a Lob frees up resources. In particular, the temporary
tablespace storage used by a temporary LOB is released. Once a Lob is
closed, it can no longer be bound or used for streaming.
Lobs created with [`createLob()`](#connectioncreatelob) should be
explicitly closed with [`lob.close()`](#lobclose).
Persistent or temporary Lobs returned from the database should be
closed with `lob.close()` unless they have been automatically closed.
Automatic closing of returned Lobs occurs when:
- streaming has completed
- a stream error occurs
- the Lob was used as the source for an IN OUT bind
If you try to close a Lob being used for streaming you will get the
error *NJS-023: concurrent operations on a Lob are not allowed*.
The connection must be open when calling `lob.close()` on a temporary
The `lob.close()` method emits the [Node.js Stream][16] 'close' event
unless the Lob has already been closed explicitly or automatically.
## <a name="jsondatatype"></a> 18. Oracle Database JSON Data type
Oracle Database introduced native support for JSON data. You
can use JSON with relational database features, including
transactions, indexing, declarative querying, and views. You can
project JSON data relationally, making it available for relational
processes and tools.
JSON data in the database is stored as BLOB, CLOB or VARCHAR2 data.
This means that node-oracledb can easily insert and query it.
As an example, the following table has a `PO_DOCUMENT` column that is
enforced to be JSON:
CREATE TABLE j_purchaseorder (po_document VARCHAR2(4000) CHECK (po_document IS JSON));
To insert data using node-oracledb:
const data = { "userId": 1, "userName": "Chris", "location": "Australia" };
const s = JSON.stringify(data); // change JavaScript value to a JSON string
const result = await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO j_purchaseorder (po_document) VALUES (:bv)`,
[s] // bind the JSON string
Queries can access JSON with Oracle JSON path expressions. These
expressions are matched by Oracle SQL functions and conditions to
select portions of the JSON data. Path expressions can use wildcards
and array ranges. An example is `$.friends` which is the value of
JSON field `friends`.
Oracle provides SQL functions and conditions to create, query, and
operate on JSON data stored in the database.
For example, `j_purchaseorder` can be queried with:
SELECT po.po_document.location FROM j_purchaseorder po
With the earlier JSON inserted into the table, the queried value would
be `Australia`.
The `JSON_EXISTS` tests for the existence of a particular value within
some JSON data. To look for JSON entries that have a `quantity`
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT po_document FROM j_purchaseorder WHERE JSON_EXISTS (po_document, '$.location')`
const js = JSON.parse(result.rows[0][0]); // show only first record in this example
console.log('Query results: ', js);
This query would display:
{ userId: 1, userName: 'Chris', location: 'Australia' }
In Oracle Database 12.2, or later, the [`JSON_OBJECT` ][54] function
is a great way to convert relational table data to JSON:
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT JSON_OBJECT ('deptId' IS d.department_id, 'name' IS d.department_name) department
FROM departments d
WHERE department_id < :did`
ORDER BY d.department_id`,
for (const row of result.rows)
This produces:
{"deptId":40,"name":"Human Resources"}
See [selectjson.js][55] and [selectjsonblob.js][56] for runnable
For more information about using JSON in Oracle Database see the
[Database JSON Developer's Guide][57].
## <a name="xmltype"></a> 19. Working with XMLType
`XMLType` columns queried will returns as Strings by default, limited
to the size of a VARCHAR2.
However, if desired, the SQL query could be changed to return a CLOB,
for example:
const sql = `SELECT XMLTYPE.GETCLOBVAL(res) FROM resource_view`;
The CLOB can be fetched in node-oracledb as a String or
To insert into an `XMLType` column, directly insert a string
containing the XML, or use a temporary LOB, depending on the data
const myxml =
<WarehouseName>Melbourne, Australia</WarehouseName>
<DockType>Rear load</DockType>
const result = await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO xwarehouses (warehouse_id, warehouse_spec) VALUES (:id, XMLType(:bv))`,
{ id: 1, bv: myxml }
LOB handling as discussed in the section [Working with CLOB and BLOB
## <a name="bind"></a> 20. Bind Parameters for Prepared Statements
SQL and PL/SQL statements may contain bind parameters, indicated by
colon-prefixed identifiers or numerals. These indicate where
separately specified values are substituted in a statement when it is
executed, or where values are to be returned after execution.
IN binds are values passed into the database. OUT binds are used to
retrieve data. IN OUT binds are passed in, and may return a different
value after the statement executes.
Using bind parameters is recommended in preference to constructing SQL
or PL/SQL statements by string concatenation or template literals.
This is for performance and security.
Inserted data that is bound is passed to the database separately from
the statement text. It can never be executed directly. This means
there is no need to escape bound data inserted into the database.
If a statement is executed more than once with different values for
the bind parameters, then Oracle can re-use context from the initial
execution, generally improving performance. However, if similar
statements contain hard coded values instead of bind parameters,
Oracle sees the statement text is different and will be less
Bind parameters can be used to substitute data but not the text of the
Bind variables cannot be used in [DDL][15] statements, for example
`CREATE TABLE` or `ALTER` commands.
Sets of values can bound for use in [`connection.executeMany()`](#executemany),
see [Batch Statement Execution and Bulk Loading](#batchexecution).
### <a name="inbind"></a> 20.1 IN Bind Parameters
For IN binds, a data value is passed into the database and substituted
into the statement during execution of SQL or PL/SQL.
#### <a name="bindbyname"></a> Bind by Name
To bind data values, the [`bindParams`](#executebindParams) argument
of `execute()` should contain bind variable objects with
[`dir`](#executebindParams), [`val`](#executebindParams),
[`type`](#executebindParams) properties. Each bind variable object
name must match the statement's bind parameter name:
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const result = await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO countries VALUES (:country_id, :country_name)`,
country_id: { dir: oracledb.BIND_IN, val: 90, type: oracledb.NUMBER },
country_name: { dir: oracledb.BIND_IN, val: "Tonga", type:oracledb.STRING }
console.log("Rows inserted " + result.rowsAffected);
For IN binds:
- The direction `dir` is `oracledb.BIND_IN`, which is the default when
`dir` is not specified.
- The `val` attribute may be a constant or a JavaScript variable.
- If `type` is omitted, it is inferred from the bind data value. If
`type` is set, it can be `oracledb.STRING`, `oracledb.NUMBER`,
`oracledb.DATE` or `oracledb.BUFFER` matching the standard Node.js
type of the data being passed into the database. Use a bind type of
`oracledb.BLOB` or `oracledb.CLOB` to pass in [Lob](#lobclass)
instances. The type `oracledb.BUFFER` can bind a Node.js Buffer to
an Oracle Database RAW, LONG RAW or BLOB type. For binding Oracle
Database objects, it can also be the name of an Oracle Database
object or collection, or a [DbObject Class](#dbobjectclass) type.
Since `dir` and `type` have defaults, these attributes are sometimes
omitted for IN binds. Binds can be like:
const result = await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO countries VALUES (:country_id, :country_name)`,
{country_id: 90, country_name: "Tonga"}
console.log("Rows inserted " + result.rowsAffected);
When a bind parameter name is used more than once in the SQL
statement, it should only occur once in the bind object:
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT first_name, last_name FROM employees WHERE first_name = :nmbv OR last_name = :nmbv`,
{nmbv: 'Christopher'}
#### <a name="bindbypos"></a> Bind by Position
Instead of using named bind parameters, the data can alternatively be
in an array. In this example, values are bound to the SQL bind
parameters `:country_id` and `:country_name`:
const result = await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO countries VALUES (:country_id, :country_name)`,
[90, "Tonga"]
The position of the array values corresponds to the position of the
SQL bind parameters as they occur in the statement, regardless of
their names. This is still true even if the bind parameters are named
like `:0`, `:1`, etc. The following snippet will fail because the
country name needs to be the second entry of the array so it becomes
the second value in the `INSERT` statement
const result = await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO countries (country_id, country_name) VALUES (:1, :0)`,
["Tonga", 90] // fail
In the context of SQL statements, the input array position 'n'
indicates the bind parameter at the n'th position in the
statement. However, in the context of PL/SQL statements the position
'n' in the bind call indicates a binding for the n'th unique parameter
name in the statement when scanned left to right.
If a bind parameter name is repeated in the SQL string then [bind by
name](#bindbyname) syntax should be used.
#### <a name="binddatatypenotes"></a> Bind Data Type Notes
When binding a JavaScript Date value in an `INSERT` statement, it is
inserted as if it represented a TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE value.
In the database, TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE dates are normalized
to the database time zone, or to the time zone specified for TIMESTAMP
WITH TIME ZONE columns. If later queried, they are returned in the
session time zone. See [Fetching Date and Timestamps](#datehandling)
for more information.
The type `oracledb.CURSOR` cannot be used with IN binds.
Binding NCHAR, NVARCHAR or NCLOB for [DML][14] may result in incorrect
character mapping, depending on the database character set and the
database national character set. It may work in the case where the
database character set can safely convert to the database national
character set.
### <a name="outbind"></a> 20.2 OUT and IN OUT Bind Parameters
OUT binds are used to retrieve data from the database. IN OUT binds
are passed in, and may return a different value after the statement
executes. IN OUT binds can be used for PL/SQL calls, but not for SQL.
For each OUT and IN OUT bind parameter in
[`bindParams`](#executebindParams), a bind variable object containing
[`dir`](#executebindParams), [`val`](#executebindParams),
[`type`](#executebindParams), and [`maxSize`](#executebindParams)
properties is used:
- The `dir` attribute should be `oracledb.BIND_OUT` or
`oracledb.BIND_INOUT`, depending on whether data is only to be
returned from the database or additionally passed into the database.
- The `val` parameter in needed when binding IN OUT to pass a value
into the database. It is not used for OUT binds.
- For `oracledb.BIND_INOUT` parameters, the `type` attribute is
inferred from the input data type. Alternatively it can be
explicitly set to `oracledb.STRING`, `oracledb.NUMBER`,
`oracledb.DATE`, `oracledb.BLOB`, `oracledb.CLOB` or
`oracledb.BUFFER`, or the name of an Oracle Database object or
collection, or a [DbObject Class](#dbobjectclass) type. This must
match the data type of the Node.js value or variable. The output
data type will always be the same as the input data type.
For `oracledb.BIND_OUT` parameters the `type` attribute will be the
node-oracledb or Node.js data type that data will be returned as.
It should be `oracledb.STRING`, `oracledb.NUMBER`, `oracledb.DATE`,
`oracledb.BUFFER`, `oracledb.CURSOR`, `oracledb.BLOB`, or
`oracledb.CLOB`, or the name of an Oracle Database object or
collection, or a [DbObject Class](#dbobjectclass) type. If `type`
is not specified for OUT binds then `oracledb.STRING` is assumed.
Oracle Database CLOB data can be bound with a `type` of
`oracledb.STRING` to return a Node.js String, or as `type` of
`oracledb.CLOB` to return a [Lob instance](#lobclass).
Oracle Database BLOB data can be bound with a `type` of
`oracledb.BUFFER` to return a Node.js Buffer, or as `type` of
`oracledb.BLOB` to return a [Lob instance](#lobclass).
Oracle Database RAW and LONG RAW data can be bound with a `type` of
`oracledb.BUFFER` to return a Node.js Buffer.
Oracle Database LONG, ROWID and UROWID data can be bound with a
`type` of `oracledb.STRING` to return a JavaScript String.
- A `maxSize` attribute should be set for `oracledb.STRING` or
`oracledb.BUFFER` OUT or IN OUT binds. This is the maximum number
of bytes the bind parameter will return. If the output value does
not fit in `maxSize` bytes, then an error such *ORA-06502: PL/SQL:
numeric or value error: character string buffer too small* or
*NJS-016: buffer is too small for OUT binds* occurs.
A default value of 200 bytes is used when `maxSize` is not provided
for OUT binds of type `oracledb.STRING` or `oracledb.BUFFER`.
A string representing a UROWID may be up to 5267 bytes long in
For [PL/SQL Associative Array binds](#plsqlindexbybinds) a
[`maxArraySize`](#executebindParams) property is also required
Note that before a PL/SQL block returns, all OUT binds should be set
to NULL or, for REF CURSORS, to an empty result set. See this [GitHub
#### <a name="outbinds"></a> Accessing OUT Bind Values
The [`results`](#executecallback) parameter of the `execute()`
callback contains an [`outBinds`](#execoutbinds) property with the
returned OUT and IN OUT bind values.
Given the creation of the PL/SQL procedure `TESTPROC`:
p_in IN VARCHAR2, p_inout IN OUT VARCHAR2, p_out OUT NUMBER)
p_inout := p_in || p_inout;
p_out := 101;
show errors
The procedure `TESTPROC` can be called with:
const bindVars = {
i: 'Chris', // default direction is BIND_IN. Data type is inferred from the data
io: { val: 'Jones', dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT },
o: { dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.NUMBER },
const result = await connection.execute(
`BEGIN testproc(:i, :io, :o); END;`,
Since `bindParams` is passed as an object, the `outBinds` property is
also an object. The Node.js output is:
{ io: 'ChrisJones', o: 101 }
PL/SQL allows named parameters in procedure and function calls. This
can be used in `execute()` like:
`BEGIN testproc(p_in => :i, p_inout => :io, p_out => :o); END;`,
An alternative to node-oracledb's 'bind by name' syntax is 'bind by
array' syntax:
const bindVars = [
{ val: 'Jones', dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT },
{ type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }
When [`bindParams`](#executebindParams) is passed as an array, then
`outBinds` is returned as an array, with the same order as the OUT
binds in the statement:
[ 'ChrisJones', 101 ]
Mixing positional and named syntax is not supported. The following
will throw an error:
const bindVars = [
'Chris', // valid
{ val: 'Jones', dir: oracledb.BIND_INOUT }, // valid
{ o: { type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT } } // invalid
### <a name="dmlreturn"></a> 20.3 DML RETURNING Bind Parameters
"DML RETURNING" statements (such as `INSERT ... RETURNING ... INTO
...`) are a way information can be returned about row changes from
[DML][14] statements. For example you can use DML RETURNING to get
the ROWIDs of newly inserted rows. Another common use case is to
return [auto incremented column values ](#autoincrement).
Bind parameters for DML RETURNING statements can use `oracledb.BLOB`,
`oracledb.CLOB`, `oracledb.STRING`, `oracledb.NUMBER` or
`oracledb.DATE` for the BIND_OUT [`type`](#executebindParams). To
bind named Oracle objects use the class name or
[DbObject](#dbobjectclass) prototype class for the bind type, as shown
for object binds in [Fetching Oracle Database Objects and
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE types can be bound as `oracledb.DATE` for DML
RETURNING. These types can also be bound as `oracledb.STRING`, if
desired. ROWID and UROWID data to be returned can be bound as
`oracledb.STRING`. Note that a string representing a UROWID may be up
to 5267 bytes long.
For `oracledb.STRING` types, an error occurs if
[`maxSize`](#executebindParams) is not large enough to hold a returned
Note each DML RETURNING bind OUT parameter is returned as an array
containing zero or more elements. Application code that is designed
to expect only one value could be made more robust if it confirms the
returned array length is not greater than one. This will help
identify invalid data or an incorrect `WHERE` clause that causes more
results to be returned.
No duplicate binds are allowed in a DML statement with a `RETURNING`
clause, and no duplication is allowed between bind parameters in the
DML section and the `RETURNING` section of the statement.
An example of DML RETURNING binds is:
const result = await connection.execute(
`UPDATE mytab SET name = :name
WHERE id = :id
RETURNING id, ROWID INTO :ids, :rids`,
id: 1001,
name: "Krishna",
ids: { type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT },
rids: { type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }
If the `WHERE` clause matches one record, the output would be like:
{ ids: [ 1001 ], rids: [ 'AAAbvZAAMAAABtNAAA' ] }
When a couple of rows match, the output could be:
{ ids: [ 1001, 1002 ],
If the `WHERE` clause matches no rows, the output would be:
{ ids: [], rids: [] }
### <a name="refcursors"></a> 20.4 REF CURSOR Bind Parameters
Oracle REF CURSORS can be fetched in node-oracledb by binding a
`oracledb.CURSOR` to a PL/SQL call. The resulting bind variable
becomes a [ResultSet](#resultsetclass), allowing rows to be fetched
using [`getRow()`](#getrow) or [`getRows()`](#getrows). The ResultSet
can also be converted to a Readable Stream by using
[`toQueryStream()`](#toquerystream). Oracle [Implicit
Results](#implicitresults) are an alternative way to return query
results from PL/SQL.
If using `getRow()` or `getRows()` the ResultSet must be freed using
[`close()`](#close) when all rows have been fetched, or when the
application does not want to continue getting more rows. If the REF
CURSOR is set to NULL or is not set in the PL/SQL procedure, then the
returned ResultSet is invalid and methods like `getRows()` will return
an error when invoked.
Given a PL/SQL procedure defined as:
p_sal IN NUMBER,
OPEN p_recordset FOR
SELECT first_name, salary, hire_date
FROM employees
WHERE salary > p_sal;
This PL/SQL procedure can be called in node-oracledb using:
const result = await connection.execute(
`"BEGIN get_emp_rs(:sal, :cursor); END;`,
sal: 6000,
cursor: { type: oracledb.CURSOR, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }
const resultSet = result.outBinds.cursor;
let row;
while ((row = await resultSet.getRow())) {
// always close the ResultSet
await resultSet.close();
See [refcursor.js][40] for a complete example.
To convert the REF CURSOR ResultSet to a stream, use
const result = await connection.execute(
`"BEGIN get_emp_rs(:sal, :cursor); END;`,
sal: 6000,
cursor: { type: oracledb.CURSOR, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }
const cursor = result.outBinds.cursor;
const queryStream = cursor.toQueryStream();
const consumeStream = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
queryStream.on('data', function(row) {
queryStream.on('error', reject);
queryStream.on('close', resolve);
await consumeStream;
The connection must remain open until the stream is completely read.
Query results must be fetched to completion to avoid resource leaks.
The ResultSet `close()` call for streaming query results will be
executed internally when all data has been fetched.
### <a name="lobbinds"></a> 20.5 LOB Bind Parameters
Database CLOBs can be bound with `type` set to
[`oracledb.CLOB`](#oracledbconstants). Database BLOBs can be bound as
[`oracledb.BLOB`](#oracledbconstants). These binds accept, or return,
node-oracledb [Lob](#lobclass) instances, which implement the Node.js
Stream interface.
Lobs may represent Oracle Database persistent LOBs (those stored in
tables) or temporary LOBs (such as those created with
[`createLob()`](#connectioncreatelob) or returned by some SQL and
PL/SQL operations).
LOBs can be bound with direction `oracledb.BIND_IN`,
`oracledb.BIND_OUT` or `oracledb.BIND_INOUT`, depending on context.
Note that any PL/SQL OUT LOB parameter should be initialized in the
PL/SQL block - even just to NULL - before the PL/SQL code
completes. Make sure to do this in all PL/SQL code paths including in
error handlers. This prevents node-oracledb throwing the error
*DPI-007: invalid OCI handle or descriptor*.
In many cases it will be easier to work with JavaScript Strings and
Buffers instead of [Lobs](#lobclass). These types can be bound
directly for SQL IN binds to insert into, or update, LOB columns.
They can also be bound to PL/SQL LOB parameters. Use the bind type
[`oracledb.STRING`](#oracledbconstants) for CLOBs and
[`oracledb.BUFFER`](#oracledbconstants) for BLOBs. The default size
used for these binds in the OUT direction is 200, so set `maxSize`
See [Working with CLOB and BLOB Data](#lobhandling) for examples and
more information on binding and working with LOBs.
#### Size Limits for Binding LOBs to Strings and Buffers
When CLOBs are bound as `oracledb.STRING`, or BLOBs are bound as
`oracledb.BUFFER`, the limitation on binding is the memory available
to Node.js and the V8 engine. For data larger than several megabytes,
it is recommended to bind as `oracledb.CLOB` or `oracledb.BLOB` and
use [Lob streaming](#streamsandlobs). If you try to create large
Strings or Buffers in Node.js you will see errors like *JavaScript
heap out of memory*, or other space related messages.
Internally, temporary LOBs are used when binding Strings and Buffers
larger than 32 KB for PL/SQL calls. Freeing of the temporary LOB is
handled automatically. For SQL calls no temporary LOBs are used.
### <a name="sqlwherein"></a> 20.6 Binding Multiple Values to a SQL `WHERE IN` Clause
Binding a single JavaScript value into a SQL `WHERE IN` clause is
sql = `SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE first_name IN (:bv)`;
binds = ['Christopher'];
await connection.execute(sql, binds, function(...));
But a common use case for a query `WHERE IN` clause is for multiple
values, for example when a web user selects multiple check-box options
and the query should match all chosen values.
Trying to associate multiple data values with a single bind parameter
will not work. To use a fixed, small number of values in an `WHERE
IN` bind clause, the SQL query should have individual bind parameters,
for example:
const sql = `SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE first_name IN (:bv1, :bv2, :bv3, :bv4)`;
const binds = ['Alyssa', 'Christopher', 'Hazel', 'Samuel'];
const result = await connection.execute(sql, binds);
If you sometimes execute the query with a smaller number of items, a
null can be bound for the 'missing' values:
const binds = ['Alyssa', 'Christopher', 'Hazel', null];
When the exact same statement text is re-executed many times
regardless of the number of user supplied values, you get performance
and scaling benefits from not having multiple, unique SQL statements
being run.
Another solution when the number of data items is only known at
runtime is to build up an exact SQL string like:
const binds = ['Christopher', 'Hazel', 'Samuel'];
let sql = `SELECT first_name, last_name FROM employees WHERE first_name IN (`;
for (const i = 0; i < binds.length; i++)
sql += (i > 0) ? ", :" + i : ":" + i;
sql += ")";
This will construct a SQL statement:
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM employees WHERE first_name IN (:0, :1, :2)
Binds are still used for security. But, depending how often this
query is executed, and how changeable the number of bind values is,
you can end up with lots of 'unique' query strings being executed.
You might not get the statement caching benefits that re-executing a
fixed SQL statement would have.
Another solution for a larger number of values is to construct a SQL
statement like:
SELECT ... WHERE col IN ( <something that returns a list of rows> )
The easiest way to do the `<something that returns a list of rows>`
will depend on how the data is initially represented and the number of
items. You might look at using `CONNECT BY` or nested tables. Or,
for really large numbers of items, you might prefer to use a global
temporary table. Some solutions are given in [On Cursors, SQL, and
Analytics][59] and in [this StackOverflow answer][60].
### <a name="sqlbindtablename"></a> 20.7 Binding Column and Table Names in Queries
It is not possible to bind table names in queries. Instead use a
hardcoded whitelist of names to build the final SQL statement, for
const validTables = ['LOCATIONS', 'DEPARTMENTS'];
const tableName = getTableNameFromEndUser();
if (!validTables.includes(tableName)) {
throw new Error('Invalid table name');
const query = `SELECT * FROM ` + tableName;
The same technique can be used to construct the list of selected
column names. Make sure to use a whitelist of names to avoid SQL
Injection security risks.
Each final SQL statement will obviously be distinct, and will use a
slot in the [statement cache](#stmtcache).
It is possible to bind column names used in an ORDER BY:
const sql = `SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM employees
CASE :ob
ELSE last_name
const columnName = getColumnNameFromEndUser(); // your function
const binds = [columnName];
const result = await connection.execute(sql, binds);
In this example, when `columnName` is 'FIRST_NAME' then the result set
will be ordered by first name, otherwise the order will be by last
You should analyze the statement usage patterns and optimizer query
plan before deciding whether to using binds like this, or to use
multiple hard-coded SQL statements, each with a different ORDER BY.
## <a name="objects"></a> 21. Oracle Database Objects and Collections
You can query and insert most Oracle Database objects and collections,
with some [limitations](#objectlimitations).
### <a name="objectinsert"></a> 21.1 Inserting Objects
As an example, the Oracle Spatial type [SDO_GEOMETRY][139] can easily
be used in node-oracledb. Describing SDO_GEOMETRY in SQL*Plus shows:
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
In Node.js, a call to
[`connection.getDbObjectClass()`](#getdbobjectclass) returns a
[DbObject prototype object](#dbobjectclass) representing the database
const GeomType = await connection.getDbObjectClass("MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY");
This gives:
DbObject {
schema: 'MDSYS',
{ SDO_GTYPE: { type: 2010, typeName: 'NUMBER' },
SDO_SRID: { type: 2010, typeName: 'NUMBER' },
{ type: 2023,
typeClass: [Object] },
{ type: 2023,
typeClass: [Object] },
{ type: 2023,
typeClass: [Object] } },
isCollection: false }
The `type` value of 2023 corresponds to the `oracledb.DB_TYPE_OBJECT`
constant. The value 2010 corresponds to `oracledb.DB_TYPE_NUMBER`.
Now the object prototype has been found, an object can be created by
passing a JavaScript object to the constructor. The case of the
attributes is important:
const geom = new GeomType(
SDO_GTYPE: 2003,
SDO_SRID: null,
SDO_POINT: null,
SDO_ELEM_INFO: [ 1, 1003, 3 ],
SDO_ORDINATES: [ 1, 1, 5, 7 ]
Attributes not assigned values will default to null. Extra attributes
set that are not present in the database object will be ignored.
An alternative to instantiating the whole object at once is to set
individual attributes:
const geom = new GeomType();
geom.S_GTYPE = 2003;
. . .
Once created, the DbObject in `geom` can then be bound for insertion.
For example, if TESTGEOMETRY was created as:
CREATE TABLE testgeometry (id NUMBER, geometry MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY)
Then the INSERT statement would be:
await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO testgeometry (id, geometry) VALUES (:id, :g)`,
{id: 1, g: geom}
Node-oracledb automatically detects the type for `geom`.
Insertion can be simplified by setting the bind parameter `type` to
the name of the Oracle Database object and passing a JavaScript object
as the bind value:
await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO testgeometry (id, geometry) VALUES (:id, :g)`,
id: 1,
g: {
val: {
SDO_GTYPE: 2003,
SDO_SRID: null,
SDO_POINT: null,
SDO_ELEM_INFO: [ 1, 1003, 3 ],
SDO_ORDINATES: [ 1, 1, 5, 7 ]
For objects that are nested, such as SDO_GEOMETRY is, you only need to
give the name of the top level object.
See [selectgeometry.js][140] for a runnable example.
When handling multiple objects of the same type, then use fully
qualified names like "MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY" instead of "SDO_GEOMETRY".
Alternatively retain, and use, the prototype object returned by
[`connection.getDbObjectClass()`](#getdbobjectclass). Node-oracledb
will cache type information using the type's fully qualified name as
the key to avoid the expense of a [round-trip](#roundtrips), when
possible. Each connection has its own cache.
When the definition of a type changes in the database, such as might
occur in a development environment, you should fully close connections
to clear the object caches used by node-oracledb and the Oracle client
libraries. For example, when using a pool you could use [`await
connection.close({drop: true})`](#connectionclose), or restart the
pool. Then `getDbObjectClass()` can be called again to get the
updated type information.
### <a name="objectfetch"></a> 21.2 Fetching Objects
When objects are fetched, they are represented as a
result = await connection.execute(`SELECT geometry FROM testgeometry WHERE id = 1`);
o = result.rows[0][0];
This gives:
SDO_SRID: null,
SDO_POINT: null,
SDO_ELEM_INFO: [ 4, 1003, 3 ],
SDO_ORDINATES: [ 4, 8, 5, 9 ] }
The SDO_ELEM_INFO attribute is itself a DbObject. The following code
[MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY] [ 1, 1003, 3 ]
If a DbObject is for an Oracle Database collection, the
[`dbObject.isCollection`](#dbobjattributesiscollection) attribute will
be true.
console.log(o.isCollection); // false
console.log(o.SDO_ELEM_INFO.isCollection); // true
For DbObjects representing Oracle collections, methods such as
[`dbObject.getKeys()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls) and
[`dbObject.getValues()`](#dbobjectmethodscolls) can be used:
console.log(o.SDO_ELEM_INFO.getKeys()); // [ 0, 1, 2 ]
console.log(o.SDO_ELEM_INFO.getValues()); // [ 1, 1003, 3 ]
The options [`fetchAsBuffer`](#propdbfetchasbuffer) and
[`fetchAsString`](#propdbfetchasstring) do not affect values in
objects queried from the database.
LOBs will be fetched as [Lob objects](#lobclass). The
[`lob.getData()`](#lobgetdata) method is a convenient way to retrieve
the data. Note it is an asynchronous method and requires a round-trip
to the database.
### <a name="plsqlcollections"></a> 21.3 PL/SQL Collection Types
PL/SQL has three collection types: associative arrays, VARRAY
(variable-size arrays), and nested tables. See [Collection
Types][150] in the Database PL/SQL Language Reference.
#### <a name="plsqlindexbybinds"></a> 21.3.1 PL/SQL Collection Associative Arrays (Index-by)
Arrays of strings and numbers can be bound to PL/SQL IN, IN OUT, and
OUT parameters of PL/SQL INDEX BY associative array types with integer
keys. This Oracle type was formerly called PL/SQL tables or index-by
While you could bind associative arrays via named types as shown in previous
examples, it is more efficient to use the method shown below which uses the
type of each element, not the name of the associative array type. Note that if
you use named types for BIND_IN, then the resulting arrays in PL/SQL will start
from index 0. The method shown below results in indexes starting from 1.
(Using named type binding for nested tables and VARRAYs results in indexes
starting from 1).
Given this table and PL/SQL package:
CREATE TABLE mytab (id NUMBER, numcol NUMBER);
PROCEDURE myinproc(p_id IN NUMBER, vals IN numtype);
PROCEDURE myoutproc(p_id IN NUMBER, vals OUT numtype);
PROCEDURE myinproc(p_id IN NUMBER, vals IN numtype) IS
INSERT INTO mytab (id, numcol) VALUES (p_id, vals(i));
PROCEDURE myoutproc(p_id IN NUMBER, vals OUT numtype) IS
SELECT numcol BULK COLLECT INTO vals FROM mytab WHERE id = p_id ORDER BY 1;
To bind an array in node-oracledb using "bind by name" syntax for
insertion into `mytab` use:
const result = await connection.execute(
`BEGIN mypkg.myinproc(:id, :vals); END;`,
id: 1234,
vals: { type: oracledb.NUMBER,
dir: oracledb.BIND_IN,
val: [1, 2, 23, 4, 10]
Alternatively, "bind by position" syntax can be used:
const result = await connection.execute(
`BEGIN mypkg.myinproc(:id, :vals); END;`,
{ type: oracledb.NUMBER,
dir: oracledb.BIND_IN,
val: [1, 2, 23, 4, 10]
After executing either of these `mytab` will contain:
---------- ----------
1234 1
1234 2
1234 23
1234 4
1234 10
The [`type`](#executebindParams) must be set for PL/SQL array binds.
It can be set to [`oracledb.STRING`](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype) or
For OUT and IN OUT binds, the [`maxArraySize`](#executebindParams)
bind property must be set. Its value is the maximum number of
elements that can be returned in an array. An error will occur if the
PL/SQL block attempts to insert data beyond this limit. If the PL/SQL
code returns fewer items, the JavaScript array will have the actual
number of data elements and will not contain null entries. Setting
`maxArraySize` larger than needed will cause unnecessary memory
For IN OUT binds, `maxArraySize` can be greater than the number of
elements in the input array. This allows more values to be returned
than are passed in.
For IN binds, `maxArraySize` is ignored, as also is `maxSize`.
For `oracledb.STRING` IN OUT or OUT binds, the string length
[`maxSize`](#executebindParams) property may be set. If it is not set
the memory allocated per string will default to 200 bytes. If the
value is not large enough to hold the longest string data item in the
collection a runtime error occurs. To avoid unnecessary memory
allocation, do not let the size be larger than needed.
The next example fetches an array of values from a table. First,
insert these values:
INSERT INTO mytab (id, numcol) VALUES (99, 10);
INSERT INTO mytab (id, numcol) VALUES (99, 25);
INSERT INTO mytab (id, numcol) VALUES (99, 50);
With these values, the following node-oracledb code will print `[ 10,
25, 50 ]`.
const result = await connection.execute(
`BEGIN mypkg.myoutproc(:id, :vals); END;`,
id: 99,
vals: { type: oracledb.NUMBER,
dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT,
maxArraySize: 10 // allocate memory to hold 10 numbers
If `maxArraySize` was reduced to `2`, the script would fail with:
ORA-06513: PL/SQL: index for PL/SQL table out of range for host language array
See [Oracledb Constants](#oracledbconstants) and [execute(): Bind
Parameters](#executebindParams) for more information about binding.
See [plsqlarray.js][58] for a runnable example.
#### <a name="plsqlvarray"></a> 21.3.2 PL/SQL Collection VARRAY Types
Given a table with a VARRAY column:
shirtnumber NUMBER,
name VARCHAR2(20));
CREATE TYPE teamtype AS VARRAY(10) OF playertype;
CREATE TABLE sports (sportname VARCHAR2(20), team teamtype);
You can insert values using:
await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO sports (sportname, team) VALUES (:sn, :t)`,
sn: "Hockey",
type: "TEAMTYPE",
{SHIRTNUMBER: 11, NAME: 'Georgia'},
{SHIRTNUMBER: 22, NAME: 'Harriet'}
// Alternatively:
TeamTypeClass = await connection.getDbObjectClass("TEAMTYPE");
hockeyTeam = new TeamTypeClass(
{SHIRTNUMBER: 22, NAME: 'Elizabeth'},
{SHIRTNUMBER: 33, NAME: 'Frank'},
await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO sports (sportname, team) VALUES (:sn, :t)`,
sn: "Hockey",
t: hockeyTeam
Querying the table could be done like:
result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT sportname, team FROM sports`,
outFormat: oracledb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT
for (row of result.rows) {
console.log("The " + row.SPORTNAME + " team players are:");
for (const player of row.TEAM) {
console.log(" " + player.NAME);
The output would be:
The Hockey team players are:
See [selectvarray.js][146] for a runnable example.
#### <a name="plsqlnestedtables"></a> 21.3.3 PL/SQL Collection Nested Tables
Given a nested table `staffList`:
CREATE TABLE bonuses (id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(20));
TYPE staffList IS TABLE OF bonuses%ROWTYPE;
PROCEDURE awardBonuses (goodStaff staffList);
END personnel;
PROCEDURE awardBonuses (goodStaff staffList) IS
INSERT INTO bonuses (id, name) VALUES (goodStaff(i).id, goodStaff(i).name);
you can call `awardBonuses()` like:
plsql = `CALL personnel.awardBonuses(:gsbv)`;
binds = {
{ID: 1, NAME: 'Chris' },
{ID: 2, NAME: 'Sam' }
await connection.execute(plsql, binds);
Similar with other objects, calling
[`getDbObjectClass()`](#getdbobjectclass) and using a constructor to
create a `DbObject` for binding can also be used.
### <a name="plsqlrecords"></a> 21.4 PL/SQL RECORD Types
PL/SQL RECORDS can be bound for insertion and retrieval. This example
uses the PL/SQL package:
TYPE shiptype IS RECORD (shipname VARCHAR2(40), weight NUMBER);
PROCEDURE biggership (p_in IN shiptype, p_out OUT shiptype);
END seachange;
PROCEDURE biggership (p_in IN shiptype, p_out OUT shiptype) AS
p_out := p_in;
p_out.weight := p_out.weight * 2;
END seachange;
Similar to previous examples, you can use a prototype DbObject from
`getdbobjectclass()` for binding, or pass an Oracle type name.
Below a prototype object for the SHIPTYPE record is returned from
`getDbObjectClass()` and then a new object `vessel` is created for a
ship. This is bound for input when calling the BIGGERSHIP procedure.
To retrieve a SHIPTYPE record back from the the PL/SQL, the prototype
object class is passed for the output bind `type`:
ShipTypeClass = await connection.getDbObjectClass("SEACHANGE.SHIPTYPE");
vessel = new ShipTypeClass({ SHIPNAME: 'BoatFace', WEIGHT: 1200 });
binds = {
inbv: vessel,
outbv: { type: ShipTypeClass, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT }
result = await connection.execute(`CALL seachange.biggership(:inbv, :outbv)`, binds);
console.log(result.outBinds.outbv.SHIPNAME, result.outBinds.outbv.WEIGHT);
The output shows the increased ship size:
BoatFace 2400
See [plsqlrecord.js][147] for a runnable example.
### <a name="objexecmany"></a> 21.5 Inserting or Passing Multiple Objects of the Same Type
You can use `executeMany()` with objects. See [Binding Objects with
### <a name="objectlimitations"></a> 21.6 Oracle Database Object Type Limitations
PL/SQL collections and records can only be bound when both Oracle
client libraries and Oracle Database are 12.1, or higher.
PL/SQL Collection associative array (Index-by) types with INDEX BY
VARCHAR2, or VARCHAR2 sub-types, cannot be used natively by
Subclasses of types are not supported.
Oracle objects with REF references are not supported.
Where there is no native support, use a PL/SQL wrapper that accepts
types supported by node-oracledb and converts them to the required
Oracle Database type.
## <a name="batchexecution"></a> 22. Batch Statement Execution and Bulk Loading
The [`connection.executeMany()`](#executemany) method allows many sets
of data values to be bound to one DML or PL/SQL statement for
execution. It is like calling [`connection.execute()`](#execute)
multiple times but requires fewer [round-trips](#roundtrips). This is
an efficient way to handle batch changes, for example when doing bulk
inserts, or for updating multiple rows. The method cannot be used for
The `executeMany()` method supports IN, IN OUT and OUT binds for most
data types except [PL/SQL Collection Associative
There are runnable examples in the GitHub [examples][3] directory.
For example, to insert three records into the database:
const sql = `INSERT INTO mytab VALUES (:a, :b)`;
const binds = [
{ a: 1, b: "One" },
{ a: 2, b: "Two" },
{ a: 3, b: "Three" }
const options = {
autoCommit: true,
bindDefs: {
a: { type: oracledb.NUMBER },
b: { type: oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 5 }
const result = await connection.executeMany(sql, binds, options);
console.log(result.rowsAffected); // 3
Strings and Buffers require a `maxSize` value in `bindDefs`. It must
be the length (or greater) of the longest data value. For efficiency,
keep the size as small as possible.
The [`options`](#executemanyoptions) parameter is optional.
If [`bindDefs`](#executemanyoptbinddefs) is not set, then the bind
direction is assumed to be IN, and the [bind data](#executemanybinds)
are used to determine the bind variable types, names and maximum
sizes. Using `bindDefs` is generally recommended because it removes
the overhead of scanning all records.
The bind definitions `bindDefs` can also use "bind by position"
syntax, see the next examples.
#### Identifying Affected Rows with `executeMany()`
When executing a DML statement the number of database rows affected
for each input record can be shown by setting
[`dmlRowCounts`](#execmanydmlrowscounts). For example when deleting
const sql = `DELETE FROM tab WHERE id = :1`;
const binds = [
const options = { dmlRowCounts: true };
const result = await connection.executeMany(sql, binds, options);
If the table originally contained three rows with id of 20, five rows
with id of 30 and six rows with id of 40, then the output would be:
[ 3, 5, 6 ]
#### <a name="handlingbatcherrors"></a> Handling Data Errors with `executeMany()`
With large sets of data, it can be helpful not to abort processing on
the first data error, but to continue processing and resolve the
errors later.
When [`batchErrors`](#executemanyoptbatcherrors) is *true*, processing
will continue even if there are data errors in some records. The
`executeMany()` callback error parameter is not set. Instead, an
array containing each error will be returned in the callback `result`
parameter. All valid data records will be processed and a transaction
will be started but not committed, even if `autoCommit` is *true*.
The application can examine the errors, take action, and explicitly
commit or rollback, as desired.
For example:
const sql = `INSERT INTO childtab VALUES (:1, :2, :3)`;
const binds = [
[1016, 10, "Child 2 of Parent A"],
[1017, 10, "Child 3 of Parent A"],
[1018, 20, "Child 4 of Parent B"],
[1018, 20, "Child 4 of Parent B"], // duplicate key
[1019, 30, "Child 3 of Parent C"],
[1020, 40, "Child 4 of Parent D"],
[1021, 75, "Child 1 of Parent F"], // parent does not exist
[1022, 40, "Child 6 of Parent D"]
const options = {
autoCommit: true,
batchErrors: true,
bindDefs: [
{ type: oracledb.NUMBER },
{ type: oracledb.NUMBER },
{ type: oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 20 }
const result = await connection.executeMany(sql, binds, options);
The output is an array of [error objects](#errorobj) that were
reported during execution. The `offset` property corresponds to the
0-based index of the `executeMany()` [binds
parameter](#executemanybinds) array, indicating which record could not
be processed:
[ { Error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (HR.CHILDTAB_PK) violated errorNum: 1, offset: 3 },
{ Error: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (HR.CHILDTAB_FK) violated - parent key not found errorNum: 2291, offset: 6 } ]
Note that some classes of error will always return via the
`executeMany()` callback error object, not as batch errors. No
transaction is created in this case. This includes errors where
string or buffer data is larger than the specified
[`maxSize`](#executemanyoptbinddefs) value.
#### DML RETURNING with `executeMany()`
Values can be returned with DML RETURNING syntax:
const binds = [
const options = {
bindDefs: [
{ type: oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 5 },
{ type: oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 18, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT },
const result = await connection.executeMany(sql, binds, options);
Output is:
[ [ [ 'AAAmI9AAMAAAAnVAAA' ] ],
[ [ 'AAAmI9AAMAAAAnVAAC' ] ] ]
#### Calling PL/SQL with `executeMany()`
The `executeMany()` method can be used to execute a PL/SQL statement
multiple times with different input values. For example, the
following PL/SQL procedure:
a_num IN NUMBER,
a_outnum OUT NUMBER,
a_outstr OUT VARCHAR2)
a_outnum := a_num * 2;
FOR i IN 1..a_num LOOP
a_outstr := a_outstr || 'X';
can be called like:
const sql = `BEGIN testproc(:1, :2, :3); END;`;
// IN binds
const binds = [
const options = {
bindDefs: [
{ type: oracledb.NUMBER },
{ type: oracledb.NUMBER, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT },
{ type: oracledb.STRING, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, maxSize: 20 }
const result = await connection.executeMany(sql, binds, options);
The returned bind values are:
[ [ 2, 'X' ],
[ 4, 'XX' ],
[ 6, 'XXX' ],
[ 8, 'XXXX' ] ]
The variant of `executeMany()` that accepts a number of iterations is
useful when there no bind values, or only OUT bind values. This
example calls a PL/SQL block eight times:
const plsql = `DECLARE
t_id NUMBER;
SELECT NVL(COUNT(*), 0) + 1 INTO t_id FROM testtable;
INSERT INTO testtable VALUES (t_id, 'Test String ' || t_id);
SELECT SUM(id) INTO :1 FROM testtable;
const options = {
bindDefs: [
{ type : oracledb.NUMBER, dir : oracledb.BIND_OUT }
const numIterations = 8;
const result = await connection.executeMany(plsql, numIterations, options);
Output would be an array of eight values such as:
[ [ 6 ], [ 10 ], [ 15 ], [ 21 ], [ 28 ], [ 36 ], [ 45 ], [ 55 ] ]
#### <a name="executemanyobjects"></a> Binding Objects with `executeMany()`
You can use `executeMany()` with [Oracle Database objects](#objects).
For example, given a procedure `myproc` that accepts and returns a
TYPE rectype IS RECORD (name VARCHAR2(40), pos NUMBER);
PROCEDURE myproc (p_in IN rectype, p_out OUT rectype);
END rectest;
This can be called like:
const RectypeClass = await connection.getDbObjectClass("RECTEST.RECTYPE");
const plsql = `CALL rectest.myproc(:inbv, :outbv)`;
// Input data
binds = [
{ inbv: { NAME: 'Car', POS: 56 } },
{ inbv: { NAME: 'Train', POS: 78 } },
{ inbv: { NAME: 'Bike', POS: 83 } }
options = {
bindDefs: {
inbv: { type: RectypeClass },
outbv: { type: RectypeClass, dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT },
result = await connection.executeMany(plsql, binds, options);
for (const b of result.outBinds) {
Each value to be bound to `inbv` is a record's data. The attribute
names correspond to the attributes of the PL/SQL record type using
Oracle Database's standard casing rules. Since `rectype` was created
with case insensitive names, these are represented as uppercase
attribute names in the JavaScript objects
See [examples/plsqlrecord.js][141] for a runnable sample.
## <a name="transactionmgt"></a> 23. Transaction Management
By default, [DML][14] statements are not committed in node-oracledb.
The node-oracledb add-on implements [`commit()`](#commit) and
[`rollback()`](#rollback) methods that can be used to explicitly
control transactions.
If the [`autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) flag is set to *true*, then
a commit occurs at the end of each `execute()` call. Unlike an
explicit `commit()`, this does not require a [round-trip](#roundtrips)
to the database. For maximum efficiency, set `autoCommit` to *true*
for the last `execute()` call of a transaction in preference to using
an additional, explicit `commit()` call.
When a connection is released, any ongoing transaction will be rolled
back. Therefore if a released, pooled connection is re-used by a
subsequent [`pool.getConnection()`](#getconnectionpool) call (or
[`oracledb.getConnection()`](#getconnectiondb) call that uses a pool),
then any DML statements performed on the obtained connection are
always in a new transaction.
When an application ends, any uncommitted transaction on a connection
will be rolled back.
Note: Oracle Database will implicitly commit when a [DDL][15]
statement is executed irrespective of the value of `autoCommit`.
## <a name="stmtcache"></a> 24. Statement Caching
Node-oracledb's [`execute()`](#execute) and
[`queryStream()`](#querystream) methods use the [Oracle Call Interface
statement cache][61] to make re-execution of statements efficient.
This cache removes the need for the separate 'prepare' or 'parse'
method which is sometimes seen in other Oracle APIs: there is no
separate method in node-oracledb.
Each non-pooled connection and each session in the connection pool has
its own cache of statements with a default size of 30. Statement
caching lets cursors be used without re-parsing the statement.
Statement caching also reduces meta data transfer costs between the
node-oracledb and the database. Performance and scalability are
In general, set the statement cache to the size of the working set of
statements being executed by the application.
Statement caching can be disabled by setting the size to 0. Disabling
the cache may be beneficial when the quantity or order of statements
causes cache entries to be flushed before they get a chance to be
reused. For example if there are more distinct statements than cache
slots, and the order of statement execution causes older statements to
be flushed from the cache before the statements are re-executed.
The statement cache size can be set globally with [stmtCacheSize](#propdbstmtcachesize):
oracledb.stmtCacheSize = 40;
The value can be overridden in an `oracledb.getConnection()` call:
const mypw = ... // the hr schema password
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : mypw,
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1",
stmtCacheSize : 40
The value can also be overridden in the `poolAttrs` parameter to
the [`createPool()`](#createpool) method.
With Oracle Database 12c, or later, the statement cache size can be
automatically tuned with the [Oracle Client Configuration](#oraaccess)
`oraaccess.xml` file.
To manually tune the statement cache size, monitor general application
load and the [Automatic Workload Repository][62] (AWR) "bytes sent via SQL*Net to client" values. The
latter statistic should benefit from not shipping statement metadata
to node-oracledb. Adjust the statement cache size to your
## <a name="cqn"></a> 25. Continuous Query Notification (CQN)
[Continuous Query Notification (CQN)][99] lets node-oracledb
applications register a JavaScript method that is invoked when changed
data is committed to the database, regardless of the user or the
application that made the change. For example your application may be
interested in knowing if a table used for lookup data has changed so
the application can update a local cache of that table.
CQN is suitable for infrequently modified tables. It is recommended
to avoid frequent subscription and unsubscription.
The connection must be created with [`events`](#propdbevents) mode
The database must be able to connect to the node-oracledb machine for
notifications to be received. Typically this means that the machine
running node-oracledb needs a fixed IP address. Note
`connection.subscribe()` does not verify that this reverse connection
is possible. If there is any problem sending a notification, then the
callback method will not be invoked. The configuration options can
include an [`ipAddress`](#consubscribeoptipaddress) and
[`port`](#consubscribeoptport) on which to listen for notifications,
otherwise the database chooses values.
To register interest in database changes, the
[`connection.subscribe()`](#consubscribe) method is passed an
arbitrary name and an [`options`](#consubscribeoptions) object that
controls notification. In particular `options` contains a valid SQL
query and a JavaScript callback:
function myCallback(message) {
const options = {
sql : `SELECT * FROM mytable`, // query of interest
callback : myCallback // method called by notifications
await connection.subscribe('mysub', options);
In this example, whenever a change to `mytable` is committed then
`myCallback()` is invoked. The callback
[`message`](#consubscribeoptcallback) parameter contains information
about the notification.
CQN notification behavior is widely configurable by the subscription
[`options`](#consubscribeoptions). Choices include specifying what
types of SQL should trigger a notification, whether notifications
should survive database loss, and control over unsubscription. You
can also choose whether notification messages will include ROWIDs of
affected rows.
The `connection.subscribe()` method may be called multiple times with
the same `name`. In this case, the second and subsequent invocations
ignore all `options` properties other than
[`sql`](#consubscribeoptsql) and [`binds`](#consubscribeoptbinds).
Instead, the new SQL statement is registered to the same subscription,
and the same JavaScript notification callback is used. For
performance reasons this can be preferable to creating a new
subscription for each query.
You can view information about registrations by querying views such
`USER_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_REGS` table. The `REGID` column can be
matched with the value contained in [`regid`](#consubscribecallback)
from the `connection.subscribe()` callback parameter. In the database
view `USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS`, the `REG_ID` column can be matched.
When notifications are no longer required, the subscription name can
be passed to [`connection.unsubscribe()`](#conunsubscribe).
By default, object-level (previously known as Database Change
Notification) occurs and the JavaScript notification method is invoked
whenever a database transaction is committed that changes an object
the query references, regardless of whether the actual query result
changed. However if the subscription option
[`qos`](#consubscribeoptqos) is
[`oracledb.SUBSCR_QOS_QUERY`](#oracledbconstantssubscription) then
query-level notification occurs. In this mode, the database notifies
the application whenever a transaction changes the result of the
registered query and commits. For example:
const options = {
sql : `SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE key > 100`, // query of interest
callback : myCallback, // method called by notifications
qos : oracledb.SUBSCR_QOS_QUERY // CQN
In this example, if a new `key` of 10 was inserted then no
notification would be generated. If a key wth `200` was inserted, then
a notification would occur.
Before using CQN, users must have appropriate permissions, for
Below is an example of CQN that uses object-level notification and
grouped notifications in batches at 10 second intervals. After 60
seconds, the notification callback is unregistered and no more
notifications will occur. The quality of service flags indicate
ROWIDs should be returned in the callback:
let interval = setInterval(function() {
}, 5000);
function myCallback(message)
console.log("Message type:", message.type);
if (message.type == oracledb.SUBSCR_EVENT_TYPE_DEREG) {
console.log("Deregistration has taken place...");
console.log("Message database name:", message.dbName);
console.log("Message transaction id:", message.txId);
for (const table of message.tables) {
console.log("--> Table Name:",;
console.log("--> Table Operation:", table.operation);
if (table.rows) {
for (const row of table.rows) {
console.log("--> --> Row Rowid:", row.rowid);
console.log("--> --> Row Operation:", row.operation);
const options = {
sql : `SELECT * FROM mytable`,
callback : myCallback,
timeout : 60,
qos : oracledb.SUBSCR_QOS_ROWIDS,
groupingClass : oracledb.SUBSCR_GROUPING_CLASS_TIME,
groupingValue : 10,
groupingType : oracledb.SUBSCR_GROUPING_TYPE_SUMMARY
try {
// This is Node 8 syntax, but can be changed to callbacks
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection({
user : "hr",
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1",
events : true
await connection.subscribe('mysub', options);
console.log("Subscription created...");
} catch (err) {
If two new rows were inserted into the table and then committed,
output might be like:
Message type: 6
Message database name: orcl
Message transaction id: <Buffer 06 00 21 00 f5 0a 00 00>
--> Table Name: CJ.MYTABLE
--> Table Operation: 2
--> --> Row Rowid: AAAVH6AAMAAAAHjAAW
--> --> Row Operation: 2
--> --> Row Rowid: AAAVH6AAMAAAAHjAAX
--> --> Row Operation: 2
Here, the message type 6 corresponds to
and the row operations of 2 correspond to
There are runnable examples in the GitHub [examples][3] directory.
## <a name="aq"></a> 26. Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ)
Oracle Advanced Queuing allows applications to use producer-consumer
message passing. Queuing is highly configurable and scalable,
providing a great way to distribute workloads. Messages can be queued
by multiple producers. Different consumers can filter messages.
Messages can also be transformed or propagated to queues in other
databases. Oracle AQ is available in all editions of the database,
and has interfaces in many languages, allowing different applications
to communicate. For more details about AQ and its options, refer to
the [Oracle Advanced Queuing User's Guide][129].
Node-oracledb APIs for AQ were introduced in node-oracledb 4.0. With
earlier versions, use AQ's PL/SQL interface.
Oracle Advanced Queues are represented in node-oracledb by several
classes. A single top level [AqQueue object](#aqqueueclass) in
node-oracledb contains [`deqOptions`](#aqqueuedeqopts) and
[`enqOptions`](#aqqueueenqopts) object properties which can be used to
change queue behavior. A single AqQueue object can be used for
enqueuing, or dequeuing, or both at the same time.
Messages are enqueued by passing them to an enqueue method directly,
or by wrapping them in a [JavaScript object](#aqjsmessage). Dequeued
messages are returned as an [AqMessage object](#aqmessageclass).
The following examples show how to enqueue and dequeue messages in
node-oracledb. Before using a queue in node-oracledb, it must be
created in the database using the DBMS_AQADM PL/SQL package. For
these examples, create a new Oracle user `demoqueue` with permission
to create and use queues. Connect in SQL*Plus as SYSDBA and run:
CREATE USER demoqueue IDENTIFIED BY &password;
When you have finished testing, remove the DEMOQUEUE schema.
### <a name="aqrawexample"></a> 26.1 Sending Simple AQ Messages
To create a queue for simple messaging, use SQL*Plus to connect as the
new DEMOQUEUE user and run:
-- Create and start a queue
To enqueue a single, simple message, run:
const queueName = "DEMO_RAW_QUEUE";
const queue = await connection.getQueue(queueName);
await queue.enqOne("This is my message");
await connection.commit();
Messages can be passed directly to `enqOne()` as shown above.
Alternatively they can be the `payload` property of a JavaScript
object passed to `enqOne()`, as shown in [Changing AQ
To dequeue a message, run:
const queueName = "DEMO_RAW_QUEUE";
const queue = await connection.getQueue(queueName);
const msg = await queue.deqOne();
await connection.commit();
By default, `deqOne()` will wait until a message is available.
The variable `msg` is returned as an [AqMessage
object](#aqmessageclass) which contains the message payload and other
metadata. String messages are encoded as UTF-8 Buffers. This example
displays `This is my message`.
See [`examples/aqraw.js`][142] for a runnable example.
### <a name="aqobjexample"></a> 26.2 Sending Oracle Database Object AQ Messages
You can use AQ to send Database Object payloads by using [DbObject
Class](#dbobjectclass) objects as the message.
The message in this example is an object containing a name and
address. To create a payload type and to start a queue, connect as
the new `demoqueue` user and run:
-- For the data we want to queue
-- Create and start a queue
In the [previous section](#aqrawexample) the `QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE` was 'RAW'
but here the Oracle Database object type name `DEMOQUEUE.USER_ADDRESS_TYPE` is used.
In node-oracledb, a queue is initialized for that type:
const queueName = "ADDR_QUEUE";
const queue = await connection.getQueue(queueName, {payloadType: "DEMOQUEUE.USER_ADDRESS_TYPE"});
For efficiency, it is recommended to use a fully qualified name for
the type.
A [DbObject](#dbobjectclass) for the message is created and queued:
const message = new queue.payloadTypeClass(
NAME: "scott",
ADDRESS: "The Kennel"
await queue.enqOne(message);
await connection.commit();
Dequeuing objects is done with:
const queue = await connection.getQueue(queueName, {payloadType: "DEMOQUEUE.USER_ADDRESS_TYPE"});
const msg = await queue.deqOne();
await connection.commit();
By default, `deqOne()` will wait until a message is available.
The message can be printed:
const o = msg.payload;
See [`examples/aqobjects.js`][143] for a runnable example.
### <a name="aqoptions"></a> 26.3 Changing AQ options
The [AqQueue](#aqqueueclass) object created by calling
[`connection.getQueue()`](#getqueue) contains
[`enqOptions`](#aqqueueenqopts) and [`deqOptions`](#aqqueuedeqopts)
attribute objects that can be configured. These options can be
changed before each enqueue or dequeue call.
Messages that are enqueued can also contain properties, such as an
expiration. Instead of passing a message String, Buffer or DbObject
directly to `enqOne()`, a `payload` property of a [JavaScript
object](#aqjsmessage) is set to the message. Other object properties
control the message behavior. For example to expire a message after
five seconds if it hasn't been dequeued:
const message = {
expiration: 5,
payload: "This is my message"
const queueName = "DEMO_RAW_QUEUE";
const queue = await connection.getQueue(queueName);
await queue.enqOne(message);
await connection.commit();
For RAW queues the `payload` value can be a String or Buffer. For
object queues `payload` can be a [DbObject](#dbobjectclass) object.
To change the enqueue behavior of a queue, alter the
[`enqOptions`](#aqqueueenqopts) attributes. For example to make a
message buffered, and not persistent:
const queueName = "DEMO_RAW_QUEUE";
const queue = await connection.getQueue(queueName);
queue.enqOptions.deliveryMode = oracledb.AQ_MSG_DELIV_MODE_BUFFERED;
await queue.enqOne(message);
await connection.commit();
To send a message immediately without requiring a commit, you can
change the queue's message visibility:
const queueName = "DEMO_RAW_QUEUE";
const queue = await connection.getQueue(queueName);
queue.enqOptions.visibility = oracledb.AQ_VISIBILITY_IMMEDIATE;
await queue.enqOne(message);
To change the queue behavior when dequeuing, alter the
[`deqOptions`](#aqqueuedeqopts) attributes. For example, to change
the visibility of the message (so no explicit commit is required after
dequeuing a message) and to continue without blocking if the queue is
const queueName = "DEMO_RAW_QUEUE";
const queue = await connection.getQueue(queueName);
queue.deqOptions.visibility = oracledb.AQ_VISIBILITY_IMMEDIATE;
queue.deqOptions.wait = oracledb.AQ_DEQ_NO_WAIT;
await msg = queue.deqOne();
To change multiple properties at once, you can also use syntax like:
mode: oracledb.AQ_DEQ_MODE_BROWSE,
visibility: oracledb.AQ_VISIBILITY_IMMEDIATE,
wait: 10
See [`examples/aqoptions.js`][144] for a runnable example.
### <a name="aqmultiplemessages"></a> 26.4 Enqueuing and Dequeuing Multiple Messages
Enqueuing multiple messages in one operation is similar to the basic
examples. However, instead of passing a single message to
[`queue.enqOne()`](#aqqueuemethodenqone), the
[`queue.enqMany()`](#aqqueuemethodenqmany) method is passed an array
of messages:
const queueName = "DEMO_RAW_QUEUE";
const queue = await connection.getQueue(queueName);
const messages = [
"Message 1",
"Message 2",
"Message 3",
"Message 4"
await queue.enqMany(messages);
await connection.commit();
Warning: see the advisory note in [`enqMany()`](#aqqueuemethodenqmany)
Multiple messages can be dequeued in one call with
[`queue.deqMany()`](#aqqueuemethoddeqmany). This method takes a
`maxMessages` parameter indicating the maximum number of messages that
should be dequeued in one call. Depending on the queue options, zero
or more messages up to the limit will be dequeued:
const queue = await connection.getQueue(queueName);
const messages = await queue.deqMany(5);
console.log("Dequeued " + messages.length + " messages");
for (const msg of messages) {
await connection.commit();
By default, `deqMany()` will wait until a message is available.
Each element of the `messages` array is an [AqMessage
object](#aqmessageclass), the same as returned by
See [`examples/aqmulti.js`][145] for a runnable example.
### <a name="aqnotifications"></a> 26.5 Advanced Queuing Notifications
The [`connection.subscribe()`](#consubscribe) method can be used to
register interest in a queue, allowing a callback to be invoked when
there are messages to dequeue. To subscribe to a queue, pass its name
to `subscribe()` and set the [`namespace`](#consubscribeoptnamespace)
option to `oracledb.SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_AQ`:
For example:
const queueName = "DEMO_RAW_QUEUE";
const subscrOptions = {
namespace: oracledb.SUBSCR_NAMESPACE_AQ,
callback: ProcessAqMessages
async function ProcessAqMessages() {
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(); // get connection from a pool
const queue = await connection.getQueue(queueName);
const msg = await queue.deqOne();
await connection.close();
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(); // get connection from a pool
await connection.subscribe(queueName, subscrOptions);
await connection.close();
See [Continuous Query Notification (CQN)](#cqn) for more information
about subscriptions and notifications.
AQ notifications require the same configuration as CQN. Specifically
the database must be able to connect back to node-oracledb.
## <a name="nls"></a> 27. Globalization and National Language Support (NLS)
Node-oracledb can use Oracle's [National Language Support (NLS)][68]
to assist in globalizing applications.
Node-oracledb always uses Oracle's AL32UTF8 character set internally.
Data will be converted between AL32UTF8 and the
database character set when it is inserted into, or queried from, the
database. The environment variable `NLS_LANG` can be used to
configure the Oracle 'client' (i.e. node-oracledb) language and territory only.
Oracle NLS environment variables, or statements like `ALTER SESSION`,
can be used to configure further aspects of node-oracledb data access
globalization. Examples are `NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS` (discussed in
[Fetching Numbers](#numberhandling)), and `NLS_DATE_FORMAT` (discussed
in [Fetching Numbers and Dates as String](#fetchasstringhandling)).
Refer to [NLS Documentation][69] for others.
To find the database character set, execute the query:
SELECT value AS db_charset
FROM nls_database_parameters
The general Oracle statement to find the 'client' character set is:
SELECT DISTINCT client_charset AS client_charset
FROM v$session_connect_info
In node-oracledb this will always show AL32UTF8.
## <a name="endtoend"></a> 28. End-to-end Tracing, Mid-tier Authentication, and Auditing
The Connection properties [action](#propconnaction),
[module](#propconnmodule), and [clientId](#propconnclientid) set
metadata for [end-to-end tracing][70]. The values can be tracked in
database views, shown in audit trails, and seen in tools such as
Enterprise Manager.
The `clientId` property can also be used by applications that do their
own mid-tier authentication but connect to the database using the one
database schema. By setting `clientId` to the application's
authenticated user name, the database is aware of who the actual end
user is. This can, for example, be used by Oracle [Virtual Private
Database][11] policies to automatically restrict data access by that
Applications should set the properties because they can greatly help
to identify and resolve unnecessary database resource usage, or
improper access.
The attributes are set on a [connection](#propdbconclass) object and
sent to the database on the next [round-trip](#roundtrips) from
node-oracledb, for example, with `execute()`:
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString : "localhost/orclpdb1"
connection.clientId = "Chris";
connection.module = "End-to-end example";
connection.action = "Query departments";
const result = await connection.execute(`SELECT . . .`);
While the connection is open the attribute values can be seen, for example with SQL*Plus:
SQL> SELECT username, client_identifier, action, module FROM v$session WHERE username = 'HR';
---------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
HR Chris Query departments End-to-end example
The values can also be manually set by calling
[`DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO`][71] procedures or
[`DBMS_SESSION.SET_IDENTIFIER`][72], however these cause explicit
[round-trips](#roundtrips), reducing scalability.
In general, applications should be consistent about how, and when,
they set the end-to-end tracing attributes so that current values are
recorded by the database.
Idle connections released back to a connection pool will retain the
previous attribute values of that connection. This avoids the overhead
of a round-trip to reset the values. The Oracle design assumption is
that pools are actively used and have few idle connections. After
getting a connection from a pool, an application that uses end-to-end
tracing should set new values appropriately.
When a Connection object is displayed, such as with `console.log()`,
the end-to-end tracing attributes will show as `null` even if values
have been set and are being sent to the database. This is for
architectural, efficiency and consistency reasons. When an already
established connection is retrieved from a local pool, node-oracledb
is not able to efficiently retrieve values previously established in
the connection. The same occurs if the values are set by a call to
PL/SQL code - there is no efficient way for node-oracledb to know the
values have changed.
The attribute values are commonly useful to DBAs. However, if knowing
the current values is useful in an application, the application should
save the values as part of its application state whenever the
node-oracledb attributes are set. Applications can also find the
current values by querying the Oracle data dictionary or using PL/SQL
procedures such as `DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.READ_MODULE()` with the
understanding that these require round-trips to the database.
#### The Add-on Name
The Oracle Database `V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO` view shows the version of
node-oracledb in use. This allows DBAs to verify that applications
are using the desired add-on version. For example, a DBA might see:
SQL> SELECT UNIQUE sid, client_driver
FROM v$session_connect_info
WHERE client_driver LIKE 'node-oracledb%'
---------- ------------------------------
16 node-oracledb : 2.2.0
33 node-oracledb : 2.2.0
Note if [`oracledb.connectionClass`](#propdbconclass) is set for a
non-pooled connection, the `CLIENT_DRIVER` value will not be set for
that connection.
## <a name="sodaoverview"></a> 29. Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA)
Oracle Database Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) is available in
node-oracledb through a set of NoSQL-style APIs. Documents can be inserted,
queried, and retrieved from Oracle Database using node-oracledb methods. By
default, documents are JSON strings.
The [Oracle Database Introduction to SODA][103] manual contains much
information relevant to using SODA. You can use Oracle SODA
implementations in Node.js, [Python][106], [Java][105], [PL/SQL][104]
or [Oracle Call Interface][107] to perform operations on documents of
nearly any kind (including video, image, sound, and other binary
content). Create, read, update and delete operations can be performed
via document key lookups, or by query-by-example (QBE)
SODA uses a SQL schema to store documents but you do not need to know
SQL or how the documents are stored. However, access via SQL does
allow use of advanced Oracle Database functionality such as analytics
for reporting.
Applications that access a mixture of SODA objects and relational
objects (or access SODA objects via SQL) are supported, but be aware
of the commit behavior, since any commit or rollback on a connection
will affect all work.
Node-oracledb uses the following objects for SODA:
- [SodaDatabase](#sodadatabaseclass): The top level object for
node-oracledb SODA operations. This is acquired from an Oracle
Database connection. A 'SODA database' is an abstraction, allowing
access to SODA collections in that 'SODA database', which then allow
access to documents in those collections. A SODA database is
analogous to an Oracle Database user or schema, a collection is
analogous to a table, and a document is analogous to a table row
with one column for a unique document key, a column for the document
content, and other columns for various document attributes.
- [SodaCollection](#sodacollectionclass): Represents a collection of
SODA documents. By default, collections allow JSON documents to be
stored. This is recommended for most SODA users. However optional
metadata can set various details about a collection, such as its
database storage, whether it should track version and time stamp
document components, how such components are generated, and what
document types are supported. See [Collection
Metadata](#sodaclientkeys) for more information. By default, the
name of the Oracle Database table storing a collection is the same
as the collection name. Note: do not use SQL to drop the database
table, since SODA metadata will not be correctly removed. Use the
[`sodaCollection.drop()`](#sodacolldrop) method instead.
- [SodaDocument](#sodadocumentclass): Represents a document.
Typically the document content will be JSON. The document has
properties including the content, a key, timestamps, and the media
type. By default, document keys are automatically generated. See
[SodaDocument Class](#sodadocumentclass) for the forms of
- [SodaDocumentCursor](#sodadocumentcursorclass): A cursor object
representing the result of the
[`getCursor()`](#sodaoperationclassgetcursor) method from a
[`find()`](#sodacollfind) operation. It can be iterated over to
access each SodaDocument.
- [SodaOperation](#sodaoperationclass): An internal object used with
[`find()`](#sodacollfind) to perform read and write operations on
documents. Chained methods set properties on a SodaOperation object
which is then used by a terminal method to find, count, replace, or
remove documents. This is an internal object that should not be
directly accessed.
### <a name="sodarequirements"></a> 29.1 Node-oracledb SODA Requirements
SODA is available to Node.js applications using Oracle Database 18.3 and above,
when node-oracledb uses Oracle Client 18.5 or Oracle Client 19.3, or later. The
SODA bulk insert methods [`sodaCollection.insertMany()`](#sodacollinsertmany)
and [`sodaCollection.insertManyAndGet()`](#sodacollinsertmanyandget) are in
Preview status.
To execute SODA operations, Oracle Database users require the SODA_APP
role granted to them by a DBA:
The `CREATE TABLE` system privilege is also needed. Advanced users
who are using Oracle sequences for keys will also need the `CREATE
SEQUENCE` privilege.
The general recommendation for SODA applications is to turn on
[`autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) globally:
oracledb.autoCommit = true;
If your SODA document write operations are mostly independent of each
other, this removes the overhead of explicit
[`connection.commit()`](#commit) calls.
When deciding how to commit transactions, beware of transactional
consistency and performance requirements. If you are inserting or
updating a large number of documents, you should turn `autoCommit` off
and issue a single, explicit [`connection.commit()`](#commit) after
all documents have been processed.
If you are not autocommitting, and one of the SODA operations in your
transaction fails, then your application must explicitly roll back the
transaction with [`connection.rollback()`](#rollback).
- SODA DDL operations do not commit an open transaction the way that SQL always does for DDL statements.
- When [`oracledb.autoCommit`](#propdbisautocommit) is *true*, most SODA methods will issue a commit before successful return.
- SODA provides optimistic locking, see [`sodaOperation.version()`](#sodaoperationclassversion).
### <a name="creatingsodacollections"></a> 29.2 Creating SODA Collections
The following examples use Node.js 8's
[async/await](#asyncawaitoverview) syntax, however callbacks can also
be used. There are runnable examples in the GitHub [examples][3]
Collections can be created like:
oracledb.autoCommit = true;
try {
const soda = connection.getSodaDatabase();
const collection = await soda.createCollection("mycollection");
const indexSpec = { "name": "CITY_IDX",
"fields": [ {
"path": "",
"datatype": "string",
"order": "asc" } ] };
await collection.createIndex(indexSpec);
} catch(err) {
This example creates a collection that, by default, allows JSON
documents to be stored. A non-unique B-tree index is created on the
`` path to improve search performance.
If the collection name passed to
[`createCollection()`](#sodadbcreatecollection) already exists, it
will simply be opened. Alternatively you can open a known, existing
collection with
Collections will be visible as tables in your Oracle Database
schema. Do not use DROP TABLE to drop these database tables, since
SODA metadata will not be correctly removed. Use the
[`sodaCollection.drop()`](#sodacolldrop) method instead. If you
accidentally execute DROP SQL, you should call `sodaCollection.drop()`
or execute the SQL statement `SELECT
See [SODA Client-Assigned Keys and Collection
Metadata](#sodaclientkeys) for how to create a collection with custom
### <a name="accessingsodadocuments"></a> 29.3 Creating and Accessing SODA documents
To insert a document into an opened collection, a JavaScript object
that is the document content can be used directly. In the following
example, it is the object myContent:
try {
const myContent = {name: "Sally", address: {city: "Melbourne"}};
const newDoc = await collection.insertOneAndGet(myContent);
// a system generated key is created by default
console.log("The key of the new SODA document is: ", newDoc.key);
} catch(err) {
See [`sodaCollection.insertOne()`](#sodacollinsertone) for more
For many users, passing your document content directly to the
[`insertMany()`](#sodacollinsertmany), or
[`insertManyAndGet()`](#sodacollinsertmanyandget) methods will be fine. System
generated values for the key and other document components will be added to the
stored SODA document. For cases where you want to insert Buffers or Strings, or
when you need more control over the SodaDocument, such as to use a
client-assigned key, then you can call the
[`sodaDatabase.createDocument()`](#sodadbcreatedocument) method and pass its
result to an insert or replace method, for example:
try {
myContent = {name: "Sally", address: {city: "Melbourne"}};
newDoc = soda.createDocument(myContent, {key: "123"});
await collection.insertOne(myContent);
} catch(err) {
Note: to use client-assigned keys, collections must be created with
custom metadata, see [SODA Client-Assigned Keys and Collection
To extract documents from a collection, the [`find()`](#sodacollfind)
method can be used to build a [SodaOperation](#sodaoperationclass)
object specifying the keys of desired documents, or searches can be
performed on JSON documents using query-by-example (QBE) methods.
Each document has a unique key. If the key for a document is "k1", the
document can be fetched like:
const myKey = "k1";
try {
const soda = connection.getSodaDatabase();
const collection = await soda.openCollection("mycollection");
const doc = await collection.find().key(myKey).getOne(); // A SodaDocument
const content = doc.getContent(); // A JavaScript object
console.log("Name: " +; // Sally
console.log("Lives in: " +; // Melbourne
} catch(err) {
The content of queried SodaDocument objects is only accessible via one
of the accessor methods [`getContent()`](#sodadocgetcontent),
[`getContentAsBuffer()`](#sodadocgetcontentasbuffer) or
[`getContentAsString()`](#sodadocgetcontentasstring). Which one to
use depends on the media type, and how you want to use it in the
application. By default, the media type is 'application/json'.
The [`find()`](#sodacollfind) method creates a SodaOperation object
used with method chaining to specify desired properties of documents
that a terminal method like [`getOne()`](#sodaoperationclassgetone) or
[`remove()`](#sodaoperationclassremove) then applies to.
Other examples of chained read and write operations include:
- To see if a document exists:
c = await col.find().key("k1").getOne();
if (c) then { . . .}
- To return a cursor that can be iterated over to get documents with
keys "k1" and "k2":
docCursor = await collection.find().keys(["k1", "k2"]).getCursor();
- To remove the documents matching the supplied keys
await collection.find().keys(["k1", "k2"])).remove();
- To remove the document with the key 'k1' and version 'v1':
await collection.find().key("k1").version("v1").remove();
The version field is a value that automatically changes whenever
the document is updated. By default it is a hash of the document's
content. Using [`version()`](#sodaoperationclassversion) allows
optimistic locking, so that the [`find()`](#sodacollfind) terminal
method (which is [`remove()`](#sodaoperationclassremove) in this
example) does not affect a document that someone else has already
modified. If the requested document version is not matched, then
the terminal operation will not impact any documents. The
application can then query to find the latest document version and
apply any desired change.
- To update a document with a given key and version. The new document
content will be the `newContent` object:
newContent = {name: "Fred", address: {city: "Melbourne"}};
await collection.find().key("k1").version("v1").replaceOne(newContent);
- To find the new version of an updated document:
const newContent = {name: "Fred", address: {city: "Melbourne"}};
const updatedDoc = await collection.find().key("k1").version("v1").replaceOneAndGet(newContent);
console.log('New version is: ' + updatedDoc.version);
- To count all documents, no keys are needed:
const n = collection.find().count();
The [`sodaCollection.find()`](#sodacollfind) operators that return documents
produce complete SodaDocument objects that can be used for reading document
content and attributes such as the key. They can also be used for passing to
methods like [`sodaCollection.insertOne()`](#sodacollinsertone),
[`sodaCollection.insertMany()`](#sodacollinsertmany), and
Note that for efficiency, the SodaDocuments returned from
[`sodaOperation.replaceOneAndGet()`](#sodaoperationclassreplaceoneandget), and
[`sodaCollection.insertManyAndGet()`](#sodacollinsertmanyandget) do not contain
document content. These SodaDocuments are useful for getting other document
components such as the key and version.
### <a name="sodaqbesearches"></a> 29.4 SODA Query-by-Example Searches for JSON Documents
JSON documents stored in SODA can easily be searched using
query-by-example (QBE) syntax with
`collection.find().filter()`. Filtering and ordering easily allows
subsets of documents to be retrieved, replaced or removed. Filter
specifications can include comparisons, regular expressions, logical,
and spatial operators, among others. See [Overview of SODA Filter
Specifications (QBEs)][108]
Some QBE examples are:
- To find the number of documents where 'age' is less than 30, the
city is San Francisco and the salary is greater than 500000:
const n = await collection.find().filter({"age": {"$lt": 30},
"": "San Francisco",
"salary": {"$gt": 500000}}).count();
- To return all documents that have an age less than 30, an address in
San Francisco, and a salary greater than 500000:
const docCursor = await collection.find().filter({"age": {"$lt": 30},
"": "San Francisco",
"salary": {"$gt": 500000}}).getCursor();
- Same as the previous example, but allowing for pagination of results
by only getting 10 documents:
const docCursor = await collection.find().filter({"age": {"$lt": 30},
"": "San Francisco",
"salary": {"$gt": 500000}}).skip(0).limit(10).getCursor();
To get the next 10 documents, the QBE could be repeated with the
`skip()` value set to 10.
- To get JSON documents with an "age" attribute with values greater
than 60, and where either the name is "Max" or where tea or coffee
is drunk.
const filterSpec = {"$and": [{"age": {"$gt": 60} },
{"$or": [{"name": "Max"},
{"drinks": {"$in": ["tea", "coffee"]}}]}]; };
const docCursor = await collection.find().filter(filterSpec).getCursor();
- The `$orderby` specification can be used to order any returned documents:
const filterSpec = {"$query": {"salary": {$between [10000, 20000]}},
"$orderby": {"age": -1, "name": 2}};
const docCursor = await collection.find().filter(filterSpec).getCursor();
This 'orderby abbreviated syntax' returns documents within a
particular salary range, sorted by descending age and ascending
name. Sorting is done first by age and then by name, because the
absolute value of -1 is less than the absolute value of 2 - not
because -1 is less than 2, and not because field age appears
before field name in the `$orderby` object.
An alternate `$orderby` syntax allows specifying the data types and
maximum number of string characters to be used for comparison.
See [Overview of QBE Operator $orderby][109].
- Documents that contain a [GeoJSON][110] geometry can be searched.
For example if the collection contained documents of the form:
{"location": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [33.7243, -118.1579]}}
Then a Spatial QBE like the following could be used to find documents within a 50 km range of a specified point:
const filterSpec = {"location" :
{"$near" :
{"$geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [34.0162, -118.2019]},
"$distance" : 50,
"$unit" : "KM"}}};
const docCursor = await collection.find().filter(filterSpec).getCursor();
See [Overview of QBE Spatial Operators][111].
### <a name="sodatextsearches"></a> 29.5 SODA Text Searches
To perform text searches through documents, a [JSON search index][149]
must be defined. For example:
await collection.createIndex({ name : "mySearchIdx");
See [SODA Index Specifications (Reference)][119] for information on
SODA indexing.
Documents in the indexed collection can be searched by running a
filter (QBE) using the [`$contains`][148] operator:
let documents = await collection.find().filter({item : { $contains : "books"}}).getDocuments();
This example will find all documents that have an `item` field
containing the string "books" (case-insensitive). For example, a
document that contained `{item : "Books by Brothers Grimm"}` would be
### <a name="sodaclientkeys"></a> 29.6 SODA Client-Assigned Keys and Collection Metadata
Default collections support JSON documents and use system generated
document keys. Various storage options are also configured which
should suit most users. Overriding the default configuration is
possible by passing custom metadata when a collection is created with
Metadata specifies things such as:
- Storage details, such as the name of the table that stores the
collection and the names and data types of its columns.
- The presence or absence of columns for creation time stamp,
last-modified time stamp, and version.
- Whether the collection can store only JSON documents.
- Methods of document key generation, and whether document keys are
client- assigned or generated automatically.
- Methods of version generation.
Note that changing storage options should only be done with care.
The metadata attributes are described in [SODA Collection Metadata Components][112].
Collection metadata in SODA is represented as a JavaScript object.
The default collection metadata specifies that a collection stores
five components for each document: key, JSON content, version,
last-modified timestamp, and a created-on timestamp. An example of
default metadata is:
"schemaName": "mySchemaName",
"tableName": "myCollectionName",
"name": "ID",
"sqlType": "VARCHAR2",
"maxLength": 255,
"assignmentMethod": "UUID"
"name": "JSON_DOCUMENT",
"sqlType": "BLOB",
"compress": "NONE",
"cache": true,
"encrypt": "NONE",
"validation": "STANDARD"
"name": "VERSION",
"method": "SHA256"
"name": "CREATED_ON"
"readOnly": false
See [Overview of SODA Document Collections][113] for more information
on collections and their metadata.
The following example shows how to create a collection that supports
keys supplied by the application, instead of being system
generated. Here, numeric keys will be used. The metadata used when
creating the collection will be the same as the above default metadata
with the [keyColumn][114] object changed. Here the type becomes
NUMBER and the [assignment method][115] is noted as client-assigned:
const mymetadata = { . . . }; // the default metadata shown above
// update the keyColumn info
mymetadata.keyColumn =
"name": "ID",
"sqlType": "NUMBER",
"assignmentMethod": "CLIENT"
// Set schemaName to the connected user
mymetadata.schemaName = 'HR';
This custom metadata is then used when creating the collection:
oracledb.autoCommit = true;
try {
const soda = connection.getSodaDatabase();
const collection = await soda.createCollection("mycollection", { metaData: mymetadata});
const indexSpec = { "name": "CITY_IDX",
"fields": [ {
"path": "",
"datatype": "string",
"order": "asc" } ] };
await collection.createIndex(indexSpec);
} catch(err) {
To insert a document into the collection, a key must be supplied by
the application. Note it is set to a string:
try {
const myContent = {name: "Sally", address: {city: "Melbourne"}};
const newDoc = soda.createDocument(myContent, {key: "123"});
await collection.insertOne(newDoc);
} catch(err) {
### <a name="sodajsondataguide"></a> 29.7 JSON Data Guides in SODA
SODA exposes Oracle Database's [JSON data guide][116] feature. This
lets you discover information about the structure and content of JSON
documents by giving details such as property names, data types and
data lengths. In SODA, it can be useful for exploring the schema of a
To get a data guide in SODA, the collection must be JSON-only and have
a [JSON Search index](#sodacollcreateindex) where the `"dataguide"`
option is `"on"`. Data guides are returned from
[`sodaCollection.getDataGuide()`](#sodacollgetdataguide) as JSON
content in a [SodaDocument](#sodadocumentclass). The data guide is
inferred from the collection as it currently is. As a collection
grows and documents change, a new data guide may be returned each
subsequent time `getDataGuide()` is called.
As an example, suppose a collection was created with default settings,
meaning it can store JSON content. If the collection contained these
{"name": "max", "country": "ukraine"}
{"name": "chris", "country": "australia"}
{"name": "venkat" , "country": "india"}
{"name": "anthony", "country": "canada"}
Then the following code:
const await createIndex({"name": "myIndex"}); // dataguide is "on" by default
const doc = await sodaCollection.getDataGuide();
const dg = doc.getContentAsString();
Will display the data guide:
This indicates that the collection documents are JSON objects, and
currently have "name" and "country" fields. The types ("string" in
this case) and lengths of the values of these fields are listed. The
"preferred_column_name" fields can be helpful for advanced users who
want to define SQL views over JSON data. They suggest how to name the
columns of a view.
## <a name="roundtrips"></a> 30. Database Round-trips
Along with tuning an application's architecture and tuning its SQL
statements, a general performance and scalability goal is to minimize
[round-trips][124]. A round-trip is defined as the trip from the
Oracle client libraries (used by node-oracledb) to the database and
Some general tips for reducing round-trips are:
- Tune [`fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize).
- Use [`executeMany()`](#executemany) for optimal DML execution.
- Only commit when necessary. Use [`autoCommit`](#propexecautocommit) on the last statement of a transaction.
- Avoid over pinging with [``](#connectionping) or by setting [`poolPingInterval`](#proppoolpoolpinginterval) too low.
- For connection pools, use a callback to set connection state, see [Connection Tagging and Session State](#connpooltagging)
- Make use of PL/SQL procedures which execute multiple SQL statements instead of executing them individually from node-oracledb.
Oracle's [Automatic Workload Repository][62] (AWR) reports show
'SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client' and are useful for finding the
overall behavior of a system.
Sometimes you may wish to find the number of round-trips used for a
specific application. Snapshots of the `V$SESSTAT` view taken before
and after doing some work can be used for this.
First, find the session id of the current connection:
const r = await connection.execute(`SELECT sys_context('userenv','sid') FROM dual`);
const sid = r.rows[0][0]; // session id
This can be used with `V$SESSTAT` to find the current number of
round-trips. A second connection is used to avoid affecting the
count. If your user doesn't have access to the V$ views, then use a
SYSTEM connection:
async function getRT(sid) {
let systemconnection;
try {
systemconnection = await oracledb.getConnection(
'system', process.env.SYSTEMPASSWORD, 'localhost/orclpdb1');
const result = await systemconnection.execute(
`SELECT ss.value
FROM v$sesstat ss, v$statname sn
WHERE ss.sid = :sid
AND ss.statistic# = sn.statistic#
AND LIKE '%roundtrip%client%'`,
return (result.rows[0]);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
if (systemconnection) {
try {
await systemconnection.close();
} catch (err) {
The main part of the application performs the "work" and calls
`getRT()` to calculate the number of round-trips the work takes:
let before, after;
// Multiple execute() calls with explicit commit()
before = await getRT(sid);
const bindArray = [
[1, 'Victory'],
[2, 'Beagle'],
for (const binds of bindArray) {
await connection.execute(
`INSERT INTO ships (id, name) values (:i, :n)`,
after = await getRT(sid);
console.log('Round-trips required: ' + (after - before)); // 3 round-trips
// executeMany() with autoCommit
before = await getRT(sid);
const options = {
autoCommit: true,
bindDefs: [
{ type: oracledb.NUMBER },
{ type: oracledb.STRING, maxSize: 20 }
`INSERT INTO ships (id, name) values (:1, :2)`,
[1, 'Victory'],
[2, 'Beagle'],
after = await getRT(sid);
console.log('Round-trips required: ' + (after - before)); // 1 round-trip
## <a name="bindtrace"></a> <a name="tracingsql"></a> 31. Tracing SQL and PL/SQL Statements
#### End-to-End Tracing
Applications that have implemented [End-to-end Tracing](#endtoend)
calls such as [action](#propconnaction) and [module](#propconnmodule),
will make it easier in database monitoring tools to identify SQL
statement execution.
#### Tracing Executed Statements
Database statement tracing is commonly used to identify performance
issues. Oracle Database trace files can be analyzed after statements
are executed. Tracing can be enabled in various ways at a database
system or individual session level. Refer to [Oracle Database Tuning
documentation][95]. Setting a customer identifier is recommended to
make searching for relevant log files easier:
ALTER SESSION SET tracefile_identifier='My-identifier' SQL_TRACE=TRUE
In node-oracledb itself, the [ODPI-C tracing capability][75] can be
used to log executed statements to the standard error stream. Before
executing Node.js, set the environment variable `DPI_DEBUG_LEVEL`
to 16. At a Windows command prompt, this could be done with `set
DPI_DEBUG_LEVEL=16`. On Linux, you might use:
node myapp.js 2> log.txt
For an application that does a single query, the log file might
contain a tracing line consisting of the prefix 'ODPI', a thread
identifier, a timestamp, and the SQL statement executed:
ODPI [6905309] 2017-09-13 09:02:46.140: SQL select sysdate from dual where :b = 1
#### Tracing Bind Values
Sometimes it is useful to trace the bind data values that have been
used when executing statements. Several methods are available.
In the Oracle Database, the view [`V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE`][76] can
capture bind information. Tracing with Oracle Database's
[`DBMS_MONITOR.SESSION_TRACE_ENABLE()`][77] may also be useful.
You can also write your own wrapper around `execute()` and log any
#### Other Tracing Utilities
PL/SQL users may be interested in using [PL/Scope][78].
## <a name="programstyles"></a> 32. Node.js Programming Styles and node-oracledb supports [callbacks](#callbackoverview),
[Promises](#promiseoverview), and Node.js 8's
[async/await](#asyncawaitoverview) styles of programming. The latter
is recommended.
### <a name="callbackoverview"></a> <a name="examplequerycb"></a> 32.1 Callbacks and node-oracledb
Node-oracledb supports callbacks.
// myscript.js
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const mypw = ... // set mypw to the hr schema password
user : "hr",
password : mypw
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1"
function(err, connection) {
if (err) {
`SELECT manager_id, department_id, department_name
FROM departments
WHERE manager_id = :id`,
[103], // bind value for :id
function(err, result) {
if (err) {
function doRelease(connection) {
function(err) {
if (err)
With Oracle's sample HR schema, the output is:
[ [ 103, 60, 'IT' ] ]
### <a name="promiseoverview"></a> 32.2 Promises and node-oracledb
Node-oracledb supports Promises with all asynchronous methods. The native Promise
implementation is used.
If an asynchronous method is invoked without a callback, it returns a
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const mypw = ... // the user password
user : "hr",
password : mypw,
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1"
.then(function(connection) {
return connection.execute(
`SELECT department_id, department_name
FROM departments
WHERE manager_id < :id`,
[110] // bind value for :id
.then(function(result) {
return connection.close();
.catch(function(err) {
return connection.close();
.catch(function(err) {
With Oracle's sample HR schema, the output is:
[ [ 60, 'IT' ], [ 90, 'Executive' ], [ 100, 'Finance' ] ]
Notice there are two promise "chains": one to get a connection and the
other to use it. This is required because it is only possible to
refer to the connection within the function to which it was passed.
When invoking asynchronous methods, it is possible to accidentally
get a Promise by forgetting to pass a callback function:
user : "hr",
password : mypw,
connectString : "localhost/WRONG_SERVICE_NAME"
. . .
Since the returned promise will not have a catch block, as the
intention was to use the callback programming style, any rejections
that occur will go unnoticed. Node.js 4.0 added the
`unhandledRejection` event to prevent such rejections from going
process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => {
console.error("Unhandled Rejection at: ", p, " reason: ", reason);
// application specific logging, throwing an error, or other logic here
user : "hr",
password : mypw,
connectString : "localhost/WRONG_SERVICE_NAME"
. . .
Whereas the code without the `unhandledRejection` exception silently
exited, adding the handler could, for example, show:
$ node myapp.js
Unhandled Rejection at: Promise {
<rejected> [Error: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
] } reason: [Error: ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
For more information, see [How to get, use, and close a DB connection
using promises][73].
#### <a name="custompromises"></a> 32.2.1 Custom Promise Libraries
The Promise implementation is designed to be overridden, allowing a
custom Promise library to be used.
const mylib = require('myfavpromiseimplementation');
oracledb.Promise = mylib;
Promises can be completely disabled by setting
oracledb.Promise = null;
### <a name="asyncawaitoverview"></a> 32.3 Async/Await and node-oracledb
Node.js 7.6 supports async functions, also known as Async/Await. These
can be used with node-oracledb. For example:
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const mypw = ... // the hr schema password
function getEmployee(empid) {
return new Promise(async function(resolve, reject) {
let connection;
try {
connection = await oracledb.getConnection({
user : "hr",
password : mypw,
connectString : "localhost/XEPDB1"
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employee_id = :bv`,
} catch (err) { // catches errors in getConnection and the query
} finally {
if (connection) { // the connection assignment worked, must release
try {
await connection.release();
} catch (e) {
async function run() {
try {
const res = await getEmployee(101);
} catch (err) {
If you are using [Lob instances](#lobclass) for LOB data, then the
Lobs must be streamed since there is no Promisified interface for
them. Alternatively you can work with the data directly as Strings or
For more information, see [How to get, use, and close a DB connection
using async functions][74].
## <a name="migrate"></a> 33. Migrating from Previous node-oracledb Releases
Documentation about node-oracledb version 1 is [here][94].
Documentation about node-oracledb version 2 is [here][121].
Documentation about node-oracledb version 3 is [here][135].
### <a name="migratev1v2"></a> 33.1 Migrating from node-oracledb 1.13 to node-oracledb 2.0
When upgrading from node-oracledb version 1.13 to version 2.0:
- Review the [CHANGELOG][83].
- Installation has changed. Pre-built binaries are available for
common platforms. To build from source code, change your
package.json dependency to install from GitHub. Refer to
- Users of Instant Client RPMs must now always have the Instant Client
libraries in the library search path. Refer to [INSTALL][81].
- Users of macOS must now always have the Instant Client
libraries in `~/lib` or `/usr/local/lib`. Refer to [INSTALL][82].
- For queries and REF CURSORS, the internal buffer sizing and tuning
of round-trips to Oracle Database is now done with
[`fetchArraySize`](#propdbfetcharraysize). This replaces
[`prefetchRows`](#propdbprefetchrows), which is no longer used. It
also replaces the overloaded use of `maxRows` for
[`queryStream()`](#querystream). To upgrade scripts:
- Replace the property `prefetchRows` with `fetchArraySize` and make
sure all values are greater than 0.
- Tune `fetchArraySize` instead of `maxRows` for `queryStream()`.
- For [direct fetches](#fetchingrows), optionally tune
- For [direct fetches](#fetchingrows), optionally replace enormously
over-sized `maxRows` values with 0, meaning an unlimited number of
rows can be returned.
- For [direct fetches](#fetchingrows) that relied on the version 1
default value of [`maxRows`](#propdbmaxrows) to limit the number of
returned rows to 100, it is recommended to use an [`OFFSET` /
`FETCH`](#pagingdata) query clause. Alternatively explicitly set
`maxRows` to 100.
- Review and update code that checks for specific *NJS-XXX* or
*DPI-XXX* error messages.
- Ensure that all [ResultSets](#resultsetclass) and [LOBs](#lobclass)
are closed prior to calling
[`connection.close()`](#connectionclose). Otherwise you will get the
error *DPI-1054: connection cannot be closed when open statements or
LOBs exist*. (*Note*: this limitation was removed in node-oracledb 2.1)
- Test applications to check if changes such as the improved property
validation uncover latent problems in your code.
### <a name="migratev20v21"></a> 33.2 Migrating from node-oracledb 2.0 to node-oracledb 2.1
When upgrading from node-oracledb version 2.0 to version 2.1:
- If using the experimental `_close` method with [Query
Streaming](#streamingresults) in Node 8 or later:
- Change the method name from `_close()` to [`destroy()`][92].
- Stop passing a callback.
- Optionally pass an error.
### <a name="migratev23v30"></a> 33.3 Migrating from node-oracledb 2.3 to node-oracledb 3.0
When upgrading from node-oracledb version 2.3 to version 3.0:
- Review the [CHANGELOG][83]. Implement new features such as the
[`pool.close()`](#poolclose) `drainTime` parameter.
- If using a connection pool and Oracle Client libraries 12.2 or
later, tune [`oracledb.poolPingInterval`](#propdbpoolpinginterval),
since this property is now additionally used with these versions of
Oracle Client.
- Before migrating, ensure your application works with the [Connection
Pool Queue](#connpoolqueue), since this mode is always enabled in
node-oracledb 3.0 and the value of
[`oracledb.queueRequests`](#propdbqueuerequests) is ignored.
- Change code that relied on unused properties in objects such as the
`execute()` result being set to `undefined`. These properties are
no longer set in node-oracledb 3.
### <a name="migratev30v31"></a> 33.4 Migrating from node-oracledb 3.0 to node-oracledb 3.1
When upgrading from node-oracledb version 3.0 to version 3.1:
- Review the [CHANGELOG][83]. Implement new features such as the
Connection Pool
[`sessionCallback`](#createpoolpoolattrssessioncallback) to
efficiently set session state.
- Code that catches `require('oracledb')` errors to check
node-oracledb and the Oracle Client libraries are installed
correctly will need to be changed. In node-oracledb 3.1,
`require()` will always succeed if node-oracledb is installed even
if Oracle Client is not configured. To confirm that node-oracle
will be usable, access
[`oracledb.oracleClientVersion`](#propdboracleclientversion) or
or try opening a connection.
### <a name="migratev31v40"></a> 33.5 Migrating from node-oracledb 3.1 to node-oracledb 4.0
When upgrading from node-oracledb version 3.1 to version 4.0:
- Review the [CHANGELOG][83] and take advantage of new features.
- Update Node.js, if necessary. Node-oracledb 4.0 requires
- Node.js 8.16 or higher
- Node.js 10.16, or higher
- Node.js 12
- Review error handling. Some errors have changed. All exceptions
are now passed through the error callback.
- Code that relied on numeric values for the [node-oracledb Type
Constants](#oracledbconstantsnodbtype) and [Oracle Database Type
Constants](#oracledbconstantsdbtype) will need updating. Use the
constant names instead of their values.
- To view node-oracledb class information, update code to use `Object.getPrototypeOf()`.
- Optionally migrate [`outFormat`](#propdboutformat) constants to the
new, preferred names
[`OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY`](#oracledbconstantsoutformat) and