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# How To Contribute
So you want to contribute to the project. **THIS IS GREAT NEWS!** Seriously. We're
all pretty happy about this. Here's how to get started:
* [Getting Set Up To Contribute](#getting-set-up-to-contribute)
* [Adding a Cask](#adding-a-cask)
* [Testing Your New Cask](#testing-your-new-cask)
* [Finding a Home For Your Cask](#finding-a-home-for-your-cask)
* [Submitting Your Changes](#submitting-your-changes)
* [Cleaning up](#cleaning-up)
## Getting Set Up To Contribute
1. Fork the repository in GitHub with the 'Fork' button
2. Add your GitHub fork as a remote for your homebrew-cask Tap
$ github_user='<my-github-username>'
$ cd "$(brew --repository)"/Library/Taps/caskroom/homebrew-cask
$ git remote add "$github_user" "https://github.com/$github_user/homebrew-cask"
## Adding a Cask
Making a Cask is easy: a Cask is a small Ruby file.
### Examples
Here's a Cask for `Alfred.app` as an example. Note that you may repeat
the `link` stanza as many times as you need, to create multiple links:
class Alfred < Cask
version '2.3_264'
sha256 'a32565cdb1673f4071593d4cc9e1c26bc884218b62fef8abc450daa47ba8fa92'
url 'https://cachefly.alfredapp.com/Alfred_2.3_264.zip'
homepage 'http://www.alfredapp.com/'
link 'Alfred 2.app'
link 'Alfred 2.app/Contents/Preferences/Alfred Preferences.app'
Here is another Cask for `Unity.pkg`:
class Unity < Cask
version '4.5.4'
sha256 '6fb72bfacf78df072559dd9a024a9d47e49b5717c8f17d53f05e2fc74a721876'
url 'http://netstorage.unity3d.com/unity/unity-4.5.4.dmg'
homepage 'http://unity3d.com/unity/'
pkg 'Unity.pkg'
uninstall :pkgutil => 'com.unity3d.*'
And here is one for `Firefox.app`. Note that it has an unversioned download (the download `url` does not contain the version number, unlike the example above). It also suppresses the checksum with `sha256 :no_check` (necessary since the checksum will change when a new version is available). This combination of `version 'latest'` and `sha256 :no_check` is currently the preferred mechanism when an unversioned download link is available:
class Firefox < Cask
version 'latest'
sha256 :no_check
url 'https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-latest&os=osx&lang=en-US'
homepage 'https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/'
link 'Firefox.app'
### Naming the Cask
We try to maintain consistent naming for the benefit of our users.
The Cask **name** is the string people will use to interact with the Cask
via `brew cask install`, `brew cask search`, etc. The Cask **file**
is simply the Cask name with the extension `.rb` appended.
The easiest way to name a Cask is to run this command:
$ "$(brew --repository)/Library/Taps/caskroom/homebrew-cask/developer/bin/cask_namer" '/full/path/to/new/software.app'
If the software you wish to Cask is not installed, or does not have an
associated App bundle, just give the full proper name of the software
instead of a pathname:
$ "$(brew --repository)/Library/Taps/caskroom/homebrew-cask/developer/bin/cask_namer" 'Google Chrome'
If the `cask_namer` script does not work for you, see [Cask Naming Details](#cask-naming-details).
### The `brew cask create` Command
Once you know the name for your Cask, create it with the handy-dandy
`brew cask create` command.
$ brew cask create my-new-cask
This will open `$EDITOR` with a template for your new Cask. Hyphens in the
Cask name indicate case-changes in the class name, so the Cask name
'my-new-cask' becomes class `MyNewCask` stored in file `my-new-cask.rb`.
Running the `create` command above will get you a template that looks like
class MyNewCask < Cask
version ''
sha256 ''
url ''
homepage ''
link ''
### Cask Stanzas
Fill in the following stanzas for your Cask:
| name | value |
| ------------------ | ----------- |
| __cask metadata__ | information about the Cask (required)
| `url` | URL to the `.dmg`/`.zip`/`.tgz` file that contains the application (see also [URL Stanza Details](doc/CASK_LANGUAGE_REFERENCE.md#url-stanza-details))
| `homepage` | application homepage; used for the `brew cask home` command
| `version` | application version; give the value `'latest'` if an unversioned download is available
| `sha256` | SHA-256 checksum of the file downloaded from `url`, calculated by the command `shasum -a 256 <file>`. Can be suppressed for unversioned downloads by using the special value `:no_check`. (see also [Checksum Stanza Details](doc/CASK_LANGUAGE_REFERENCE.md#checksum-stanza-details))
| __artifact info__ | information about artifacts inside the Cask (can be specified multiple times)
| `link` | relative path to a file that should be linked into the `Applications` folder on installation (see also [Link Stanza Details](doc/CASK_LANGUAGE_REFERENCE.md#link-stanza-details))
| `pkg` | relative path to a `.pkg` file containing the distribution (see also [Pkg Stanza Details](doc/CASK_LANGUAGE_REFERENCE.md#pkg-stanza-details))
| `uninstall` | procedures to uninstall a Cask. Optional unless the `pkg` stanza is used. (see also [Uninstall Stanza Details](doc/CASK_LANGUAGE_REFERENCE.md#uninstall-stanza-details))
Additional stanzas you might need for special use-cases:
| name | value |
| ------------------ | ----------- |
| `prefpane` | relative path to a preference pane that should be linked into the `~/Library/PreferencePanes` folder on installation
| `colorpicker` | relative path to a ColorPicker plugin that should be linked into the `~/Library/ColorPickers` folder on installation
| `qlplugin` | relative path to a QuickLook plugin that should be linked into the `~/Library/QuickLook` folder on installation
| `font` | relative path to a font that should be linked into the `~/Library/Fonts` folder on installation
| `widget` | relative path to a widget that should be linked into the `~/Library/Widgets` folder on installation (ALPHA: DOES NOT WORK YET)
| `service` | relative path to a service that should be linked into the `~/Library/Services` folder on installation
| `binary` | relative path to a binary that should be linked into the `/usr/local/bin` folder on installation
| `input_method` | relative path to a input method that should be linked into the `~/Library/Input Methods` folder on installation
| `screen_saver` | relative path to a Screen Saver that should be linked into the `~/Library/Screen Savers` folder on installation
| `nested_container` | relative path to an inner container that must be extracted before moving on with the installation; this allows us to support dmg inside tar, zip inside dmg, etc.
| `caveats` | a string or Ruby block providing the user with Cask-specific information at install time (see also [Caveats Stanza Details](doc/CASK_LANGUAGE_REFERENCE.md#caveats-stanza-details))
Even more special-use stanzas are listed at [Optional Stanzas](doc/CASK_LANGUAGE_REFERENCE.md#optional-stanzas) and [Legacy Stanzas](doc/CASK_LANGUAGE_REFERENCE.md#legacy-stanzas).
### SourceForge URLs
SourceForge projects are a common way to distribute binaries, but they
provide many different styles of URLs to get to the goods.
We prefer URLs of this format:
This lets the project maintainers choose the best URL for download.
If the "latest" URL does not point to a valid file for a Mac app, then we
fall back to this format:
### Dropbox URLs
Some projects **officially** (meaning the URL is linked from the official website)
distribute binaries via Dropbox.
Occasionally, instead of a direct download link, they send you to a preview page.
In these cases, you need to manually change the URL.
For example this preview link:
More: https://www.dropbox.com/help/201/en
### Vendor URLs
When possible, it is best to use a download URL from the original developer
or vendor, rather than an aggregator such as macupdate.com.
### Cask Naming Details
If a Cask name conflicts with an already-existing Cask, authors should manually
make the new Cask name unique by prepending the vendor name. Example:
[unison.rb](../Casks/unison.rb) and [panic-unison.rb](../Casks/panic-unison.rb).
If possible, avoid creating Cask names which differ only by the placement of
To name a Cask manually, or to learn about exceptions for unusual cases, see [CASK_NAMING_REFERENCE.md](doc/CASK_NAMING_REFERENCE.md).
### Archives With Subfolders
When a downloaded archive expands to a subfolder, the subfolder name must be
included in the `link` value.
* Texmaker is downloaded to the file `TexmakerMacosxLion.zip`.
* `TexmakerMacosxLion.zip` unzips to a folder called `TexmakerMacosxLion`.
* The folder `TexmakerMacosxLion` contains the application `texmaker.app`.
* So, the `link` stanza should include the subfolder as a relative path:
link 'TexmakerMacosxLion/texmaker.app'
### Indenting
All Casks and code in the homebrew-cask project should be indented using two
spaces (never tabs).
## Testing Your New Cask
Give it a shot with `brew cask install my-new-cask`
Did it install? If something went wrong, `brew cask uninstall my-new-cask` and
edit your Cask to fix it.
If everything looks good, you'll also want to make sure your Cask passes audit
`brew cask audit my-new-cask --download`
If your application and homebrew-cask do not work well together, feel free to
[file an issue](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/issues) after checking
out open issues.
## Finding a Home For Your Cask
We maintain separate Taps for different types of binaries.
### Latest Stable Versions
Latest stable versions live in the main repository at [caskroom/homebrew-cask](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask).
Software in the main repo should run on the latest release of OS X or the previous
point release (currently: Mavericks and Mountain Lion).
### But There Is No Stable Version!
When an App is only available as an unstable version (e.g. beta, nightly), or in cases where such a version is
the general standard, then an "unstable" version can go into the main repo.
### Unstable, Development, or Legacy Versions
When an App already exists in the main repo, alternate versions can be Casked
and submitted to [caskroom/homebrew-versions](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-versions).
### Trial Versions
Before submitting a trial, please make sure it can be made into a full working version
without the need to be redownloaded. If an App provides a trial but the only way to buy the full version
is via the Mac App Store, it does not currently belong in any of the official repos.
### Unofficial Builds
When an App developer does not offer a binary download, please submit the
Cask to [caskroom/homebrew-unofficial](http://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-unofficial).
For a location to host unofficial builds, contact our sister project [alehouse](https://github.com/alehouse).
### Fonts
Font Casks live in the [caskroom/homebrew-fonts](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-fonts)
repository. See the font repo [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-fonts/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
for details.
## Submitting Your Changes
Hop into your Tap and check to make sure your new Cask is there:
$ cd "$(brew --repository)"/Library/Taps/caskroom/homebrew-cask
$ git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# Casks/my-new-cask.rb
So far, so good. Now make a feature branch that you'll use in your pull
$ git checkout -b my-new-cask
Switched to a new branch 'my-new-cask'
Stage your Cask with `git add Casks/my-new-cask.rb`. You can view the changes
that are to be committed with `git diff --cached`.
Commit your changes with `git commit -v`.
### Commit Messages
For any git project, some good rules for commit messages are
* the first line is commit summary, 50 characters or less,
* followed by an empty line
* followed by an explanation of the commit, wrapped to 72 characters.
See [a note about git commit messages](http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html)
for more.
The first line of a commit message becomes the **title** of a pull
request on GitHub, like the subject line of an email. Including
the key info in the first line will help us respond faster to
your pull.
For Cask commits in the homebrew-cask project, we like to include
the Application name, version number (or `'latest'`), and purpose of
the commit in the first line.
Examples of good, clear commit summaries:
* `Add Transmission.app v1.0`
* `Upgrade Transmission.app to v2.82`
* `Fix checksum in Transmission.app Cask`
* `Add CodeBox Latest`
Examples of difficult, unclear commit summaries:
* `Upgrade to v2.82`
* `Checksum was bad`
### Pushing
Push your changes to your GitHub account:
$ github_user='<my-github-username>'
$ git push "$github_user" my-new-cask
If you are using [GitHub two-factor authentication](https://github.com/blog/1614-two-factor-authentication)
and set your remote repository as HTTPS you will need to set up
a personal access token and use that instead your password.
See more on https://help.github.com/articles/https-cloning-errors#provide-access-token-if-2fa-enabled
### Filing a Pull Request on GitHub
Now go to *your* GitHub repository at
https://github.com/my-github-username/homebrew-cask, switch branch to your
topic branch and click the 'Pull Request' button. You can then add further
comments to your pull request.
Congratulations! You are done now, and your Cask should be pulled in or
otherwise noticed in a while.
### Squashing
If your pull request has multiple commits which revise the same lines of
code, it is better to [squash](http://davidwalsh.name/squash-commits-git) those commits together into one logical unit.
But you don't always have to squash -- it is fine for a pull request to
contain multiple commits when there is a logical reason for the separation.
## Cleaning up
After your Pull Request is away, you might want to get yourself back onto
`master`, so that `brew update` will pull down new Casks properly.
cd "$(brew --repository)"/Library/Taps/caskroom/homebrew-cask
git checkout master
Neat and tidy!
## Working On homebrew-cask Itself
If you'd like to hack on the Ruby code in the project itself, please
see [HACKING.md](doc/HACKING.md).
# <3 THANK YOU! <3