
16 KiB

GIMP Coding Style

This document describes the preferred coding style for the GIMP source code. It was strongly inspired by GNU's CODING_STYLE and developed from there.

Coding style is a matter of consistency, readability, and maintenance; coding style is also completely arbitrary and a matter of taste. This document will use examples at the very least to provide authoritative and consistent answers to common questions regarding the coding style and will also try to identify the allowed exceptions.

Table of contents

General rules

We recommend enabling the default git pre-commit hook that detects trailing whitespace and non-ASCII filenames for you and helps you to avoid corrupting GIMP's tree with it.

In the terminal, navigate into your GIMP source code folder. Then do that as follows (one command at a time):

  cp -v .git/hooks/pre-commit.sample .git/hooks/pre-commit
  chmod a+x .git/hooks/pre-commit

If any command above fails, visit your .git/hooks/ folder and check for the existence of pre-commit.sample or pre-commit files.

You might also find the git-stripspace utility helpful, which acts as a filter to remove trailing whitespace as well as initial, final, and duplicate blank lines.

Commit messages

Commit messages should follow the following rules:

  • Always provide informative titles. No one-word commits saying nothing like "bug fix", so that we can at least search through the git history if needed. It can still be short messages for very simple fixes: for instance "Fix typo" or "Fix small memory leak" are informative of the type of fix.
  • Prefix the title with the codebase section (i.e. the root folder usually) which was changed. For instance: libgimpbase: fix memory leak immediately tells us it was a memory leak fix in the libgimpbase library. If several sections are touched, list them with comma-separation.
  • Alternatively, when the change is a response to a bug report, you may prefix with Issue #123: (where #123 is the report ID) instead.
  • If the changed code itself is not self-explanatory enough, you can add longer change description (2 lines after the title) to explain more. It is not mandatory, but it is never unwelcome because old code exploration to understand why things were done (possibly years before by people long gone) is a real thing we do all the time. So if it's not obvious, explain us.
  • Explanations can also be made in the shape of links to a bug report (ours, or a third-party project tracker, or some manual), even though additional text explanations may still be useful (unfortunately URLs may change or disappear). If the link is to our own bug tracker, usually giving the ID is enough.
  • Same as for code, wrap your commit message to reasonable line widths, such as 72 or 80 maximum so that other contributors don't have to scroll horizontally on narrow vizualisation. There may be exceptions, for instance when pasting some error messages which may end up confusing when wrapped. But other than this, wrap your text (most git client would have a feature to do it for you).
  • If the title is too long because of the max-width settings, a common format is to break it with '…' and to continue the title 2 lines below. Then the description goes again 2 lines below.

Here is an example of a well formatted fix in the plug-ins/ section:

plug-ins: fix file-gih.

We currently cannot call gimp_pdb_run_procedure() for procedures
containing arrays because this C-type doesn't contain the size
information (which is in a second parameter but since the rule is not
hard-coded, our API can't know this).

See issue #7369.

Here is another as a response to a bug report and a long title:

Issue #6695: Wrong tab after JPG export because of "Show preview"…

… feature.

Using the new gimp_display_present() function in file-jpeg to make sure
the original display is back to the top.

If you want to see more good examples, this git command will list commits whose messages are generally well formatted: git log --author="Jehan\|mitch\|Jacob Boerema"

Dealing with the old code

The new GIMP code should adhere to the style explained below. The existing GIMP code largely follows these conventions, but there are some differences like extra or missing whitespace, tabs instead of space, wrong formatting, etc.

Our policy is to update the style of a code block or function if and only if you happen to touch that code.

Please don't waste your time and reviewers' time with merge requests or patches with only code style fixes unless you have push rights to the GIMP's repository.

Line width

The recommended line width for source files is 80 characters whenever possible. Longer lines are usually an indication that you either need a function or a pre-processor macro.

The point is to have clear code to read and not overly long lines. Don't break code into ugly and choppy parts to blindly follow this rule.

Function definitions in the function forward declaration block don't have to obey the 80 characters limit. The only general rule for headers is to align the function definitions vertically in three columns. See more information in Headers sections


Each new level is indented 2 or more spaces than the previous level:

  if (condition)
    single_statement ();

Use only space characters to achieve this. Code indented with tabs will not be accepted into the GIMP codebase.

Even if two spaces for each indentation level allow deeper nesting, GIMP favors self-documenting function names that can be quite long. For this reason, you should avoid deeply nested code.

Tab characters

Use \t instead of literal tab inside the source code strings.


Using blocks to group code is discouraged and must not be used in newly written code.

int   retval    = 0;
gbool condition = retval >= 0;

statement_1 ();
statement_2 ();

  /* discouraged in newly written code */
    int      var1 = 42;
    gboolean res  = FALSE;

    res = statement_3 (var1);
    retval = res ? -1 : 1;


Except for one single newline at the end of the file, other empty lines (at the beginning and the end) of a file are not allowed.

Always put a space before an opening parenthesis but never after:

  /* valid */
  if (condition)
    do_my_things ();

  /* valid */
  switch (condition)

  /* invalid */

  /* invalid */
  if ( condition )
    do_my_things ( );

Do not eliminate whitespace and newlines just because something would fit on 80 characters:

  /* invalid */
  if (condition) foo (); else bar ();

If-else code styling

Don't use curly braces for single statement blocks:

  /* valid */
  if (condition)
    single_statement ();
    another_single_statement (arg1);

In the case of multiple statements, put curly braces on another indentation level:

  /* valid */
  if (condition)
      statement_1 ();
      statement_2 ();
      statement_3 ();

  /* invalid */
  if (condition) {
    statement_1 ();
    statement_2 ();

  /* invalid */
  if (condition)
    statement_1 ();
    statement_2 ();

The "no block for single statements" rule has only three exceptions:

Both sides of the if-else statement must have curly braces when either side of this if-else statement has braces or when the single statement covers multiple lines, and it's followed by else or else if (e.g., for functions with many arguments).

  /* valid */
  if (condition)
      a_single_statement_with_many_arguments (some_lengthy_argument,
      another_single_statement (arg1, arg2);

② if the condition is composed of many lines:

  /* valid */
  if (condition1                 ||
      (condition2 && condition3) ||
      condition4                 ||
      (condition5 && (condition6 || condition7)))
      a_single_statement ();

③ In the case of nested if's, the block should be placed on the outermost if:

  /* valid */
  if (condition)
      if (another_condition)
        single_statement ();
        another_single_statement ();

  /* invalid */
  if (condition)
    if (another_condition)
      single_statement ();
    else if (yet_another_condition)
      another_single_statement ();


Do not check boolean values for equality:

  /* valid */
  if (another_condition)
    do_bar ();

  /* invalid */
  if (condition == TRUE)
    do_foo ();

Even if C handles NULL equality like a boolean, be explicit:

  /* valid */
  if (some_pointer == NULL)
    do_blah ();

  /* invalid */
  if (some_other_pointer)
    do_blurp ();

When conditions split over multiple lines, the logical operators should always go at the end of the line. Align the same level boolean operators to show explicitly which are on the same level and which are not:

  /* valid */
  if (condition1  &&
      condition2  &&
      (condition3 || (condition4 && condition5)))
      do_blah ();

  /* invalid */
  if (condition1
      || condition2
      || condition3)
      do_foo ();

Switch statement

A switch() should open a block on a new indentation level, and each case should start on the same indentation level as the curly braces, with the case block on a new indentation level:

  /* valid */
  switch (condition)
    case FOO:
      do_foo ();

    case BAR:
      do_bar ();

  /* invalid */
  switch (condition) {
    case FOO: do_foo (); break;
    case BAR: do_bar (); break;

  /* invalid */
  switch (condition)
    case FOO: do_foo ();
    case BAR: do_bar ();

  /* invalid */
  switch (condition)
      case FOO:
      do_foo ();
      case BAR:
      do_bar ();

It is preferable, though not mandatory, to separate the various cases with a newline:

  switch (condition)
    case FOO:
      do_foo ();

    case BAR:
      do_bar ();

      do_default ();

If a case block needs to declare new variables, the same rules as the inner blocks (see above) apply; place the break statement outside of the inner block:

  switch (condition)
    case FOO:
        int foo;

        foo = do_foo ();


Do not add default: case if your switch () is supposed to handle all cases.

Variables declaration and definition

Place each variable on a new line. The variable name must be right-aligned, taking into account pointers:

  /* valid */
  int         first  = 42;
  gboolean    second = TRUE;
  GimpObject *third  = NULL;

Blocks of variable declaration/initialization should align the variable names, allowing quick skimming of the variable list.


Function header has the return type on one line; the name starting in the first column of the following line. Prototype each parameter and place each on a new line.

In function names, each word must be lowercase and separated by an underscore.

In the function definition, place the return value on a separate line from the function name:

my_function (void)

The parameters list must be broken into a new line for each parameter, with the parameter names right-aligned, taking into account pointers:

my_function (some_type_t     some_param,
             another_type_t *a_pointer_param,
             final_type_t    final_param)

While curly braces for function definitions should rest on a new line they should not add an indentation level:

/* valid */
static void
my_function (int parameter)
  do_my_things ();

The alignment also holds when invoking a function:

  align_function_arguments (first_argument,

If your function name is very long, it's always better to extract arguments into separate variables to improve readability:

  /* valid */
  first_a  = argument_the_first;
  second_a = argument_the_second;
  a_very_long_function_name_with_long_arguments (first_a, second_a);

Keep the function name and the arguments on the same line. Otherwise, it will hurt readability.

  /* invalid */
    (argument_the_first, argument_the_second);


Try to avoid private macros unless strictly necessary. Remember to #undef them at the end of a block or a series of functions needing them.

Use inline functions instead of private macro definitions. Do not use public macros unless they evaluate to a constant.


GIMP source files should never include the global gimp.h header, but instead include the individual headers that are needed.

Includes must be in the following order:

  1. config.h first;
  2. System and third-party headers;
  3. GIMP library headers (libgimp* headers);
  4. GIMP core/app headers that it needs including its own;

Sort the includes within the blocks.

/* valid */
#include "config.h"

#include <gegl.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>

#include "libgimpbase/gimpbase.h"
#include "libgimpcolor/gimpcolor.h"

#include "core/gimp.h"
#include "core/gimpcontainer.h"

#include "gimpcolorpanel.h"
#include "gimpcontainerentry.h"


When declaring a structure type use newlines to separate logical sections:

  /* preferred for new code*/
  typedef struct
    gint  n_pages;
    gint *pages;

    gbool read_only;
  } Pages;

Memory management

To dynamically allocate data on the heap, use g_new(). To allocate memory for multiple small data structures, g_slice_new().

When possible, all public structure types should be returned fully initialized, either explicitly for each member or by using g_new0() or g_slice_new0().

As a general programming rule, it is better to allocate and free data on the same level. It is much easier to review code because you know that when you allocate something there, then you also free it there.

GeglBuffer *buffer;
void       *p;

*buffer = gegl_buffer_new (some, args);
*p      = g_new (something, n);

/* do stuff */

g_object_unref (buffer);
g_free (p);

When a transfer of ownership is unavoidable make it clear in the function documentation.

API Documentation

All public APIs must have proper gtk-doc comments. For functions, these should be placed in the source file directly above. These annotations are also relevant for GObject Introspection to generate bindings for other languages.

/* valid */
 * gimp_object_set_name:
 * @object: a #GimpObject
 * @name: the @object's new name (transfer none)
 * Sets the @object's name. Takes care of freeing the old name and
 * emitting the ::name_changed signal if the old and new name differ.
gimp_object_set_name (GimpObject  *object,
                      const gchar *name)



Doc comments for macros, function types, class structs, etc., should be placed next to the definitions, typically in headers.

Public API

Avoid exporting variables as public API since this is cumbersome on some platforms. It is always preferable to add getters and setters instead.

List all public functions alphabetically in the corresponding .def file.

  • app/gimpcore.def
  • libgimp/gimp.def
  • libgimpbase/gimpbase.def
  • etc