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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 XWiki CryptPad Team <> and contributors
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
This file is intended to be used as a log of what third-party source we have vendored, where we got it, and what modifications we have made to it (if any).
* [asciidoc.js 2.0.0]( with slight changes to match the format of other codemirror modes
* [Asciidoctor.js 2.2.6]( for AsciiDoc rendering
* [diffDOM 2.1.0]( with minor modifications
* [Fabricjs 4.6.0]( and [Fabric-history]( for the whiteboard app
* [highlightjs v10.2.0]( for syntax highlighting in our code editor
* [ical.js 1.4.0]( to manipulate ICS files for calendar import/export
* [jquery.ui 1.12.1]( for its 'autocomplete' extension which is used for our tag picker
* [jscolor v2.0.5]( for providing a consistent color picker across all browsers
* [less.min.js v3.11.1]( with a minor modification to produce slightly more compact CSS
* [mermaid 10.2.4]( extends our markdown integration to support a variety of diagram types
* [Moment v2.29.4]( for providing a date parser
* [our fork of tippy.js v1.2.0]( for adding tooltips.
* [pdfjs]( with some minor modifications to prevent CSP errors
* [qrcode.js]( from [this commit]( since the repo doesn't use tags
* [Rangy 1.3.0]( for cursor management. NOTE: [A CVE]( exists for this version but CryptPad isn't affected
* [Requirejs optional module plugin](
* [textFit.min.js v2.4.0 ]( to ensure that app names fit inside their icon containers on the home page
* [turndown v7.1.1]( built from unmodified source as per its build scripts.