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Migrating from v0.7.x

Agola versions after v0.7.x moved their internal db based on etcd and objectstorage to a standard external sql database (PostgreSQL or sqlite for single node deployments).

If you are going to update from a version <= v0.7.x you should do some manual steps to migrate the runservice and configstore data.

We suggest to test this migration on a test environment before doing this on your primary environment and keep backups.

  1. Ensure you're using or update to the latest v0.7.x

  2. Place somewhere the new agola > v0.7.x binary. In the next steps it'll be places in /tmp

  3. Keep only the runservice and configstore services active. Stop the agola gateway to avoid external activity that will be lost by the backups taken in the next steps.

  4. Take runservice and configstore backups

    curl -v http://$RUNSERVICEHOST:PORT/api/v1alpha/export > /tmp/runservice-export

    curl -v http://$CONFIGSTOREHOST:PORT/api/v1alpha/export > /tmp/configstore-export

  5. Generate the migrated data using the new agola binary migrateexport command:

    cat /tmp/runservice-export | ./tmp/agola migrateexport --service runservice > /tmp/runservice-migrated

    cat /tmp/runservice-export | ./tmp/agola migrateexport --service configstore > /tmp/configstore-migrated

  6. Update the agola binaries on your environment or use a test enviroment and start only the runservice and configstore.

  7. Update the agola config file and remove the runservice, configstore, notification service etcd entries and add the db entries. Every component should have its own dedicated database. DO NOT use the same database for all the services. For PostgresSQL it can be the same postgres instance but with different databases.

  8. Put the runservice and configstore in maintenance mode

    curl -v -XPUT http://$NEWRUNSERVICEHOST:PORT/api/v1alpha/maintenance

    curl -v -XPUT http://$NEWCONFIGSTOREHOST:PORT/api/v1alpha/maintenance

  9. Import the migrated data

    cat /tmp/runservice-migrated | curl -v -d @- http://$NEWRUNSERVICEHOST:PORT/api/v1alpha/import

    cat /tmp/configstore-migrated | curl -v -d @- http://$NEWCONFIGSTOREHOST:PORT/api/v1alpha/import

  10. Put the runservice and configstore in maintenance mode

    curl -v -XDELETE http://$NEWRUNSERVICEHOST:PORT/api/v1alpha/maintenance

    curl -v -XDELETE http://$NEWCONFIGSTOREHOST:PORT/api/v1alpha/maintenance

  11. Start the gateway and test if the migration was successfull

Migrating from db after commit 248a9e0ad and before v0.8.x

Use the same steps but provide the migrateexport option --source-version 248a9e0ad