365 lines
10 KiB
365 lines
10 KiB
from functools import reduce
from typing import List
import graphviz
import itertools
import inspect
from enum import Enum, unique
import random
class Block(Enum):
NULL = 0
F = 1
G = 2
H = 3
I = 4
class TLState(Enum):
TIP = 3
class DirtyState(Enum):
class HitState(Enum):
MISS = 0
HIT = 1
class ClientDir:
def __init__(self, tl_state, hit_state, block):
self.tl_state = tl_state
self.hit_state = hit_state
self.block = block
def __eq__(self, other):
tl_eq = self.tl_state == other.tl_state
hit_eq = self.hit_state == other.hit_state
block_eq = self.block == other.block
return tl_eq and hit_eq and block_eq
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.tl_state} {self.hit_state} {self.block}"
class SelfDir:
def __init__(self, tl_state, dirty_state, hit_state, client_tl_states, block):
self.tl_state = tl_state
self.dirty_state = dirty_state
self.hit_state = hit_state
self.client_tl_states = client_tl_states
self.block = block
def __eq__(self, other):
tl_eq = self.tl_state == other.tl_state
dirty_eq = self.dirty_state == other.dirty_state
hit_eq = self.hit_state == other.hit_state
block_eq = self.block == other.block
clients_eq = reduce(lambda a, b: a and b,
map(lambda a, b: a == b, self.client_tl_states, other.client_tl_states)
return tl_eq and dirty_eq and hit_eq and block_eq and clients_eq
def __str__(self):
client_str = ""
for i, s in enumerate(self.client_tl_states):
client_str += f"Client {i}: {s}\n"
return f"{client_str}Self: {self.tl_state} {self.dirty_state} {self.hit_state} {self.block}"
class BlockState:
def __init__(self, req_block, self_block, client_blocks):
self.req_block = req_block
self.self_block = self_block
self.client_blocks = client_blocks
def __str__(self):
req_str = f"req: {self.req_block}\n"
client_str = ""
for i, b in enumerate(self.client_blocks):
client_str += f"Client {i}: {b}\n"
self_str = f"Self: {self.self_block}\n"
return req_str + client_str + self_str
class DirState:
def __init__(self, self_dir, client_dirs):
self.self_dir = self_dir
self.client_dirs = client_dirs
self.id = -1
def __eq__(self, other):
self_eq = self.self_dir == other.self_dir
clients_eq = reduce(lambda a, b: a and b,
map(lambda a, b: a == b, self.client_dirs, other.client_dirs)
return self_eq and clients_eq
def __str__(self):
delim = "---------------------------------------------------\n"
client_str = "Client Dir:\n"
for i, c in enumerate(self.client_dirs):
client_str += f"Client {i}: {c}\n"
self_str = "Self Dir:\n" + str(self.self_dir) + "\n"
return delim + client_str + self_str + delim
def get_all_block_states():
block_states = []
blocks = list(Block)[1:] # NULL block is special
def dfs(idx, acc):
if len(acc) == len(blocks):
req_block, self_block = acc[:2]
client_blocks = acc[2:]
s = BlockState(req_block, self_block, client_blocks)
if idx != 0:
acc_next = acc.copy()
dfs(idx, acc_next)
for i in range(0, idx + 1):
acc_next = acc.copy()
if i == idx:
dfs(idx + 1, acc_next)
dfs(idx, acc_next)
dfs(0, [])
# for s in block_states:
# print(s)
# print(len(block_states))
return block_states
self_fields = [
client_fields = []
for i in range(0, NUM_CLIENTS):
def get_all_states(log=False):
all_states = []
for x in itertools.product(*self_fields):
self_state, dirty, hit, block_state = x[:4]
self_clients = x[4:]
self_dir = SelfDir(self_state, dirty, hit, self_clients, block_state.self_block)
for c in itertools.product(*client_fields):
client_dirs = [ClientDir(c[i], c[i + 1], block_state.client_blocks[i // 2]) for i in range(0, len(c), 2)]
new_state = DirState(self_dir, client_dirs)
if log:
if log:
print(f"states: {len(all_states)}")
return all_states
all_states = get_all_states()
print(f"all states: {len(all_states)}")
def lookup_state_id(s: DirState, lst: List[DirState]):
for x in lst:
if x == s:
return x.id
return -1
def invalid_filter(s: DirState):
if s.self_dir.tl_state != TLState.INVALID and s.self_dir.block == Block.NULL:
return False
if s.self_dir.tl_state == TLState.INVALID and s.self_dir.block != Block.NULL:
return False
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.tl_state != TLState.INVALID and c.block == Block.NULL:
return False
if c.tl_state == TLState.INVALID and c.block != Block.NULL:
return False
return True
def hit_filter(s: DirState):
if s.self_dir.hit_state == HitState.HIT:
# F is always req block
if s.self_dir.block != Block.F:
return False
if s.self_dir.tl_state == TLState.INVALID:
return False
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.hit_state == HitState.HIT:
if c.block != Block.F:
return False
if c.tl_state == TLState.INVALID:
return False
return True
def miss_filter(s: DirState):
if s.self_dir.hit_state == HitState.MISS:
if s.self_dir.block == Block.F:
return False
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.hit_state == HitState.MISS:
if c.block == Block.F:
return False
return True
def tilelink_filter(s: DirState):
# no Trunk in client dir
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.tl_state == TLState.TRUNK:
return False
for c in s.self_dir.client_tl_states:
if c == TLState.TRUNK:
return False
# no Branch on top of Trunk; there must be Tip on top of Trunk
if s.self_dir.tl_state == TLState.TRUNK:
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.block == s.self_dir.block and (c.tl_state == TLState.BRANCH):
return False
tipflag = False
for c in s.self_dir.client_tl_states:
if c == TLState.BRANCH:
return False
if c == TLState.TIP:
tipflag = True
if tipflag == False:
return False
# no Tip on top of Tip
if s.self_dir.tl_state == TLState.TIP:
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.block == s.self_dir.block and c.tl_state == TLState.TIP:
return False
for c in s.self_dir.client_tl_states:
if c == TLState.TIP:
return False
# one Tip at most; Tip repels Branch
for i in range(0, len(s.client_dirs) - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, len(s.client_dirs)):
if s.client_dirs[i].block == s.client_dirs[j].block:
if s.client_dirs[i].tl_state == TLState.TIP and s.client_dirs[j].tl_state == TLState.TIP:
return False
if s.client_dirs[i].tl_state == TLState.TIP and s.client_dirs[j].tl_state == TLState.BRANCH:
return False
if s.client_dirs[i].tl_state == TLState.BRANCH and s.client_dirs[j].tl_state == TLState.TIP:
return False
if s.self_dir.client_tl_states[i] == TLState.TIP and s.self_dir.client_tl_states[j] == TLState.TIP:
return False
if s.self_dir.client_tl_states[i] == TLState.TIP and s.self_dir.client_tl_states[j] == TLState.BRANCH:
return False
if s.self_dir.client_tl_states[i] == TLState.BRANCH and s.self_dir.client_tl_states[j] == TLState.TIP:
return False
# Branch cannot be dirty
if s.self_dir.tl_state == TLState.BRANCH and s.self_dir.dirty_state == DirtyState.DIRTY:
return False
return True
def client_miss_filter(s: DirState):
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.hit_state == HitState.MISS and c.tl_state != TLState.INVALID:
return False
return True
def self_client_filter(s: DirState):
if s.self_dir.hit_state == HitState.HIT:
for i in range(len(s.client_dirs)):
if s.self_dir.client_tl_states[i] != s.client_dirs[i].tl_state:
return False
return True
# if a block is NULL, we don't care:
# 1 dirty or clean
# 2 client state
def null_block_filter(s: DirState):
if s.self_dir.block == Block.NULL:
if s.self_dir.dirty_state != DirtyState.CLEAN:
return False
for c in s.self_dir.client_tl_states:
if c != TLState.INVALID:
return False
return True
def acquireToB_filter(s):
if s.client_dirs[0].block == Block.F and s.client_dirs[0].tl_state != TLState.INVALID:
return False
return True
def retrieve_name(var):
for fi in reversed(inspect.stack()):
names = [var_name for var_name, var_val in fi.frame.f_locals.items() if var_val is var]
if len(names) > 0:
return names[0]
def visualize(states):
dot = graphviz.Digraph()
for i, s in enumerate(states):
dot.node(str(i), str(s))
filters = [
for f in filters:
all_states = list(filter(f, all_states))
print(f"filter: {retrieve_name(f)} states: {len(all_states)}")
for i, s in enumerate(all_states):
s.id = i
example_state = DirState(
SelfDir(TLState.TRUNK, DirtyState.CLEAN, HitState.MISS,
[TLState.TIP, TLState.INVALID], Block.G),
ClientDir(TLState.INVALID, HitState.MISS, Block.NULL),
ClientDir(TLState.TIP, HitState.HIT, Block.F)
id = lookup_state_id(example_state, all_states)
print(f"node {id}:\n {all_states[id]}")