
365 lines
10 KiB

from functools import reduce
from typing import List
import graphviz
import itertools
import inspect
from enum import Enum, unique
import random
class Block(Enum):
NULL = 0
F = 1
G = 2
H = 3
I = 4
class TLState(Enum):
TIP = 3
class DirtyState(Enum):
class HitState(Enum):
MISS = 0
HIT = 1
class ClientDir:
def __init__(self, tl_state, hit_state, block):
self.tl_state = tl_state
self.hit_state = hit_state
self.block = block
def __eq__(self, other):
tl_eq = self.tl_state == other.tl_state
hit_eq = self.hit_state == other.hit_state
block_eq = self.block == other.block
return tl_eq and hit_eq and block_eq
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.tl_state} {self.hit_state} {self.block}"
class SelfDir:
def __init__(self, tl_state, dirty_state, hit_state, client_tl_states, block):
self.tl_state = tl_state
self.dirty_state = dirty_state
self.hit_state = hit_state
self.client_tl_states = client_tl_states
self.block = block
def __eq__(self, other):
tl_eq = self.tl_state == other.tl_state
dirty_eq = self.dirty_state == other.dirty_state
hit_eq = self.hit_state == other.hit_state
block_eq = self.block == other.block
clients_eq = reduce(lambda a, b: a and b,
map(lambda a, b: a == b, self.client_tl_states, other.client_tl_states)
return tl_eq and dirty_eq and hit_eq and block_eq and clients_eq
def __str__(self):
client_str = ""
for i, s in enumerate(self.client_tl_states):
client_str += f"Client {i}: {s}\n"
return f"{client_str}Self: {self.tl_state} {self.dirty_state} {self.hit_state} {self.block}"
class BlockState:
def __init__(self, req_block, self_block, client_blocks):
self.req_block = req_block
self.self_block = self_block
self.client_blocks = client_blocks
def __str__(self):
req_str = f"req: {self.req_block}\n"
client_str = ""
for i, b in enumerate(self.client_blocks):
client_str += f"Client {i}: {b}\n"
self_str = f"Self: {self.self_block}\n"
return req_str + client_str + self_str
class DirState:
def __init__(self, self_dir, client_dirs):
self.self_dir = self_dir
self.client_dirs = client_dirs = -1
def __eq__(self, other):
self_eq = self.self_dir == other.self_dir
clients_eq = reduce(lambda a, b: a and b,
map(lambda a, b: a == b, self.client_dirs, other.client_dirs)
return self_eq and clients_eq
def __str__(self):
delim = "---------------------------------------------------\n"
client_str = "Client Dir:\n"
for i, c in enumerate(self.client_dirs):
client_str += f"Client {i}: {c}\n"
self_str = "Self Dir:\n" + str(self.self_dir) + "\n"
return delim + client_str + self_str + delim
def get_all_block_states():
block_states = []
blocks = list(Block)[1:] # NULL block is special
def dfs(idx, acc):
if len(acc) == len(blocks):
req_block, self_block = acc[:2]
client_blocks = acc[2:]
s = BlockState(req_block, self_block, client_blocks)
if idx != 0:
acc_next = acc.copy()
dfs(idx, acc_next)
for i in range(0, idx + 1):
acc_next = acc.copy()
if i == idx:
dfs(idx + 1, acc_next)
dfs(idx, acc_next)
dfs(0, [])
# for s in block_states:
# print(s)
# print(len(block_states))
return block_states
self_fields = [
client_fields = []
for i in range(0, NUM_CLIENTS):
def get_all_states(log=False):
all_states = []
for x in itertools.product(*self_fields):
self_state, dirty, hit, block_state = x[:4]
self_clients = x[4:]
self_dir = SelfDir(self_state, dirty, hit, self_clients, block_state.self_block)
for c in itertools.product(*client_fields):
client_dirs = [ClientDir(c[i], c[i + 1], block_state.client_blocks[i // 2]) for i in range(0, len(c), 2)]
new_state = DirState(self_dir, client_dirs)
if log:
if log:
print(f"states: {len(all_states)}")
return all_states
all_states = get_all_states()
print(f"all states: {len(all_states)}")
def lookup_state_id(s: DirState, lst: List[DirState]):
for x in lst:
if x == s:
return -1
def invalid_filter(s: DirState):
if s.self_dir.tl_state != TLState.INVALID and s.self_dir.block == Block.NULL:
return False
if s.self_dir.tl_state == TLState.INVALID and s.self_dir.block != Block.NULL:
return False
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.tl_state != TLState.INVALID and c.block == Block.NULL:
return False
if c.tl_state == TLState.INVALID and c.block != Block.NULL:
return False
return True
def hit_filter(s: DirState):
if s.self_dir.hit_state == HitState.HIT:
# F is always req block
if s.self_dir.block != Block.F:
return False
if s.self_dir.tl_state == TLState.INVALID:
return False
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.hit_state == HitState.HIT:
if c.block != Block.F:
return False
if c.tl_state == TLState.INVALID:
return False
return True
def miss_filter(s: DirState):
if s.self_dir.hit_state == HitState.MISS:
if s.self_dir.block == Block.F:
return False
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.hit_state == HitState.MISS:
if c.block == Block.F:
return False
return True
def tilelink_filter(s: DirState):
# no Trunk in client dir
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.tl_state == TLState.TRUNK:
return False
for c in s.self_dir.client_tl_states:
if c == TLState.TRUNK:
return False
# no Branch on top of Trunk; there must be Tip on top of Trunk
if s.self_dir.tl_state == TLState.TRUNK:
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.block == s.self_dir.block and (c.tl_state == TLState.BRANCH):
return False
tipflag = False
for c in s.self_dir.client_tl_states:
if c == TLState.BRANCH:
return False
if c == TLState.TIP:
tipflag = True
if tipflag == False:
return False
# no Tip on top of Tip
if s.self_dir.tl_state == TLState.TIP:
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.block == s.self_dir.block and c.tl_state == TLState.TIP:
return False
for c in s.self_dir.client_tl_states:
if c == TLState.TIP:
return False
# one Tip at most; Tip repels Branch
for i in range(0, len(s.client_dirs) - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, len(s.client_dirs)):
if s.client_dirs[i].block == s.client_dirs[j].block:
if s.client_dirs[i].tl_state == TLState.TIP and s.client_dirs[j].tl_state == TLState.TIP:
return False
if s.client_dirs[i].tl_state == TLState.TIP and s.client_dirs[j].tl_state == TLState.BRANCH:
return False
if s.client_dirs[i].tl_state == TLState.BRANCH and s.client_dirs[j].tl_state == TLState.TIP:
return False
if s.self_dir.client_tl_states[i] == TLState.TIP and s.self_dir.client_tl_states[j] == TLState.TIP:
return False
if s.self_dir.client_tl_states[i] == TLState.TIP and s.self_dir.client_tl_states[j] == TLState.BRANCH:
return False
if s.self_dir.client_tl_states[i] == TLState.BRANCH and s.self_dir.client_tl_states[j] == TLState.TIP:
return False
# Branch cannot be dirty
if s.self_dir.tl_state == TLState.BRANCH and s.self_dir.dirty_state == DirtyState.DIRTY:
return False
return True
def client_miss_filter(s: DirState):
for c in s.client_dirs:
if c.hit_state == HitState.MISS and c.tl_state != TLState.INVALID:
return False
return True
def self_client_filter(s: DirState):
if s.self_dir.hit_state == HitState.HIT:
for i in range(len(s.client_dirs)):
if s.self_dir.client_tl_states[i] != s.client_dirs[i].tl_state:
return False
return True
# if a block is NULL, we don't care:
# 1 dirty or clean
# 2 client state
def null_block_filter(s: DirState):
if s.self_dir.block == Block.NULL:
if s.self_dir.dirty_state != DirtyState.CLEAN:
return False
for c in s.self_dir.client_tl_states:
if c != TLState.INVALID:
return False
return True
def acquireToB_filter(s):
if s.client_dirs[0].block == Block.F and s.client_dirs[0].tl_state != TLState.INVALID:
return False
return True
def retrieve_name(var):
for fi in reversed(inspect.stack()):
names = [var_name for var_name, var_val in fi.frame.f_locals.items() if var_val is var]
if len(names) > 0:
return names[0]
def visualize(states):
dot = graphviz.Digraph()
for i, s in enumerate(states):
dot.node(str(i), str(s))
filters = [
for f in filters:
all_states = list(filter(f, all_states))
print(f"filter: {retrieve_name(f)} states: {len(all_states)}")
for i, s in enumerate(all_states): = i
example_state = DirState(
SelfDir(TLState.TRUNK, DirtyState.CLEAN, HitState.MISS,
[TLState.TIP, TLState.INVALID], Block.G),
ClientDir(TLState.INVALID, HitState.MISS, Block.NULL),
ClientDir(TLState.TIP, HitState.HIT, Block.F)
id = lookup_state_id(example_state, all_states)
print(f"node {id}:\n {all_states[id]}")