Changelog ========= 1.0.0 ----- - Implemented scenario outlines (bubenkoff) 0.6.10 ----- - Fixed step arguments conflict with the fixtures having the same name (olegpidsadnyi) 0.6.9 ----- - Implemented support of Gherkin "Feature:" (olegpidsadnyi) 0.6.8 ----- - Implemented several hooks to allow reporting/error handling (bubenkoff) 0.6.6 ----- - Fixes to unnecessary mentioning of pytest-bdd package files in py.test log with -v (bubenkoff) 0.6.5 ----- - Compartibility with recent pytest (bubenkoff) 0.6.4 ----- - More unicode fixes (amakhnach) 0.6.3 ----- - Added unicode support for feature files. Removed buggy module replacement for scenario. (amakhnach) 0.6.2 ----- - Removed unnecessary mention of pytest-bdd package files in py.test log with -v (bubenkoff) 0.6.1 ----- - Step arguments in whens when there are no given arguments used. (amakhnach, bubenkoff) 0.6.0 ----- - Added step arguments support. (curzona, olegpidsadnyi, bubenkoff) - Added checking of the step type order. (markon, olegpidsadnyi) 0.5.2 ----- - Added extra info into output when FeatureError exception raises. (amakhnach) 0.5.0 ----- - Added parametrization to scenarios - integration - Test coverage improvement/fixes - Correct wrapping of step functions to preserve function docstring 0.4.7 ----- - Fixed Python 3.3 support 0.4.6 ----- - Fixed a bug when py.test --fixtures showed incorrect filenames for the steps. 0.4.5 ----- - Fixed a bug with the reuse of the fixture by given steps being evaluated multiple times. 0.4.3 ----- - Update the license file and PYPI related documentation.