[tox] distshare = {homedir}/.tox/distshare envlist = py310-pytestlatest-linters, ; python 3.10 is only supported by pytest >= 6.2.5: py310-pytest{62,70,latest}-coverage, ; the rest of pytest runs need to use an older python: py39-pytest{50,51,52,53,54,60,61}-coverage, py{37,38,39}-pytestlatest-coverage, py310-pytestlatest-xdist-coverage skip_missing_interpreters = true [testenv] setenv = coverage: _PYTEST_CMD=coverage run --append -m pytest xdist: _PYTEST_MORE_ARGS=-n3 -rfsxX deps = pytestlatest: pytest pytest70: pytest~=7.0.0 pytest62: pytest~=6.2.0 pytest61: pytest~=6.1.0 pytest60: pytest~=6.0.0 pytest54: pytest~=5.4.0 pytest53: pytest~=5.3.0 pytest52: pytest~=5.2.0 pytest51: pytest~=5.1.0 pytest50: pytest~=5.0.0 coverage: coverage xdist: pytest-xdist -r{toxinidir}/requirements-testing.txt commands = {env:_PYTEST_CMD:pytest} {env:_PYTEST_MORE_ARGS:} {posargs:-vvl} [testenv:py310-pytestlatest-linters] deps = black==22.1.0 commands = black --check --verbose setup.py docs pytest_bdd tests [gh-actions] python = 3.7: py37 3.8: py38 3.9: py39 3.10: py310