when and then type test added

This commit is contained in:
Oleg Podsadny 2013-04-13 23:32:49 +02:00
parent 8e37b8f616
commit e30401af01
2 changed files with 16 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ test_publish_article = scenario(
import inspect
from os import path as op
from pytest_bdd.types import GIVEN, THEN
from pytest_bdd.feature import Feature
@ -25,36 +26,27 @@ def scenario(feature_name, scenario_name):
def _scenario(request):
# get feature
# Get the feature
feature_path = op.abspath(op.join(op.dirname(request.module.__file__), feature_name))
feature = Feature.get_feature(feature_path)
# get scenario
# Get the scenario
scenario = feature.scenarios[scenario_name]
except KeyError:
raise ScenarioNotFound('Scenario "{0}" in feature "{1}" is not found'.format(scenario_name, feature_name))
# execute scenario's steps
# Execute scenario's steps
for step in scenario.steps:
_execute_step(request, step)
# Evaluate the fixture, also applies to given
func = request.getfuncargvalue(step)
if getattr(func, '__step_type__', None) is None:
# Execute when and then steps
kwargs = dict((arg, request.getfuncargvalue(arg)) for arg in inspect.getargspec(func).args)
result = func(**kwargs)
if func.__step_type__ == THEN:
assert result is None or result
return _scenario
def _execute_step(request, name):
"""Execute the step.
:param request: pytest request object.
:param name: Step name.
:note: Steps can take pytest fixture parameters. They will be evaluated
from the request and passed to the step function.
fixture = request.getfuncargvalue(name)
# if fixture is a callable and has a __step_type__ then it's a step fixture
if callable(fixture) and hasattr(fixture, '__step_type__'):
kwargs = dict((arg, request.getfuncargvalue(arg)) for arg in inspect.getargspec(fixture).args)
# calling an action

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@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ def _step_decorator(step_type, step_name):
frame = inspect.stack()[1]
module = inspect.getmodule(frame[0])
# if it's a THEN step, we should defer the evaluation to separate resolving params and action
if step_type == THEN:
# When and then steps are functions
if step_type != GIVEN:
func = lambda request: func
func = _decorate_step(func, step_type, step_name)