
546 lines
24 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import os
import time
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.training import session_run_hook
from tensorlayer import logging
from tensorlayer.decorators import deprecated
from tensorlayer.lazy_imports import LazyImport
hvd = LazyImport('horovod.tensorflow')
__all__ = ['TaskSpecDef', 'TaskSpec', 'DistributedSession', 'StopAtTimeHook', 'LoadCheckpoint', 'Trainer']
class Trainer(object):
"""Trainer for neural networks in a distributed environment.
TensorLayer Trainer is a high-level training interface built on top of TensorFlow MonitoredSession and
`Horovod <https://github.com/uber/horovod>`__. It transparently scales the training of a TensorLayer model
from a single GPU to multiple GPUs that be placed on different machines in a single cluster.
To run the trainer, you will need to install Horovod on your machine. Check the installation script at
The minimal inputs to the Trainer include (1) a training dataset defined using the TensorFlow DataSet API,
and (2) a model build function given the inputs of the training dataset, and returns the neural network
to train, the loss function to minimize, and the names of the tensor to log during training, and (3)
an optimizer and its arguments.
The default parameter choices of Trainer is inspired by the Facebook paper:
`Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour <https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02677>`__
training_dataset : class TensorFlow ``DataSet``
The training dataset which zips samples and labels. The trainer automatically
shards the training dataset based on the number of GPUs.
build_training_func : function
A function that builds the training operator. It takes the training dataset as an input,
and returns the neural network, the loss function and a dictionary that maps
string tags to tensors to log during training.
optimizer : class TensorFlow ``Optimizer``
The loss function optimizer. The trainer automatically linearly scale the learning rate based on
the number of GPUs.
optimizer_args : dict
The optimizer argument dictionary. It must contain a `learning_rate` field in type of float.
Note that the learning rate is linearly scaled according to the number of GPU by default.
You can disable it using the option `scaling_learning_rate`
batch_size : int
The training mini-batch size (i.e., number of samples per batch).
prefetch_size: int or None
The dataset prefetch buffer size. Set this parameter to overlap the GPU training and data preparation
if the data preparation is heavy.
checkpoint_dir : None or str
The path to the TensorFlow model checkpoint. Note that only one trainer master would checkpoints its model.
If None, checkpoint is disabled.
log_step_size : int
The trainer logs training information every N mini-batches (i.e., step size).
validation_dataset: None or class TensorFlow ``DataSet``
The optional validation dataset that zips samples and labels. Note that
only the trainer master needs to the validation often.
build_validation_func: None or function
The function that builds the validation operator. It returns the validation neural network (which
share the weights of the training network) and a custom number of validation metrics.
scaling_learning_rate: Boolean
Linearly scale the learning rate by the number of GPUs. Default is True.
This `linear scaling rule` is generally effective and is highly recommended by the practioners.
Check `Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour <https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02677>`__
max_iteration: int
The maximum iteration (i.e., mini-batch) to train.
The default is `math.inf`. You can set it to a small number to end the training earlier. This is
usually set for testing purpose.
training_network : class TensorLayer ``Layer``
The training model.
session : class TensorFlow ``MonitoredTrainingSession``
The training session tha the Trainer wraps.
global_step : int
The number of training mini-batch by far.
validation_metrics : list of tuples
The validation metrics that zips the validation metric property and the average value.
See `tutorial_mnist_distributed_trainer.py
def __init__(
self, training_dataset, build_training_func, optimizer, optimizer_args, batch_size=32, prefetch_size=None,
checkpoint_dir=None, scaling_learning_rate=True, log_step_size=1, validation_dataset=None,
build_validation_func=None, max_iteration=float('inf')
# Initialize Horovod.
self.is_master = hvd.rank() == 0
self._last_global_step = 0
if prefetch_size is None:
prefetch_size = batch_size
# Define the loss for validation dataset
if validation_dataset:
validation_dataset = validation_dataset.shard(num_shards=hvd.size(), index=hvd.rank()).batch(batch_size)
self._validation_iterator = validation_dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
next_example, next_label = self._validation_iterator.get_next()
_, self._validation_metrics = build_validation_func(next_example, next_label)
if not isinstance(self._validation_metrics, list):
self._validation_metrics = list(self._validation_metrics)
self._validation_iterator = None
self._validation_metrics = None
# Get the shard of the dataset based on my local rank
training_dataset = training_dataset.shard(num_shards=hvd.size(), index=hvd.rank()).batch(batch_size)
training_iterator = training_dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
self._training_network, loss, log_tensors = build_training_func(*training_iterator.get_next())
# Adjust learning rate based on number of GPUs.
lr = optimizer_args['learning_rate']
optimizer_args['learning_rate'] = lr * hvd.size() if scaling_learning_rate else lr
opt = optimizer(**optimizer_args)
# Add Horovod Distributed Optimizer.
opt = hvd.DistributedOptimizer(opt)
self._global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
if isinstance(log_tensors, list):
log_tensors['global_step'] = self._global_step
self._train_op = opt.minimize(loss, global_step=self._global_step)
hooks = [
# Horovod: BroadcastGlobalVariablesHook broadcasts initial variable states
# from rank 0 to all other processes. This is necessary to ensure consistent
# initialization of all workers when training is started with random weights
# or restored from a checkpoint.
# Horovod: adjust number of steps based on number of GPUs.
tf.train.StopAtStepHook(last_step=max_iteration // hvd.size()),
tf.train.LoggingTensorHook(tensors=log_tensors, every_n_iter=log_step_size),
# Pin GPU to be used to process local rank (one GPU per process)
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = str(hvd.local_rank())
# Save checkpoints only on worker 0 to prevent other workers from
# corrupting them.
checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir if self.is_master else None
# The MonitoredTrainingSession takes care of session initialization,
# restoring from a checkpoint, saving to a checkpoint, and closing when done
# or an error occurs.
self._sess = tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir, hooks=hooks, config=config)
def global_step(self):
if self._sess.should_stop():
return self._last_global_step
self._last_global_step = self._sess.run(self._global_step)
return self._last_global_step
def session(self):
return self._sess
def training_network(self):
return self._training_network
def validation_metrics(self):
"""A helper function to compute validation related metrics"""
if (self._validation_iterator is None) or (self._validation_metrics is None):
raise AttributeError('Validation is not setup.')
n = 0.0
metric_sums = [0.0] * len(self._validation_metrics)
while True:
metrics = self._sess.run(self._validation_metrics)
for i, m in enumerate(metrics):
metric_sums[i] += m
n += 1.0
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
for i, m in enumerate(metric_sums):
metric_sums[i] = metric_sums[i] / n
return zip(self._validation_metrics, metric_sums)
def train_on_batch(self):
"""Train a mini-batch."""
def train_and_validate_to_end(self, validate_step_size=50):
"""A helper function that shows how to train and validate a model at the same time.
validate_step_size : int
Validate the training network every N steps.
while not self._sess.should_stop():
self.train_on_batch() # Run a training step synchronously.
if self.global_step % validate_step_size == 0:
# logging.info("Average loss for validation dataset: %s" % self.get_validation_metrics())
log_str = 'step: %d, ' % self.global_step
for n, m in self.validation_metrics:
log_str += '%s: %f, ' % (n.name, m)
@deprecated(date="2018-10-30", instructions="Using the TensorLayer distributed trainer.")
class TaskSpecDef(object):
"""Specification for a distributed task.
It contains the job name, index of the task,
the parameter servers and the worker servers. If you want to use the last worker
for continuous evaluation you can call the method `use_last_worker_as_evaluator`
which returns a new :class:`TaskSpecDef` object without the last worker in the
cluster specification.
task_type : str
Task type. One of `master`, `worker` or `ps`.
index : int
The zero-based index of the task. Distributed training jobs will have a single
master task, one or more parameter servers, and one or more workers.
trial : int
The identifier of the trial being run.
ps_hosts : str OR list of str
A string with a coma separate list of hosts for the parameter servers
or a list of hosts.
worker_hosts : str OR list of str
A string with a coma separate list of hosts for the worker servers
or a list of hosts.
master : str
A string with the master hosts
master might not be included in TF_CONFIG and can be None. The shard_index is adjusted
in any case to assign 0 to master and >= 1 to workers.
This implementation doesn't support sparse arrays in the `TF_CONFIG` variable as the
official TensorFlow documentation shows, as it is not a supported by the json
- `ML-engine trainer considerations <https://cloud.google.com/ml-engine/docs/trainer-considerations#use_tf_config>`__
def __init__(self, task_type='master', index=0, trial=None, ps_hosts=None, worker_hosts=None, master=None):
self.type = task_type
self._index = int(index)
self._cluster_spec = None
self.num_workers = 1
self.num_ps = 0
self.shard_index = int(index)
self._master = True
self.trial = trial
self.ps_hosts = ps_hosts
self.worker_hosts = worker_hosts
self.master = master
self._server = None
if ps_hosts and worker_hosts:
self.ps_hosts = ps_hosts if isinstance(ps_hosts, list) else ps_hosts.split(',')
self.num_ps = len(self.ps_hosts)
self.worker_hosts = worker_hosts if isinstance(worker_hosts, list) else worker_hosts.split(',')
if master is not None and len(master) > 0:
self._cluster_spec = tf.train.ClusterSpec(
'ps': self.ps_hosts,
'worker': self.worker_hosts,
'master': master
# master is a worker too
self.num_workers = len(self.worker_hosts) + 1
if self.type == 'worker':
self.shard_index = self._index + 1
self._master = self.type == 'master'
self._cluster_spec = tf.train.ClusterSpec({'ps': self.ps_hosts, 'worker': self.worker_hosts})
self.num_workers = len(self.worker_hosts)
if self.type == 'worker':
self.shard_index = self._index
self._master = self.type == 'worker' and self._index == 0
def is_ps(self):
"""Returns true if this server is a parameter server"""
return self.type == 'ps'
def is_worker(self):
"""Returns true if this server is a worker server"""
return self.type == 'worker'
def is_master(self):
"""Returns true if this server is the master server"""
return self._master
def is_evaluator(self):
"""Returns true if this server is the evaluator server"""
return self.type == 'worker' and self.num_workers == self._index
def device_fn(self):
"""Returns the function with the specification to create the graph in this server"""
current_device = '/job:{}/task:{}'.format(self.type, self._index)
ps_devices = '/job:ps'
return tf.train.replica_device_setter(
ps_device=ps_devices, worker_device=current_device, cluster=self._cluster_spec
def create_server(self):
if self._server is None and self.ps_hosts and self.worker_hosts and not self.is_evaluator():
# create server and join if it is a parameter server
self._server = tf.train.Server(self._cluster_spec, job_name=self.type, task_index=self._index)
if self.is_ps():
def target(self):
if self._server is None:
if self._server is not None:
return self._server.target
return None
def use_last_worker_as_evaluator(self):
"""Returns a new :class:`TaskSpecDef` where the last worker has been removed from
the list of worker_hosts, so it is not used for training anymore. You can call
is_evaluator to know whether this server is the evaluator one or not.
In case there is only one server for training this method raises an exception, as
you cannot use any server for evaluation.
if self.num_workers <= 1:
raise Exception('You need more than one worker instance to use one as evaluator')
return TaskSpecDef(
task_type=self.type, index=self._index, trial=self.trial, ps_hosts=self.ps_hosts,
worker_hosts=self.worker_hosts[:-1], master=self.master
@deprecated(date="2018-10-30", instructions="Using the TensorLayer distributed trainer.")
def create_task_spec_def():
"""Returns the a :class:`TaskSpecDef` based on the environment variables for distributed training.
- `ML-engine trainer considerations <https://cloud.google.com/ml-engine/docs/trainer-considerations#use_tf_config>`__
- `TensorPort Distributed Computing <https://www.tensorport.com/documentation/code-details/>`__
if 'TF_CONFIG' in os.environ:
# TF_CONFIG is used in ML-engine
env = json.loads(os.environ.get('TF_CONFIG', '{}'))
task_data = env.get('task', None) or {'type': 'master', 'index': 0}
cluster_data = env.get('cluster', None) or {'ps': None, 'worker': None, 'master': None}
return TaskSpecDef(
task_type=task_data['type'], index=task_data['index'],
trial=task_data['trial'] if 'trial' in task_data else None, ps_hosts=cluster_data['ps'],
worker_hosts=cluster_data['worker'], master=cluster_data['master'] if 'master' in cluster_data else None
elif 'JOB_NAME' in os.environ:
return TaskSpecDef(
task_type=os.environ['JOB_NAME'], index=os.environ['TASK_INDEX'], ps_hosts=os.environ.get('PS_HOSTS', None),
worker_hosts=os.environ.get('WORKER_HOSTS', None), master=os.environ.get('MASTER_HOST', None)
raise Exception('You need to setup TF_CONFIG or JOB_NAME to define the task.')
@deprecated(date="2018-10-30", instructions="Using the TensorLayer distributed trainer.")
def create_distributed_session(
task_spec=None, checkpoint_dir=None, scaffold=None, hooks=None, chief_only_hooks=None, save_checkpoint_secs=600,
save_summaries_steps=object(), save_summaries_secs=object(), config=None, stop_grace_period_secs=120,
"""Creates a distributed session.
It calls `MonitoredTrainingSession` to create a :class:`MonitoredSession` for distributed training.
task_spec : :class:`TaskSpecDef`.
The task spec definition from create_task_spec_def()
checkpoint_dir : str.
Optional path to a directory where to restore variables.
scaffold : ``Scaffold``
A `Scaffold` used for gathering or building supportive ops.
If not specified, a default one is created. It's used to finalize the graph.
hooks : list of ``SessionRunHook`` objects.
chief_only_hooks : list of ``SessionRunHook`` objects.
Activate these hooks if `is_chief==True`, ignore otherwise.
save_checkpoint_secs : int
The frequency, in seconds, that a checkpoint is saved
using a default checkpoint saver. If `save_checkpoint_secs` is set to
`None`, then the default checkpoint saver isn't used.
save_summaries_steps : int
The frequency, in number of global steps, that the
summaries are written to disk using a default summary saver. If both
`save_summaries_steps` and `save_summaries_secs` are set to `None`, then
the default summary saver isn't used. Default 100.
save_summaries_secs : int
The frequency, in secs, that the summaries are written
to disk using a default summary saver. If both `save_summaries_steps` and
`save_summaries_secs` are set to `None`, then the default summary saver
isn't used. Default not enabled.
config : ``tf.ConfigProto``
an instance of `tf.ConfigProto` proto used to configure the session.
It's the `config` argument of constructor of `tf.Session`.
stop_grace_period_secs : int
Number of seconds given to threads to stop after
`close()` has been called.
log_step_count_steps : int
The frequency, in number of global steps, that the
global step/sec is logged.
A simple example for distributed training where all the workers use the same dataset:
>>> task_spec = TaskSpec()
>>> with tf.device(task_spec.device_fn()):
>>> tensors = create_graph()
>>> with tl.DistributedSession(task_spec=task_spec,
... checkpoint_dir='/tmp/ckpt') as session:
>>> while not session.should_stop():
>>> session.run(tensors)
An example where the dataset is shared among the workers
(see https://www.tensorflow.org/programmers_guide/datasets):
>>> task_spec = TaskSpec()
>>> # dataset is a :class:`tf.data.Dataset` with the raw data
>>> dataset = create_dataset()
>>> if task_spec is not None:
>>> dataset = dataset.shard(task_spec.num_workers, task_spec.shard_index)
>>> # shuffle or apply a map function to the new sharded dataset, for example:
>>> dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=10000)
>>> dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
>>> dataset = dataset.repeat(num_epochs)
>>> # create the iterator for the dataset and the input tensor
>>> iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
>>> next_element = iterator.get_next()
>>> with tf.device(task_spec.device_fn()):
>>> # next_element is the input for the graph
>>> tensors = create_graph(next_element)
>>> with tl.DistributedSession(task_spec=task_spec,
... checkpoint_dir='/tmp/ckpt') as session:
>>> while not session.should_stop():
>>> session.run(tensors)
- `MonitoredTrainingSession <https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/train/MonitoredTrainingSession>`__
target = task_spec.target() if task_spec is not None else None
is_chief = task_spec.is_master() if task_spec is not None else True
return tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(
master=target, is_chief=is_chief, checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir, scaffold=scaffold,
save_checkpoint_secs=save_checkpoint_secs, save_summaries_steps=save_summaries_steps,
save_summaries_secs=save_summaries_secs, log_step_count_steps=log_step_count_steps,
stop_grace_period_secs=stop_grace_period_secs, config=config, hooks=hooks, chief_only_hooks=chief_only_hooks
@deprecated(date="2018-10-30", instructions="Using the TensorLayer distributed trainer.")
class StopAtTimeHook(session_run_hook.SessionRunHook):
"""Hook that requests stop after a specified time.
time_running: int
Maximum time running in seconds
def __init__(self, time_running):
self._time_running = time_running
self._end_time = 0
def begin(self):
self._end_time = time.time() + self._time_running
def after_run(self, run_context, run_values):
if time.time() > self._end_time:
@deprecated(date="2018-10-30", instructions="Using the TensorLayer distributed trainer.")
class LoadCheckpoint(session_run_hook.SessionRunHook):
"""Hook that loads a checkpoint after the session is created.
>>> from tensorflow.python.ops import variables as tf_variables
>>> from tensorflow.python.training.monitored_session import SingularMonitoredSession
>>> tensors = create_graph()
>>> saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=tf_variables.trainable_variables())
>>> checkpoint_hook = LoadCheckpoint(saver, my_checkpoint_file)
>>> with tf.SingularMonitoredSession(hooks=[checkpoint_hook]) as session:
>>> while not session.should_stop():
>>> session.run(tensors)
def __init__(self, saver, checkpoint):
self._saver = saver
self._checkpoint = checkpoint
self._loaded = False
def after_create_session(self, session, coord):
if not self._loaded:
self._loaded = True
# Alias
TaskSpec = create_task_spec_def
DistributedSession = create_distributed_session