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2021-05-11 14:32:09 +08:00
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/)
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
============== Guiding Principles ==============
* Changelogs are for humans, not machines.
* There should be an entry for every single version.
* The same types of changes should be grouped.
* Versions and sections should be linkable.
* The latest version comes first.
* The release date of each version is displayed.
* Mention whether you follow Semantic Versioning.
============== Types of changes (keep the order) ==============
* `Added` for new features.
* `Changed` for changes in existing functionality.
* `Deprecated` for soon-to-be removed features.
* `Removed` for now removed features.
* `Fixed` for any bug fixes.
* `Security` in case of vulnerabilities.
* `Dependencies Update` in case of vulnerabilities.
* `Contributors` to thank the contributors that worked on this PR.
============== How To Update The Changelog for a New Release ==============
** Always Keep The Unreleased On Top **
To release a new version, please update the changelog as followed:
1. Rename the `Unreleased` Section to the Section Number
2. Recreate an `Unreleased` Section on top
3. Update the links at the very bottom
======================= START: TEMPLATE TO KEEP IN CASE OF NEED ===================
## [Unreleased]
### Added
### Changed
### Dependencies Update
### Deprecated
### Fixed
### Removed
### Security
### Contributors
======================= END: TEMPLATE TO KEEP IN CASE OF NEED ===================
## [Unreleased]
### Added
### Changed
### Dependencies Update
### Deprecated
### Fixed
2021-08-02 17:02:39 +08:00
### Removed
### Security
### Contributors
## [2.2.3] - 2020-06-18
TensorLayer 2.2.3 is a maintenance release.
It contains numerous bug fixes.
### Added
### Changed
### Dependencies Update
### Deprecated
### Fixed
- Fix VGG. (#1078, 1079, 1089)
- Fix norm layer. (#1080)
- Fix DeCov2d layer. (#1081)
- Fix ModelLayer and LayerList doc. (#1083)
- Fix bug in SAC. (#1085)
- Fix refactoring: Deduplication. (#1086)
- Fix maxpool, batchnorm Data format fixed, vgg forward. (#1089)
- Fix package info. (#1090)
### Removed
### Security
### Contributors
- @zsdonghao
- @tiancheng2000 (#1078 #1079 #1080 #1081)
- @ChrisWu1997 (#1083)
- @quantumiracle (#1085)
- @marload (#1086)
- @Gyx-One (#1089)
- @Laicheng0830 (#1090)
## [2.2.2] - 2020-04-26
TensorLayer 2.2.2 is a maintenance release.
### Added
- Reinforcement learning(#1065)
- Mish activation(#1068)
### Changed
### Dependencies Update
### Deprecated
### Fixed
- Fix package info.
2021-05-11 14:32:09 +08:00
### Removed
### Security
### Contributors
2021-08-02 17:02:39 +08:00
- @zsdonghao
- @quantumiracle(1065)
- @Laicheng0830(#1068)
## [2.2.1] - 2020-01-14
TensorLayer 2.2.1 is a maintenance release.
It contains numerous bug fixes.
### Added
### Changed
### Dependencies Update
### Deprecated
### Fixed
- Fix README. (#1044)
- Fix package info. (#1046)
- Fix build test (Using YAPF 0.29) (#1057)
### Removed
### Security
### Contributors
2021-05-11 14:32:09 +08:00
2021-08-02 17:02:39 +08:00
- @luomai (#1044, #1046, #1057)
2021-05-11 14:32:09 +08:00
## [2.2.0] - 2019-09-13
TensorLayer 2.2.0 is a maintenance release.
It contains numerous API improvement and bug fixes.
This release is compatible with TensorFlow 2 RC1.
### Added
- Support nested layer customization (#PR 1015)
- Support string dtype in InputLayer (#PR 1017)
- Support Dynamic RNN in RNN (#PR 1023)
- Add ResNet50 static model (#PR 1030)
- Add performance test code in static model (#PR 1041)
### Changed
- `SpatialTransform2dAffine` auto `in_channels`
- support TensorFlow 2.0.0-rc1
- Update model weights property, now returns its copy (#PR 1010)
### Fixed
- RNN updates: remove warnings, fix if seq_len=0, unitest (#PR 1033)
- BN updates: fix BatchNorm1d for 2D data, refactored (#PR 1040)
### Dependencies Update
### Deprecated
### Fixed
- Fix `tf.models.Model._construct_graph` for list of outputs, e.g. STN case (PR #1010)
- Enable better `in_channels` exception raise. (PR #1015)
- Set allow_pickle=True in np.load() (#PR 1021)
- Remove `private_method` decorator (#PR 1025)
- Copy original model's `trainable_weights` and `nontrainable_weights` when initializing `ModelLayer` (#PR 1026)
- Copy original model's `trainable_weights` and `nontrainable_weights` when initializing `LayerList` (#PR 1029)
- Remove redundant parts in `model.all_layers` (#PR 1029)
- Replace `tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad` with `tf.image.resize_with_crop_or_pad` (#PR 1032)
- Fix a bug in `ResNet50` static model (#PR 1041)
### Removed
### Security
### Contributors
- @zsdonghao
- @luomai
- @ChrisWu1997: #1010 #1015 #1025 #1030 #1040
- @warshallrho: #1017 #1021 #1026 #1029 #1032 #1041
- @ArnoldLIULJ: #1023
- @JingqingZ: #1023
## [2.1.0]
### Changed
- Add version_info in model.config. (PR #992)
- Replace tf.nn.func with tf.nn.func.\_\_name\_\_ in model config. (PR #994)
- Add Reinforcement learning tutorials. (PR #995)
- Add RNN layers with simple rnn cell, GRU cell, LSTM cell. (PR #998)
2021-08-02 17:02:39 +08:00
- Update Seq2seq (#998)
2021-05-11 14:32:09 +08:00
- Add Seq2seqLuongAttention model (#998)
### Fixed
### Contributors
- @warshallrho: #992 #994
- @quantumiracle: #995
- @Tokarev-TT-33: #995
- @initial-h: #995
- @Officium: #995
- @ArnoldLIULJ: #998
- @JingqingZ: #998
## [2.0.2] - 2019-6-5
### Changed
- change the format of network config, change related code and files; change layer act (PR #980)
### Fixed
- Fix dynamic model cannot track PRelu weights gradients problem (PR #982)
- Raise .weights warning (commit)
### Contributors
- @warshallrho: #980
- @1FengL: #982
## [2.0.1] - 2019-5-17
A maintain release.
### Changed
- remove `tl.layers.initialize_global_variables(sess)` (PR #931)
- support `trainable_weights` (PR #966)
### Added
- Layer
- `InstanceNorm`, `InstanceNorm1d`, `InstanceNorm2d`, `InstanceNorm3d` (PR #963)
* Reinforcement learning tutorials. (PR #995)
### Changed
- remove `tl.layers.initialize_global_variables(sess)` (PR #931)
- update `tutorial_generate_text.py`, `tutorial_ptb_lstm.py`. remove `tutorial_ptb_lstm_state_is_tuple.py` (PR #958)
- change `tl.layers.core`, `tl.models.core` (PR #966)
- change `weights` into `all_weights`, `trainable_weights`, `nontrainable_weights`
### Dependencies Update
- nltk>=3.3,<3.4 => nltk>=3.3,<3.5 (PR #892)
- pytest>=3.6,<3.11 => pytest>=3.6,<4.1 (PR #889)
- yapf>=0.22,<0.25 => yapf==0.25.0 (PR #896)
- imageio==2.5.0 progressbar2==3.39.3 scikit-learn==0.21.0 scikit-image==0.15.0 scipy==1.2.1 wrapt==1.11.1 pymongo==3.8.0 sphinx==2.0.1 wrapt==1.11.1 opencv-python== requests==2.21.0 tqdm==4.31.1 lxml==4.3.3 pycodestyle==2.5.0 sphinx==2.0.1 yapf==0.27.0(PR #967)
### Fixed
- fix docs of models @zsdonghao #957
- In `BatchNorm`, keep dimensions of mean and variance to suit `channels first` (PR #963)
### Contributors
- @warshallrho: #PR966
- @zsdonghao: #931
- @yd-yin: #963
- @Tokarev-TT-33: # 995
- @initial-h: # 995
- @quantumiracle: #995
- @Officium: #995
- @1FengL: #958
- @dvklopfenstein: #971
## [2.0.0] - 2019-05-04
To many PR for this update, please check [here](https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/releases/tag/2.0.0) for more details.
### Changed
* update for TensorLayer 2.0.0 alpha version (PR #952)
* support TensorFlow 2.0.0-alpha
* support both static and dynamic model building
### Dependencies Update
- tensorflow>=1.6,<1.13 => tensorflow>=2.0.0-alpha (PR #952)
- h5py>=2.9 (PR #952)
- cloudpickle>=0.8.1 (PR #952)
- remove matplotlib
### Contributors
- @zsdonghao
- @JingqingZ
- @ChrisWu1997
- @warshallrho
## [1.11.1] - 2018-11-15
### Changed
* guide for pose estimation - flipping (PR #884)
* cv2 transform support 2 modes (PR #885)
### Dependencies Update
- pytest>=3.6,<3.9 => pytest>=3.6,<3.10 (PR #874)
- requests>=2.19,<2.20 => requests>=2.19,<2.21 (PR #874)
- tqdm>=4.23,<4.28 => tqdm>=4.23,<4.29 (PR #878)
- pytest>=3.6,<3.10 => pytest>=3.6,<3.11 (PR #886)
- pytest-xdist>=1.22,<1.24 => pytest-xdist>=1.22,<1.25 (PR #883)
- tensorflow>=1.6,<1.12 => tensorflow>=1.6,<1.13 (PR #886)
### Contributors
- @zsdonghao: #884 #885
## [1.11.0] - 2018-10-18
### Added
- Layer:
- Release `GroupNormLayer` (PR #850)
- Image affine transformation APIs
- `affine_rotation_matrix` (PR #857)
- `affine_horizontal_flip_matrix` (PR #857)
- `affine_vertical_flip_matrix` (PR #857)
- `affine_shift_matrix` (PR #857)
- `affine_shear_matrix` (PR #857)
- `affine_zoom_matrix` (PR #857)
- `affine_transform_cv2` (PR #857)
- `affine_transform_keypoints` (PR #857)
- Affine transformation tutorial
- `examples/data_process/tutorial_fast_affine_transform.py` (PR #857)
### Changed
- BatchNormLayer: support `data_format`
### Dependencies Update
- matplotlib>=2.2,<2.3 => matplotlib>=2.2,<3.1 (PR #845)
- pydocstyle>=2.1,<2.2 => pydocstyle>=2.1,<3.1 (PR #866)
- scikit-learn>=0.19,<0.20 => scikit-learn>=0.19,<0.21 (PR #851)
- sphinx>=1.7,<1.8 => sphinx>=1.7,<1.9 (PR #842)
- tensorflow>=1.6,<1.11 => tensorflow>=1.6,<1.12 (PR #853)
- tqdm>=4.23,<4.26 => tqdm>=4.23,<4.28 (PR #862 & #868)
- yapf>=0.22,<0.24 => yapf>=0.22,<0.25 (PR #829)
### Fixed
- Correct offset calculation in `tl.prepro.transform_matrix_offset_center` (PR #855)
### Contributors
- @2wins: #850 #855
- @DEKHTIARJonathan: #853
- @zsdonghao: #857
- @luomai: #857
## [1.10.1] - 2018-09-07
### Added
- unittest `tests\test_timeout.py` has been added to ensure the network creation process does not freeze.
### Changed
- remove 'tensorboard' param, replaced by 'tensorboard_dir' in `tensorlayer/utils.py` with customizable tensorboard directory (PR #819)
### Removed
- TL Graph API removed. Memory Leaks Issues with this API, will be fixed and integrated in TL 2.0 (PR #818)
### Fixed
- Issue #817 fixed: TL 1.10.0 - Memory Leaks and very slow network creation.
### Dependencies Update
- autopep8>=1.3,<1.4 => autopep8>=1.3,<1.5 (PR #815)
- imageio>=2.3,<2.4 => imageio>=2.3,<2.5 (PR #823)
- pytest>=3.6,<3.8 => pytest>=3.6,<3.9 (PR #823)
- pytest-cov>=2.5,<2.6 => pytest-cov>=2.5,<2.7 (PR #820)
### Contributors
- @DEKHTIARJonathan: #815 #818 #820 #823
- @ndiy: #819
- @zsdonghao: #818
## [1.10.0] - 2018-09-02
### Added
- API:
- Add `tl.model.vgg19` (PR #698)
- Add `tl.logging.contrib.hyperdash` (PR #739)
- Add `tl.distributed.trainer` (PR #700)
- Add `prefetch_buffer_size` to the `tl.distributed.trainer` (PR #766)
- Add `tl.db.TensorHub` (PR 751)
- Add `tl.files.save_graph` (PR 751)
- Add `tl.files.load_graph_` (PR 751)
- Add `tl.files.save_graph_and_params` (PR 751)
- Add `tl.files.load_graph_and_params` (PR 751)
- Add `tl.prepro.keypoint_random_xxx` (PR #787)
- Documentation:
- Add binary, ternary and dorefa links (PR #711)
- Update input scale of VGG16 and VGG19 to 0~1 (PR #736)
- Update database (PR 751)
- Layer:
- Release SwitchNormLayer (PR #737)
- Release QuanConv2d, QuanConv2dWithBN, QuanDenseLayer, QuanDenseLayerWithBN (PR#735)
- Update Core Layer to support graph (PR 751)
- All Pooling layers support `data_format` (PR #809)
- Setup:
- Creation of installation flaggs `all_dev`, `all_cpu_dev`, and `all_gpu_dev` (PR #739)
- Examples:
- change folder struction (PR #802)
- `tutorial_models_vgg19` has been introduced to show how to use `tl.model.vgg19` (PR #698).
- fix bug of `tutorial_bipedalwalker_a3c_continuous_action.py` (PR #734, Issue #732)
- `tutorial_models_vgg16` and `tutorial_models_vgg19` has been changed the input scale from [0,255] to [0,1](PR #710)
- `tutorial_mnist_distributed_trainer.py` and `tutorial_cifar10_distributed_trainer.py` are added to explain the uses of Distributed Trainer (PR #700)
- add `tutorial_quanconv_cifar10.py` and `tutorial_quanconv_mnist.py` (PR #735)
- add `tutorial_work_with_onnx.py`(PR #775)
- Applications:
- [Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance Normalization](https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.06868) (PR #799)
### Changed
- function minibatches changed to avoid wasting samples.(PR #762)
- all the input scale in both vgg16 and vgg19 has been changed the input scale from [0,255] to [0,1](PR #710)
- Dockerfiles merged and refactored into one file (PR #747)
- LazyImports move to the most **top level** imports as possible (PR #739)
- some new test functions have been added in `test_layers_convolution.py`, `test_layers_normalization.py`, `test_layers_core.py` (PR #735)
- documentation now uses mock imports reducing the number of dependencies to compile the documentation (PR #785)
- fixed and enforced pydocstyle D210, D200, D301, D207, D403, D204, D412, D402, D300, D208 (PR #784)
### Deprecated
- `tl.logging.warn` has been deprecated in favor of `tl.logging.warning` (PR #739)
### Removed
- `conv_layers()` has been removed in both vgg16 and vgg19(PR #710)
- graph API (PR #818)
### Fixed
- import error caused by matplotlib on OSX (PR #705)
- missing import in tl.prepro (PR #712)
- Dockerfiles import error fixed - issue #733 (PR #747)
- Fix a typo in `absolute_difference_error` in file: `tensorlayer/cost.py` - Issue #753 (PR #759)
- Fix the bug of scaling the learning rate of trainer (PR #776)
- log error instead of info when npz file not found. (PR #812)
### Dependencies Update
- numpy>=1.14,<1.15 => numpy>=1.14,<1.16 (PR #754)
- pymongo>=3.6,<3.7 => pymongo>=3.6,<3.8 (PR #750)
- pytest>=3.6,<3.7 => tqdm>=3.6,<3.8 (PR #798)
- pytest-xdist>=1.22,<1.23 => pytest-xdist>=1.22,<1.24 (PR #805 and #806)
- tensorflow>=1.8,<1.9 => tensorflow>=1.6,<1.11 (PR #739 and PR #798)
- tqdm>=4.23,<4.25 => tqdm>=4.23,<4.26 (PR #798)
- yapf>=0.21,<0.22 => yapf>=0.22,<0.24 (PR #798 #808)
### Contributors
- @DEKHTIARJonathan: #739 #747 #750 #754
- @lgarithm: #705 #700
- @OwenLiuzZ: #698 #710 #775 #776
- @zsdonghao: #711 #712 #734 #736 #737 #700 #751 #809 #818
- @luomai: #700 #751 #766 #802
- @XJTUWYD: #735
- @mutewall: #735
- @thangvubk: #759
- @JunbinWang: #796
- @boldjoel: #787
## [1.9.1] - 2018-07-30
### Fixed
- Issue with tensorflow 1.10.0 fixed
## [1.9.0] - 2018-06-16
### Added
- API:
- `tl.alphas` and `tl.alphas_like` added following the tf.ones/zeros and tf.zeros_like/ones_like (PR #580)
- `tl.lazy_imports.LazyImport` to import heavy libraries only when necessary (PR #667)
- `tl.act.leaky_relu6` and `tl.layers.PRelu6Layer` have been deprecated (PR #686)
- `tl.act.leaky_twice_relu6` and `tl.layers.PTRelu6Layer` have been deprecated (PR #686)
- CI Tool:
- [Stale Probot](https://github.com/probot/stale) added to clean stale issues (PR #573)
- [Changelog Probot](https://github.com/mikz/probot-changelog) Configuration added (PR #637)
- Travis Builds now handling a matrix of TF Version from TF==1.6.0 to TF==1.8.0 (PR #644)
- CircleCI added to build and upload Docker Containers for each PR merged and tag release (PR #648)
- Decorator:
- `tl.decorators` API created including `deprecated_alias` and `private_method` (PR #660)
- `tl.decorators` API enriched with `protected_method` (PR #675)
- `tl.decorators` API enriched with `deprecated` directly raising warning and modifying documentation (PR #691)
- Docker:
- Containers for each release and for each PR merged on master built (PR #648)
- Containers built in the following configurations (PR #648):
- py2 + cpu
- py2 + gpu
- py3 + cpu
- py3 + gpu
- Documentation:
- Clean README.md (PR #677)
- Release semantic version added on index page (PR #633)
- Optimizers page added (PR #636)
- `AMSGrad` added on Optimizers page added (PR #636)
- Layer:
- ElementwiseLambdaLayer added to use custom function to connect multiple layer inputs (PR #579)
- AtrousDeConv2dLayer added (PR #662)
- Fix bugs of using `tf.layers` in CNN (PR #686)
- Optimizer:
- AMSGrad Optimizer added based on `On the Convergence of Adam and Beyond (ICLR 2018)` (PR #636)
- Setup:
- Creation of installation flaggs `all`, `all_cpu`, and `all_gpu` (PR #660)
- Test:
- `test_utils_predict.py` added to reproduce and fix issue #288 (PR #566)
- `Layer_DeformableConvolution_Test` added to reproduce issue #572 with deformable convolution (PR #573)
- `Array_Op_Alphas_Test` and `Array_Op_Alphas_Like_Test` added to test `tensorlayer/array_ops.py` file (PR #580)
- `test_optimizer_amsgrad.py` added to test `AMSGrad` optimizer (PR #636)
- `test_logging.py` added to insure robustness of the logging API (PR #645)
- `test_decorators.py` added (PR #660)
- `test_activations.py` added (PR #686)
- Tutorials:
- `tutorial_tfslim` has been introduced to show how to use `SlimNetsLayer` (PR #560).
- add the following to all tutorials (PR #697):
### Changed
- Tensorflow CPU & GPU dependencies moved to separated requirement files in order to allow PyUP.io to parse them (PR #573)
- The document of LambdaLayer for linking it with ElementwiseLambdaLayer (PR #587)
- RTD links point to stable documentation instead of latest used for development (PR #633)
- TF Version older than 1.6.0 are officially unsupported and raises an exception (PR #644)
- README.md Badges Updated with Support Python and Tensorflow Versions (PR #644)
- TL logging API has been consistent with TF logging API and thread-safe (PR #645)
- Relative Imports changed for absolute imports (PR #657)
- `tl.files` refactored into a directory with numerous files (PR #657)
- `tl.files.voc_dataset` fixed because of original Pascal VOC website was down (PR #657)
- extra requirements hidden inside the library added in the project requirements (PR #657)
- requirements files refactored in `requirements/` directory (PR #657)
- README.md and other markdown files have been refactored and cleaned. (PR #639)
- Ternary Convolution Layer added in unittest (PR #658)
- Convolution Layers unittests have been cleaned & refactored (PR #658)
- All the tests are now using a DEBUG level verbosity when run individualy (PR #660)
- `tf.identity` as activation is **ignored**, thus reducing the size of the graph by removing useless operation (PR #667)
- argument dictionaries are now checked and saved within the `Layer` Base Class (PR #667)
- `Layer` Base Class now presenting methods to update faultlessly `all_layers`, `all_params`, and `all_drop` (PR #675)
- Input Layers have been removed from `tl.layers.core` and added to `tl.layers.inputs` (PR #675)
- Input Layers are now considered as true layers in the graph (they represent a placeholder), unittests have been updated (PR #675)
- Layer API is simplified, with automatic feeding `prev_layer` into `self.inputs` (PR #675)
- Complete Documentation Refactoring and Reorganization (namely Layer APIs) (PR #691)
### Deprecated
- `tl.layers.TimeDistributedLayer` argurment `args` is deprecated in favor of `layer_args` (PR #667)
- `tl.act.leaky_relu` have been deprecated in favor of `tf.nn.leaky_relu` (PR #686)
### Removed
- `assert()` calls remove and replaced by `raise AssertionError()` (PR #667)
- `tl.identity` is removed, not used anymore and deprecated for a long time (PR #667)
- All Code specific to `TF.__version__ < "1.6"` have been removed (PR #675)
### Fixed
- Issue #498 - Deprecation Warning Fix in `tl.layers.RNNLayer` with `inspect` (PR #574)
- Issue #498 - Deprecation Warning Fix in `tl.files` with truth value of an empty array is ambiguous (PR #575)
- Issue #565 related to `tl.utils.predict` fixed - `np.hstack` problem in which the results for multiple batches are stacked along `axis=1` (PR #566)
- Issue #572 with `tl.layers.DeformableConv2d` fixed (PR #573)
- Issue #664 with `tl.layers.ConvLSTMLayer` fixed (PR #676)
- Typo of the document of ElementwiseLambdaLayer (PR #588)
- Error in `tl.layers.TernaryConv2d` fixed - self.inputs not defined (PR #658)
- Deprecation warning fixed in `tl.layers.binary._compute_threshold()` (PR #658)
- All references to `tf.logging` replaced by `tl.logging` (PR #661)
- Duplicated code removed when bias was used (PR #667)
- `tensorlayer.third_party.roi_pooling.roi_pooling.roi_pooling_ops` is now lazy loaded to prevent systematic error raised (PR #675)
- Documentation not build in RTD due to old version of theme in docs directory fixed (PR #703)
- Tutorial:
- `tutorial_word2vec_basic.py` saving issue #476 fixed (PR #635)
- All tutorials tested and errors have been fixed (PR #635)
### Dependencies Update
- Update pytest from 3.5.1 to 3.6.0 (PR #647)
- Update progressbar2 from 3.37.1 to 3.38.0 (PR #651)
- Update scikit-image from 0.13.1 to 0.14.0 (PR #656)
- Update keras from 2.1.6 to 2.2.0 (PR #684)
- Update requests from 2.18.4 to 2.19.0 (PR #695)
### Contributors
- @lgarithm: #563
- @DEKHTIARJonathan: #573 #574 #575 #580 #633 #635 #636 #639 #644 #645 #648 #657 #667 #658 #659 #660 #661 #666 #667 #672 #675 #683 #686 #687 #690 #691 #692 #703
- @2wins: #560 #566 #662
- @One-sixth: #579
- @zsdonghao: #587 #588 #639 #685 #697
- @luomai: #639 #677
- @dengyueyun666: #676
## [1.8.5] - 2018-05-09
### Added
- Github Templates added (by @DEKHTIARJonathan)
- New issues Template
- New PR Template
- Travis Deploy Automation on new Tag (by @DEKHTIARJonathan)
- Deploy to PyPI and create a new version.
- Deploy to Github Releases and upload the wheel files
- PyUP.io has been added to ensure we are compatible with the latest libraries (by @DEKHTIARJonathan)
- `deconv2d` now handling dilation_rate (by @zsdonghao)
- Documentation unittest added (by @DEKHTIARJonathan)
- `test_layers_core` has been added to ensure that `LayersConfig` is abstract.
### Changed
- All Tests Refactored - Now using unittests and runned with PyTest (by @DEKHTIARJonathan)
- Documentation updated (by @zsdonghao)
- Package Setup Refactored (by @DEKHTIARJonathan)
- Dataset Downlaod now using library progressbar2 (by @DEKHTIARJonathan)
- `deconv2d` function transformed into Class (by @zsdonghao)
- `conv1d` function transformed into Class (by @zsdonghao)
- super resolution functions transformed into Class (by @zsdonghao)
- YAPF coding style improved and enforced (by @DEKHTIARJonathan)
### Fixed
- Backward Compatibility Restored with deprecation warnings (by @DEKHTIARJonathan)
- Tensorflow Deprecation Fix (Issue #498):
- AverageEmbeddingInputlayer (by @zsdonghao)
- load_mpii_pose_dataset (by @zsdonghao)
- maxPool2D initializer issue #551 (by @zsdonghao)
- `LayersConfig` class has been enforced as abstract
- Pooling Layer Issue #557 fixed (by @zsdonghao)
### Dependencies Update
- scipy>=1.0,<1.1 => scipy>=1.1,<1.2
### Contributors
@zsdonghao @luomai @DEKHTIARJonathan
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/2.0....master
2021-08-02 17:02:39 +08:00
[2.2.3]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/2.2.2...2.2.3
[2.2.2]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/2.2.1...2.2.2
[2.2.1]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/2.2.0...2.2.1
[2.2.0]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/2.1.0...2.2.0
[2.1.0]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/2.0.2...2.1.0
[2.0.2]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/2.0.1...2.0.2
[2.0.1]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/2.0.0...2.0.1
[2.0.0]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/1.11.1...2.0.0
[1.11.1]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/1.11.0...1.11.1
2021-05-11 14:32:09 +08:00
[1.11.0]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/1.10.1...1.11.0
[1.10.1]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/1.10.0...1.10.1
[1.10.0]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/1.9.1...1.10.0
[1.9.1]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/1.9.0...1.9.1
[1.9.0]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/1.8.5...1.9.0
[1.8.5]: https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer/compare/1.8.4...1.8.5