forked from Open-CT/openbrain
433 lines
12 KiB
433 lines
12 KiB
from decimal import MAX_EMAX
from itertools import count
from turtle import right
from unittest import result
import pandas as pd
file = open("error1.txt", "w")
def compareUp(right, answer):
if (pd.isna(right) or pd.isna(answer) or right=="" or answer==""):
return False
right = float(right)
answer = float(answer)
except ValueError:
return False
if (right < 10):
right = right * 10
answer = answer * 10
r = [int(right), round(right), int(100*right), round(100*right)]
except OverflowError:
return False
a1 = int(answer)
a2 = round(answer)
if (a1 in r):
return True
if (a2 in r):
return True
return False
def compare(right, answer):
# 考虑:原答案、原答案四舍五入的结果
# 考虑:正确答案、正确答案四舍五入的结果
# 仅考虑整数部分、若两者有相同情况则返回true
if (pd.isna(right) or pd.isna(answer) or right=="" or answer==""):
return False
right = float(right)
answer = float(answer)
except ValueError:
return False
if (right < 10):
right = right * 10
answer = answer * 10
r = [int(right), round(right)]
except OverflowError:
return False
a1 = int(answer)
a2 = round(answer)
if (a1 in r):
return True
if (a2 in r):
return True
return False
def compareZ(code104, right, answer):
if (pd.isna(right) or pd.isna(answer) or right=="" or answer==""):
return 99
right = float(right)
answer = float(answer)
except ValueError:
return 70
result = compare(right, answer)
if (result):
if (code104 != 40):
if (answer == 450):
return 74
elif(answer >= 440 and answer <= 460):
return 41
elif (answer < 440):
return 42
elif (answer > 460):
return 43
return 40
if (answer == 450):
return 74
elif(answer >= 440 and answer <= 460):
return 71
elif (answer < 440):
return 72
elif (answer > 460):
return 73
return 70
def compareFor(answer, right, formula):
return 70
if (pd.isna(right) or pd.isna(answer) or right=="" or answer==""):
return 99
if (compareUp(right, answer)):
return 40
return 70
def compareP3(input):
# 是否会出现序列数字不为4个的情况?
s = str(input)
s = s.replace(' ', '')
if (s == ""):
return 99
l = s.split(',')
if (len(l) < 4):
return 99
count = 0
if (l[0] == 'B'):
count = count + 1
if (l[1] == 'D'):
count= count + 1
if (l[2] == 'A'):
count= count + 1
if (l[3] == 'C'):
count= count + 1
if (count == 0):
return 70
elif (count == 1):
return 10
elif (count == 2):
return 20
elif (count == 3):
return 30
return 40
def get60107(mm71, mm72, mm60105):
if (pd.isna(mm71) or pd.isna(mm72) or mm71=="" or mm72==""):
return 99
if (mm60105 == 40 and mm71 =='A' and mm72 == 'D'):
return 20
if (mm60105 == 40 and mm71 =='A' and mm72 == 'A'):
return 40
if (mm60105 in [71, 41] and mm71 =='A' and mm72 == 'A'):
return 41
if (mm60105 in [72, 42] and mm71 =='B' and mm72 == 'D'):
return 42
if (mm60105 in [73, 43] and mm71 =='B' and mm72 == 'C'):
return 43
if (mm60105 == 74 and mm71 =='A' and mm72 == 'B'):
return 44
return 70
def get60108(answer, mm60102_CODE):
blank = 0
count = 0
for i in range(4):
if (pd.isna(answer[i]) or answer[i] == ""):
blank = blank + 1
if (blank == 4):
return 99
if (answer[0] == 'A'):
count = count + 1
if (answer[1] == 'C'):
count= count + 1
if (answer[2] == 'B'):
count= count + 1
if (answer[3] == 'A'):
count= count + 1
if (count == 2):
return 10
if (count == 3):
return 20
if (count == 4):
return 40
if (mm60102_CODE == 30 and answer[0] == 'A' and answer[1] == 'A' and answer[2] == 'B' and answer[3] == 'A'):
return 41
return 70
def get60311(answer, mm60331_CODE):
if (answer == "" or pd.isna(answer)):
return 99
if (answer == "D"):
return 40
if (answer == 'A' and mm60331_CODE in [31, 35, 41, 45]):
return 30
if (answer == 'B' and mm60331_CODE in [32, 36, 42, 46]):
return 31
if (answer == 'C' and mm60331_CODE in [33, 37, 43, 47]):
return 32
return 70
def get60101(answer):
if (answer == "" or pd.isna(answer)):
return 99
if (answer == "C"):
return 40
return 70
def get60321(answer):
if (answer == "" or pd.isna(answer)):
return 99
if (answer == "D"):
return 40
if (answer == "C"):
return 20
return 70
def get60411(answer):
if (answer == "" or pd.isna(answer)):
return 99
if (answer == "B"):
return 40
return 70
def get60421(answer):
if (answer == "" or pd.isna(answer)):
return 99
if (answer == "C"):
return 40
if (answer == "B"):
return 20
return 70
def get60102(answer):
if (answer == "" or pd.isna(answer)):
return 99
s = str(answer)
s = s.replace(' ', '')
l = s.split(',')
right = ['A', 'D', 'E', 'H']
if (len(l) == 2 and l[0] in right and l[1] in right):
return 20
if (len(l) == 3 and l[0] in right and l[1] in right and l[2] in right):
return 20
if (len(l) == 4 and l[0] in right and l[1] in right and l[2] in right and l[3] in right):
return 40
if (len(l) == 5):
if ('G' in l):
return 30
return 31
return 70
def get60341(answer, right, formula):
return 70
# 空白是全部空白吗?
count = 0
blank = 0
for i in range(5):
if (pd.isna(answer[i]) or answer[i] == ""):
blank = blank + 1
if (blank == 5):
return 99
for i in range(5):
if (pd.isna(answer[i]) or pd.isna(right[i])):
if (compare(answer[i], right[i])):
count = count + 1
if (count == 0):
return 70
if (count == 1):
return 71
if (count == 2):
return 10
if (count == 3):
return 20
if (count == 4):
return 30
if (count == 5):
return 40
def cal331(formula, f, RR, BR, JR, RS, BS, JS, GR, WR, GS, WS):
f = str(f)
f = f.replace('RR', str(RR))
f = f.replace('BR', str(BR))
f = f.replace('JR', str(JR))
f = f.replace('RS', str(RS))
f = f.replace('BS', str(BS))
f = f.replace('JS', str(JS))
f = f.replace('GR', str(GR))
f = f.replace('WR', str(WR))
f = f.replace('GS', str(GS))
f = f.replace('WS', str(WS))
f = f.replace('÷', '/')
f = f.replace('×', '*')
result = ""
result = eval(f)
print(f + "=" + str(eval(f)))
except SyntaxError:
file.write("SyntaxError " + str(formula) + "\n")
return ""
except NameError:
file.write("NameError " + str(formula) + "\n")
return ""
except TypeError:
file.write("TypeError " + str(formula) + "\n")
return ""
return result
def cal104(formula, f, E, L, V, W, T, C, G, U, D, P):
f = str(f)
f = f.replace('L', str(L))
f = f.replace('V', str(V))
f = f.replace('C', str(C))
f = f.replace('G', str(G))
f = f.replace('D', str(D))
f = f.replace('P', str(P))
f = f.replace('E', str(E))
f = f.replace('T', str(T))
f = f.replace('W', str(W))
f = f.replace('U', str(U))
f = f.replace('÷', '/')
f = f.replace('×', '*')
result = ""
result = eval(f)
print(f + "=" + str(eval(f)))
except SyntaxError:
file.write("SyntaxError " + str(formula) + "\n")
return ""
except NameError:
file.write("NameError " + str(formula) + "\n")
return ""
except TypeError:
file.write("TypeError " + str(formula) + "\n")
return ""
return str(result)
def cal431(f, Y, y, A, a, B, b):
f = str(f)
f = f.replace('Y', str(Y))
f = f.replace('y', str(y))
f = f.replace('A', str(A))
f = f.replace('B', str(B))
f = f.replace('a', str(a))
f = f.replace('b', str(b))
f = f.replace('÷', '/')
f = f.replace('×', '*')
result = ""
result = eval(f)
print(f + "=" + str(eval(f)))
except SyntaxError:
file.write("SyntaxError " + str(f) + "\n")
return ""
except NameError:
file.write("NameError " + str(f) + "\n")
return ""
except TypeError:
file.write("TypeError " + str(f) + "\n")
return ""
except ZeroDivisionError:
file.write("ZeroDivisionError " + str(f) + "\n")
return ""
except OverflowError:
file.write("OverflowError " + str(f) + "\n")
return ""
return result
def get331(f):
s = str(f)
s = s.replace('该同学50米跑的排名', 'RR')
s = s.replace('该同学实心球的排名', 'BR')
s = s.replace('该同学立定跳远的排名', 'JR')
s = s.replace('该同学50米跑的成绩', 'RS')
s = s.replace('该同学实心球的成绩', 'BS')
s = s.replace('该同学立定跳远的成绩', 'JS')
s = s.replace('该同学表现最好项目的排名', 'GR')
s = s.replace('该同学表现最差项目的排名', 'WR')
s = s.replace('该同学表现最好项目的成绩', 'GS')
s = s.replace('该同学表现最差项目的成绩', 'WS')
return s
def get104(f):
s = str(f)
s = s.replace('每人每天要刷2次牙', 'E')
s = s.replace('牙刷的长度为18厘米', 'L')
s = s.replace('漱口杯的容量为500毫升', 'V')
s = s.replace('水龙头1分钟会流出3升水', 'W')
s = s.replace('每次刷牙平均需要3分钟', 'T')
s = s.replace('刷牙时的水温为25摄氏度', 'C')
s = s.replace('每次刷牙要使用1厘米牙膏', 'G')
s = s.replace('每次正常刷牙使用1升水(用于漱口、冲洗牙刷等)', 'U')
s = s.replace('每周7天', 'D')
s = s.replace('家中包括4个成员', 'P')
return s
def get60351(answer, mm60331, l):
max_student = l.index(max(l))
min_student = l.index(min(l))
max_student = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'][max_student]
min_student = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'][min_student]
if (answer == '' or pd.isna(answer)):
return 99
if (mm60331 in [10, 72] and answer == max_student):
return 20
if (mm60331 in [20, 38] and answer == max_student):
return 30
if (mm60331 in [30, 31, 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43] and answer == min_student):
return 40
if (mm60331 in [34, 35, 36, 37, 44, 45, 46, 47] and answer == max_student):
return 41
return 70
def get60461(answer):
count = 0
blank = 0
right = ['B', 'A', 'A', 'B']
for i in range(4):
if (pd.isna(answer[i]) or answer[i] == ""):
blank = blank + 1
if (blank == 4):
return 99
for i in range(4):
if (pd.isna(answer[i]) or pd.isna(right[i])):
if (answer[i] == right[i]):
count = count + 1
if (count == 1):
return 10
if (count == 2):
return 20
if (count == 3):
return 30
if (count == 4):
return 40
return 70 |