
159 lines
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# Libraries
## Utils
### State less utilities
### State full utilities
#### Counter
#### Timeout
#### ResetCtrl
### Special utilities
## Stream
### Specification
### Semantics
### Functions
### Utils
#### StreamFifo
#### StreamFifoCC
#### StreamCCByTogggle
#### StreamWidthAdapter
#### StreamAribiter
#### StreamJoin
#### StyreamFork
#### StreamDispatcherSequencial
## Flow
### Specification
### Functions
### Code example
## Fragment
### Specification
### Functions
## State machine
### Introduction
### StateMachine
#### Entry point
#### Transitions
### States
#### StateDelay
#### StateFsm
#### StateParallelFsm
#### Notes about the entry state
## VexRiscv(RV32IM CPU)
## Bus Slave Factory
### Introduction
### Functionality
## Fiber Framework
### Simple dummy example
### Handle[T]
#### soon(handle)
## BinarySystem
### Specification
### String to Int/Long/BigInt
### Int/Long/BigInt to String
### Int/Long/BigInt to Binary-List
### Binary-List to Int/Long/bigInt
### BigInt enricher
## Regif
### Automatic allocation
### 28 ACCess Types
### Automatic documentation generation
### Example
### Interrupt Factory
## Interrupt Design Spec
### IP level interrupt Factory
### SYS level interrupt merge
### Spinal Factory
### Example
### Developers Area
## Bus
### AHB-Lite3
#### Configuration and instanciation
#### Variations
### Apb3
#### Introduction
#### Configuration and instanciation
#### Functions and operators
### Axi4
#### Introduction
#### Configuration and instanciation
#### Variations
#### Functions and operators
### AvalonMM
#### Introduction
#### Configuration and instanciation
## Com
### UART
#### Introduction
#### Bus definition
#### UartCtral
### USB device
#### Introduction
#### Architecture
#### Registers
#### Descriptors
#### Usage
#### Introduction
#### Usage
## IO
### ReadableOpenDrain
#### ReadableOpenDrain
### TriState
#### Introduction
#### TriState
#### TriStateArray
## Graphics
### Colors
#### RGB
### VGA
#### VGA bus
#### VGA timing
#### VGA controller
## EDA
### QSysify
#### Introduction
#### Example
#### tags
#### Adding new interface support
### QuartusFlow
#### Introduction
#### For a single rtl file
#### For an exising project
## Misc
### Plic Mapper
#### PlicMapper.apply
#### PlicMapping.sifive
#### PlicMapping.light
## Introduction
### Introduction