116 lines
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116 lines
4.3 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2023/3/24 13:08
# @Author : 谈林海
import re
import allure
import pytest
from _pytest.assertion.util import assertrepr_compare
from utils import *
from utils.database_process.database_control import MysqlDB
from utils.read_file_process.read_yaml_control import HandleYaml
from utils.data_process.params_replace_control import DataHandler, Config
from utils.requests_process.requests_control import RestClient
from utils.data_process.json_control import JsonHandler
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
test_cases = []
markers = metafunc.definition.own_markers
for marker in markers:
if marker.name == 'datafile':
test_data_path = Path(metafunc.config.rootdir) / marker.args[0] if marker.args else logger.error(
test_data = HandleYaml(test_data_path).read_yaml()
for data in test_data['tests']:
if data['inputs'].get('file', {}):
data['inputs']['file'] = {'file': (
data['inputs']['file'], open(root / f"files/{data['inputs']['file']}", 'rb'),
test_case = {
'case': data.get('case', {}),
'env': (str(config.host) + str(test_data['common_inputs'].get('path', {})),
str(test_data['common_inputs'].get('method', ''))),
'inputs': data.get('inputs', {}),
'expectation': data.get('expectation', {})
"env, case, inputs, expectation",
[(tc['env'], tc['case'], tc['inputs'], tc['expectation']) for tc in test_cases],
@pytest.fixture(scope='function', autouse=True)
def alert_inputs(request):
if 'inputs' in request.fixturenames:
inputs = request.getfixturevalue('inputs')
DataHandler(config=Config()).replace_values(inputs['json']) if inputs.get('json') else DataHandler(
@pytest.fixture(scope='function', autouse=True)
def alert_common_inputs(request):
if 'env' in request.fixturenames:
caches = HandleYaml(root / 'test_data/cache.yaml').read_yaml().get('cache', {})
env = request.getfixturevalue('env')
url = env[0]
if "{" in url and "}" in url:
if matchs := re.search(r"\{(.+?)\}", url):
replace_context = matchs.group(1)
url = url.replace(url[url.find("{"):env[0].find("}") + 1], str(caches.get(replace_context[replace_context.find('.') + 1:])))
env[0] = url
def pytest_assertrepr_compare(config, op, left, right):
left_name, right_name = left, right
pytest_output = assertrepr_compare(config, op, left, right)
# logger.debug(f"{left_name} is {left}")
# logger.debug(f"{right_name} is {right}")
with allure.step(f"断言: {left_name} {op} {right_name}"):
allure.attach(f"{left_name}", "输入结果")
allure.attach(f"{op}", "判断条件")
allure.attach(f"{right_name}", "预期结果")
return pytest_output
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items):
for item in items:
item.name = item.name.encode("utf-8").decode("unicode_escape")
item._nodeid = item.nodeid.encode("utf-8").decode("unicode_escape")
_marks = Path(item.fspath).resolve().parts[-2] # 测试用例对应模块
if item.get_closest_marker(name=f'{_marks}') is None:
db_config = all([v for k, v in dict(config.mysql_db).items()])
if not db_config:
def core():
class Core:
def __init__(self):
self.requests = RestClient()
self.headers = RestClient().headers()
self.cache = HandleYaml(root / 'test_data/cache.yaml')
self.mysql = MysqlDB() if db_config else ...
self.js = JsonHandler
yield Core()