199 lines
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199 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2022/3/28 14:18
# @Author : 郭林莉
import jsonpath
from tools.allure_control import SqlSwitch
from tools.log_control import ERROR, WARNING
class Assert:
def __init__(self, assert_data):
self.assert_data = assert_data
def _check_params(response_data, sql_data):
:param response_data: 响应数据
:param sql_data: 数据库数据
# 用例如果不执行,接口返回的相应数据和数据库断言都是 False,这里则判断跳过断言判断
if response_data is False and sql_data is False:
return False
# 判断断言的数据类型
if isinstance(response_data, dict) and isinstance(sql_data, dict):
elif isinstance(response_data, str):
# pass
raise ValueError("response_data、sql_data、assert_data的数据类型必须要是字典或者str类型")
def _assert_type(key: any, types: str, value: any):
# 是否相等
if str(types) == "==":
assert key == value
# 判断实际结果小于预期结果
elif str(types) == "lt":
assert key < value
# 判断实际结果小于等于预期结果
elif str(types) == "le":
assert key < value
# 判断实际结果大于预期结果
elif str(types) == "gt":
assert key > value
# 判断实际结果大于等于预期结果
elif str(types) == "ge":
assert key >= value
# 判断实际结果不等于预期结果
elif str(types) == "not_eq":
assert key != value
# 判断字符串是否相等
elif str(types) == "str_eq":
assert key == value
# 判断长度是否相等
elif str(types) == "len_eq":
# assertion isinstance(value, int)
assert len(key) == value
# 判断长度大于
elif str(types) == "len_gt":
assert isinstance(value, int)
assert len(str(key)) > value
# 判断长度大于等于
elif str(types) == 'len_ge':
assert isinstance(value, int)
assert len(key) >= value
elif str(types) == "len_lt":
assert isinstance(value, int)
assert len(key) < value
# 判断长度小于等于
elif str(types) == 'len_le':
assert isinstance(value, int)
assert len(key) <= value
# 判断期望结果内容包含在实际结果中
elif str(types) == "contains":
assert str(value) in str(key)
# 判断实际结果包含在期望结果中
elif str(types) == 'contained_by':
assert str(value) in str(key)
# 检查响应内容的开头是否和预期结果内容的开头相等
elif str(types) == 'startswith':
assert str(value).startswith(str(key))
# 检查响应内容的结尾是否和预期结果内容相等
elif str(types) == 'endswith':
assert str(key).endswith(str(value))
elif str(types) == 'listdata':
assert key
elif str(types) == 'null_list':
assert not key
elif str(types) == 'listdata_len':
# print(len(key))
assert len(key) >= value
elif str(types) == 'status_code':
print("KEY是", key)
print("value", value)
# assert (key['status_code'], 200)
elif str(types) == 'list_in':
# print(len(key))
if key in value:
assert True
assert False
raise ValueError(f"断言失败,目前不支持{types}断言类型,如需新增断言类型,请联系管理员")
def sql_switch_handle(self, sql_data, assert_value, key, values, resp_data) -> None:
:param sql_data: 测试用例中的sql
:param assert_value: 断言内容
:param key:
:param values:
:param resp_data: 预期结果
# 判断数据库为开关为关闭状态
if SqlSwitch() is False:
# 数据库开关为开启
if SqlSwitch():
# 判断当用例走的数据数据库断言,但是用例中未填写SQL
if sql_data == {'sql': None}:
raise ValueError("请在用例中添加您要查询的SQL语句。")
# 走正常SQL断言逻辑
res_sql_data = jsonpath.jsonpath(sql_data, assert_value)[0]
# 判断mysql查询出来的数据类型如果是bytes类型,转换成str类型
if isinstance(res_sql_data, bytes):
res_sql_data = res_sql_data.decode('utf=8')
self._assert_type(types=self.assert_data[key]['type'], key=resp_data[0], value=res_sql_data)
def assert_type_handle(self, assert_type, sql_data, assert_value, key, values, resp_data) -> None:
# 判断断言类型
if assert_type == 'SQL':
self.sql_switch_handle(sql_data, assert_value, key, values, resp_data)
# 判断assertType为空的情况下,则走响应断言
elif assert_type == 'str':
print("实际值", resp_data)
self._assert_type(types=self.assert_data[key]['type'], key=resp_data, value=assert_value)
# elif assert_type == 'noResponse':
# print("预期值", assert_value)
# print("实际值", resp_data[0])
# self._assert_type(types=self.assert_data[key]['type'], key=resp_data, value=assert_value)
elif assert_type is None:
# print("预期值", assert_value)
# print("实际值" ,resp_data[0])
self._assert_type(types=self.assert_data[key]['type'], key=resp_data[0], value=assert_value)
raise ValueError("断言失败,目前只支持数据库断言和响应断言")
def assert_equality(self, response_data, sql_data):
# 判断数据类型
if self._check_params(response_data, sql_data) is not False:
for key, values in self.assert_data.items():
assert_value = self.assert_data[key]['value'] # 获取 yaml 文件中的期望value值
assert_jsonpath = self.assert_data[key]['jsonpath'] # 获取到 yaml断言中的jsonpath的数据
assert_type = self.assert_data[key]['AssertType']
# 从yaml获取jsonpath,拿到对象的接口响应数据
if assert_type=='str':
resp_data = response_data
resp_data = jsonpath.jsonpath(response_data, assert_jsonpath)
# jsonpath 如果数据获取失败,会返回False,判断获取成功才会执行如下代码
if resp_data is not False:
# 判断断言类型
# print('断言',assert_type, sql_data, assert_value, key, values, resp_data)
self.assert_type_handle(assert_type, sql_data, assert_value, key, values, resp_data)
raise ValueError(f"JsonPath值获取失败{assert_jsonpath}")
raise '断言失败'
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# from tools.readfiletools.yaml_data_analysis import CaseData
# from config.setting import ConfigHandler
# #获取用例清洗后的数据
# GetCaseData = CaseData(ConfigHandler.merchant_data_path + r'test_dm\InFo.yaml').case_process()
# #获取用例列表里面第一个用例的 assert
# cc = GetCaseData[0]['assert']
# aa = {'status': 200, 'message': 'ok', 'data': '12312312'}
# bb = {'sql': None}
# Assert(cc).assert_equality(response_data=aa,sql_data=bb)