Add documentation for programmatic step generation

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Alessio Bogon 2022-08-13 11:59:43 +02:00
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@ -867,6 +867,140 @@ You can learn more about `functools.partial <
in the Python docs.
Programmatic step generation
Most of the times you can have step definitions that would be easier to automate than to write from scratch every time.
This is common for example when using libraries like pytest-factoryboy that automatically creates fixtures.
Writing step definitions for every model can become a tedious task.
For this reason, pytest-bdd provides a way to generate step definitions automatically.
Let's look at a concrete example; let's say you have a class ``Wallet`` that has some amount for each currency:
.. code-block:: python
# contents of
import dataclass
class Wallet:
verified: bool
amount_eur: int
amount_usd: int
amount_gbp: int
amount_jpy: int
You can use pytest-factoryboy to automatically create model fixtures for this class:
.. code-block:: python
# contents of
from wallet import Wallet
import factory
from pytest_factoryboy import register
class WalletFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = Wallet
amount_eur = 0
amount_usd = 0
amount_gbp = 0
amount_jpy = 0
register(Wallet) # creates the "wallet" fixture
register(Wallet, "second_wallet") # creates the "second_wallet" fixture
Now we can define a function `generate_wallet_steps()` that creates the steps for any wallet fixture (in our case, it will be "wallet" and "second_wallet"):
.. code-block:: python
# contents of
import re
from dataclasses import fields
import factory
import pytest
from pytest_bdd import given, when, then, scenarios, parsers
def generate_wallet_steps(model_name="wallet", stacklevel=1):
stacklevel += 1
human_name = model_name.replace("_", " ") # "second_wallet" -> "second wallet"
@given(f"I have a {human_name}", target_fixture=model_name, stacklevel=stacklevel)
def _(request):
return request.getfixturevalue(model_name)
# Generate steps for currency fields:
for field in fields(Wallet):
match = re.fullmatch(r"amount_(?P<currency>[a-z]{3})",
if not match:
currency = match["currency"]
parsers.parse(f"I have {{value:d}} {currency.upper()} in my {human_name}"),
def _(value: int) -> int:
return value
parsers.parse(f"I should have {{value:d}} {currency.upper()} in my {human_name}"),
def _(value: int, _currency=currency, _model_name=model_name) -> None:
wallet = request.getfixturevalue(_model_name)
assert getattr(wallet, f"amount_{_currency}") == value
# Inject the steps into the current module
This last file, ````, now contains all the step definitions for our "wallet" and "second_wallet" fixtures.
We can now define a scenario like this:
.. code-block:: gherkin
# contents of wallet.feature
Feature: A feature
Scenario: Wallet EUR amount stays constant
Given I have 10 EUR in my wallet
And I have a wallet
Then I should have 10 EUR in my wallet
Scenario: Second wallet JPY amount stays constant
Given I have 100 JPY in my second wallet
And I have a second wallet
Then I should have 100 JPY in my second wallet
and finally a test file that puts it all together and run the scenarios:
.. code-block:: python
# contents of
from pytest_factoryboy import scenarios
from wallet_factory import * # import the registered fixtures "wallet" and "second_wallet"
from wallet_steps import * # import all the step definitions into this test file