Move Feature, Scenario, Step classes into the parser module (#388)

* Move the parsing logic to its own module

* Remove Feature.get_feature classmethod, in favour of the get_feature function on the feature module
This commit is contained in:
Alessio Bogon 2020-09-15 11:18:57 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent cba9a8ba90
commit 02e667f239
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 495 additions and 474 deletions

View File

@ -23,84 +23,18 @@ Syntax example:
:note: There're no multiline steps, the description of the step must fit in
one line.
from collections import OrderedDict
from os import path as op
import codecs
import re
import os.path
import sys
import textwrap
import glob2
import six
from . import types
from . import exceptions
from .parser import parse_feature
# Global features dictionary
features = {}
("Feature: ", types.FEATURE),
("Scenario Outline: ", types.SCENARIO_OUTLINE),
("Examples: Vertical", types.EXAMPLES_VERTICAL),
("Examples:", types.EXAMPLES),
("Scenario: ", types.SCENARIO),
("Background:", types.BACKGROUND),
("Given ", types.GIVEN),
("When ", types.WHEN),
("Then ", types.THEN),
("@", types.TAG),
# Continuation of the previously mentioned step type
("And ", None),
("But ", None),
STEP_PARAM_RE = re.compile(r"\<(.+?)\>")
COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r"(^|(?<=\s))#")
SPLIT_LINE_RE = re.compile(r"(?<!\\)\|")
def get_step_type(line):
"""Detect step type by the beginning of the line.
:param str line: Line of the Feature file.
:return: SCENARIO, GIVEN, WHEN, THEN, or `None` if can't be detected.
for prefix, _type in STEP_PREFIXES:
if line.startswith(prefix):
return _type
def strip_comments(line):
"""Remove comments.
:param str line: Line of the Feature file.
:return: Stripped line.
res =
if res:
line = line[: res.start()]
return line.strip()
def parse_line(line):
"""Parse step line to get the step prefix (Scenario, Given, When, Then or And) and the actual step name.
:param line: Line of the Feature file.
:return: `tuple` in form ("<prefix>", "<Line without the prefix>").
for prefix, _ in STEP_PREFIXES:
if line.startswith(prefix):
return prefix.strip(), line[len(prefix) :].strip()
return "", line
def force_unicode(obj, encoding="utf-8"):
"""Get the unicode string out of given object (python 2 and python 3).
@ -131,26 +65,26 @@ def force_encode(string, encoding="utf-8"):
return string
def get_tags(line):
"""Get tags out of the given line.
def get_feature(base_path, filename, encoding="utf-8"):
"""Get a feature by the filename.
:param str line: Feature file text line.
:param str base_path: Base feature directory.
:param str filename: Filename of the feature file.
:param str encoding: Feature file encoding.
:return: List of tags.
:return: `Feature` instance from the parsed feature cache.
:note: The features are parsed on the execution of the test and
stored in the global variable cache to improve the performance
when multiple scenarios are referencing the same file.
if not line or not line.strip().startswith("@"):
return set()
return set((tag.lstrip("@") for tag in line.strip().split(" @") if len(tag) > 1))
def split_line(line):
"""Split the given Examples line.
:param str|unicode line: Feature file Examples line.
:return: List of strings.
return [cell.replace("\\|", "|").strip() for cell in SPLIT_LINE_RE.split(line[1:-1])]
full_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_path, filename))
feature = features.get(full_name)
if not feature:
feature = parse_feature(base_path, filename, encoding=encoding)
features[full_name] = feature
return feature
def get_features(paths, **kwargs):
@ -165,388 +99,11 @@ def get_features(paths, **kwargs):
for path in paths:
if path not in seen_names:
if op.isdir(path):
features.extend(get_features(glob2.iglob(op.join(path, "**", "*.feature")), **kwargs))
if os.path.isdir(path):
features.extend(get_features(glob2.iglob(os.path.join(path, "**", "*.feature")), **kwargs))
base, name = op.split(path)
feature = Feature.get_feature(base, name, **kwargs)
base, name = os.path.split(path)
feature = get_feature(base, name, **kwargs)
features.sort(key=lambda feature: or feature.filename)
return features
class Examples(object):
"""Example table."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize examples instance."""
self.example_params = []
self.examples = []
self.vertical_examples = []
self.line_number = None = None
def set_param_names(self, keys):
"""Set parameter names.
:param names: `list` of `string` parameter names.
self.example_params = [str(key) for key in keys]
def add_example(self, values):
"""Add example.
:param values: `list` of `string` parameter values.
def add_example_row(self, param, values):
"""Add example row.
:param param: `str` parameter name
:param values: `list` of `string` parameter values
if param in self.example_params:
raise exceptions.ExamplesNotValidError(
"""Example rows should contain unique parameters. "{0}" appeared more than once""".format(param)
def get_params(self, converters, builtin=False):
"""Get scenario pytest parametrization table.
:param converters: `dict` of converter functions to convert parameter values
param_count = len(self.example_params)
if self.vertical_examples and not self.examples:
for value_index in range(len(self.vertical_examples[0])):
example = []
for param_index in range(param_count):
if self.examples:
params = []
for example in self.examples:
example = list(example)
for index, param in enumerate(self.example_params):
raw_value = example[index]
if converters and param in converters:
value = converters[param](raw_value)
if not builtin or value.__class__.__module__ in {"__builtin__", "builtins"}:
example[index] = value
return [self.example_params, params]
return []
def __bool__(self):
"""Bool comparison."""
return bool(self.vertical_examples or self.examples)
if six.PY2:
__nonzero__ = __bool__
class Feature(object):
def __init__(self, basedir, filename, encoding="utf-8"):
"""Parse the feature file.
:param str basedir: Feature files base directory.
:param str filename: Relative path to the feature file.
:param str encoding: Feature file encoding (utf-8 by default).
self.scenarios = OrderedDict()
self.rel_filename = op.join(op.basename(basedir), filename)
self.filename = filename = op.abspath(op.join(basedir, filename))
self.line_number = 1 = None
self.tags = set()
self.examples = Examples()
scenario = None
mode = None
prev_mode = None
description = []
step = None
multiline_step = False
prev_line = None
self.background = None
with, encoding=encoding) as f:
content = force_unicode(, encoding)
for line_number, line in enumerate(content.splitlines(), start=1):
unindented_line = line.lstrip()
line_indent = len(line) - len(unindented_line)
if step and (step.indent < line_indent or ((not unindented_line) and multiline_step)):
multiline_step = True
# multiline step, so just add line and continue
step = None
multiline_step = False
stripped_line = line.strip()
clean_line = strip_comments(line)
if not clean_line and (not prev_mode or prev_mode not in types.FEATURE):
mode = get_step_type(clean_line) or mode
allowed_prev_mode = (types.BACKGROUND, types.GIVEN, types.WHEN)
if not scenario and prev_mode not in allowed_prev_mode and mode in types.STEP_TYPES:
raise exceptions.FeatureError(
"Step definition outside of a Scenario or a Background", line_number, clean_line, filename
if mode == types.FEATURE:
if prev_mode is None or prev_mode == types.TAG:
_, = parse_line(clean_line)
self.line_number = line_number
self.tags = get_tags(prev_line)
elif prev_mode == types.FEATURE:
raise exceptions.FeatureError(
"Multiple features are not allowed in a single feature file",
prev_mode = mode
# Remove Feature, Given, When, Then, And
keyword, parsed_line = parse_line(clean_line)
if mode in [types.SCENARIO, types.SCENARIO_OUTLINE]:
tags = get_tags(prev_line)
self.scenarios[parsed_line] = scenario = Scenario(self, parsed_line, line_number, tags=tags)
elif mode == types.BACKGROUND:
self.background = Background(feature=self, line_number=line_number)
elif mode == types.EXAMPLES:
(scenario or self).examples.line_number = line_number
elif mode == types.EXAMPLES_VERTICAL:
(scenario or self).examples.line_number = line_number
elif mode == types.EXAMPLES_HEADERS:
(scenario or self).examples.set_param_names([l for l in split_line(parsed_line) if l])
mode = types.EXAMPLE_LINE
elif mode == types.EXAMPLE_LINE:
(scenario or self).examples.add_example([l for l in split_line(stripped_line)])
elif mode == types.EXAMPLE_LINE_VERTICAL:
param_line_parts = [l for l in split_line(stripped_line)]
(scenario or self).examples.add_example_row(param_line_parts[0], param_line_parts[1:])
except exceptions.ExamplesNotValidError as exc:
if scenario:
raise exceptions.FeatureError(
"""Scenario has not valid examples. {0}""".format(exc.args[0]),
raise exceptions.FeatureError(
"""Feature has not valid examples. {0}""".format(exc.args[0]),
elif mode and mode not in (types.FEATURE, types.TAG):
step = Step(
name=parsed_line, type=mode, indent=line_indent, line_number=line_number, keyword=keyword
if self.background and not scenario:
target = self.background
target = scenario
prev_line = clean_line
self.description = u"\n".join(description).strip()
def get_feature(cls, base_path, filename, encoding="utf-8"):
"""Get a feature by the filename.
:param str base_path: Base feature directory.
:param str filename: Filename of the feature file.
:param str encoding: Feature file encoding.
:return: `Feature` instance from the parsed feature cache.
:note: The features are parsed on the execution of the test and
stored in the global variable cache to improve the performance
when multiple scenarios are referencing the same file.
full_name = op.abspath(op.join(base_path, filename))
feature = features.get(full_name)
if not feature:
feature = Feature(base_path, filename, encoding=encoding)
features[full_name] = feature
return feature
class Scenario(object):
def __init__(self, feature, name, line_number, example_converters=None, tags=None):
"""Scenario constructor.
:param pytest_bdd.feature.Feature feature: Feature.
:param str name: Scenario name.
:param int line_number: Scenario line number.
:param dict example_converters: Example table parameter converters.
:param set tags: Set of tags.
self.feature = feature = name
self._steps = []
self.examples = Examples()
self.line_number = line_number
self.example_converters = example_converters
self.tags = tags or set()
self.failed = False
self.test_function = None
def add_step(self, step):
"""Add step to the scenario.
:param pytest_bdd.feature.Step step: Step.
step.scenario = self
def steps(self):
"""Get scenario steps including background steps.
:return: List of steps.
result = []
if self.feature.background:
return result
def params(self):
"""Get parameter names.
:return: Parameter names.
:rtype: frozenset
return frozenset(sum((list(step.params) for step in self.steps), []))
def get_example_params(self):
"""Get example parameter names."""
return set(self.examples.example_params + self.feature.examples.example_params)
def get_params(self, builtin=False):
"""Get converted example params."""
for examples in [self.feature.examples, self.examples]:
yield examples.get_params(self.example_converters, builtin=builtin)
def validate(self):
"""Validate the scenario.
:raises ScenarioValidationError: when scenario is not valid
params = self.params
example_params = self.get_example_params()
if params and example_params and params != example_params:
raise exceptions.ScenarioExamplesNotValidError(
"""Scenario "{0}" in the feature "{1}" has not valid examples. """
"""Set of step parameters {2} should match set of example values {3}.""".format(, self.feature.filename, sorted(params), sorted(example_params)
class Step(object):
def __init__(self, name, type, indent, line_number, keyword):
"""Step constructor.
:param str name: step name.
:param str type: step type.
:param int indent: step text indent.
:param int line_number: line number.
:param str keyword: step keyword.
""" = name
self.keyword = keyword
self.lines = []
self.indent = indent
self.type = type
self.line_number = line_number
self.failed = False
self.start = 0
self.stop = 0
self.scenario = None
self.background = None
def add_line(self, line):
"""Add line to the multiple step.
:param str line: Line of text - the continuation of the step name.
def name(self):
"""Get step name."""
multilines_content = textwrap.dedent("\n".join(self.lines)) if self.lines else ""
# Remove the multiline quotes, if present.
multilines_content = re.sub(
flags=re.DOTALL, # Needed to make the "." match also new lines
lines = [self._name] + [multilines_content]
return "\n".join(lines).strip()
def name(self, value):
"""Set step name."""
self._name = value
def __str__(self):
"""Full step name including the type."""
return '{type} "{name}"'.format(type=self.type.capitalize(),
def params(self):
"""Get step params."""
return tuple(frozenset(STEP_PARAM_RE.findall(
class Background(object):
def __init__(self, feature, line_number):
"""Background constructor.
:param pytest_bdd.feature.Feature feature: Feature.
:param int line_number: Line number.
self.feature = feature
self.line_number = line_number
self.steps = []
def add_step(self, step):
"""Add step to the background."""
step.background = self

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import re
from _pytest.terminal import TerminalReporter
from .feature import STEP_PARAM_RE
from .parser import STEP_PARAM_RE
def add_options(parser):

pytest_bdd/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
import io
import os.path
import re
import textwrap
from collections import OrderedDict
import six
from . import types, exceptions
SPLIT_LINE_RE = re.compile(r"(?<!\\)\|")
COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r"(^|(?<=\s))#")
("Feature: ", types.FEATURE),
("Scenario Outline: ", types.SCENARIO_OUTLINE),
("Examples: Vertical", types.EXAMPLES_VERTICAL),
("Examples:", types.EXAMPLES),
("Scenario: ", types.SCENARIO),
("Background:", types.BACKGROUND),
("Given ", types.GIVEN),
("When ", types.WHEN),
("Then ", types.THEN),
("@", types.TAG),
# Continuation of the previously mentioned step type
("And ", None),
("But ", None),
def split_line(line):
"""Split the given Examples line.
:param str|unicode line: Feature file Examples line.
:return: List of strings.
return [cell.replace("\\|", "|").strip() for cell in SPLIT_LINE_RE.split(line[1:-1])]
def parse_line(line):
"""Parse step line to get the step prefix (Scenario, Given, When, Then or And) and the actual step name.
:param line: Line of the Feature file.
:return: `tuple` in form ("<prefix>", "<Line without the prefix>").
for prefix, _ in STEP_PREFIXES:
if line.startswith(prefix):
return prefix.strip(), line[len(prefix) :].strip()
return "", line
def strip_comments(line):
"""Remove comments.
:param str line: Line of the Feature file.
:return: Stripped line.
res =
if res:
line = line[: res.start()]
return line.strip()
def get_step_type(line):
"""Detect step type by the beginning of the line.
:param str line: Line of the Feature file.
:return: SCENARIO, GIVEN, WHEN, THEN, or `None` if can't be detected.
for prefix, _type in STEP_PREFIXES:
if line.startswith(prefix):
return _type
def parse_feature(basedir, filename, encoding="utf-8"):
"""Parse the feature file.
:param str basedir: Feature files base directory.
:param str filename: Relative path to the feature file.
:param str encoding: Feature file encoding (utf-8 by default).
abs_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, filename))
rel_filename = os.path.join(os.path.basename(basedir), filename)
feature = Feature(
scenario = None
mode = None
prev_mode = None
description = []
step = None
multiline_step = False
prev_line = None
with, "rt", encoding=encoding) as f:
content =
for line_number, line in enumerate(content.splitlines(), start=1):
unindented_line = line.lstrip()
line_indent = len(line) - len(unindented_line)
if step and (step.indent < line_indent or ((not unindented_line) and multiline_step)):
multiline_step = True
# multiline step, so just add line and continue
step = None
multiline_step = False
stripped_line = line.strip()
clean_line = strip_comments(line)
if not clean_line and (not prev_mode or prev_mode not in types.FEATURE):
mode = get_step_type(clean_line) or mode
allowed_prev_mode = (types.BACKGROUND, types.GIVEN, types.WHEN)
if not scenario and prev_mode not in allowed_prev_mode and mode in types.STEP_TYPES:
raise exceptions.FeatureError(
"Step definition outside of a Scenario or a Background", line_number, clean_line, filename
if mode == types.FEATURE:
if prev_mode is None or prev_mode == types.TAG:
_, = parse_line(clean_line)
feature.line_number = line_number
feature.tags = get_tags(prev_line)
elif prev_mode == types.FEATURE:
raise exceptions.FeatureError(
"Multiple features are not allowed in a single feature file",
prev_mode = mode
# Remove Feature, Given, When, Then, And
keyword, parsed_line = parse_line(clean_line)
if mode in [types.SCENARIO, types.SCENARIO_OUTLINE]:
tags = get_tags(prev_line)
feature.scenarios[parsed_line] = scenario = Scenario(feature, parsed_line, line_number, tags=tags)
elif mode == types.BACKGROUND:
feature.background = Background(feature=feature, line_number=line_number)
elif mode == types.EXAMPLES:
(scenario or feature).examples.line_number = line_number
elif mode == types.EXAMPLES_VERTICAL:
(scenario or feature).examples.line_number = line_number
elif mode == types.EXAMPLES_HEADERS:
(scenario or feature).examples.set_param_names([l for l in split_line(parsed_line) if l])
mode = types.EXAMPLE_LINE
elif mode == types.EXAMPLE_LINE:
(scenario or feature).examples.add_example([l for l in split_line(stripped_line)])
elif mode == types.EXAMPLE_LINE_VERTICAL:
param_line_parts = [l for l in split_line(stripped_line)]
(scenario or feature).examples.add_example_row(param_line_parts[0], param_line_parts[1:])
except exceptions.ExamplesNotValidError as exc:
if scenario:
raise exceptions.FeatureError(
"""Scenario has not valid examples. {0}""".format(exc.args[0]),
raise exceptions.FeatureError(
"""Feature has not valid examples. {0}""".format(exc.args[0]),
elif mode and mode not in (types.FEATURE, types.TAG):
step = Step(name=parsed_line, type=mode, indent=line_indent, line_number=line_number, keyword=keyword)
if feature.background and not scenario:
target = feature.background
target = scenario
prev_line = clean_line
feature.description = u"\n".join(description).strip()
return feature
class Feature(object):
def __init__(self, scenarios, filename, rel_filename, name, tags, examples, background, line_number, description):
self.scenarios = scenarios
self.rel_filename = rel_filename
self.filename = filename = name
self.tags = tags
self.examples = examples = name
self.line_number = line_number
self.tags = tags
self.scenarios = scenarios
self.description = description
self.background = background
class Scenario(object):
def __init__(self, feature, name, line_number, example_converters=None, tags=None):
"""Scenario constructor.
:param pytest_bdd.parser.Feature feature: Feature.
:param str name: Scenario name.
:param int line_number: Scenario line number.
:param dict example_converters: Example table parameter converters.
:param set tags: Set of tags.
self.feature = feature = name
self._steps = []
self.examples = Examples()
self.line_number = line_number
self.example_converters = example_converters
self.tags = tags or set()
self.failed = False
self.test_function = None
def add_step(self, step):
"""Add step to the scenario.
:param pytest_bdd.parser.Step step: Step.
step.scenario = self
def steps(self):
"""Get scenario steps including background steps.
:return: List of steps.
result = []
if self.feature.background:
return result
def params(self):
"""Get parameter names.
:return: Parameter names.
:rtype: frozenset
return frozenset(sum((list(step.params) for step in self.steps), []))
def get_example_params(self):
"""Get example parameter names."""
return set(self.examples.example_params + self.feature.examples.example_params)
def get_params(self, builtin=False):
"""Get converted example params."""
for examples in [self.feature.examples, self.examples]:
yield examples.get_params(self.example_converters, builtin=builtin)
def validate(self):
"""Validate the scenario.
:raises ScenarioValidationError: when scenario is not valid
params = self.params
example_params = self.get_example_params()
if params and example_params and params != example_params:
raise exceptions.ScenarioExamplesNotValidError(
"""Scenario "{0}" in the feature "{1}" has not valid examples. """
"""Set of step parameters {2} should match set of example values {3}.""".format(, self.feature.filename, sorted(params), sorted(example_params)
class Step(object):
def __init__(self, name, type, indent, line_number, keyword):
"""Step constructor.
:param str name: step name.
:param str type: step type.
:param int indent: step text indent.
:param int line_number: line number.
:param str keyword: step keyword.
""" = name
self.keyword = keyword
self.lines = []
self.indent = indent
self.type = type
self.line_number = line_number
self.failed = False
self.start = 0
self.stop = 0
self.scenario = None
self.background = None
def add_line(self, line):
"""Add line to the multiple step.
:param str line: Line of text - the continuation of the step name.
def name(self):
"""Get step name."""
multilines_content = textwrap.dedent("\n".join(self.lines)) if self.lines else ""
# Remove the multiline quotes, if present.
multilines_content = re.sub(
flags=re.DOTALL, # Needed to make the "." match also new lines
lines = [self._name] + [multilines_content]
return "\n".join(lines).strip()
def name(self, value):
"""Set step name."""
self._name = value
def __str__(self):
"""Full step name including the type."""
return '{type} "{name}"'.format(type=self.type.capitalize(),
def params(self):
"""Get step params."""
return tuple(frozenset(STEP_PARAM_RE.findall(
class Background(object):
def __init__(self, feature, line_number):
"""Background constructor.
:param pytest_bdd.parser.Feature feature: Feature.
:param int line_number: Line number.
self.feature = feature
self.line_number = line_number
self.steps = []
def add_step(self, step):
"""Add step to the background."""
step.background = self
class Examples(object):
"""Example table."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize examples instance."""
self.example_params = []
self.examples = []
self.vertical_examples = []
self.line_number = None = None
def set_param_names(self, keys):
"""Set parameter names.
:param names: `list` of `string` parameter names.
self.example_params = [str(key) for key in keys]
def add_example(self, values):
"""Add example.
:param values: `list` of `string` parameter values.
def add_example_row(self, param, values):
"""Add example row.
:param param: `str` parameter name
:param values: `list` of `string` parameter values
if param in self.example_params:
raise exceptions.ExamplesNotValidError(
"""Example rows should contain unique parameters. "{0}" appeared more than once""".format(param)
def get_params(self, converters, builtin=False):
"""Get scenario pytest parametrization table.
:param converters: `dict` of converter functions to convert parameter values
param_count = len(self.example_params)
if self.vertical_examples and not self.examples:
for value_index in range(len(self.vertical_examples[0])):
example = []
for param_index in range(param_count):
if self.examples:
params = []
for example in self.examples:
example = list(example)
for index, param in enumerate(self.example_params):
raw_value = example[index]
if converters and param in converters:
value = converters[param](raw_value)
if not builtin or value.__class__.__module__ in {"__builtin__", "builtins"}:
example[index] = value
return [self.example_params, params]
return []
def __bool__(self):
"""Bool comparison."""
return bool(self.vertical_examples or self.examples)
if six.PY2:
__nonzero__ = __bool__
def get_tags(line):
"""Get tags out of the given line.
:param str line: Feature file text line.
:return: List of tags.
if not line or not line.strip().startswith("@"):
return set()
return set((tag.lstrip("@") for tag in line.strip().split(" @") if len(tag) > 1))
STEP_PARAM_RE = re.compile(r"\<(.+?)\>")

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class StepReport(object):
def __init__(self, step):
"""Step report constructor.
:param pytest_bdd.feature.Step step: Step.
:param pytest_bdd.parser.Step step: Step.
self.step = step
self.started = time.time()
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class ScenarioReport(object):
def __init__(self, scenario, node):
"""Scenario report constructor.
:param pytest_bdd.feature.Scenario scenario: Scenario.
:param pytest_bdd.parser.Scenario scenario: Scenario.
:param node: pytest test node object
self.scenario = scenario

View File

@ -11,10 +11,8 @@ test_publish_article = scenario(
import collections
import inspect
import os
import re
import sys
import pytest
@ -24,7 +22,7 @@ except ImportError:
from _pytest import python as pytest_fixtures
from . import exceptions
from .feature import Feature, force_unicode, get_features
from .feature import force_unicode, get_feature, get_features
from .steps import get_step_fixture_name, inject_fixture
from .utils import CONFIG_STACK, get_args, get_caller_module_locals, get_caller_module_path
@ -213,7 +211,7 @@ def scenario(feature_name, scenario_name, encoding="utf-8", example_converters=N
# Get the feature
if features_base_dir is None:
features_base_dir = get_features_base_dir(caller_module_path)
feature = Feature.get_feature(features_base_dir, feature_name, encoding=encoding)
feature = get_feature(features_base_dir, feature_name, encoding=encoding)
# Get the scenario

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import textwrap
import pytest
from pytest_bdd import feature
from pytest_bdd.parser import get_tags
def test_tags_selector(testdir):
@ -251,4 +251,4 @@ def test_at_in_scenario(testdir):
def test_get_tags(line, expected):
assert feature.get_tags(line) == expected
assert get_tags(line) == expected