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Virtual Environment Tutorial

Step 1: Install VirtualEnv and VirtualEnvWrapper:

macOS / Linux:

(Shortcut: Run "source" from the top-level SeleniumBase folder to perform the following steps.)

python -m pip install --upgrade virtualenv
python -m pip install --upgrade virtualenvwrapper
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source `which`

If you add source `which` to your local bash file (~/.bash_profile on macOS, or ~/.bashrc on Linux), virtualenvwrapper commands such as mkvirtualenv will be available whenever you open a new command prompt.


(Shortcut: Run "virtualenv_install.bat" from the top-level SeleniumBase folder to perform the following steps.)

python -m pip install --upgrade virtualenvwrapper-win

Step 2: Create a virtual environment:

macOS / Linux / Windows:

  • Using mkvirtualenv:
mkvirtualenv seleniumbase_venv

(If you have multiple versions of Python installed on your machine, and you want your virtual environment to use a specific Python version, add --python=PATH_TO_PYTHON_EXE with the Python executable to use.)

  • Using virtualenv:
virtualenv seleniumbase_venv
source seleniumbase_venv/bin/activate
  • (Python 3) Using mvenv:
python3 -mvenv seleniumbase_venv
source seleniumbase_venv/bin/activate

If you ever need to leave your virtual environment, use the following command:


You can always jump back into your virtual environment later:

workon seleniumbase_venv

To list all existing virtual environments:


To delete a virtual environment:

rmvirtualenv VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME has more information about Python virtual environments. For specific details about VirtualEnv and VirtualEnvWrapper, see and