
1263 lines
50 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The SeleniumBase-Behave Connector configures command-line options.
behave -D browser=edge -D dashboard -D headless
behave -D rs -D dashboard
behave -D agent="User Agent String" -D demo
-D browser=BROWSER (The web browser to use. Default: "chrome".)
-D chrome (Shortcut for "-D browser=chrome". On by default.)
-D edge (Shortcut for "-D browser=edge".)
-D firefox (Shortcut for "-D browser=firefox".)
-D safari (Shortcut for "-D browser=safari".)
-D settings-file=FILE (Override default SeleniumBase settings.)
-D env=ENV (Set the test env. Access with "self.env" in tests.)
-D account=STR (Set account. Access with "self.account" in tests.)
-D data=STRING (Extra test data. Access with "" in tests.)
-D var1=STRING (Extra test data. Access with "self.var1" in tests.)
-D var2=STRING (Extra test data. Access with "self.var2" in tests.)
-D var3=STRING (Extra test data. Access with "self.var3" in tests.)
-D variables=DICT (A test var dict. Access with "self.variables".)
-D user-data-dir=DIR (Set the Chrome user data directory to use.)
-D protocol=PROTOCOL (The Selenium Grid protocol: http|https.)
-D server=SERVER (The Selenium Grid server/IP used for tests.)
-D port=PORT (The Selenium Grid port used by the test server.)
-D cap-file=FILE (The web browser's desired capabilities to use.)
-D cap-string=STRING (The web browser's desired capabilities to use.)
-D proxy=SERVER:PORT (Connect to a proxy server:port for tests.)
-D proxy=USERNAME:PASSWORD@SERVER:PORT (Use authenticated proxy server.)
-D proxy-bypass-list=STRING (";"-separated hosts to bypass, Eg "*")
-D proxy-pac-url=URL (Connect to a proxy server using a PAC_URL.pac file.)
-D proxy-pac-url=USERNAME:PASSWORD@URL (Authenticated proxy with PAC URL.)
-D agent=STRING (Modify the web browser's User-Agent string.)
-D mobile (Use the mobile device emulator while running tests.)
-D metrics=STRING (Set mobile metrics: "CSSWidth,CSSHeight,PixelRatio".)
-D chromium-arg=ARG (Add a Chromium arg for Chrome/Edge, comma-separated.)
-D firefox-arg=ARG (Add a Firefox arg for Firefox, comma-separated.)
-D firefox-pref=SET (Set a Firefox preference:value set, comma-separated.)
-D extension-zip=ZIP (Load a Chrome Extension .zip|.crx, comma-separated.)
-D extension-dir=DIR (Load a Chrome Extension directory, comma-separated.)
-D sjw (Skip JS Waits for readyState to be "complete" or Angular to load.)
-D pls=PLS (Set pageLoadStrategy on Chrome: "normal", "eager", or "none".)
-D headless (Run tests in headless mode. The default arg on Linux OS.)
-D headless2 (Use the new headless mode, which supports extensions.)
-D headed (Run tests in headed/GUI mode on Linux OS, where not default.)
-D xvfb (Run tests using the Xvfb virtual display server on Linux OS.)
-D locale=LOCALE_CODE (Set the Language Locale Code for the web browser.)
-D pdb (Activate Post Mortem Debug Mode if a test fails.)
-D interval=SECONDS (The autoplay interval for presentations & tour steps)
-D start-page=URL (The starting URL for the web browser when tests begin.)
-D archive-logs (Archive existing log files instead of deleting them.)
-D archive-downloads (Archive old downloads instead of deleting them.)
-D time-limit=SECONDS (Safely fail any test that exceeds the time limit.)
-D slow (Slow down the automation. Faster than using Demo Mode.)
-D demo (Slow down and visually see test actions as they occur.)
-D demo-sleep=SECONDS (Set the wait time after Slow & Demo Mode actions.)
-D highlights=NUM (Number of highlight animations for Demo Mode actions.)
-D message-duration=SECONDS (The time length for Messenger alerts.)
-D check-js (Check for JavaScript errors after page loads.)
-D ad-block (Block some types of display ads from loading.)
-D block-images (Block images from loading during tests.)
-D do-not-track (Indicate to websites that you don't want to be tracked.)
-D verify-delay=SECONDS (The delay before MasterQA verification checks.)
-D recorder (Enables the Recorder for turning browser actions into code.)
-D rec-behave (Same as Recorder Mode, but also generates behave-gherkin.)
-D rec-sleep (If the Recorder is enabled, also records self.sleep calls.)
-D rec-print (If the Recorder is enabled, prints output after tests end.)
-D disable-js (Disable JavaScript on Chromium. May break websites!)
-D disable-csp (Disable the Content Security Policy of websites.)
-D disable-ws (Disable Web Security on Chromium-based browsers.)
-D enable-ws (Enable Web Security on Chromium-based browsers.)
-D enable-sync (Enable "Chrome Sync".)
-D use-auto-ext (Use Chrome's automation extension.)
-D uc | -D undetected (Use undetected-chromedriver to evade bot-detection)
-D uc-sub | -D uc-subprocess (Use undetected-chromedriver as a subprocess)
-D remote-debug (Enable Chrome's Remote Debugger on http://localhost:9222)
-D dashboard (Enable the SeleniumBase Dashboard. Saved at: dashboard.html)
-D dash-title=STRING (Set the title shown for the generated dashboard.)
-D swiftshader (Use Chrome's "--use-gl=swiftshader" feature.)
-D incognito (Enable Chrome's Incognito mode.)
-D guest (Enable Chrome's Guest mode.)
-D devtools (Open Chrome's DevTools when the browser opens.)
-D reuse-session | -D rs (Reuse browser session between tests.)
-D crumbs (Delete all cookies between tests reusing a session.)
-D disable-beforeunload (Disable the "beforeunload" event on Chrome.)
-D window-size=WIDTH,HEIGHT (Set the browser's starting window size.)
-D maximize (Start tests with the browser window maximized.)
-D screenshot (Save a screenshot at the end of each test.)
-D visual-baseline (Set the visual baseline for Visual/Layout tests.)
-D external-pdf (Set Chromium "plugins.always_open_pdf_externally": True.)
-D timeout-multiplier=MULTIPLIER (Multiplies the default timeout values.)
import ast
import colorama
import os
import re
import sys
from seleniumbase.config import settings
from seleniumbase.core import log_helper
from seleniumbase.core import download_helper
from seleniumbase.core import proxy_helper
from seleniumbase.fixtures import constants
from seleniumbase import config as sb_config
sb_config.__base_class = None
is_windows = False
if sys.platform in ["win32", "win64", "x64"]:
is_windows = True
def set_base_class(base_class):
# You can override the base class from Behave's file.
# If not using SeleniumBase's BaseCase class, then use a subclass.
from seleniumbase import BaseCase
from seleniumbase.plugins import behave_plugin
sb_config.__base_class = base_class
def get_configured_sb(context):
if not sb_config.__base_class:
from seleniumbase import BaseCase
sb_config.__base_class = BaseCase
sb_config.__base_class.test_method = {}
sb = sb_config.__base_class("test_method")
# Set default values
sb.browser = "chrome"
sb.is_behave = True
sb.headless = False
sb.headless2 = False
sb.headless_active = False
sb.headed = False
sb.xvfb = False
sb.start_page = None
sb.locale_code = None
sb.pdb_option = False
sb.protocol = "http"
sb.servername = "localhost"
sb.port = 4444 = None
sb.var1 = None
sb.var2 = None
sb.var3 = None
sb.variables = {}
sb.account = None
sb.environment = "test"
sb.env = "test"
sb.user_agent = None
sb.incognito = False
sb.guest_mode = False
sb.devtools = False
sb.mobile_emulator = False
sb.device_metrics = None
sb.extension_zip = None
sb.extension_dir = None
sb.page_load_strategy = None
sb.database_env = "test"
sb.log_path = "latest_logs" + os.sep
sb.archive_logs = False
sb.disable_js = False
sb.disable_csp = False
sb.disable_ws = False
sb.enable_ws = False
sb.enable_sync = False
sb.use_auto_ext = False
sb.undetectable = False
sb.uc_subprocess = False
sb.no_sandbox = False
sb.disable_gpu = False
sb._multithreaded = False
sb._reuse_session = False
sb._crumbs = False
sb._disable_beforeunload = False
sb.visual_baseline = False
sb.window_size = None
sb.maximize_option = False
sb.is_context_manager = False
sb.save_screenshot_after_test = False
sb.timeout_multiplier = None
sb.pytest_html_report = None
sb.with_db_reporting = False
sb.with_s3_logging = False
sb.js_checking_on = False
sb.recorder_mode = False
sb.recorder_ext = False
sb.record_sleep = False
sb.rec_behave = False
sb.rec_print = False
sb.report_on = False
sb.is_pytest = False
sb.slow_mode = False
sb.demo_mode = False
sb.time_limit = None
sb.demo_sleep = None
sb.dashboard = False
sb.dash_title = None
sb._dash_initialized = False
sb.message_duration = None
sb.block_images = False
sb.do_not_track = False
sb.external_pdf = False
sb.remote_debug = False
sb.settings_file = None
sb.user_data_dir = None
sb.chromium_arg = None
sb.firefox_arg = None
sb.firefox_pref = None
sb.proxy_string = None
sb.proxy_bypass_list = None
sb.proxy_pac_url = None
sb.swiftshader = False
sb.ad_block_on = False
sb.is_nosetest = False
sb.highlights = None
sb.interval = None
sb.cap_file = None
sb.cap_string = None
# Set a few sb_config vars early in case parsing args fails
sb_config.dashboard = None
sb_config._has_logs = None
sb_config._has_exception = None
sb_config.save_screenshot = None
browsers = set() # To error if selecting more than one
valid_browsers = constants.ValidBrowsers.valid_browsers
valid_envs = constants.ValidEnvs.valid_envs
# Process command-line options
userdata = context.config.userdata
for key in userdata.keys():
# Convert --ARG to ARG, etc.
if key.startswith("--"):
key = key[2:]
if key.startswith("-"):
key = key[1:]
low_key = key.lower()
# Handle: -D browser=BROWSER
if low_key == "browser":
browser = userdata[key].lower()
if browser in valid_browsers:
sb.browser = browser
elif browser == "true":
raise Exception(
'\nThe "browser" argument requires a value!'
"\nChoose from %s."
'\nEg. -D browser="edge"' % valid_browsers
raise Exception(
'\n"%s" is not a valid "browser" selection!'
"\nChoose from %s."
'\nEg. -D browser="edge"' % (browser, valid_browsers)
# Handle: -D BROWSER
if low_key in valid_browsers:
browser = low_key
sb.browser = browser
# Handle: -D headless
if low_key == "headless":
sb.headless = True
# Handle: -D headless2
if low_key == "headless2":
sb.headless2 = True
# Handle: -D headed / gui
if low_key in ["headed", "gui"]:
sb.headed = True
# Handle: -D xvfb
if low_key == "xvfb":
sb.xvfb = True
# Handle: -D start-page=URL / start_page=URL / url=URL
if low_key in ["start-page", "start_page", "url"]:
start_page = userdata[key]
if start_page == "true":
start_page = sb.start_page # revert to default
sb.start_page = start_page
# Handle: -D locale-code=CODE / locale_code=CODE / locale=CODE
if low_key in ["locale-code", "locale_code", "locale"]:
sb.start_page = userdata[key]
# Handle: -D pdb / ipdb
if low_key in ["pdb", "ipdb"]:
sb.pdb_option = True
# Handle: -D protocol=PROTOCOL
if low_key == "protocol":
protocol = userdata[key].lower()
if protocol in ["http", "https"]:
sb.protocol = protocol
elif protocol == "true":
raise Exception(
'\nThe Selenium Grid "protocol" argument requires a value!'
'\nChoose from ["http", "https"]'
'\nEg. -D protocol="https"'
raise Exception(
'\n"%s" is not a valid Selenium Grid "protocol" selection!'
'\nChoose from ["http", "https"]'
'\nEg. -D protocol="https"' % protocol
# Handle: -D server=SERVERNAME / servername=SERVERNAME
if low_key in ["server", "servername"]:
servername = userdata[key]
if servername == "true":
servername = sb.servername # revert to default
sb.servername = servername
# Handle: -D port=PORT
if low_key == "port":
port = int(userdata[key])
if port == "true":
port = sb.port # revert to default
sb.port = port
# Handle: -D data=DATA
if low_key == "data": = userdata[key]
# Handle: -D var1=DATA
if low_key == "var1":
sb.var1 = userdata[key]
# Handle: -D var2=DATA
if low_key == "var2":
sb.var2 = userdata[key]
# Handle: -D var3=DATA
if low_key == "var3":
sb.var3 = userdata[key]
# Handle: -D variables="{'KEY':'VALUE','KEY2':'VALUE2'}"
if low_key == "variables":
variables = userdata[key]
if variables and type(variables) is str and len(variables) > 0:
bad_input = False
if (
not variables.startswith("{")
or not variables.endswith("}")
bad_input = True
variables = ast.literal_eval(variables)
if not type(variables) is dict:
bad_input = True
except Exception:
bad_input = True
if bad_input:
raise Exception(
'\nExpecting a Python dictionary for "variables"!'
"\nEg. -D variables=\"{'KEY':'VALUE', 'KEY2':123}\""
variables = {}
# Handle: -D account=ACCOUNT
if low_key == "account":
sb.account = userdata[key]
# Handle: -D env=ENVIRONMENT
if low_key == "environment":
environment = userdata[key].lower()
if environment in valid_envs:
sb.environment = environment
sb.env = environment
elif environment == "true":
raise Exception(
'\nThe "env" argument requires a value!'
"\nChoose from %s."
'\nEg. -D env="production"' % valid_envs
raise Exception(
'\n"%s" is not a valid "env" selection!'
"\nChoose from %s."
'\nEg. -D env="production"' % (environment, valid_envs)
# Handle: -D user-agent=STRING / user_agent=STRING / agent=STRING
if low_key in ["user-agent", "user_agent", "agent"]:
user_agent = userdata[key]
if user_agent == "true":
user_agent = sb.user_agent # revert to default
sb.user_agent = user_agent
# Handle: -D incognito / incognito-mode / incognito_mode
if low_key in ["incognito", "incognito-mode", "incognito_mode"]:
sb.incognito = True
# Handle: -D guest / guest-mode / guest_mode
if low_key in ["guest", "guest-mode", "guest_mode"]:
sb.guest_mode = True
# Handle: -D devtools / open-devtools / open_devtools
if low_key in ["devtools", "open-devtools", "open_devtools"]:
sb.devtools = True
# Handle: -D mobile / mobile-emulator / mobile_emulator
if low_key in ["mobile", "mobile-emulator", "mobile_emulator"]:
sb.mobile_emulator = True
# Handle: -D metrics=STR / device-metrics=STR / device_metrics=STR
if low_key in ["metrics", "device-metrics", "device_metrics"]:
device_metrics = userdata[key]
if device_metrics == "true":
device_metrics = sb.device_metrics # revert to default
sb.device_metrics = device_metrics
# Handle: -D crx=ZIP / extension-zip=ZIP / extension_zip=ZIP
if low_key in ["crx", "extension-zip", "extension_zip"]:
extension_zip = userdata[key]
if extension_zip == "true":
extension_zip = sb.extension_zip # revert to default
sb.extension_zip = extension_zip
# Handle: -D extension-dir=DIR / extension_dir=DIR
if low_key in ["extension-dir", "extension_dir"]:
extension_dir = userdata[key]
if extension_dir == "true":
extension_dir = sb.extension_dir # revert to default
sb.extension_dir = extension_dir
# Handle: -D pls=PLS / page-load-strategy=PLS / page_load_strategy=PLS
if low_key in ["pls", "page-load-strategy", "page_load_strategy"]:
page_load_strategy = userdata[key].lower()
if page_load_strategy in ["normal", "eager", "none"]:
sb.page_load_strategy = page_load_strategy
elif page_load_strategy == "true":
raise Exception(
'\nThe "pls" / "page-load-strategy" arg requires a value!'
'\nChoose from ["normal", "eager", "none"]'
'\nEg. -D pls="none"'
raise Exception(
'\n"%s" is not a valid "pls" / "page-load-strategy" value!'
'\nChoose from ["normal", "eager", "none"]'
'\nEg. -D pls="none"' % page_load_strategy
# Handle: -D database-env=ENVIRONMENT / database_env=ENVIRONMENT
if low_key in ["database-env", "database_env"]:
database_env = userdata[key].lower()
if database_env in valid_envs:
sb.database_env = database_env
elif database_env == "true":
raise Exception(
'\nThe "database-env" argument requires a value!'
"\nChoose from %s."
'\nEg. -D database-env="production"' % valid_envs
raise Exception(
'\n"%s" is not a valid "database-env" selection!'
"\nChoose from %s."
'\nEg. -D database-env="production"'
% (environment, valid_envs)
# Handle: -D archive-logs / archive_logs
if low_key in ["archive-logs", "archive_logs"]:
sb.archive_logs = True
# Handle: -D disable-js / disable_js
if low_key in ["disable-js", "disable_js"]:
sb.disable_js = True
# Handle: -D disable-csp / disable_csp
if low_key in ["disable-csp", "disable_csp"]:
sb.disable_csp = True
# Handle: -D disable-ws / disable_ws
if low_key in ["disable-ws", "disable_ws"]:
sb.disable_ws = True
# Handle: -D enable-ws / enable_ws
if low_key in ["enable-ws", "enable_ws"]:
sb.enable_ws = True
# Handle: -D enable-sync / enable_sync
if low_key in ["enable-sync", "enable_sync"]:
sb.enable_sync = True
# Handle: -D use-auto-ext / use_auto_ext / auto-ext
if low_key in ["use-auto-ext", "use_auto_ext", "auto-ext"]:
sb.use_auto_ext = True
# Handle: -D undetected / undetectable / uc
if low_key in ["undetected", "undetectable", "uc"]:
sb.undetectable = True
# Handle: -D uc-subprocess / uc_subprocess / uc-sub
if low_key in ["uc-subprocess", "uc_subprocess", "uc-sub"]:
sb.uc_subprocess = True
sb.undetectable = True
# Handle: -D no-sandbox / no_sandbox
if low_key in ["no-sandbox", "no_sandbox"]:
sb.no_sandbox = True
# Handle: -D disable-gpu / disable_gpu
if low_key in ["disable-gpu", "disable_gpu"]:
sb.disable_gpu = True
# Handle: -D rs / reuse-session / reuse_session
if low_key in ["rs", "reuse-session", "reuse_session"]:
sb._reuse_session = True
# Handle: -D crumbs
if low_key == "crumbs":
sb._crumbs = True
# Handle: -D disable-beforeunload / disable_beforeunload
if low_key in ["disable-beforeunload", "disable_beforeunload"]:
sb._disable_beforeunload = True
# Handle: -D sjw / skip-js-waits / skip_js_waits
if low_key in ["sjw", "skip-js-waits", "skip_js_waits"]:
settings.SKIP_JS_WAITS = True
# Handle: -D visual-baseline / visual_baseline
if low_key in ["visual-baseline", "visual_baseline"]:
sb.visual_baseline = True
# Handle: -D window-size=Width,Height / window_size=Width,Height
if low_key in ["window-size", "window_size"]:
window_size = userdata[key]
if window_size == "true":
window_size = sb.window_size # revert to default
sb.window_size = window_size
# Handle: -D maximize / fullscreen / maximize-window
if low_key in [
"maximize", "fullscreen", "maximize-window", "maximize_window"
sb.maximize_option = True
# Handle: -D screenshot / save-screenshot / save_screenshot / ss
if low_key in [
"screenshot", "save-screenshot", "save_screenshot", "ss"
sb.save_screenshot_after_test = True
# Handle: -D timeout-multiplier=FLOAT / timeout_multiplier=FLOAT
if low_key in ["timeout-multiplier", "timeout_multiplier"]:
timeout_multiplier = userdata[key]
if timeout_multiplier == "true":
timeout_multiplier = sb.timeout_multiplier # revert to default
sb.timeout_multiplier = timeout_multiplier
# Handle: -D with-db-reporting / with-db_reporting
if low_key in ["with-db-reporting", "with-db_reporting"]:
sb.with_db_reporting = True
# Handle: -D with-s3-logging / with-s3_logging
if low_key in ["with-s3-logging", "with-s3_logging"]:
sb.with_s3_logging = True
# Handle: -D check-js / check_js
if low_key in ["check-js", "check_js"]:
sb.js_checking_on = True
# Handle: -D recorder / record / rec / codegen
if low_key in ["recorder", "record", "rec", "codegen"]:
sb.recorder_mode = True
sb.recorder_ext = True
# Handle: -D rec-behave / rec-gherkin
if low_key in ["rec-behave", "rec-gherkin"]:
sb.rec_behave = True
sb.recorder_mode = True
sb.recorder_ext = True
# Handle: -D record-sleep / record_sleep / rec-sleep / rec_sleep
if low_key in ["record-sleep", "rec-sleep"]:
sb.record_sleep = True
sb.recorder_mode = True
sb.recorder_ext = True
# Handle: -D rec-print
if low_key in ["rec-print"]:
sb.rec_print = True
sb.recorder_mode = True
sb.recorder_ext = True
# Handle: -D slow / slowmo / slow-mode / slow_mode
if low_key in ["slow", "slowmo", "slow-mode", "slow_mode"]:
sb.slow_mode = True
# Handle: -D demo / demo-mode / demo_mode
if low_key in ["demo", "demo-mode", "demo_mode"]:
sb.demo_mode = True
# Handle: -D time-limit / time_limit / timelimit
if low_key in ["time-limit", "time_limit", "timelimit"]:
time_limit = userdata[key]
if time_limit == "true":
time_limit = sb.time_limit # revert to default
sb.time_limit = time_limit
# Handle: -D demo-sleep / demo_sleep
if low_key in ["demo-sleep", "demo_sleep"]:
demo_sleep = userdata[key]
if demo_sleep == "true":
demo_sleep = sb.demo_sleep # revert to default
sb.demo_sleep = demo_sleep
# Handle: -D dashboard
if low_key == "dashboard":
sb.dashboard = True
# Handle: -D dash-title=TITLE / dash_title=TITLE
if low_key in ["dash-title", "dash_title"]:
sb.dash_title = userdata[key]
# Handle: -D message-duration / message_duration
if low_key in ["message-duration", "message_duration"]:
message_duration = userdata[key]
if message_duration == "true":
message_duration = sb.message_duration # revert to default
sb.message_duration = message_duration
# Handle: -D block-images / block_images
if low_key in ["block-images", "block_images"]:
sb.block_images = True
# Handle: -D do-not-track / do_not_track
if low_key in ["do-not-track", "do_not_track"]:
sb.do_not_track = True
# Handle: -D external-pdf / external_pdf
if low_key in ["external-pdf", "external_pdf"]:
sb.external_pdf = True
# Handle: -D remote-debug / remote_debug
if low_key in ["remote-debug", "remote_debug"]:
sb.remote_debug = True
# Handle: -D settings=FILE / settings-file=FILE / settings_file=FILE
if low_key in ["settings", "settings-file", "settings_file"]:
settings_file = userdata[key]
if settings_file == "true":
settings_file = sb.settings_file # revert to default
sb.settings_file = settings_file
# Handle: -D user-data-dir=DIR / user_data_dir=DIR
if low_key in ["user-data-dir", "user_data_dir"]:
user_data_dir = userdata[key]
if user_data_dir == "true":
user_data_dir = sb.user_data_dir # revert to default
sb.user_data_dir = user_data_dir
# Handle: -D chromium-arg="ARG=N,ARG2" / chromium_arg="ARG=N,ARG2"
if low_key in ["chromium-arg", "chromium_arg"]:
chromium_arg = userdata[key]
if chromium_arg == "true":
chromium_arg = sb.chromium_arg # revert to default
sb.chromium_arg = chromium_arg
# Handle: -D firefox-arg="ARG=N,ARG2" / firefox_arg="ARG=N,ARG2"
if low_key in ["firefox-arg", "firefox_arg"]:
firefox_arg = userdata[key]
if firefox_arg == "true":
firefox_arg = sb.firefox_arg # revert to default
sb.firefox_arg = firefox_arg
# Handle: -D firefox-pref="PREF:VAL" / firefox_pref="PREF:VAL"
if low_key in ["firefox-pref", "firefox_pref"]:
firefox_pref = userdata[key]
if firefox_pref == "true":
firefox_pref = sb.firefox_pref # revert to default
sb.firefox_pref = firefox_pref
if low_key in ["proxy", "proxy-server", "proxy-string"]:
proxy_string = userdata[key]
if proxy_string == "true":
proxy_string = sb.proxy_string # revert to default
sb.proxy_string = proxy_string
# Handle: -D proxy-bypass-list="DOMAIN1;D2" / proxy_bypass_list="D1;D2"
if low_key in ["proxy-bypass-list", "proxy_bypass_list"]:
proxy_bypass_list = userdata[key]
if proxy_bypass_list == "true":
proxy_bypass_list = sb.proxy_bypass_list # revert to default
sb.proxy_bypass_list = proxy_bypass_list
# Handle: -D proxy-pac-url=URL / proxy-pac-url=USERNAME:PASSWORD@URL
if low_key in ["proxy-pac-url", "pac-url"]:
proxy_pac_url = userdata[key]
if proxy_pac_url == "true":
proxy_pac_url = sb.proxy_pac_url # revert to default
sb.proxy_pac_url = proxy_pac_url
# Handle: -D swiftshader
if low_key == "swiftshader":
sb.swiftshader = True
# Handle: -D adblock / ad-block / ad_block / block-ads / block_ads
if low_key in [
"adblock", "ad-block", "ad_block", "block-ads", "block_ads"
sb.ad_block_on = True
# Handle: -D highlights=NUM
if low_key == "highlights":
highlights = userdata[key]
if highlights == "true":
highlights = sb.highlights # revert to default
sb.highlights = highlights
# Handle: -D interval=SECONDS
if low_key == "interval":
interval = userdata[key]
if interval == "true":
interval = sb.interval # revert to default
sb.interval = interval
# Handle: -D cap-file=FILE / cap_file=FILE
if low_key in ["cap-file", "cap_file"]:
cap_file = userdata[key]
if cap_file == "true":
cap_file = sb.cap_file # revert to default
sb.cap_file = cap_file
# Handle: -D cap-string=STRING / cap_string=STRING
if low_key == "cap_string":
cap_string = userdata[key]
if cap_string == "true":
cap_string = sb.cap_string # revert to default
sb.cap_string = cap_string
# Fail immediately if trying to set more than one default browser.
if len(browsers) > 1:
raise Exception(
"\nOnly ONE default browser is allowed!\n"
"%s browsers were selected: %s" % (len(browsers), browsers)
# Recorder Mode can still optimize scripts in "-D headless2" mode.
if sb.recorder_ext and sb.headless:
sb.headless = False
sb.headless2 = True
if sb.headless2 and sb.browser == "firefox":
sb.headless2 = False # Only for Chromium browsers
sb.headless = True # Firefox has regular headless
elif sb.browser not in ["chrome", "edge"]:
sb.headless2 = False # Only for Chromium browsers
# Recorder Mode only supports Chromium browsers.
if sb.recorder_ext and (sb.browser not in ["chrome", "edge"]):
raise Exception(
"\n\n Recorder Mode ONLY supports Chrome and Edge!"
'\n (Your browser choice was: "%s")\n' % sb.browser
# The Xvfb virtual display server is for Linux OS Only.
if sb.xvfb and "linux" not in sys.platform:
sb.xvfb = False
if (
"linux" in sys.platform
and not sb.headed
and not sb.headless
and not sb.headless2
and not sb.xvfb
'(Linux uses "-D headless" by default. '
'To override, use "-D headed" / "-D gui". '
'For Xvfb mode instead, use "-D xvfb". '
'Or hide this info with "-D headless",'
'or by calling the new "-D headless2".)'
sb.headless = True
# Recorder Mode can still optimize scripts in --headless2 mode.
if sb.recorder_mode and sb.headless:
sb.headless = False
sb.headless2 = True
if not sb.headless and not sb.headless2:
sb.headed = True
if sb.servername != "localhost":
# Using Selenium Grid
# (Set -D server="" for localhost Grid)
# If the port is "443", the protocol is "https"
if str(sb.port) == "443":
sb.protocol = "https"
if sb.window_size:
window_size = sb.window_size
if window_size.count(",") != 1:
message = (
'\n\n window_size expects a "width,height" string!'
'\n (Your input was: "%s")\n' % window_size
raise Exception(message)
window_size = window_size.replace(" ", "")
width = None
height = None
width = int(window_size.split(",")[0])
height = int(window_size.split(",")[1])
except Exception:
message = (
'\n\n Expecting integer values for "width,height"!'
'\n (window_size input was: "%s")\n' % window_size
raise Exception(message)
settings.CHROME_START_WIDTH = width
settings.CHROME_START_HEIGHT = height
settings.HEADLESS_START_WIDTH = width
settings.HEADLESS_START_HEIGHT = height
# Set sb_config
sb_config.browser = sb.browser
sb_config.headless = sb.headless
sb_config.headless_active = False
sb_config.headed = sb.headed
sb_config.is_behave = True
sb_config.is_pytest = False
sb_config.is_nosetest = False
sb_config.is_context_manager = False
sb_config.window_size = sb.window_size
sb_config.maximize_option = sb.maximize_option
sb_config.xvfb = sb.xvfb
sb_config.save_screenshot = sb.save_screenshot_after_test
sb_config._has_logs = False
sb_config.variables = sb.variables
sb_config.dashboard = sb.dashboard
sb_config.dash_title = sb.dash_title
sb_config.pdb_option = sb.pdb_option
sb_config.rec_behave = sb.rec_behave
sb_config.rec_print = sb.rec_print
sb_config.disable_js = sb.disable_js
sb_config.disable_csp = sb.disable_csp
sb_config.record_sleep = sb.record_sleep
sb_config._is_timeout_changed = False
sb_config._SMALL_TIMEOUT = settings.SMALL_TIMEOUT
sb_config._LARGE_TIMEOUT = settings.LARGE_TIMEOUT
sb_config._recorded_actions = {}
sb_config._behave_recorded_actions = {}
# Dashboard-specific variables
sb_config._results = {} # SBase Dashboard test results
sb_config._duration = {} # SBase Dashboard test duration
sb_config._display_id = {} # SBase Dashboard display ID
sb_config._d_t_log_path = {} # SBase Dashboard test log path
sb_config._dash_html = None # SBase Dashboard HTML copy
sb_config._test_id = None # SBase Dashboard test id
sb_config._latest_display_id = None # The latest SBase display id
sb_config._dashboard_initialized = False # Becomes True after init
sb_config._has_exception = False # This becomes True if any test fails
sb_config._multithreaded = False # This becomes True if multithreading
sb_config._only_unittest = True # If any test uses BaseCase, becomes False
sb_config._sbase_detected = False # Becomes True during SeleniumBase tests
sb_config._extra_dash_entries = [] # Dashboard entries for non-SBase tests
sb_config._using_html_report = False # Becomes True when using html report
sb_config._dash_is_html_report = False # Dashboard becomes the html report
sb_config._saved_dashboard_pie = None # Copy of pie chart for html report
sb_config._dash_final_summary = None # Dash status to add to html report
sb_config._html_report_name = None # The name of the pytest html report
if sb_config.dash_title:
constants.Dashboard.TITLE = sb_config.dash_title.replace("_", " ")
log_helper.log_folder_setup(sb.log_path, sb.archive_logs)
return sb
def calculate_test_id(file_name, scenario_name):
file_name = file_name.replace("/", ".").replace("\\", ".")
scenario_name = re.sub(r"[^\w" + r"_ " + r"]", "", scenario_name)
scenario_name = scenario_name.replace(" ", "_")
if " -- @" in scenario_name:
scenario_name = scenario_name.split(" # ")[0].rstrip()
test_id = "%s.%s" % (file_name, scenario_name)
return test_id
def calculate_display_id(file_name, line_num, scenario_name):
if " -- @" in scenario_name:
scenario_name = scenario_name.split(" # ")[0].rstrip()
display_id = "%s:%s => %s" % (file_name, line_num, scenario_name)
return display_id
def get_test_id():
file_name = sb_config.behave_scenario.filename
file_name = file_name.replace("/", ".").replace("\\", ".")
scenario_name =
if " -- @" in scenario_name:
scenario_name = scenario_name.split(" # ")[0].rstrip()
scenario_name = re.sub(r"[^\w" + r"_ " + r"]", "", scenario_name)
scenario_name = scenario_name.replace(" ", "_")
test_id = "%s.%s" % (file_name, scenario_name)
return test_id
def get_display_id():
file_name = sb_config.behave_scenario.filename
line_num = str(sb_config.behave_scenario.line)
scenario_name =
if " -- @" in scenario_name:
scenario_name = scenario_name.split(" # ")[0].rstrip()
display_id = "%s:%s => %s" % (file_name, line_num, scenario_name)
return display_id
def _get_test_ids_():
test_id = get_test_id()
display_id = get_display_id()
return test_id, display_id
def dashboard_pre_processing():
import subprocess
command_args = sys.argv[1:]
command_string = " ".join(command_args)
command_string = command_string.replace("--quiet", "")
command_string = command_string.replace("-q", "")
proc = subprocess.Popen(
"behave -d %s --show-source" % command_string,
(output, error) = proc.communicate()
filename_count = 0
filename_list = []
feature_count = 0
feature_list = []
scenario_count = 0
scenario_list = []
sb_config.item_count = 0
sb_config.item_count_passed = 0
sb_config.item_count_failed = 0
sb_config.item_count_skipped = 0
sb_config.item_count_untested = 0
filename = None
feature_name = None
scenario_name = None
if is_windows:
output = output.decode("latin1")
output = output.decode("utf-8")
for row in output.replace("\r", "").split("\n"):
if row.startswith("Feature: "):
filename_count += 1
feature_count += 1
feature_name = row.split("Feature: ")[1]
if " # features/" in feature_name:
filename = feature_name.split(" # features/")[-1]
filename = "features/" + filename.split(":")[0]
feature_name = feature_name.split(" # features/")[0]
elif " # features\\" in feature_name:
filename = feature_name.split(" # features\\")[-1]
filename = "features\\" + filename.split(":")[0]
feature_name = feature_name.split(" # features\\")[0]
filename = feature_name.split(" # ")[-1]
filename = filename.split(":")[0]
feature_name = feature_name.split(" # ")[-1]
filename = filename.strip()
feature_name = feature_name.strip()
feature_list.append(feature_name) # Maybe filename is good enough
elif (
row.startswith(" Scenario: ")
or row.startswith(" Scenario Outline: ")
line_num = row.split(":")[-1]
scenario_count += 1
scenario_name = None
if row.startswith(" Scenario: "):
scenario_name = row.split(" Scenario: ")[-1]
scenario_name = row.split(" Scenario Outline: ")[-1]
if " -- @" in scenario_name:
scenario_name = scenario_name.split(" # ")[0].rstrip()
elif " # features/" in scenario_name:
scenario_name = scenario_name.split(" # features/")[0]
scenario_name = scenario_name.split(" # ")[0]
scenario_name = scenario_name.strip()
# Dashboard row preparation
test_id = calculate_test_id(filename, scenario_name)
display_id = calculate_display_id(
filename, line_num, scenario_name
sb_config._results[test_id] = "Untested"
sb_config._duration[test_id] = "-"
sb_config._display_id[test_id] = display_id
sb_config._d_t_log_path[test_id] = None
# Set the total number of dashboard entries
sb_config.item_count = scenario_count
def _create_dashboard_assets_():
import codecs
from seleniumbase.js_code.live_js import live_js
from seleniumbase.core.style_sheet import get_pytest_style
abs_path = os.path.abspath(".")
assets_folder = os.path.join(abs_path, "assets")
if not os.path.exists(assets_folder):
pytest_style_css = os.path.join(assets_folder, "pytest_style.css")
add_pytest_style_css = True
if os.path.exists(pytest_style_css):
existing_pytest_style = None
with open(pytest_style_css, "r") as f:
existing_pytest_style =
if existing_pytest_style == get_pytest_style():
add_pytest_style_css = False
if add_pytest_style_css:
out_file =, "w+", encoding="utf-8")
live_js_file = os.path.join(assets_folder, "live.js")
add_live_js_file = True
if os.path.exists(live_js_file):
existing_live_js = None
with open(live_js_file, "r") as f:
existing_live_js =
if existing_live_js == live_js:
add_live_js_file = False
if add_live_js_file:
out_file =, "w+", encoding="utf-8")
def behave_dashboard_prepare():
"""Print the dashboard path if at least one test runs."""
if sb_config.item_count > 0:
# Output Dashboard info to the console
sb_config.item_count_untested = sb_config.item_count
dash_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "dashboard.html")
star_len = len("Dashboard: ") + len(dash_path)
terminal_size = os.get_terminal_size().columns
if terminal_size > 30 and star_len > terminal_size:
star_len = terminal_size
except Exception:
stars = "*" * star_len
c1 = ""
cr = ""
if "linux" not in sys.platform:
c1 = colorama.Fore.BLUE + colorama.Back.LIGHTCYAN_EX
cr = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL
print("Dashboard: %s%s%s\n%s" % (c1, dash_path, cr, stars))
def _perform_behave_unconfigure_():
from seleniumbase.core import log_helper
from seleniumbase.core import proxy_helper
if hasattr(sb_config, "reuse_session") and sb_config.reuse_session:
# Close the shared browser session
if sb_config.shared_driver:
if (
not is_windows
or sb_config.browser == "ie"
or sb_config.shared_driver.service.process
except AttributeError:
except Exception:
sb_config.shared_driver = None
if hasattr(sb_config, "log_path"):
sb_config.log_path, sb_config.archive_logs
# Dashboard post-processing: Disable time-based refresh and stamp complete
if not hasattr(sb_config, "dashboard") or not sb_config.dashboard:
# Done with "behave_unconfigure" unless using the Dashboard
stamp = "\n<!--Test Run Complete-->"
find_it = constants.Dashboard.META_REFRESH_HTML
swap_with = "" # Stop refreshing the page after the run is done
find_it_2 = "Awaiting results... (Refresh the page for updates)"
swap_with_2 = (
"Test Run ENDED: Some results UNREPORTED due to skipped tearDown()"
find_it_3 = '<td class="col-result">Untested</td>'
swap_with_3 = '<td class="col-result">Unreported</td>'
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
# These use caching to prevent extra method calls
DASH_PIE_PNG_1 = constants.Dashboard.get_dash_pie_1()
DASH_PIE_PNG_2 = constants.Dashboard.get_dash_pie_2()
from seleniumbase.core import encoded_images
DASH_PIE_PNG_1 = encoded_images.get_dash_pie_png1()
DASH_PIE_PNG_2 = encoded_images.get_dash_pie_png2()
find_it_4 = 'href="%s"' % DASH_PIE_PNG_1
swap_with_4 = 'href="%s"' % DASH_PIE_PNG_2
abs_path = os.path.abspath(".")
dashboard_path = os.path.join(abs_path, "dashboard.html")
# Part 1: Finalizing the dashboard / integrating html report
if os.path.exists(dashboard_path):
the_html_d = None
with open(dashboard_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
the_html_d =
if sb_config._multithreaded and "-c" in sys.argv:
# Threads have "-c" in sys.argv, except for the last
raise Exception('Break out of "try" block.')
if sb_config._multithreaded:
dash_pie_loc = constants.Dashboard.DASH_PIE
pie_path = os.path.join(abs_path, dash_pie_loc)
if os.path.exists(pie_path):
import json
with open(pie_path, "r") as f:
dash_pie =
sb_config._saved_dashboard_pie = json.loads(dash_pie)
# If the test run doesn't complete by itself, stop refresh
the_html_d = the_html_d.replace(find_it, swap_with)
the_html_d = the_html_d.replace(find_it_2, swap_with_2)
the_html_d = the_html_d.replace(find_it_3, swap_with_3)
the_html_d = the_html_d.replace(find_it_4, swap_with_4)
the_html_d += stamp
with open(dashboard_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write(the_html_d) # Finalize the dashboard
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception:
def do_final_driver_cleanup_as_needed():
if hasattr(sb_config, "last_driver") and sb_config.last_driver:
if (
not is_windows
or sb_config.browser == "ie"
or sb_config.last_driver.service.process
except Exception:
def _perform_behave_terminal_summary_():
latest_logs_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "latest_logs" + os.sep)
dash_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "dashboard.html")
equals_len = len("Dashboard: ") + len(dash_path)
terminal_size = os.get_terminal_size().columns
if terminal_size > 30 and equals_len > terminal_size:
equals_len = terminal_size
except Exception:
equals = "=" * (equals_len + 2)
c2 = ""
cr = ""
if "linux" not in sys.platform:
c2 = colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + colorama.Back.LIGHTYELLOW_EX
cr = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL
if sb_config.dashboard:
# Print link a second time because the first one may be off-screen
print("%s- Dashboard:%s %s" % (c2, cr, dash_path))
if (
or sb_config.save_screenshot
or sb_config._has_logs
# Log files are generated during test failures and Screenshot Mode
print("%s--- LogPath:%s %s" % (c2, cr, latest_logs_dir))
if (
and not (sb_config._has_exception or sb_config.save_screenshot)
print("%s" % equals)
elif (
not sb_config.dashboard
and (sb_config._has_exception or sb_config.save_screenshot)
print("%s" % equals[2:])
elif (
and (sb_config._has_exception or sb_config.save_screenshot)
print("%s" % equals[2:])
def before_all(context): = get_configured_sb(context)
def before_feature(context, feature):
sb_config.behave_feature = feature
def before_scenario(context, scenario):
sb_config.behave_context = context
sb_config.behave_scenario = scenario
sb_config.behave_line_num = scenario.line
sb_config.behave_step_count = 0
def before_step(context, step):
sb_config.behave_step_count += 1
sb_config.behave_step = step
def after_step(context, step):
sb_config.behave_step = step
if step.status == "failed":
number = sb_config.behave_step_count
print(">>> STEP FAILED: (#%s) %s" % (number,
print("Class / Feature: ",
print("Test / Scenario: ",
def after_scenario(context, scenario):
sb =
sb_config.last_driver = sb.driver
sb_config.behave_context = context
sb_config.behave_scenario = scenario
def after_feature(context, feature):
sb_config.feature = feature
def after_all(context):