
3.5 KiB
Executable File


Framework Folders

  • fixtures: Includes, where SeleniumBase test methods are defined.
  • core: Includes, which is used for spinning up browsers for tests.
  • plugins: Includes, which is used to add pytest command-line options.
  • console_scripts: Includes, which is used to call SeleniumBase console scripts.
  • drivers: This is the folder where web drivers get downloaded when installing them.
  • config: Includes, which provides default configuration options for tests.
  • js_code: This folder contains JavaScript code for various SeleniumBase components.
  • undetected: This folder contains code for preventing sites from detecting Selenium.
  • extensions: This folder contains Chromium extensions that can be used by tests.
  • common: This folder contains Python decorators that can be used by tests.
  • utilities: This folder contains code for spinning up your own Selenium Grid.
  • resources: This folder contains copies of JavaScript resources used by tests.
  • translate: This folder contains code for translating tests into different languages.
  • behave: This folder contains code for integrating with the Behave BDD test runner.
  • masterqa: MasterQA is a tool for combining automation with manual verification.
