
4.3 KiB
Executable File

(Watch an overview on YouTube)


  • A complete test automation framework for web/mobile UI testing.
  • Uses pytest and/or Nose for test discovery, execution, and logging.
  • Includes powerful console scripts. Type seleniumbase to activate.
  • Has the ability to translate tests into multiple spoken languages.
  • Has a flexible command-line interface for customizing test runs.
  • Can run tests multithreaded in parallel. (Use -n NUM_THREADS)
  • Has Plugins for logging data and screenshots. (Click to learn more)
  • Has a global config file for configuring SeleniumBase as needed.
  • Includes a website tour builder for creating interactive walkthroughs.
  • Backwards-compatible with WebDriver. (Use self.driver anywhere.)
  • Can run tests in Headless Mode to hide the web browser. (Use --headless)
  • Can run tests through a proxy server. (Use --proxy=IP_ADDRESS:PORT)
  • Can use an authenticated proxy server. (--proxy=USER:PASS@IP_ADDRESS:PORT)
  • Can change the web browser's user agent string. (Use --agent=USER_AGENT_STRING)
  • Can run tests using Chrome's mobile device emulator (Use --mobile)
  • Can set a Chrome User Data Directory / Profile to load. (Use --user_data_dir=DIR)
  • Can load Chrome Extension ZIP files. (Use --extension_zip=ZIP)
  • Can load Chrome Extension folders. (Use --extension_dir=DIR)
  • Can handle Google Authenticator logins with Python's one-time password library.
  • Includes a hybrid-automation solution called MasterQA to speed up manual testing.
  • Integrates with MySQL, Selenium Grid, Azure, Google Cloud, Amazon S3, and Docker.
  • Can connect to BrowserStack, Sauce Labs, or TestingBot Selenium Grids.
  • Includes a tool to convert Selenium IDE recordings into simple SeleniumBase scripts.
  • Can load and make assertions on PDF files from websites or the local file system.
  • Can reuse the same Selenium browser session between tests. (Use: --reuse-session)
  • Written in Python, but can also make JavaScript calls. (Use: self.execute_script())
  • Includes useful Python decorators and password obfuscation methods.