Michael Mintz 9d2028555c Update ReadMe files 2019-03-16 01:52:06 -04:00
.. Update ReadMe files 2019-03-16 01:52:06 -04:00 Move "console_scripts" to "seleniumbase/console_scripts" 2018-08-14 01:39:43 -04:00 Update ReadMe and console logo 2018-12-18 02:33:12 -05:00 Update the comments 2019-02-26 04:07:49 -05:00 Install the latest webdrivers using "seleniumbase install ..." 2019-02-21 02:26:47 -05:00 Small change to a file created by a console script 2019-02-26 03:46:01 -05:00

Console Scripts

SeleniumBase console scripts help you get things done more easily, such as installing web drivers, creating a test directory with necessary configuration files, converting old Webdriver unittest scripts into SeleniumBase code, and using the Selenium Grid.

For running tests from the command line, use pytest with SeleniumBase.


  • Usage: seleniumbase install [DRIVER_NAME] (Drivers: chromedriver, geckodriver, edgedriver, iedriver, operadriver)

  • Example: seleniumbase install chromedriver

  • Output: Installs the specified webdriver. (chromedriver is required for Google Chrome automation) (geckodriver is required for Mozilla Firefox automation) (edgedriver is required for Microsoft Edge automation) (iedriver is required for Internet Explorer automation) (operadriver is required for Opera Browser automation)


  • Usage: seleniumbase mkdir [DIRECTORY_NAME]

  • Example: seleniumbase mkdir browser_tests

  • Output: Creates a new folder for running SeleniumBase scripts. The new folder contains default config files, sample tests for helping new users get started, and Python boilerplates for setting up customized test frameworks.


  • Usage: seleniumbase convert [PYTHON_WEBDRIVER_UNITTEST_FILE]

  • Output: Converts a Selenium IDE exported WebDriver unittest file into a SeleniumBase file. Adds _SB to the new file name while keeping the original file intact. Works with Katalon Recorder scripts. See:


  • Usage: seleniumbase extract-objects [SELENIUMBASE_PYTHON_FILE]

  • Output: Creates page objects based on selectors found in a seleniumbase Python file and saves those objects to the "" file in the same folder as the tests.


  • Usage: seleniumbase inject-objects [SELENIUMBASE_PYTHON_FILE] [OPTIONS]

  • Options: -c, --comments (Add object selectors to the comments.)

  • Output: Takes the page objects found in the "" file and uses those to replace matching selectors in the selected seleniumbase Python file.


  • Usage: seleniumbase objectify [SELENIUMBASE_PYTHON_FILE] [OPTIONS]

  • Options: -c, --comments (Add object selectors to the comments.)

  • Output: A modified version of the file where the selectors have been replaced with variable names defined in "", supporting the Page Object Pattern. (This has the same outcome as combining extract-objects with inject-objects)


  • Usage: seleniumbase revert-objects [SELENIUMBASE_PYTHON_FILE] [OPTIONS]

  • Options: -c, --comments (Keep existing comments for the lines.)

  • Output: Reverts the changes made by seleniumbase objectify ... or seleniumbase inject-objects ... when run against a seleniumbase Python file. Objects will get replaced by selectors stored in the "" file.


  • Usage: seleniumbase download [ITEM] (Options: server)

  • Example: seleniumbase download server

  • Output: Downloads the specified item. (server is required for using your own Selenium Grid)


  • Usage: seleniumbase grid-hub {start|stop|restart}

  • Options: -v, --verbose (Increases verbosity of logging output.)

  • Output: Controls the Selenium Grid Hub server, which allows for running tests on multiple machines in parallel to speed up test runs and reduce the total time of test suite execution. You can start, restart, or stop the Grid Hub server.


  • Usage: seleniumbase grid-node {start|stop|restart} [OPTIONS]

  • Options: --hub=HUB_IP (The Grid Hub IP Address to connect to.) (Default: -v, --verbose (Increases verbosity of logging output.)

  • Output: Controls the Selenium Grid node, which serves as a worker machine for your Selenium Grid Hub server. You can start, restart, or stop the Grid node.