
212 lines
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"""Shared utility methods."""
import subprocess
import sys
from seleniumbase.config import settings
from seleniumbase.fixtures import constants
from seleniumbase import config as sb_config
def pip_install(package, version=None):
import fasteners
pip_install_lock = fasteners.InterProcessLock(
with pip_install_lock:
if not version:
[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package]
package_and_version = package + "==" + str(version)
[sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package_and_version]
def is_windows():
platform = sys.platform
if "win32" in platform or "win64" in platform or "x64" in platform:
return True
return False
def get_terminal_width():
import os
width = 80 # default
width = os.get_terminal_size().columns
except Exception:
import shutil
width = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20)).columns
except Exception:
return width
def display_proxy_warning(proxy_string):
import warnings
message = (
'\nWARNING: Proxy String ["%s"] is NOT in the expected '
'"ip_address:port" or "server:port" format, '
"(OR the key does not exist in "
"seleniumbase.config.proxy_list.PROXY_LIST)." % proxy_string
raise Exception(message)
message += " *** DEFAULTING to NOT USING a Proxy Server! ***"
warnings.simplefilter("always", Warning) # See Warnings
warnings.warn(message, category=Warning, stacklevel=2)
warnings.simplefilter("default", Warning) # Set Default
def validate_proxy_string(proxy_string):
import re
from seleniumbase.config import proxy_list
from seleniumbase.fixtures import page_utils
if proxy_string in proxy_list.PROXY_LIST.keys():
proxy_string = proxy_list.PROXY_LIST[proxy_string]
if not proxy_string:
return None
valid = False
val_ip = re.match(
r"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}:\d+$", proxy_string
if not val_ip:
if proxy_string.startswith("http://"):
proxy_string = proxy_string.split("http://")[1]
elif proxy_string.startswith("https://"):
proxy_string = proxy_string.split("https://")[1]
elif "://" in proxy_string:
if not proxy_string.startswith("socks4://") and not (
proxy_string = proxy_string.split("://")[1]
chunks = proxy_string.split(":")
if len(chunks) == 2:
if re.match(r"^\d+$", chunks[1]):
if page_utils.is_valid_url("http://" + proxy_string):
valid = True
elif len(chunks) == 3:
if re.match(r"^\d+$", chunks[2]):
if page_utils.is_valid_url("http:" + ":".join(chunks[1:])):
if chunks[0] == "http":
valid = True
elif chunks[0] == "https":
valid = True
elif chunks[0] == "socks4":
valid = True
elif chunks[0] == "socks5":
valid = True
proxy_string =
valid = True
if not valid:
proxy_string = None
return proxy_string
def format_exc(exception, message):
"""Formats an exception message to make the output cleaner."""
from selenium.common.exceptions import ElementNotVisibleException
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoAlertPresentException
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchAttributeException
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchFrameException
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchWindowException
from seleniumbase.common.exceptions import NoSuchFileException
from seleniumbase.common.exceptions import TextNotVisibleException
if exception == Exception:
exc = Exception
return exc, message
elif exception == ElementNotVisibleException:
exc = ElementNotVisibleException
elif exception == "ElementNotVisibleException":
exc = ElementNotVisibleException
elif exception == NoSuchElementException:
exc = NoSuchElementException
elif exception == "NoSuchElementException":
exc = NoSuchElementException
elif exception == TextNotVisibleException:
exc = TextNotVisibleException
elif exception == "TextNotVisibleException":
exc = TextNotVisibleException
elif exception == NoAlertPresentException:
exc = NoAlertPresentException
elif exception == "NoAlertPresentException":
exc = NoAlertPresentException
elif exception == NoSuchAttributeException:
exc = NoSuchAttributeException
elif exception == "NoSuchAttributeException":
exc = NoSuchAttributeException
elif exception == NoSuchFrameException:
exc = NoSuchFrameException
elif exception == "NoSuchFrameException":
exc = NoSuchFrameException
elif exception == NoSuchWindowException:
exc = NoSuchWindowException
elif exception == "NoSuchWindowException":
exc = NoSuchWindowException
elif exception == NoSuchFileException:
exc = NoSuchFileException
elif exception == "NoSuchFileException":
exc = NoSuchFileException
elif type(exception) is str:
exc = Exception
message = "%s: %s" % (exception, message)
return exc, message
exc = Exception
return exc, message
message = _format_message(message)
exc.message = message
except Exception:
return exc, message
def _format_message(message):
message = "\n " + message
return message
def __time_limit_exceeded(message):
from seleniumbase.common.exceptions import TimeLimitExceededException
raise TimeLimitExceededException(message)
def check_if_time_limit_exceeded():
if (
hasattr(sb_config, "time_limit")
and sb_config.time_limit
and not sb_config.recorder_mode
import time
time_limit = sb_config.time_limit
now_ms = int(time.time() * 1000)
if now_ms > sb_config.start_time_ms + sb_config.time_limit_ms:
display_time_limit = time_limit
plural = "s"
if float(int(time_limit)) == float(time_limit):
display_time_limit = int(time_limit)
if display_time_limit == 1:
plural = ""
message = (
"This test has exceeded the time limit of %s second%s!"
% (display_time_limit, plural)
message = _format_message(message)