
215 lines
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import logging
import math
import time
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps
from seleniumbase.common.exceptions import TimeoutException
def print_runtime(description=None, limit=None):
"""Print the runtime duration of a method or "with"-block after completion.
If limit, fail if the runtime duration exceeds the limit after completion.
Method / Function example usage ->
from seleniumbase import decorators
@decorators.print_runtime("My Method")
def my_method():
# code ...
# code ...
"with"-block example usage ->
from seleniumbase import decorators
with decorators.print_runtime("My Code Block"):
# code ...
# code ... """
if not description:
description = "Code Block"
description = str(description)
if limit:
limit = float("%.2f" % limit)
if limit < 0.01:
limit = 0.01 # Minimum runtime limit
exception = None
start_time = time.time()
except Exception as e:
exception = e
end_time = time.time()
run_time = end_time - start_time
# Print times with a statistically significant number of decimal places
if run_time < 0.0001:
print(" {%s} ran for %.7f seconds." % (description, run_time))
elif run_time < 0.001:
print(" {%s} ran for %.6f seconds." % (description, run_time))
elif run_time < 0.01:
print(" {%s} ran for %.5f seconds." % (description, run_time))
elif run_time < 0.1:
print(" {%s} ran for %.4f seconds." % (description, run_time))
elif run_time < 1:
print(" {%s} ran for %.3f seconds." % (description, run_time))
print(" {%s} ran for %.2f seconds." % (description, run_time))
if limit and limit > 0 and run_time > limit:
message = (
"\n {%s} duration of %.2fs exceeded the time limit of %.2fs!"
% (description, run_time, limit)
if exception:
message = exception.msg + "\nAND " + message
raise TimeoutException(message)
def runtime_limit(limit, description=None):
"""Fail if the runtime duration of a method or "with"-block exceeds limit.
(The failure won't occur until after the method or "with"-block completes.)
Method / Function example usage ->
from seleniumbase import decorators
def my_method():
# code ...
# code ...
"with"-block example usage ->
from seleniumbase import decorators
with decorators.runtime_limit(32):
# code ...
# code ... """
limit = float("%.2f" % limit)
if limit < 0.01:
limit = 0.01 # Minimum runtime limit
if not description:
description = "Code Block"
description = str(description)
exception = None
start_time = time.time()
except Exception as e:
exception = e
end_time = time.time()
run_time = end_time - start_time
# Fail if the runtime of the code block exceeds the limit
if limit and limit > 0 and run_time > limit:
message = (
"\n {%s} duration of %.2fs exceeded the time limit of %.2fs!"
% (description, run_time, limit)
if exception:
message = exception.msg + "\nAND " + message
raise TimeoutException(message)
def retry_on_exception(tries=6, delay=1, backoff=2, max_delay=32):
"""Decorator for implementing exponential backoff for retrying on failures.
tries: Max number of tries to execute the wrapped function before failing.
delay: Delay time in seconds before the FIRST retry.
backoff: Multiplier to extend the initial delay by for each retry.
max_delay: Max time in seconds to wait between retries."""
tries = math.floor(tries)
if tries < 1:
raise ValueError('"tries" must be greater than or equal to 1.')
if delay < 0:
raise ValueError('"delay" must be greater than or equal to 0.')
if backoff < 1:
raise ValueError('"backoff" must be greater than or equal to 1.')
if max_delay < delay:
raise ValueError('"max_delay" must be greater than or equal to delay.')
def decorated_function_with_retry(func):
def function_to_retry(*args, **kwargs):
local_tries, local_delay = tries, delay
while local_tries > 1:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
if local_delay > max_delay:
local_delay = max_delay
"%s: Retrying in %d seconds..." % (str(e), local_delay)
local_tries -= 1
local_delay *= backoff
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return function_to_retry
return decorated_function_with_retry
def rate_limited(max_per_second):
"""This decorator limits how often a method can get called in a second.
If the limit is exceeded, the call will be held in a queue until
enough time has passed.
Useful when trying to avoid overloading a system with rapid calls."""
import threading
min_interval = 1.0 / float(max_per_second)
def decorate(func):
last_time_called = [0.0]
rate_lock = threading.Lock() # To support multi-threading
def rate_limited_function(*args, **kargs):
elapsed = None
elapsed = time.process_time() - last_time_called[0]
wait_time_remaining = min_interval - elapsed
if wait_time_remaining > 0:
last_time_called[0] = time.process_time()
return func(*args, **kargs)
return rate_limited_function
return decorate
def deprecated(message=None):
"""This decorator marks methods as deprecated.
A warning is displayed if the method is called."""
import inspect
def decorated_method_to_deprecate(func):
if inspect.isclass(func):
# Handle a deprecated class differently from a deprecated method
msg = "Class {}() is DEPRECATED!".format(func.__name__)
if message:
msg += " *** %s ***" % message
warnings.simplefilter("always", DeprecationWarning) # See Warnings
warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
warnings.simplefilter("default", DeprecationWarning) # Set Default
return func
def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
msg = "Method {}() is DEPRECATED!".format(func.__name__)
if message:
msg += " *** %s ***" % message
warnings.simplefilter("always", DeprecationWarning) # See Warnings
warnings.warn(msg, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
warnings.simplefilter("default", DeprecationWarning) # Set Default
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return new_func
return decorated_method_to_deprecate