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Summary of existing Case Plans

🔵 14 Case Plans with customized tables
0 Case Plans using boilerplate code
🚧 0 Case Plans that are missing tables

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# Step Description Expected Result
1 Log in to with standard_user. Login was successful.
2 Click on the Backpack ADD TO CART button. The button text changed to REMOVE.
3 Click on the cart icon. The Backpack is seen in the cart.
4 Remove the Backpack from the cart. The Backpack is no longer in the cart.
5 Log out from the website. Logout was successful.
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Log in to with standard_user. Login was successful.
2 Click on the Backpack ADD TO CART button. The button text changed to REMOVE.
3 Click on the cart icon. The Backpack is seen in the cart.
4 Click on the CHECKOUT button.
Enter user details and click CONTINUE.
The Backpack is seen in the cart on the CHECKOUT: OVERVIEW page.
5 Click on the FINISH button. There is a Thank you message.
6 Log out from the website. Logout was successful.
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Open
Click each tab and verify the text contained within the Shadow Root sections.
Tab 1 text: Content Panel 1
Tab 2 text: Content Panel 2
Tab 3 text: Content Panel 3
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Open
2 Use self.assert_elements_present("head", "style", "script") to verify that multiple elements are present in the HTML. The assertion is successful.
3 Use self.assert_elements("h1", "h2", "h3") to verify that multiple elements are visible. The assertion is successful.
4 Use self.assert_elements(["#myDropdown", "#myButton", "#svgRect"]) to verify that multiple elements are visible. The assertion is successful.
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Open
Perform the following calculation: 6 × 7 + 12
The output is 54 after pressing =
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Open
2 Assert the title of the current web page.
Assert that a given element is visible on the page.
Assert that a text substring appears in an element's text.
The assertions were successful.
3 Type text into various text fields and then verify. The assertions were successful.
4 Verify that a hover dropdown link changes page text. The assertion was successful.
5 Verify that a button click changes text on the page. The assertion was successful.
6 Verify that an SVG element is located on the page. The assertion was successful.
7 Verify that a slider control updates a progress bar. The assertion was successful.
8 Verify that a "select" option updates a meter bar. The assertion was successful.
9 Assert an element located inside an iFrame. The assertion was successful.
10 Assert text located inside an iFrame. The assertion was successful.
11 Verify that clicking a radio button selects it. The assertion was successful.
12 Verify that clicking an empty checkbox makes it selected. The assertion was successful.
13 Verify clicking on multiple elements with one call. The assertions were successful.
14 Verify that clicking an iFrame checkbox selects it. The assertions were successful.
15 Verify that Drag and Drop works. The assertion was successful.
16 Assert link text. The assertion was successful.
17 Verify clicking on link text. The action was successful.
18 Assert exact text in an element. The assertion was successful.
19 Highlight a page element. The action was successful.
20 Verify that Demo Mode works. The assertion was successful.
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Log in to with standard_user. Login was successful.
2 Log out from the website. Logout was successful.
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Open
Enter credentials and Sign In.
Sign In was successful.
2 Click the This Page button.
Save a screenshot to the logs.
3 Click to Sign Out Sign Out was successful.
🔵 visual_testing/
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Open
Call check_window() with baseline=True.
Click the button that changes the text of an element.
Call check_window() three times for level=1, level=2, and level=3.
No issues are detected because a text change should not affect check_window()
2 Click the button that makes a hidden element visible.
Call check_window() three times for level=1, level=2, and level=3, but wrap the third call with self.assert_raises(Exception):.
No exceptions are raised because the first two calls should pass and the third one was wrapped with self.assert_raises(Exception):.
🔵 visual_testing/
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Open
Call check_window() with baseline=True.
2 Remove the Donate button using remove_element(SELECTOR).
Call check_window() with level=0.
The test detects that the Donate button was removed. The test does not fail because the check was set to level=0 (print-only).
A side_by_side_NAME.html file appears in the specific latest_logs/ folder of the test.
🔵 visual_testing/
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Open
Call check_window() with baseline=True.
2 Remove the Donate button using remove_element(SELECTOR).
Call check_window() with level=3.
The test fails because the Donate button was removed.
A side_by_side.html file appears in the specific latest_logs/ folder of the test.
🔵 visual_testing/
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Open
Call check_window() with baseline=True.
2 Click the button that makes a hidden element visible.
Call check_window() with level=3.
The test fails because the element attribute has changed.
A side_by_side.html file appears in the specific latest_logs/ folder of the test.
🔵 visual_testing/
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Open
Call check_window() with baseline=True.
2 Resize the logo using set_attribute().
Call check_window() with level=3.
The test fails because the logo has changed.
A side_by_side.html file appears in the specific latest_logs/ folder of the test.
🔵 visual_testing/
# Step Description Expected Result
1 Open
Call check_window() with baseline=True.
2 Resize the logo using set_attribute().
Call check_window() with level=0.
The test detects that the logo has changed. The test does not fail because the check was set to level=0 (print-only).
A side_by_side_NAME.html file appears in the specific latest_logs/ folder of the test.