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Executable File

from seleniumbase import BaseCase
class MyTestClass(BaseCase):
def test_basic(self):"")
self.assert_title("xkcd: Python")
self.assert_text("free to copy and reuse")
self.assert_text("", "h2")"://")
self.update_text("", "xkcd book\n")
self.assert_exact_text("xkcd: volume 0", "h3")
# **** NOTES / USEFUL INFO ****
# 1. By default, CSS Selectors are used to identify elements.
# Other options include: "LINK_TEXT", "PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT", "NAME",
# "CLASS_NAME", and "ID", but most of those can be expressed as CSS.
# Here's an example of changing the "by":
# [
# from import By
# ...
# ]
# XPath is used by default if the arg starts with "/", "./", or "(":
# [
# ]
# If you're completely new to CSS selectors, right-click on a
# web page and select "Inspect" to see the CSS in the html.
# 2. Most methods have the optional `timeout` argument. Ex:
# [
# self.assert_element('img[alt="Python"]', timeout=15)
# ]
# The `timeout` argument tells the method how many seconds to wait
# for an element to appear before raising an exception. This is
# useful if a web page needs additional time to load an element.
# If you don't specify a `timeout`, a default timeout is used.
# Default timeouts are configured in seleniumbase/config/
# 3. SeleniumBase methods are very versatile. For example,
# self.update_text(SELECTOR, TEXT) does the following:
# * Waits for the element to be visible
# * Waits for the element to be interactive
# * Clears the text field
# * Types in the new text
# * Hits Enter/Submit (if the text ends in "\n")
# self.update_text(S, T) can also be written as self.type(S, T)
# 4. There's usually more than one way to do the same thing. Ex:
# [
# self.assert_text("xkcd: volume 0", "h3")
# ]
# Is the same as:
# [
# text = self.get_text("h3")
# self.assert_true("xkcd: volume 0" in text)
# ]
# Or:
# [
# text = self.find_element("h3").text
# self.assert_true("xkcd: volume 0" in text)
# ]
# And the following line:
# [
# title = self.get_attribute("#comic img", "title")
# ]
# Can also be written as:
# [
# element = self.find_element("#comic img")
# title = element.get_attribute("title")
# ]
# 5. self.assert_exact_text(TEXT) ignores leading and trailing
# whitespace in the TEXT assertion.
# So, self.assert_exact_text("Some Text") will find [" Some Text "].
# 6. For backwards-compatibilty, some SeleniumBase methods that do the
# same thing have multiple names, kept on from previous versions.
# Ex: self.wait_for_element() is the same as self.find_element().
# Both search for and return the element, and raise an exception if
# the element does not appear on the page within the timeout limit.
# And self.assert_element() does this too (without returning it).
# 7. For the full method list, see one of the following:
# * SeleniumBase/seleniumbase/fixtures/
# * SeleniumBase/help_docs/