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"""A complete end-to-end test for an e-commerce website."""
from seleniumbase import BaseCase
BaseCase.main(__name__, __file__)
class MyTestClass(BaseCase):
def test_swag_labs(self):
self.type("#user-name", "standard_user")
self.type("#password", "secret_sauce\n")
self.assert_exact_text("Products", "span.title")
self.click("#shopping_cart_container a")
self.assert_exact_text("Your Cart", "span.title")
self.assert_text("Backpack", "div.cart_item")
self.type("#first-name", "SeleniumBase")
self.type("#last-name", "Automation")
self.type("#postal-code", "77123")
self.assert_text("Checkout: Overview")
self.assert_text("Backpack", "div.cart_item")
self.assert_text("29.99", "div.inventory_item_price")
self.assert_exact_text("Thank you for your order!", "h2")
self.assert_element('img[alt="Pony Express"]')
# **** NOTES / USEFUL INFO ****
# 1. By default, page elements are identified by "css selector".
# CSS Guide: "https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp".
# Other selectors include: "link text", "partial link text", "name",
# "class name", and "id", but most of those can be expressed as CSS.
# Here's an example of changing the "by":
# [
# self.click('Next', by="partial link text")
# ]
# XPath is used by default if the arg starts with "/", "./", or "(":
# [
# self.click('/html/body/div[3]/div[4]/p[2]/a')
# ]
# If you're completely new to CSS selectors, right-click on a
# web page and select "Inspect" to see the CSS in the html.
# 2. Most methods have the optional "timeout" argument.
# Here's an example of changing the "timeout":
# [
# self.assert_element('img[alt="Python"]', timeout=15)
# ]
# The "timeout" argument tells the method how many seconds to wait
# for an element to appear before failing the test. This is
# useful if a web page needs additional time to load an element.
# If you don't specify a "timeout", a default timeout is used.
# Default timeouts are configured in seleniumbase/config/settings.py
# 3. SeleniumBase methods often perform multiple actions.
# Example: self.type(SELECTOR, TEXT) does the following:
# * Waits for the element to be visible
# * Waits for the element to be interactive
# * Clears the text field
# * Types in the new text
# * Presses Enter/Return if the text ends in "\n": element.submit()
# 4. There are duplicate method names that exist for the same method:
# (This makes it easier to switch over from other test frameworks.)
# Example:
# self.open() = self.visit() = self.open_url() = self.goto()
# self.type() = self.update_text() = self.input() = self.fill()
# self.send_keys() = self.add_text()
# self.get_element() = self.wait_for_element_present()
# self.find_element() = self.wait_for_element_visible()
# = self.wait_for_element()
# self.assert_element() = self.assert_element_visible()
# self.assert_text() = self.assert_text_visible()
# self.find_text() = self.wait_for_text_visible()
# = self.wait_for_text()
# self.click_link("LinkText") = self.click("link=LinkText")
# = self.click_link_text("LinkText")
# = self.click('a:contains("LinkText")')
# * self.get(url) is SPECIAL: *
# If {url} is a valid URL, self.get() works just like self.open()
# Otherwise {url} becomes a selector for calling self.get_element()
# 5. There's usually more than one way to do the same thing.
# Example 1:
# [
# self.assert_text("xkcd: volume 0", "h3")
# ]
# Is the same as:
# [
# text = self.get_text("h3")
# self.assert_true("xkcd: volume 0" in text)
# ]
# Is also the same as:
# [
# element = self.find_element("h3")
# text = element.text
# self.assert_true("xkcd: volume 0" in text)
# ]
# Example 2:
# [
# self.assert_exact_text("xkcd.com", "h2")
# ]
# Is the same as:
# [
# text = self.get_text("h2").strip()
# self.assert_true("xkcd.com".strip() == text)
# ]
# Is also the same as:
# [
# element = self.find_element("h2")
# text = element.text.strip()
# self.assert_true("xkcd.com".strip() == text)
# ]
# Example 3:
# [
# title = self.get_attribute("#comic img", "title")
# ]
# Is the same as:
# [
# element = self.find_element("#comic img")
# title = element.get_attribute("title")
# ]
# 6. self.assert_exact_text(TEXT) ignores leading and trailing
# whitespace in the TEXT assertion.
# So, self.assert_exact_text("Some Text") accepts [" Some Text "].
# 7. self.js_click(SELECTOR) can be used to click on hidden elements.
# 8. self.open(URL) will automatically complete URLs missing a prefix.
# Example: google.com will become https://google.com before opened.
# 9. For the full method list, see one of the following:
# * SeleniumBase/seleniumbase/fixtures/base_case.py
# * SeleniumBase/help_docs/method_summary.md
# 10. BaseCase.main(__name__, __file__) enables "python" to run pytest,
# which is useful if someone forgets that tests run with "pytest".