from seleniumbase import BaseCase class MyTestClass(BaseCase): def test_alerts(self): if self.browser == "safari": self.skip("This test doesn't run on Safari! (alert issues)")"about:blank") self.execute_script('window.alert("ALERT!!!");') self.sleep(1) # Not needed (Lets you see the alert pop up) self.accept_alert() self.sleep(1) # Not needed (Lets you see the alert go away) self.execute_script('window.prompt("My Prompt","defaultText");') self.sleep(1) # Not needed (Lets you see the alert pop up) alert = self.switch_to_alert() self.assert_equal(alert.text, "My Prompt") # Not input field self.dismiss_alert() self.sleep(1) # Not needed (Lets you see the alert go away)