# Project information site_name: SeleniumBase Docs site_url: https://seleniumbase.io site_author: Michael Mintz site_description: A complete framework for end-to-end testing with Python, pytest, and WebDriver. # Repository information repo_name: seleniumbase/SeleniumBase repo_url: https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase edit_uri: "" site_dir: "site" docs_dir: "docs" # Copyright copyright: Copyright © 2014 - 2021 Michael Mintz # Extensions markdown_extensions: - admonition - md_in_html - toc: permalink: true - pymdownx.highlight: linenums: false - pymdownx.highlight - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.snippets # Configuration theme: name: material logo: img/grad_logo.png favicon: img/grad_logo.png language: en include_homepage_in_sidebar: true sticky_navigation: true collapse_navigation: true # titles_only: false include_search_page: false search_index_only: true static_templates: - 404.html features: # - search.highlight - toc.integrate - navigation.indexes # - 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Virtualenv Instructions: help_docs/virtualenv_instructions.md - Install SeleniumBase: help_docs/install.md - WebDriver Installation: help_docs/webdriver_installation.md - Verifying WebDriver: help_docs/verify_webdriver.md - How it Works: help_docs/how_it_works.md - Languages: - Translations: help_docs/translations.md - Chinese Docs: help_docs/chinese.md - Locale Codes: help_docs/locale_codes.md - JS Generators: - Tour Maker: examples/tour_examples/ReadMe.md - Dialog Boxes: examples/dialog_boxes/ReadMe.md - Chart Maker: help_docs/chart_maker.md - Presentation Maker: examples/presenter/ReadMe.md - Integrations: - Mobile Testing: help_docs/mobile_testing.md - GitHub CI: integrations/github/workflows/ReadMe.md - Visual Testing: examples/visual_testing/ReadMe.md - Selenium Grid: seleniumbase/utilities/selenium_grid/ReadMe.md - HighCharts: examples/chart_maker/ReadMe.md - MasterQA: examples/master_qa/ReadMe.md - Jenkins on Azure: integrations/azure/jenkins/ReadMe.md - Jenkins on Google Cloud: integrations/google_cloud/ReadMe.md - NodeJS Test Runner: https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/tree/master/integrations/node_js - Katalon Recorder Export: integrations/katalon/ReadMe.md - Selenium IDE Export: seleniumbase/utilities/selenium_ide/ReadMe.md - Help Docs: - Table of Contents: help_docs/ReadMe.md - JS Package Manager: help_docs/js_package_manager.md - Master QA Hybrid Mode: seleniumbase/masterqa/ReadMe.md - Decorators / Security: seleniumbase/common/ReadMe.md - Desired Capabilities: help_docs/desired_capabilities.md - Docker Start Guide: integrations/docker/ReadMe.md - Using Safari Driver: help_docs/using_safari_driver.md - Shadow DOM Support: help_docs/shadow_dom.md - The HTML Inspector: help_docs/html_inspector.md - macOS Hidden Files: help_docs/hidden_files_info.md - MySQL Instructions: help_docs/mysql_installation.md - Demo Pages: - Demo Page / Demo Site: https://seleniumbase.io/demo_page - TinyMCE Demo Page: https://seleniumbase.io/tinymce/ - Drag & Drop Demo Page: https://seleniumbase.io/other/drag_and_drop - Virtual Device Farm: https://seleniumbase.io/devices/ - Error Demo Page: https://seleniumbase.io/error_page/ - Page with broken links: https://seleniumbase.io/other/broken_page - W3Schools iframes: https://seleniumbase.io/w3schools/iframes - W3Schools doubleclick: https://seleniumbase.io/w3schools/double_click - W3Schools checkboxes: https://seleniumbase.io/w3schools/checkboxes - W3Schools drag & drop: https://seleniumbase.io/w3schools/drag_drop - W3Schools radio buttons: https://seleniumbase.io/w3schools/radio_buttons - SeleniumBase in iframe: https://seleniumbase.io/w3schools/sbase - HTML Playground Page: https://seleniumbase.io/w3schools/ - Presentations: - Presenter Demo: https://seleniumbase.io/other/presenter.html - Core Presentation: https://seleniumbase.io/other/core_presentation.html - Chart Maker Demo: https://seleniumbase.io/other/chart_presentation.html - Virtual Env Tutorial: https://seleniumbase.io/other/py_virtual_envs.html - Other: - YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp9uKicxkBc5UIlGi2BuE3aWC7JyXpD3m - Case Studies: help_docs/happy_customers.md - Thank You: help_docs/thank_you.md # Google Analytics extra: analytics: provider: google property: UA-167313767-1 # google_analytics: ['UA-167313767-1', 'seleniumbase.io']