""" UC Mode now has uc_gui_handle_cf(), which uses PyAutoGUI. An incomplete UserAgent is used to force CAPTCHA-solving. """ import sys from seleniumbase import SB agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) Chrome/" if "linux" in sys.platform: agent = None # Use the default UserAgent with SB(uc=True, test=True, rtf=True, agent=agent) as sb: url = "https://gitlab.com/users/sign_in" sb.uc_open_with_reconnect(url, 4) sb.uc_gui_handle_cf() # Ready if needed! sb.assert_element('label[for="user_login"]') sb.assert_element('input[data-testid*="username"]') sb.assert_element('input[data-testid*="password"]') sb.set_messenger_theme(location="bottom_center") sb.post_message("SeleniumBase wasn't detected!")