Summary of existing Case Plans

| | | | | - | -: | - | | 🔵 | 14 | Case Plans with customized tables | | ⭕ | 0 | Case Plans using boilerplate code | | 🚧 | 0 | Case Plans that are missing tables | --------

🔎 (Click rows to expand) 🔍

🔵 | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Log in to with ``standard_user``. | Login was successful. | | 2 | Click on the ``Backpack`` ``ADD TO CART`` button. | The button text changed to ``REMOVE``. | | 3 | Click on the cart icon. | The ``Backpack`` is seen in the cart. | | 4 | Remove the ``Backpack`` from the cart. | The ``Backpack`` is no longer in the cart. | | 5 | Log out from the website. | Logout was successful. |
🔵 | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Log in to with ``standard_user``. | Login was successful. | | 2 | Click on the ``Backpack`` ``ADD TO CART`` button. | The button text changed to ``REMOVE``. | | 3 | Click on the cart icon. | The ``Backpack`` is seen in the cart. | | 4 | Click on the ``CHECKOUT`` button.
Enter user details and click ``CONTINUE``. | The ``Backpack`` is seen in the cart on the ``CHECKOUT: OVERVIEW`` page. | | 5 | Click on the ``FINISH`` button. | There is a ``Thank you`` message. | | 6 | Log out from the website. | Logout was successful. |
🔵 | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Open
Click each tab and verify the text contained within the Shadow Root sections. | Tab 1 text: ``Content Panel 1``
Tab 2 text: ``Content Panel 2``
Tab 3 text: ``Content Panel 3`` |
🔵 | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Open | | | 2 | Use ``self.assert_elements_present("head", "style", "script")`` to verify that multiple elements are present in the HTML. | The assertion is successful. | | 3 | Use ``self.assert_elements("h1", "h2", "h3")`` to verify that multiple elements are visible. | The assertion is successful. | | 4 | Use ``self.assert_elements(["#myDropdown", "#myButton", "#svgRect"])`` to verify that multiple elements are visible. | The assertion is successful. |
🔵 | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Open
Perform the following calculation: ``6 × 7 + 12`` | The output is ``54`` after pressing ``=`` |
🔵 | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Open | | | 2 | Assert the title of the current web page.
Assert that a given element is visible on the page.
Assert that a text substring appears in an element's text. | The assertions were successful. | | 3 | Type text into various text fields and then verify. | The assertions were successful. | | 4 | Verify that a hover dropdown link changes page text. | The assertion was successful. | | 5 | Verify that a button click changes text on the page. | The assertion was successful. | | 6 | Verify that an SVG element is located on the page. | The assertion was successful. | | 7 | Verify that a slider control updates a progress bar. | The assertion was successful. | | 8 | Verify that a "select" option updates a meter bar. | The assertion was successful. | | 9 | Assert an element located inside an iFrame. | The assertion was successful. | | 10 | Assert text located inside an iFrame. | The assertion was successful. | | 11 | Verify that clicking a radio button selects it. | The assertion was successful. | | 12 | Verify that clicking an empty checkbox makes it selected. | The assertion was successful. | | 13 | Verify clicking on multiple elements with one call. | The assertions were successful. | | 14 | Verify that clicking an iFrame checkbox selects it. | The assertions were successful. | | 15 | Verify that Drag and Drop works. | The assertion was successful. | | 16 | Assert link text. | The assertion was successful. | | 17 | Verify clicking on link text. | The action was successful. | | 18 | Assert exact text in an element. | The assertion was successful. | | 19 | Highlight a page element. | The action was successful. | | 20 | Verify that Demo Mode works. | The assertion was successful. |
🔵 | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Log in to with ``standard_user``. | Login was successful. | | 2 | Log out from the website. | Logout was successful. |
🔵 | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Open
Enter credentials and Sign In. | Sign In was successful. | | 2 | Click the ``This Page`` button.
Save a screenshot to the logs. | | | 3 | Click to Sign Out | Sign Out was successful. |
🔵 visual_testing/ | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Open
Call ``check_window()`` with ``baseline=True``.
Click the button that changes the text of an element.
Call ``check_window()`` three times for ``level=1``, ``level=2``, and ``level=3``. | No issues are detected because a text change should not affect ``check_window()`` | | 2 | Click the button that makes a hidden element visible.
Call ``check_window()`` three times for ``level=1``, ``level=2``, and ``level=3``, but wrap the third call with ``self.assert_raises(Exception):``. | No exceptions are raised because the first two calls should pass and the third one was wrapped with ``self.assert_raises(Exception):``. |
🔵 visual_testing/ | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Open
Call ``check_window()`` with ``baseline=True``. | | | 2 | Remove the ``Donate`` button using ``remove_element(SELECTOR)``.
Call ``check_window()`` with ``level=0``. | The test detects that the ``Donate`` button was removed. The test does not fail because the check was set to ``level=0`` (print-only).
A ``side_by_side_NAME.html`` file appears in the specific ``latest_logs/`` folder of the test. |
🔵 visual_testing/ | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Open
Call ``check_window()`` with ``baseline=True``. | | | 2 | Remove the ``Donate`` button using ``remove_element(SELECTOR)``.
Call ``check_window()`` with ``level=3``. | The test fails because the ``Donate`` button was removed.
A ``side_by_side.html`` file appears in the specific ``latest_logs/`` folder of the test. |
🔵 visual_testing/ | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Open
Call ``check_window()`` with ``baseline=True``. | | | 2 | Click the button that makes a hidden element visible.
Call ``check_window()`` with ``level=3``. | The test fails because the element attribute has changed.
A ``side_by_side.html`` file appears in the specific ``latest_logs/`` folder of the test. |
🔵 visual_testing/ | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Open
Call ``check_window()`` with ``baseline=True``. | | | 2 | Resize the logo using ``set_attribute()``.
Call ``check_window()`` with ``level=3``. | The test fails because the logo has changed.
A ``side_by_side.html`` file appears in the specific ``latest_logs/`` folder of the test. |
🔵 visual_testing/ | # | Step Description | Expected Result | | - | ---------------- | --------------- | | 1 | Open
Call ``check_window()`` with ``baseline=True``. | | | 2 | Resize the logo using ``set_attribute()``.
Call ``check_window()`` with ``level=0``. | The test detects that the logo has changed. The test does not fail because the check was set to ``level=0`` (print-only).
A ``side_by_side_NAME.html`` file appears in the specific ``latest_logs/`` folder of the test. |