"""Context Manager Test. Runs with "python". (pytest not needed).""" from seleniumbase import SB with SB() as sb: # By default, browser="chrome" if not set. sb.open("https://seleniumbase.io/realworld/login") sb.type("#username", "demo_user") sb.type("#password", "secret_pass") sb.enter_mfa_code("#totpcode", "GAXG2MTEOR3DMMDG") # 6-digit sb.assert_text("Welcome!", "h1") sb.highlight("img#image1") # A fancier assert_element() call sb.click('a:contains("This Page")') # Use :contains() on any tag sb.click_link("Sign out") # Link must be "a" tag. Not "button". sb.assert_element('a:contains("Sign in")') sb.assert_exact_text("You have been signed out!", "#top_message")